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1、美国USNEWS研究生工科排名圣母大学 波士顿大学 佛罗里达州 德州2011年美国USNEWS研究生工科排名美国东北:Michigan Wisconsin威斯康星州 Ohio Indiana Illinois 伊利诺伊州美国东岸各州:Maine 缅因州Rhode Island 罗德岛 New Hamsphere 新罕布什尔州Vermont 佛蒙特州 New York Massachusettes New Jersy 宾州 Connecticut 康涅狄格州 Virginia SC北卡 NC南卡Georgia 佐治亚 Delaware 德拉华州 Maryland 马里兰州 West Virgin

2、ia 西弗吉尼亚中南部: FL 佛罗里达州 Alabama 阿拉巴马州 Mississippi 密西西比州 Louisiana 路易斯安那州 德州 Tennessee 田纳西州30North Carolina State UniversityRaleigh, NC北卡罗来纳州立大学35Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroy, NY伦斯勒理工 截止日期12.1542Boston UniversityBoston, MA波士顿大学 51 BOSTON University波士顿大学42Lehigh University (Rossin)Bethlehem, PA里

3、海大学综合排名31,专业排名44 51Michigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI密歇根州立大学(汽车发动机专业)51University at Buffalo-SUNYBuffalo, NY纽约州立大学水牛城校区综合排名115,专业排名60 51University of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN圣母大学57Brown UniversityProvidence, RI布朗大学59Northeastern UniversityBoston, MA东北大学62SUNY-Stony BrookStony Brook, NY纽约州立大学石

4、溪校区66University of California-Riverside (Bourns)Riverside, CA加州大学河滨校区66University of Illinois-ChicagoChicago, IL伊利诺伊大学芝加哥校区70University of ConnecticutStorrs, CT康涅狄格大学76Illinois Institute of Technology (Armour)Chicago, IL伊利诺伊理工76Tufts UniversityMedford, MA塔夫斯大学 马萨出塞州76University of Texas-Dallas (Jons

5、son)Richardson, TX德克萨斯大学达拉斯校区76Washington State UniversityPullman, WA华盛顿州立大学81Mississippi State University (Bagley) Mississippi State, MS密西西比州立大学81University of Houston (Cullen)Houston, TX休斯顿大学86Michigan Technological UniversityHoughton, MI密歇根理工大学86New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNewark, NJ新泽西理工86

6、Rochester Institute of Technology (Gleason)Rochester, NY罗彻斯特理工学院94University of Texas-ArlingtonArlington, TX德克萨斯大学阿灵顿校区94Worcester Polytechnic InstituteWorcester, MA伍斯特理工99Texas Tech University (Whitacre)Lubbock, TX德克萨斯理工大学102Florida A&M University/Florida State University Tallahassee, FL佛罗里达农工大学/佛罗

7、里达州立大学116University of MiamiCoral Gables, FL迈阿密大学工科的选择,比如莱斯大学,位于得克萨斯州,以高水平的教学态度、低廉的学费闻名,在读的中国学生都觉得学校的学术氛围很不错,申请条件很高。新泽西理工大学,以工程学院著名的公立大学,理科不错,学校地理位置靠近纽约,学生就业机会多。佛罗里达理工学院是佛罗里达州最好的科技大学,也是美国南部著名的工学院之一。普渡大学,位于美国中西部印第安纳州,工学院综合实力排世界第9位。申请计划早准备2012年最新美国大学ME机械工程专业研究生排名,麻省理工学院MIT排名榜首。1 Massachusetts Institut

8、e of Technology麻省理工学院2 Stanford University斯坦福大学2 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校4 California Institute of Technology加州理工学院5 University of Michigan Ann Arbor密西根大学-安娜堡分校6 Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院6 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校8 Cornell University康乃尔大学9 P

9、urdue University,West Lafayette普渡大学西拉法叶校区10 Princeton University普林斯顿大学11 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基美隆大学11 Northwestern University西北大学 (McCormick)11 The University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 (Cockrell)14 University of Minnesota Twin Cities明尼苏达大学Twin Cities分校14 Virginia Tech16 Johns Hopkins Univ

10、ersity约翰霍普金斯大学 (Whiting)16 Penn State University Park宾州州立大学-University Park Campus16 Texas A&M University德州A&M大学 (Look)16 University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校 (Samueli)16 University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校21 Ohio State University21 University of Maryland College Park马里兰大学帕克分校 (Clark

11、)23 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯勒理工学院24 Duke University杜克大学 (Pratt)24 University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学26 Columbia University哥伦比亚大学 (Fu Foundation)26 Harvard University哈佛大学26 Rice University莱斯大学 (Brown)26 University of California San Diego加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校 (Jacobs)26 University of California Santa

12、 Barbara加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校26 University of Florida佛罗里达大学26 University of Washington华盛顿大学33 University of California Davis加州大学戴维斯分校33 University of Southern California南加州大学 (Viterbi)35 Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学35 Michigan State University密歇根州立大学35 University of California Irvine加州大学欧文分校 (Samueli

13、)35 University of Colorado Boulder科罗拉多大学波尔得分校39 Lehigh University利哈伊大学 (Rossin)39 North Carolina State University北卡罗来纳州立大学39 Rutgers University New Brunswick罗格斯大学新伯朗士威校区39 University of Notre Dame圣母大学43 Arizona State University亚利桑那州立大学 (Fulton)43 Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学43 University of Virginia

