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1、新目标英语七年级下册短语各单元集体备课教案新目标英语七年级下册短语各单元集体备课教案 初一北校英语组集体备(八)过程:1了解目前各班教进度。2期末复习安排:1)第17周结束新2)做完周报三套试卷3)完成基础训练复习题3传达期末试题命题建议:4复习重点:1)补全对话:问路、订餐、问假期活动、问对某事的看法、问规制度等。2)作:谈论规制度、谈论喜好、谈论假期或周末所做的活动等。3)每个单元的语法重点、单词、短语及重点句子。附复习资料:新目标英语七(下)各单元短语Unit 1 1 be fr = e fr: 2 live in Paris:3 rite t e sn: 4 pla sprts: sp

2、ea a little Frenh: 6 lie ging t the vies ith friends:7 tell sb abut 8 an interesting untr9 in Nveber: 10 spea a little Frenh11 her favrite language 12 lies and dislies:13 here is ur pen pal fr? 14 here des he live? 1 hat language des he spea? Unit 2 1 Exuse e: 2 tae a al = have a al = g fr a al 3 tu

3、rn left turn right4 have fun= en neself =have a gd tie: a lean and quiet superaret:6 g straight 7 g thrugh the par:8 n the right: 9 ele t hina:10 have a gd trip: 11 the beginning f the rld tur: 12 turn right at Ne Par: 13 next t the restaurant:14 tae a taxi t = g tb taxi 1 g dn / alng / up the stree

4、t16 next t: 17 be arss fr: 18 beteen and 19 in frnt f the librar20 in the neighbrhd = near here21near ur he: 22 a gd plae t have fun:23 the a t shl: 24 pst ffie: 2 pa phne: 26 ele t 27 tae a al thrugh 28 a huse ith a garden Unit 3 1 let sb d sth: Let hi g: 2 ind f = a bit = a little = a little bit 3

5、 ind f interesting: 4 eat leaves: be fr Suth Afria: 6 be friendl t sb:7 pla ith nes friends: 8 lie ding sth: 9 get up 10 be quiet = eep quiet11 during the da = in the da12 at night = in the night:13 ever da: 14 sleep during the da1 here are lins fr? 16 hat ther anials d u lie? 17 Lets see the pandas

6、 first 18 h d u ant t see the lins? 19h d u lie alas? Unit 4 1 hat des he d? = hats he? = hats his b? 2 hat d u ant t be? 3 r at / in:4 r fr: r late:6 r as 7 ear a hite unifr:8 r ith sb: 9 ind f dangerus:10 t thieves: 11 tal t / ith sb12 tal abut sb / sth: 13 as sb questins:14 give sth t sb=give sb

7、Sth:1 be late fr sth: 16 g ut t dinners:17 be bus: 18 an interesting b:19 r hard: 20 hard r:21 TV statin: 22 have a b fr u:23 r ith atrs: 24 all the Evening Nespaper:2 in / at a hspital: 26 a lt f=lts f:27 ant t d : 28 ant ads:29 ther ung peple: 30 be in the shl pla:31 need a dtr: 32a shp assistant:

8、 33 a ban ler 34 rite stries:3 plie statin: 36 a pp singer: 37 a librar assistant: 38 g ut:39 shl pla: 40 evening nespaper41 get sth fr :Unit 1 ath TV:2 read a b = read bs = d se reading:3 hat are u ding? 4 g t the vies: d her: 6 That sunds gd:7 se f phts:8 This TV sh is bring = This TV sh isnt inte

9、resting9 ait fr : 10 ne f the phts 11 have a si = g siing:12g shpping = d se shpping:13 in the librar: 14 pla basetball:1 TV sh: 16 Thans fr ur letter :17 Thans fr ur help = Thans fr helping e 18 in the first pht: 19 se phts:20 si at the pl: 21 the next pht:22 at he: 23 be ith sb:24 the last pht: 2

10、a pht f fail:26 tal n the phne:Unit 6 1hats the eather lie in Hunhun tda? = Hs the eather in Hunhun tda? 2 dinner / supper fr 3 pla puter gaes4 Hs it ging? prett gd:6 great / fine / nie eather 7 in the rain:8 nt bad 9 Se thers 10 l l 11 a beautiful, sunn da:12 an / a lt f / lts f peple:13 n vaatin:

