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1、语篇训练第九套语篇训练第九套一、 完型填空ASince her husband died, Mrs Jackson has lived alone in her big old house. Her husband bought the house almost fifty years _1_.Her son has tried _2_ to ask her to sell the house and buy a small new one in the _3_ in order to be safe. But Mrs Jackson doesnt like the _4_. She says

2、 that she has to look after her husbands old house. But these days she often _5_ stories about unknown people stealing(偷) things around here.It was a cold _6_ before Christmas Eve. At 8 oclock at night, Mrs Jackson was _7_ Christmas music when someone knocked(敲) at the door. She heard the sound but

3、didnt _8_. Another knock.!_9_ could it be? Mrs Jackson was a little _10_ .One minute.another minute.and yet another minute, nothing _11_ and no more knocks. She walked _12_ to the door, and listened. She heard nothing but the wind _13_ . She watched _14_the hole of the door. She then gave a loud cry

4、 and_15_the door. At the door she saw a tall, beautiful Christmas tree! In the tree was a Christmas card with these words:Merry Christmas!Your new neighbour 1. A. before B. ago C. next D. later2. A. much B. hard C. carefully D. early3. A. village B. mountain C. building D. town4. A. place B. house C

5、. idea D. people5. A. writes B. hears C. tells D. make6. A. morning B. week C. time D. day7. A. enjoying B. finding C. singing D. listening8. A. look B. listen C. move D. cry9. A. Who B. How C. Whose D. Which10. A. asleep B. alone C. afraid D. angry11. A. happened B. changed C. visited D. passed12.

6、A. quickly B. quietly C. freely D. happily13. A. outside B. upstairs C. inside D. downstairs14. A. off B. across C. through D. between15. A. brought B. broke C. closed D. openedBA young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had 1 to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could w

7、ell 2 it, so he told him that a sports car was all he wanted. Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his fathers room. His father told him how 3 he was to have such a fine son, and told him how 4 he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 5 , the young man opened the b

8、ox and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on it. Angrily, he raised his 6 to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible? ” He then 7 out of the house, leaving the Bible. Many years passed and the young man was very 8 in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family.

9、 9 that his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him 10 that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a 11 telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take 12 of the things that his father left him. When he began to searc

10、h through his fathers important papers, he saw the still new Bible, 13 as he had left it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to 14 the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌) dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the 15 of his graduation, and the words “PAID IN FULL”. Sa

11、dness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart. 1. Aexpected Bbelieved Cenjoyed Dfelt2. Aafford Bspend Ccost Dpay3. Aexcited Bproud Cangry Danxious4. Afar Bmuch Clong Doften5. AInterested BTired CSurprised DRelaxed6. Ahand Bhead Cvoice Dsound7. Alooked Bmoved Cwalked Drushed8. Acareful Bhelpful Cwonderful Dsu

12、ccessful9. AWanting BSuggesting CNoticing DRealizing10. Aon Bsince Cafter Dfrom11. Abag Bticket Cphone Dbook12. Acare Bpart Cnotes Dtime13. Ajust Bonly Calways Dalready14. Ause Bopen Cturn Dclose15. Aplace Bdate Ctest Dname二、 阅读理解AIt is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see

13、 beautiful sights(风景) of the place. You can meet and make friends with people of different races. Finally, you can get to know more about other people. Today people enjoy travelling so much that tourism(旅游业) had become one of the fast growing industries(产业) in most countries. The main reason why peo

14、ple like to travel is for fun. For example, after working hard for a whole week, most people will go on a trip to the nearby mountains or beaches for a rest at the weekends. When people return from their travel, they will be ready to work harder. Travelling is also one of the best means for learning

15、. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get a right picture of it until you see it yourself. And if you are careful, you can learn much about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. There is always a lot for you to learn through travelling.1. According to

16、the passage, tourism grows faster and faster because_.A. People had nothing to do at the weekends.B.people like traveling more than readingC.traveling is cheaper and cheaperD.people enjoy traveling very much.2. The underlined word “races” in the passage means “_” in Chinese .A.赛马 B 种族 C职业 D等级3.We ca

