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1、学年高中英语module6animalsindangersectionlanSection Language Points (Gultural Corner & Other Parts).Read the text and match the following paragraphs with their main ideas.Para.1AThe focus of the WWFs attentionPara.2 BThe cooperation between the WWF and ChinaPara.3CThe brief introduction of the WWF答案:Para.

2、1CPara.2APara.3B.Choose the best answer according to the text.1The WWF set its office in Switzerland in _.A1961 Bthe 1980sC1980 D19952The main change about WWF in the past and now is _.Amore countries and people joining and helpingBenlarging its protecting focus from extinct animals only to all acti

3、vities concerned about natureCits cooperation with the governmentsDto set branches in China3Which of the following is NOT favoured by WWF?AKilling animals, especially extinct ones.BTo pollute the environment.CTo waste the energy.DAll of the above.4The most effective way to carry out WWFs purpose in

4、your opinion is to _.Ahave more volunteersBreceive more money from the supportersCeducate more people about the significance of environmental protectionDto set up more branches around the world答案:14ABDC.单词拼写1The cuckoo (杜鹃) lays (产卵) its eggs in other birds nests.2Branch (分支机构) managers have full au

5、tonomy in their own areas.3It only reflects the focus (焦点) of your mind on that particular thing.4Do you think butterfly is a type of insect (昆虫)?5Can you remember the initials (首字母) of the name of his company?6As we know, the whale is a kind of mammal (哺乳动物)7Dont waste (浪费) your money on silly thin

6、gs; save it.8He traversed alone the whole continent (洲) of Africa from east to west.9I bought two live (活的) fish in the market yesterday.10Scientists may be able to monitor (监测) the behavior of sharks to predict bad weather.根据汉语意思及词性写出下面单词1aim n目标;目的aimless adj.无目的的2involve vt.涉及;包括involved adj.棘手的;

7、有关的3energy n能源energetic adj.精力充沛的4wonder n奇迹wonderful adj.奇妙的,极好的5extinction n灭绝;绝种extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的巧记单词词根词形变化构词点拨aimaimless名词加 less构成具有否定意义的形容词wonderwonderful名词加 ful构成形容词 .根据汉语意思补全短语1be concerned about sth.关心/担心某事2tend to do sth. 趋向于,往往会发生某事3keep an eye on 密切注视4feed on (动物)以为食5go for sb. 攻击某人,袭击某

8、人6stand for 代表7have an effect on 对产生影响8as a result 结果是9set up 建立;设立10have access to 可以接近;可以获得1教材原句Only about 1,000 survive, most of them in Siberia.只有大约1 000只老虎幸存,大部分在西伯利亚。句型点拨独立主格结构。佳句赏析天空黑云密布,很快就要下雨。Dark clouds in the sky, it is going to rain soon.2教材原句The population is supposed to be less than 5,

9、000.其数量应该不足5 000头。句型点拨be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事”。佳句赏析按说应该买票,不过买的人不多。You are supposed to buy a ticket, but no many people do.3教材原句The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy.世界自然基金组织认为只有人们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才有未来。句型点拨only if“只要”。佳句赏析只要他答应

10、我的条件,我愿意为他免费工作一年。I am willing to work for him without pay only if he meets my condition.WWFThe WWF is the worlds largest organisation for nature conservation. It was founded in the UK in 1961 and opened an international office in Switzerland in the same year. Its aim was to protect the natural habit

11、ats of wild animals in danger of extinction. One of the founders, the painter and naturalist Peter Scott, designed the famous panda logo. The initials, WWF, stand for World Wide Fund for Nature. Originally the name was World Wildlife Fund. Today the organisation has branches in 90 countries in all f

12、ive continents. It has thousands of volunteers and more than five million supporters who help by giving money. Since 1985 it has spent more than $1,000 million on 11,000 projects in 130 countries. The focus of attention has changed, too. In the 1980s the WWF became interested in all activities which

13、 have an effect on the environment, such as pollution and the way we use energy. The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy. As a result, it started working with governments to introduce environmental education into schools.The WWF has w

