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1、仁爱英语七年级下册Unit6导学案综述Unit 6 Our local areaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?Section A一、学习目标:1. 学习There is/are 句型。2. 学习表示方位的短语介词。3. 能够简单谈论自己的家。 二、学习内容:1.词汇: beautiful, garden, bedroom, second, floor, and so on, upstairs, kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, first 2.句型: 1)Where is your b

2、edroom? Its on the second floor. There is a study next to my bedroom. 2)Whats in your study? There is a sofa, a desk, some books and so on. 3)There is/are on the first/second floor 三、自主学习:1. 写出并熟记下列名词:花园 卧室 第二 地板 近旁 到楼上 进来 厨房 餐厅 起居室 浴室 前面 房子 在后面 门 2.写出下列短语:在二楼 在花园 如此多 在什么的前面(内部、外部)四、学习小结:1.There be

3、句型表示: _ a. There be 的结构_ b. Be 如何使用_ c. 变一般疑问句 _2.为什么不? 都有哪些表达?_ _五、达标检测:(一)用be动词填空:1. There a pen in my hand.2. There some juice in the glass.3. there a study on the second floor?4. There some books on the shelf.5. There 61 students in our class.6. there any apples in the kitchen?(二)单选:1.Why not ho

4、me and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going 2. Is there a clock next to the photo? . A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isnt. 3.There is a bedroom the second floor. A. on B. at C. in 4. May I have a look your pen? A. for B. after C. at(三)句型转换:1. There is a book on the desk.(改为否定句) a book on

5、 the desk.2. There is a cat behind the door.( 改为复数形式)There two behind the door.3. Tom has some books. (改为一般疑问句) Tom books? 4. Jane does her homework at home. (改为一般疑问句) ? 5. I sit in front of her. (同义句转换) She me.6. There is a cat behind the door. (改为一般疑问句) a cat behind the door?Unit6 Our Local AreaTo

6、pic 1 Is there a computer in your study?Section B一、学习目标:1.熟记单词和短语。2.掌握There be 句型。二、学习内容:1.词汇:lamp, clock, near, under, chair, behind, front, in front of, guitar, window, table, key, put, away, put away, door, look after, thing2.短语:talk about, put away3.句子:1)Is there a computer in your study? Yes, t

7、here is. /No, there isnt. 2)Whats in/on/behind/under? There is / There are 3)Whats in front of the classroom? Theres a tree in front of it. 4)Is there a student in front of the classroom? No, there isnt. 三、自主学习:1.找出新词,新句型并进行背诵。谈论_ 在.附近_ 灯,油灯_ 钟_ 在.下面_ 桌子_ 钥匙,答案_ 离开_ 东西,物品_ 窗户_ 模型范例_ 江,河_ 把.放回原处_2.英汉

8、互译1. Whats _ your desk? 你的书桌上有什么?2. My dog_ my computer! 我的狗正在玩我的电脑呢!3. _ are there on the desk? (桌上)有几架(模型)飞机?四、学习小结:1.Whats _on_ your desk? 你的书桌上有什么?询问某地有什么的句型是_。它的答语应该是_.2.on the wall 和 in the wall的差别;in the tree 和on the tree 的差别。 many ,so much的用法是什么?_4.你知道下面这些词组的意思和用法吗?a moment later ,come

9、in, in front of ,in the front of_五、达标检测:(一)根据短文的意思及首字母提示补全单词;This is my new house. Its very beautiful. It has two f . My mother often cooks for us in the k . I usually watching TV in the l room after supper for a little while. Then I go u and do my homework in my s . At 9:30 p.m. I usually go to bed

10、 in my b .(二)选出最佳答案。1. milk is there in the bottle? Only a little.A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How long2.Please put your clothes away. You must your things. OK, mom. A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look like3. There are many apples the tree. And there are also a few birds the tree

11、. Can you see? A. in; on B. on; in C. in; in D. on; on4. How many are there in your desk? There is only one. A. book B. books C. a book D. the book5. Is there an old man near the house? A Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does C. Yes, there is. D. Yes, there are.(三)句型转换。1) There is a picture on the wall.(改为否定句

12、) 2) There is a cat behind the door.(改为复数形式) 3)She is making a cake. (对画线部分提问)4)Tom has some books. (改为一般疑问句) Tom books? 5) I sit in front of her. (同义句转换) She me. 6) There is a black car in front of his house. (改一般疑问句) (四)填空。A: the kitchen? B: Its on the first floor.A: a garden behind the house? B:

13、Yes, .A: Wheres the living room? B: Its next to the dining room.A: any bedrooms on the first floor? B: , . But there are two on the second floor.Unit6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?Section C一、学习目标:1.学习一些新单词;2.继续学习方位介词和There be句型。二、学习内容:1.词汇:center ,in the center of, yard, f

