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1、summary国际商务沟通Summary of Key Points Communication helps organizations and the people in them achieve their goals. The ability to write and speak well becomes increasingly important as you rise in an organization. People put things in writing to create a record, to convey complex data, to make things

2、convenient for the reader, to save money, and to convey their own messages more effectively. Internal documents go to people inside the organization. External documents go to audiences outside: clients, customers, suppliers, stockholders, the government, the media, and the general public. The three

3、basic purposes of business and administrative communication are to inform, to request or persuade, and to build goodwill. Most messages have more than one purpose. A one-page business letter costs more than $20. Poor writing costs even more since it wastes time, wastes effort, and jeopardizes goodwi

4、ll. Good business and administrative writing meets five basic criteria: its clear, complete, and correct; it saves the readers time; and it builds goodwill. To evaluate a specific document, we must know the interactions among the writer, the reader(s), the purposes of the message, and the situation.

5、 No single set of words will work for all readers in all situations. Ten trends affecting business and administrative communication are a focus on quality and customers needs, entrepreneurship and outsourcing, teams, diversity, international competition and opportunities, legal and ethical concerns,

6、 balancing work and family, the end of the job, the rapid rate of change, and technology. To understand business communication situations, ask the following questions: o Whats at stake-to whom? o Should you send a message? o What channel should you use? o What should you say? o How should you say it

7、? The following process helps create effective messages: o Answer the six numbered questions for analysis below. o Organize your information to fit your audiences, your purposes, and the situation. o Make your document visually inviting. o Revise your draft to create a friendly, businesslike, positi

8、ve style. o Edit your draft for standard English; double-check names and numbers. o Use the response you get to plan future messages. Use these six questions to analyze business communication problems: 1. Who is (are) your audience(s)? What characteristics are relevant to this particular message? If

9、 you are writing or speaking to more than one person, how do the people in your audience differ? 2. What are your purposes in writing? 3. What information must your message include? 4. How can you build support for your position? What reasons or reader benefits will your reader find convincing? 5. W

10、hat objection(s) can you expect your reader(s) to have? What negative elements of your message must you de-emphasize or overcome? 6. What aspects of the total situation may affect reader response? The economy? The time of year? Morale in the organization? The relationship between the reader and writ

11、er? Any special circumstances? A solution to a business communication problem must both solve the organizational problem and meet the needs of the writer or speaker, the organization, and the audience.Adapting Your Message to Your AudienceSummary of Key Points The primary audience will make a decisi

12、on or act on the basis of your message. The secondary audience may be asked by the primary audience to comment on your message or to implement your ideas after theyve been approved. The initial audience routes the message to other audiences and may assign the message. A gatekeeper controls whether t

13、he message gets to the primary audience. A watchdog audience has political, social, or economic power and may base future actions on its evaluation of your message. Common sense and empathy are crucial to good audience analysis. A communication channel is the means by which you convey your message t

14、o your audience The following questions provide a framework for audience analysis: 1. What will the audiences initial reaction be to the message? 2. How much information does the audience need? 3. What obstacles must you overcome? 4. What positive aspects can you emphasize? 5. What expectations does

15、 the audience have about the appropriate language, structure, and format for messages? 6. How will the audience use the document? Audience benefits are advantages that the audience gets by using your services, buying your products, following your policies, or adopting your ideas. Benefits can exist

16、for policies and ideas as well as for goods and services. Good benefits are adapted to the audience, based on intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivators, supported by clear logic and explained in adequate detail, and phrased in you-attitude. Extrinsic benefits simply arent available to reward every

17、desired behavior; further, they reduce the satisfaction in doing something for its own sake. To create audience benefits, 7. Identify the feelings, fears, and needs that may motivate your audience. 8. Identify the features of your product or policy that could meet the needs youve identified. 9. Show

18、 how the audience can meet their needs with the features of the policy or product. When you write to multiple audiences, use the primary audience to determine level of detail, organization, level of formality, and use of technical terms and theory. Personality test MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

19、preference test that shows 4 types Extrovert-Introvert Sensing-Intuitive Thinking-Feeling Judging-Perceiving Comparison between oral messages and written messagesA written message makes it easier to Present extensive or complex data Present many specific details Minimize undesirable emotions Message

20、s on paper are more formal than e-mail messagesOral messages make it easier to Use emotion to help persuade the audience Focus the audiences attention on specific points Resolve conflicts and build consensus Modify plans Get immediate action or responseBuilding GoodwillSummary of Key Points You-atti

21、tude is a style of communication that looks at things from the audiences point of view, emphasizing what the audience wants to know, respecting the audiences intelligence, and protecting the audiences ego. 1. Talk about the audience, not about yourself. 2. Refer to the audiences request or order spe

22、cifically. 3. Dont talk about feelings except to congratulate or offer sympathy. 4. In positive situations, use you more often than I. Use we when it includes the audience. 5. In negative situations, avoid the word you. Protect the audiences ego. Use passive verbs and impersonal expressions to avoid

23、 assigning blame. Apply you-attitude beyond the sentence level by using organization and content as well as style to build goodwill. Positive emphasis means focusing on the positive rather than the negative aspects of a situation. To create positive emphasis 6. Avoid negative words and words with ne

24、gative connotations. 7. Focus on what the audience can do rather than on limitations. 8. Justify negative information by giving a reason or linking it to an audience benefit. 9. If the negative is truly unimportant, omit it. 10. Put the negative information in the middle and present it compactly. Ch

25、eck to see that your positive emphasis is appropriate, sincere, and clear. The desirable tone for business communication is businesslike but not stiff, friendly but not phony, confident but not arrogant, polite but not groveling. The following guidelines will help you achieve the tone you want: Use

26、courtesy titles for people outside your organization whom you dont know well. Be aware of the power implications of the words you use. When the stakes are low, be straightforward. When you must give bad news, consider hedging your statement. Communication should be free from sexism in four areas: jo

27、b titles, courtesy titles, pronouns, and others words and phrases. Ms. is the nonsexist courtesy title for women. Whether or not you know a womans marital status, use Ms. unless the woman has a professional title or unless you know that she prefers a traditional title. Traditional pronouns are sexis

28、t when they refer to a class of people, not to specific individuals. Four ways to make the sentence nonsexist are to use plurals, to use you, to revise the sentence to omit the pronoun, and to use pronoun pairs. Bias-free language is fair and friendly; it complies with the law. It includes all membe

29、rs of your audience; it helps to sustain goodwill. Check to be sure that your language is nonsexist, nonracist, and nonagist. When you talk about people with disabilities or diseases, use the term they prefer. When you produce newsletters or other documents with photos and illustrations, picture a s

30、ampling of the whole population, not just part of it. Making Your Writing Easy to ReadSummary of Key Points Good style in business and administrative writing is less formal, more friendly, and more personal than the style usually used for term papers. To improve your style, Try WIRMI: What I Really

31、Mean Is. Then write the words. Try reading your draft out loud to someone. If the words sound awkward, theyll seem awkward to a reader, too. Ask someone else to read your draft out loud. Readers stumble because the words on the page arent what they expect to see. The places where that person stumble

32、s are places where your writing can be better. Write a lot. Use the following techniques to make your writing easier to read.As you choose words, 1. Use words that are accurate, appropriate, and familiar. Denotation is a words literal meaning; connotation is the emotional coloring that a word conveys. 2. Use technical jargon only when it is essential and known to

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