14、orked with the Chinese government since 1980, when Dr George Shaller arrived to work with Chinese scientists on the panda project. For fifteen years WWF China staff had been based in Switzerland but came to China to monitor the project. Then, in 1995, the organisation set up an office in Beijing. To

15、day there are more than thirty staff working on twenty projects all over the country. They include work in forests, energy, and in environmental education for Chinas primary and secondary schools as well as saving the panda, of course.世界自然保护基金组织世界自然保护基金组织是世界上最大的自然保护组织。它于1961年在英国成立,同年在瑞士建立了一个国际总部。它的目

16、的是保护濒危野生动物的自然栖息地。创建者之一,画家兼博物学家皮特斯科特设计了著名的熊猫标志。缩略词WWF代表世界自然保护基金组织。起初名字是世界野生动物基金组织。今天,这个组织在五大洲90个国家都有分部。它有数千名志愿者和500多万通过捐钱来帮忙的支持者。从1985年起这个组织已经在130个国家 11 000 个项目上投入了10多亿美元。公众关注的焦点也发生了变化。20世纪80年代,世界自然保护基金组织开始关注所有对环境造成影响的活动,比如污染和我们利用能源的方式。世界自然保护基金组织相信,只有人们学会保护自然,不浪费能源,我们的世界才有未来。因此,它开始和政府合作,把环境教育介绍到学校。从1

17、980年起,世界自然保护基金组织就已经与中国政府合作,当时,乔治山勒博士来到中国与中国科学家一起从事大熊猫的研究项目。15年来世界自然保护基金组织中国方面的工作人员都是从瑞士来到中国监控这个项目的。后来,在1995年,这个组织在北京建立了办事处。时至今日,全国有30多个该组织成员在从事着20个项目的工作。它们包括在森林、能源方面的工作和向中国的中小学生进行环保教育,当然也包括拯救大熊猫的项目。1The World Wide Fund for Nature is an organisation whose aim is to protect wildlife.(P54)世界自然基金组织是一个以保

18、护野生动植物为目的的组织。aim n目标,目的vt.& vi.力求达到;力争做到He has only one aim in life to succeed.他活着只有一个目的,就是成功。(1)take aim at sb./sth.瞄准某人/某物without aim 无目的地with the aim of 目的是achieve ones aim 达到目标(2)aim sb./sth. 把对准某人/某物aim at . 向瞄准;旨在;针对aim to do . 目标是做某事be aimed at doing 针对;瞄准The project aims_to_get kids t

19、o a stage called “deep reading”, where they can read to learn.这个项目旨在让孩子们进入一个“深度阅读”状态,一个他们可以在读书中学习的状态。The visit_was_aimed_at expanding relations between the two countries.此次访问旨在加强两国之间的关系。She visited the school with_the_aim_of seeing the library.她参观学校的目的是看看图书馆。2But the trade also involves live animals

20、.(P55)然而,这种交易还包括贩卖活的野生动物。 involve vt.涉及;包括;需要;使参加;引起Thus, the difficult cases usually involve governmental benefits.所以, 棘手的案件通常涉及政府的利益。(1)involve doing sth.包括/牵扯到做某事involve (doing) sth. 使某人参与做某事;把某人牵扯到某事里involve in/into 使参与,使卷入,使陷入involve with 牵连,涉及,与有关involve sb.with sb. 与(某人)有密切关系(2)be/get/b

21、ecome involved in sth./with sb. 与某事有关系/与某人有牵连Students should involve_themselves_in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.学生应该参与社区活动,他们能从活动中获取成长的经验。It is said that he was_involved_in a series of criminal activities.据说他与一系列的犯罪活动有关。名师点津involved作定语,前置或后置时意义不同:the people involved

22、“所涉及的人”;the involved story“复杂的故事”。live adj.活的;现场直播的,实况转播的adv.在现场直播一词多义写出下列句中live的词性及含义The cat is playing with a live mouse. adj.活的It wasnt a recorded show. It was live.adj.现场直播的The landing on the moon was telecast live.adv.在现场直播易混辨析 alive意为“活着的”,还可引申为“有活力的;有生气的;活跃的”,常作表语、宾补、主补及后置定语(不作前置定语)lively意为“生

