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1、语言学选择题附答案语言学A1._ A_ is the study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.A. Phonology B. Lexicography C. Lexicology D. MorphologyC2. _C_ is defined as the scientific study of language, studying language

2、 in general.A. Psycholinguistics B. Neurolinguistics C. Linguistics D. PhoneticsB3. Which of the linguistic items listed below is best described as the smallest unit of meaning? A. the word B. the morpheme C. the phoneme D. the clauseB4. A prefix is an affix which appears _.A. after the stem B. befo

3、re the stem C. in the middle of the stem D. below the stem C 5. Which of the following is true? _A. Phonetics is the study of pronunciation. B. Phonetics is the scientific study of the movement of sound waves. C. Phonetics is the scientific study of the sounds of language. D. Phonetics is the scient

4、ific study of the organs of speech.D6. “Whats in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,” (Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2, 435)To what characteristic of language dose Shakespeare refer? _ A. Creativity B. Productivity C. Du

5、ality D. ArbitrarinessA7. Language, as a system, consists of two sets of structures or two levels, which is known as _, one of a design features of human language. A. Duality B. Displacement C. Productivity D. Arbitrariness D8. The different members of a phoneme, sounds which are phonetically differ

6、ent but do not make one word different from another in meaning, are _. A. phonemes B. phones C. sounds D. allophonesA9. What is complementary distribution? _ A. Different places of occurrence of allophones within a word. B. When a phone can only occur at the end of a word. C. When an allophone occur

7、s at the beginning of a word. D. Contrastive distribution of allophonesD10. _ deals with the analysis and creation of words, idioms and collocations. A. Morpheme B. Vocabulary C. Root D. LexiconB1. Cold and hot are called _ antonyms. A. complementary B. gradable C. reversal D. converseC2. “I regret

8、that I cant help you.” This is an example of _ _. A. representatives B. directivesC. expressives D. commissivesD. What is the duality of the language? _ A. Letters and sounds B. Sounds and symbolsC. Symbols and meaning D. sounds and meaningA4. “I bought some roses” _ “I bought some flowers”. A. enta

9、ils B. presupposes C. is inconsistent with D. is synonymous withC5. Of the following linguists, _ should be grouped into Prague School. A. Bloomfield B. SaussureC. Jakobson D. FirthC6. Damage in and around the angular gyrus of the parietal lobe often causes the impairment of reading and writing abil

10、ity, which is often referred to as acquired _. A. diglossia B. aphasiaC. dyslexia D. dysgraphia A7. _ A Dictionary of the English Language established a uniform standard for the spelling and word use. A. Samuel Johnsons B. Bishop Lowths C. Firths D. Samuel JohnsB8. What is phonology? _ A. The study

11、of how speech sounds are made, transmitted and received B. The study of the function, behavior and organization of speech sounds as linguistic items. C. The study of the International Phonetic Alphabet. D. The study of all possible speech sounds. D9. The morpheme “cast” in the common word “telecast”

12、 is a (n) _. A. bound morpheme B. bound form C. inflectional morpheme D. free morphemeD10. A phoneme is _. A. a set of different realization of a phone B. a set of contrastive allophones in free variation C. a set of phones in complementary distribution D. a set of phonetically similar noncontrastiv

13、e phones A1. Firstly, to which of these language groups dose English belong? _ A. Germanic B. Slavonic C. romance D. BalticD2. What is defined as “the study of sentence structure”? _ A. Morphology B. SemanticsC. Phonology D. SyntaxD3. According to Krashen, _ refers to the gradual and subconscious de

14、velopment of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A. learning B. competenceC. performance D. acquisitionC4. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix “ed” in the word “learned” is known as a(n) _. A. derivational morpheme B. free m

15、orpheme C. inflectional morpheme D. free formC5. _ studies the total stock of morphemes of a language, especially those items which have clear semantic references. A. Phonology B. LexicologyC. Morphology D. LexicographyA6. As a type of linguistic system in L2 learning, _ is a product of L2 training,

16、 mother tongue interference, overgeneralization of the target language rules, and learning and communicative strategies of the learner. A. interlanguage B. interferenceC. language transfer D. linguistic relativityA7. _ means the lack of a logical connection between the form of something and its expr