14、弗吉尼亚大学43 Vanderbilt University范德堡大学43 Yale University耶鲁大学48 Michigan Technological University密歇根理工大学48 The University of Arizona亚利桑那大学48 Washington University in St Louis圣路易斯华盛顿大学51 BOSTON University波士顿大学51 Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院 (Thayer)51 Drexel University德雷塞尔大学51 Stony Brook University-SUNY51 Un

15、iversity of Delaware德拉华大学51 University of Illinois-Chicago51 The University of Iowa爱荷华大学51 Worcester Polytechnic Institute伍斯特理工学院59 Brigham Young University杨百翰大学 (Fulton)59 Clemson University克莱姆森大学59 Illinois Institute of Technology伊利诺理工大学 (Armour)59 Northeastern University美国东北大学59 University of Cin

16、cinnati辛辛那提大学59 University of Connecticut康涅狄格大学59 University of Massachusetts Amherst马萨诸塞大学Amherst校区59 University of Pittsburgh匹兹堡大学 (Swanson)67 Auburn University奥本大学 (Ginn)67 Colorado State University科罗拉多州立大学67 Oregon State University俄勒冈州立大学67 University at Buffalo State University of New York纽约州立大

17、学水牛城分校67 The University of Tennessee田纳西大学-Knoxville67 The University of Utah犹他大学73 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge路易斯安那州立大学73 Mississippi State University密西西比州立大学 (Bagley)73 Missouri University of Science & Technology73 Oklahoma State University俄克拉荷马州立大学73 Syracuse University雪城大学73 Tufts Uni

18、versity塔夫斯大学73 University of California Riverside加州大学河滨分校 (Bourns)73 University of Kentucky肯塔基大学73 The University of Oklahoma俄克拉荷马大学73 University of Rochester罗切斯特大学73 Washington State University华盛顿州立大学84 Clarkson University克拉克森大学84 CUNY-City College (Grove)84 Kansas State University堪萨斯州立大学84 Stevens

19、 Institute of Technology斯蒂文斯理工学院 (Schaefer)84 University of Houston休斯顿大学 (Cullen)84 The University of Kansas堪萨斯大学84 University of Missouri Columbia密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校84 University of Nebraska Lincoln内布拉斯加大学林肯分校84 West Virginia University西弗吉尼亚大学93 New Jersey Institute of Technology新泽西理工学院93 Southern Methodis

20、t University南卫理公会大学93 Texas Tech University (Whitacre)93 University of Akron93 The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学-Huntsville93 University of New Mexico新墨西哥大学93 University of North Carolina-Charlotte (Lee)93 Wayne State University韦恩州立大学101 Binghamton University SUNY纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学 (Watson)101 The George Wa

21、shington University乔治华盛顿大学101 Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis印第安纳大学与普渡大学印第安纳波里斯联合分校101 Polytechnic Institute of New York University纽约大学101 The University of Alabama阿拉巴马大学101 University of Colorado-Colorado Springs101 University of Dayton戴顿大学101 University of Massachusetts-Lowell (F

22、rancis)101 University of Rhode Island101 University of Texas-Arlington德州大学阿灵顿分校111 Florida A&M University/Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学111 Marquette University马凯特大学111 Temple University天普大学111 University of Arkansas阿肯色大学-Fayetteville111 University of Central Florida中佛罗里达大学111 University of Maryla

23、nd-Baltimore County111 University of Nevada-Las Vegas (Hughes)111 University of New Hampshire新罕布什尔大学111 University of South Carolina Columbia南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校111 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校111 Utah State University犹他州立大学111 Wichita State University123 Louisiana Tech University123 New M

24、exico State University新墨西哥州立大学123 Old Dominion University奥肯那根学院 (Batten)Information for International Students Boston UniversityFor purposes of admission, an international student is not a United States citizen or documented U.S. permanent resident. An international student will need a non-immigrant

25、 student visa to study at Boston University. All international students are required to be enrolled full time in order to maintain their student visas. Permanent residents of the United States and refugees are treated as U.S. citizens in the admission process and should follow the application proced

26、ure outlined for U.S. citizens.In addition to the normal requirements for admission, international students must demonstrate an understanding of English, including the ability to read and write with facility. International students whose native language is not English must submit scores from either

27、the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). An IELTS score of 6.0 or higher is required for admission. A TOEFL score of 550 or higher on the written exam, 213 or higher on the computer-based exam, or 84 or higher on the new Internet

28、-Based Test (iBT) is the required minimum total. The scores on the TOEFL iBT individual sections should be, at a minimum, Reading - 21, Listening - 18, Speaking - 23, and Writing - 22.Students who seek financial assistance as research assistants or graduate teaching fellows must obtain a minimum sco

29、re of 6.5 on the IELTS exam. The minimum TOEFL scores must be 600 on the written exam, 250 on the computer-based exam, or 100 on the iBT (Internet based). Information on these tests may be obtained at United States embassies, consulates, U.S. Information Service Offices and Information Agency office

30、s, or by visiting the IELTS website at or the TOEFL website at Please note that the institutional code for the College of Engineering is 3105 for the TOEFL report. Students who take the IELTS test should arrange for the College of Engineering to receive an official score

31、 report; there is no institutional code.All credentials supporting an application must be submitted in English. Students must make their own arrangements for travel to and from Boston and for adequate financial resources while at Boston University.Arrangements regarding visas, U.S. government or University requirements are made through the International Students and Scholars Office, 888 Commonwealth Ave, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 0221

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