23、动的;活泼的;有生气的”,可作定语(前置)、表语、主补、宾补 living意为“活着的;现存的”,还可引申为“生动的;逼真的;栩栩如生的”,常作表语、主补、宾补和定语live意为“活的”,常修饰动物,不修饰人。还可引申为“实况转播的” She was still alive when I reached the hospital.当我赶到医院的时候,她还活着。Shes a lively child and popular with everyone.她是个活泼的孩子,大家都喜欢她。No man living could have done better.当世的人没有一个能做得更好。3. A r

24、eptile has cold blood and lays eggs.(P55)爬行动物是冷血动物并且产卵。lay vt.产卵;下蛋;放置;搁置;铺The workers are laying the tracks.工人们在铺设铁轨。lay down放下;使躺下lay off 解雇,下岗The students laid the book on the desk and laid_himself_down to sleep.学生把书放在桌上,躺下睡觉。They were_laid_off because of the lack of new orders.由于没有新的订单,他们被解雇了。易混

25、辨析 lielieliedliedlying说谎(规则动词)lielaylainlying 位于,躺(不规则动词) laylaylaidlaidlaying产卵;下蛋;放置;搁置;铺语境串记The boy lying in bed lied that his turtle had laid 100 eggs.躺在床上的那个男孩撒谎说,他家乌龟下了100个蛋。4One of the wonders of the insect world. (P55)昆虫世界的奇迹之一。wonder n惊奇;惊愕;奇迹v.惊讶;惊奇;想知道It is a wonder that he remained alive

26、 after dropping from the roof of a ten storied building.他从一幢十层高楼的楼顶上摔下来仍然活着,真是奇迹。(1)in wonder 惊奇地Its a wonder (that). 奇怪的是(Its) no wonder (that) 难怪;一点也不 奇怪(2)wonder at sth./that . 对感到惊讶wonder about sth. 想知道某事wonder wh /how clause 想知道wonder if/whether 不知是否The Internet keeps us informed of the latest

27、news and also provides entertainment in the house. It_is_no_wonder_that its so popular worldwide.网络使我们在家里就能了解最新的新闻,而且也为我们提供娱乐,难怪它在全世界那么受欢迎。I wonder_if/whether you can give me some advice on how to make friends.我想知道你能否给我提供一些如何交朋友的建议。5Im concerned about the future of wildlife in Africa.(P57)我很担心非洲野生生物

28、的未来。be concerned about关心/担心某事Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.许多人都关心环境污染问题。(1)be concerned in/with sth. 与某事有关;涉及as far as sb./ concerned 就某人某事而言be concerned for 挂念; 关心(2)concern n. 担心;忧虑 v. 影响;涉及;使担心show/express concern about 对表示关心/担心(3)concerning prep. 关于;涉及 As

29、_far_as_Im_concerned,_its wise not to spend much time playing with smart phones.就我个人而言,不花太多的时间玩智能手机是明智的。I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information concerning the interview.我写信是想知道你是否可能提供给我有关面试的信息。名师点津concerned作前置定语时,表示“关心的,担心的”;作后置定语时,表示“有关的,牵涉到的”。6To keep an eye on

30、 something means .(P57)密切注意某个东西意思是keep an eye on照看;留意Weve asked the neighbors to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.我们已请邻居在我们外出时帮忙我们照看一下房子。have an eye for sth.对有鉴赏力catch ones eyes 引起注意fix ones eyes on 凝视着look the eye 直视,正视某人A good artist must have_an_eye_for color.好的艺术家必须要对色彩有鉴赏力。Her eyes were fixed_on her plate.她的两只眼睛盯着盘子。7They feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs.(P58)它们主要以昆虫和小的爬行动物为食,也吃鱼和青蛙。feed on (动物)以为食Pandas feed on bamboo leaves.熊猫以竹叶为食。feed sb./sth. on/with.feed .to s

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