14、lower, house, large, left, model, only 2.句子:1)Whats in the center of the yard? Theres a small garden in the center of the yard. 2)How many model panes are there? There are three. 3)How much water is there? Only a little.三、自主学习:1. 检测新单词: 在中心 院子 美丽的 , 花 , 巨大的 ,左边 , 人,人们 抽屉 , 键盘 ,文具盒 ,椅子 , 镜子 在左面、右面.前面

15、.后面_四、学习小结:1. There is a blackboard at the back of the classroom. There is a playground behind our classroom building.你能总结出at the back of 和behind 的区别吗?_(at the back of 是在内部的后面 behind是在外部的后面)2.你知道play有哪些用法? _3.你知道near 和next to 有什么区别吗?总结出来吧。_4.看看这两个词组:in front of 和in the front of ,你知道它们怎么使用吗?试一试。_5.Ho

16、w many planes are there? (桌上)有几架(模型)飞机?本句用的句型是_答语用_不可数名词用_提问。6.你都学到了哪些短语?in the center of in the garden at the back of in the study near the house in the tree on the left of on the right ofnext to the bathroom in the kitchen in the living room五、达标检测:(一)根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1)There is much money in the d of

17、 the table。2)Kate likes w TV in the living room。3)There are many b flowers in the garden。4) Where is my key? It is on the k near the computer。5)Go and wash your hands in the b 。(二)单项选择:( )1).-Where is your bed? -Its the bedroom. A under B on C in( )2).There- 30 boys and 20 girls in our class. A be B

18、 are C have( )3).-Where my keys? - in my bag. A is ,Theyre B are,Theyre C are,Therere( )4).Mom,where are my sports shoes? Theyre your bed. A under B in C behind( )5).There are nice books in the school library.Lets go and borrow some. A so little B so many C so much(三)根据句意,选用括号内适当的词填空1).How many (cha

19、ir/chairs) are there in the house? -There are two.2).Are there (any/some) flowers in the room? -Yes,there are.3).The ball is (under/behind)the door.4).I can see a boy (on/in) the tree.5).There are many trees (in front of/in the front of)the classroom.(四)句型转换1、 There is an old man in the room.(改为复数形式

20、)There old in the room . 2、There is some meat on the plane.(改为否定句)There on the plane3、There is a map of Beijing on the wall.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) a map of Beijing on the wall? , .4、There are thirteen trees behind the house.(对画线部分提问) trees behind the house?5Theres an apple on the table.(对画线部分提问) on the tab

21、le?Unit6 Our Local AreaTopic 1 Is there a computer in your study?Section D一、学习目标:1.Review the structure of“There be” .2.复习家居方面的单词。二、学习内容:1.音标:学习四个元音音素/: / /ai / /u / /: /2.语法:复习there be句型及方位介词in, on, behind ,under, near, next to, in front of等的用法。三、自主学习:1. 自读课本,尝试着读出四个音标和下列单词:thirteen thirty T-shirt

22、first sir skirt firm birthdayright bright brightly tight fight sight mightcoach load loading goat throat goal soap roast organization torch short for horse order sport nor2. 回忆并记住所有房间物品名称四、学习小结:1.There be 与 have/has 的区别:There be 侧重 “_”, 表示“_” 。如: There is a book on the desk. have/has侧重 “_” ,表示“_”。如:

23、She has some interesting books.2.get a letter from sb.=_都可以用来表示:_3.你知道how many和how much 在对数量的提问上有什么不同吗?how many_how much_五、达标检测:(一)用There be 或have/ has填空。1.We _ no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. _ a bowl of dumplings on the table. 3. Mr. Li _ a pet dog. 4. _ some gifts for our Chinese teacher,

24、 Mr. Li. 5. How many letters _ in this word?6. _ a river in front of the house?(二)用适当的介词填空。1. Dont play _ the dog.2. What can you see _ the picture?3. You must look_ your watch.4. The apples are _the tree. Now Tom is _the tree.5. I watch TV_ eight_ the morning.6. Tom is standing _ the left of Jimmy.

25、7. Bobby is tall. He sits _ the back of the classroom.(三)单项选择。1. An old man lives _ the _ floor. A. in; two B. on; second C. under; second D. to; second2. We usually do our homework in the _. A. study B. washroom C. kitchen D. living room3. Aunt Li isnt at home. Can you help her _ her baby? A. look like B. look after C. look around D. look for4. Judy, dont put your keys here. _, please. A. Put them away B. Put up them C. Put them up D. Put away them5. Whats Jim doing? He is playing _ the computer. A. / B. at C. with D. in(四)句型转换1. There is only one T-shirt in the living room.(对划线部分提问)

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