11、14 reall ver relaxed:1 I surprised: 16 in this heat:17 pla the guitar: 18 tae phts=tae a pht:19 lie n the beah: 20 a grup f students:21 this grup f hildren 22 pla beah vlleball:23TVs Arund The rld sh:Unit 7 x b11 shrt url hair: lng straight hair 2f ediu height: f ediu build:3 l lie: 4 the aptain f t

12、he basetball tea: be a little bit quiet: 6 stp ding sth:7 lie plaing hess: 8 ear glasses:9 a pp singer: 10 a ne l 11 beautiful lng blnde hair: 12 last nth:13 a an ith lng bla hair:14 Nbd ns hi 1 have a beard 16 He desnt ear glasses an re 17 hat des he l lie ? 18 lve t tell es 19 a little bit heav 20

13、 tell es / tell a e Unit 81 hat ind f: 2 uld lie sth:3 a ediu bl f ndles 4 range uie: green tea6 a dupling huse = Huse f dupling7 phne nuber 8 tat sup:9 hat ind f ndles d u have ?10hat size d u have ? Unit 91 d her 2 pla ser = pla ftball 3 lean the r 4 g t the beah pla tennis 6 g t (the) vies ath a

14、vie = see a fil 7last eeend = ver the eeend 8 d se reading 9 pratie English pratie speaing English 10 stud fr a ath test 11 last ee12 n Saturda rning 13 an interesting tal sh 14 g fr a al = tae a al 1 a nie da 16 pla ith 17 a bus eeend:18 l fr 19 this rning 20 Its tie t d sth = Its tie fr sth 21 H a

15、s ur eeend ? 22 hat did u d last eeend ? 23 H did u spend the eeend ?24 dinner fr sb 2 a b abut histr 26 rite a ne sng 27 a faus persn 28 ath sb d sth 29 sit dn 30 pla sprts 31 last ear32 g t the untains 33 g t the librar 34 stud gegraph3 esterda I ased ten students hat the did last eeendUnit 101 vi

16、sit sb 2 g t suer ap 3 visit useus 4 here did u g n vaatin? great eather 6 all da / all night / all ear7 have great fun plaing 8 be rded 9 find sb ding sth 10 be lst 11 help sbd sth 12 ae sb d sth 13 be tired / feel tired 14 deide t d sth 1 the Great all 16 entral Par 17 sta at he 18 H as ur vaatin

17、? 19 Ne r it 20 nda , une 1 th 21 I didnt have an ne fr a taxi =I had n ne fr a taxi22 the Palae useu 23 the Histr useu 24 Tianan en Square 2 Beiing Hutng 26 travel diar27hat did these peple thin f their vaatins ?28 The beahes are fantasti 29 The bus trip as relaxing30 Sihuan fd is deliius 31disuss

18、ith sb 32 the best plae fr a vaatin Unit 111 tal sh gae sh sprts sh2 sap pera 3 situatin ed = sit:4 dnt ind ant stand6 hat d u thin f ?= H d u lie ?7 agree ith sb 8 in fat9 a thirteen-ear-ld b: 10 Thans fr ding 11 Anial rld 12 Tell it lie it is!13 ulture hina 14 hinese ing1 e ring 16 as sb abut sth1

19、7 lrful lthes 18 English Tda19 Sprts Nes 20 shl agazine21 en nie rds abut ls22 tal abut TV shs u n 23 Health Living 24 ing is fr s ! 2 9 l eeend Tal 26 their lies and dislies 27 as sbabut sth28 I dnt ind hat ung peple thin f e 29hat ind f TV shs d u lie ?Unit 121 be late fr lass = arrive late fr las

20、s2 listen t usi: 3 have t :4 hat else = hat ther things : sprts shes: 6 g ut:7 after shl after lass8 hats up?: 10 I dnt, either:11 n shl nights: 12 hildrens Palae:13 shl rules: fail rules:14 ae dinner: 1 ear a unifr:16 g lass: 17 ash the lthes:18 in lass 19in the dining hall 20in the usi r 21ear sprts shes fr g lass 22 b ten l 23 ash lthes 24 be in bed = g t bed 2 N taling! = Stp taling !

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