17、ession in sounds. A. Arbitrariness B. Abstractness C. Ambiguity D. FuzzinessB8. The term _ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A. synchronic B. diachronicC. comparative D. histor

18、ical comparative D9. When a speech sound changes and becomes more like another sound that follows or precedes it, it is said to be _. A. nasalized B. voiced C. aspirated D. assimilatedC10. F. de Saussure is a (n) _ linguist. A. American B. British C. Swiss D. RussianA1. N. Chomsky is a (n) _ linguis

19、t. A. American B. CanadaC. Swiss D. FrenchB2. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has two thrusts: _ and _. A. Linguistic description, Linguistic determinism B. Linguistic determinism, Linguistic relativity C. Linguistic relativity, Linguistic description D. Linguistic determinism, Linguistic performanceA3.

20、A special language variety that mixes or blends languages and used by people who speak different language for restricted purpose is _. A. pidigin B. creoleC. dialect D. blendsB4. By _, we refer to word forms which differ from each other only by one sound, e.g. “pin” and “bin”. A. complementally dist

21、ribution B. minimal pair C. Adjacency pair D. codeswitchingA5. When two sounds never occur in the same environment they said to be in _. A. complementary distribution B. free variation C. co-occurrence D. minimal pairD6. _ century is considered to be the beginning of Modern English. A. 18th B. 17thC

22、. 19th D. 16thB7. Conventionally a _ _ is put in slashes. A. allophone B. phoneme C. phone D. morphemeD8. _ _ is a principle of scientific method, based on the belief that the only things valid enough to confirm or refute o scientific theory are interpersonally observable phenomena, rather than peop

23、les introspections or intuitions. A. Mentalism B. Functional grammar C. Case grammar D. BehaviorismC9. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _C. A. expressives B. directives C. commisives D. declaratives*C 10. A

24、_ _ is often seen as part of a word, but it can never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite meaning. A. morpheme B. wordC. root D. phonemeD1. Linguistics is the scientific study of _. A. a particular language B. the English languageC. human language in general D. the system of a particul

25、ar languageA2. _ _ is the language that a learner constructs at a given stage of SLA. A. Interlanguage B. IdeologyC. Dialect D. InterferenceB3. Phonological rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language are called _ _ rule. A. Deletion B. SequentialC. superasegmental D. Assimi

26、lationB 4. “There is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to”. This is the _ view concerning the study of meaning. A. naming theory B. conceptualistC. contextualist D. behavioristA5. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc. , in terms of _. A.

27、manner of articulation B. openness of mouthC. place of articulation D. voicingA6. According to Chomsky, _ _ is the ideal users internalized knowledge of his language. A. competence B. paroleC. performance D. langueA7. _ is not a suprasegmental feature. A. Aspiration B. IntonationC. Stress D. ToneA8

28、_ is a phenomenon that L2 learners subconsciously use their L1language in their learning process. A. Language transfer B. BlendingC. Interference D. CooperativeC9. _ are affixes added to an existing form to create a new word, e.g. in-,-er. A. inflectional morpheme B. free morphemeC. derivational mor

29、pheme D. rootB10. Writing is the secondary language form based on _. A. sound B. speech C. gesture D. signC1. _ covers the study of language use in relation to context, and in particular the study of linguistic communication. A. Semantics B. SociolinguisticsC. Pragmatics D. LinguisticsA2. Morphemes

30、that represent “tense”, “number”, “gender”, “case” and so on are called _ morphemes. A. inflectional B. freeC. bound D. derivational C3. Which of the following is not a compound word? _ A. clearway B. rainbowC. scarcity D. withoutA4. The fact that ability to speak a language is transmitted from gene

31、ration to generation by process of learning, and not genetically is referred to as _. A. culture transmission B. performanceC. competence D. acquisitionC5. _ is the language of Angles, Saxons and Jutes who invaded Britain after AD 450. A. Old Norse B. CleticC. Old English D. Middle EnglishC6. A group of two or more consonants together in a syllable is called a (n) _. A. arresting cluster B. releasing cl

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