17、n learn from the second paragraph that_.A.people travel mainly for different experiences.B.people travel mainly for fun.C.people can work harder after their travelD.traveling is the only way of learning geography, biology, and history.4.Which of the following is WRONG?A.Traveling to the nearby mount

18、ains or beaches cant help us relax.B.You can make lots of friends when you are traveling.C.When people return from their travel, they will be ready to work harder.D.Traveling is also one of the best ways of learning.5.The best title of the passage is “_”A.Learning through traveling is important.B.Tr

19、aveling can help us make more friends.C.Its necessary to relax by reading.D.Traveling to other places is exciting. BJohn Carlin was a painter and writer. He taught himself five foreign languages. He was a leader among the deaf(聋的).John Carlin was born in America in 1813. His family was very poor. Hi

20、s young brother, Andrew, was also deaf. Their parents let them do their own things. So John and Andrew did not need to do things that other children of their ages had to do. They had much free time to walk around their city.John showed great interest in drawing when he was young. He often drew pictu

21、res on the ground. He went to work as a house painter when he was 12. His days were busy with work. However, he taught himself foreign languages at night. That is how he taught himself five languages. When he was 20, he went to New York to learn drawing. When he spend all his money, he went to work

22、again. But he would return to drawing whenever he could.John was a leader among the deaf. He talked to Edward Miner Gallaudet about starting a college(大学) for the deaf. John was the first person to receive an honorary degree(荣誉学位) from Gallaudet.John was a great man. He never let deafness stop him f

23、rom doing what he wanted to do.1. John Carlin could speak_ languages.A.four B.five C.six D.seven2. John Carlin_ when he was young.A.worked hard at school B.learned five foreign languages at schoolC.didnt go to school D.often walked around his city after school3.John worked as a_ when he was 12 years

24、 old.A.waiter B.driver C.seller painter4. When John Carlin was in New York, he_A.worked to make money B.learn drawingC.traveled around the city D.both A and B5. “Gallaudet” in the last paragraph is probably the name of_A.a college for the deaf B.the best college in the worldC.a beautiful pla

25、ce with a lot of deaf people D.a person who is as great as John Carlin三、 阅读理解填词。One night,at 11:30PM,an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway(高速公路). She was in r_1_.Her car had broken down and she needed a r_2_. Wet and cold,she decided to stop down the next car

26、.A young white man s_3_ to help herIt was unheard in those conflictfilled(种族冲突的) 1960s.The man took her to a safe place,gave her an u_4_and helped her rent a taxi.She seemed to be in a big hurry. She wrote down his a_5_,thanked him and d_6_away.Seven days w_7_by and a knock came on the mans door. To

27、 his surprise,a giant color TV was delivered(送) to his home. A special note was with it.It read:“thank you so much for h_8_ me on the highway that night. The rain got down not only my c_9_ but my spirits(精神).Then you came along. Because of you,I could m_10_ it to my dying husbands bedside just befor

28、e he passed away. God bless you .1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._BSamandJoewereastronauts.Therewasonceaverydangeroustrip andtherewasonlyasmallchance(机会)ofcomingbackalive.SamandJoe,however,thoughtitwouldbee_1_thoughalittledangerous.“werethebestmenforthej_2_,”theysaidtoMr Hall, the head of their space

29、company. “Theremaybeproblems,b_3_wecanfindtheanswers.”Mr Hall was very pleased after h_4_ this. There wrer no astronauts asking for the job e_5_them. So he agreed. Oncetheywereinspace,Joehadtogoo_6_tomakesomerepairs(修理).Whenhe f_7_therepairs,hetriedtogetbackinsidethespacestation.Butthedoorwasc_8_.He

30、knocked(敲)buttherewasnoanswer.Heknocked a_9_,louderthistime,andagainnoanswercame.Thenhehitthedoorashardashecouldandfinallyavoicesaid,“Whosthere?”“Itsme!Whoe_10_coulditbe?”shoutedJoe.Samlethimin butJoe was very angry. He would neveraskedtogoonatripwithSamagain!1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._语篇训练第十套一、 完形填空ABob lived in London. Two days ago, bob_1_a letter from

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