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1、人教版七年级英语下册第1单元测试题及答案985167 年级下 Unit 1 单元检测Name Class Score 一 单项选择 (30 分 )( ) you good at playing guitar or basketballA. the, the B. the, a C. / , the D. the, /( ) can swim very well, he d oesn t want to join the club.B. but C. / D. or( ) need two for their music club.A. musicians B. dancers C. runne

2、rs D. swimmers( ) mother is a nurse( 护士 ) and is good kids.A. in B. for C. with D. at( ) 5. My teacher helps us swimming.A. on C. for D. with( ) are playing football. Come and us.A. join B. join in D. do( ) 7. Can you play the guitar .A. No,I can , I can t C. No, you can D. Yes, a little( ) 8 . Sam

3、can sing English songs , but I can t.A. a lot B. very good C. very well D. very much( ) 9. Can you speak English Yes, but only .little B. a few C. not many D. little( ) s an English class. Please don t Chinese.A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak( ) is a swimmer. He can swim very .A. well, good B. good,

4、well C. good, good D. good, fine( ) time does he basketball -At 8 o clockA. plays B. playing C. play D. can play( ) s sister can t swim dance.A. andB. but C. and notD. or( ) father buy a new watch my birthday.A. want to, for B. wants , for C. wants to, with D. wants to, for( ) can t the trumpet. Whe

5、re is itA. play B. find C. look D. have( ) 16. are the drums on the floor Sorry, I don t know.A. Where B. What C. What about much( ) like to play chess with me. t B. doesn t C. can t D. isn t( ) 18. Can the boy speak Japanese .he canA. I think don t B. I think he can t C. I don t think D. I don t th

6、ink( ) 19. Let me you English.A. to help, learn B. to help, to learn C. help, learning D. help, learn( ) 20. Our school wants two good teachers the School Art Festival.A. with B. of C. for D. at( ) 21. Are you good math A. with B. to C. for D. at( ) 22. Please call Tom 0811-65784 A. with B. to C. fo

7、r D. at( )23. - What can she do - She can Chinese kung fu.A. plays B. do C. make D. help( ) 24. There is _ art teacher. name is Zhang Heng.A. a, His B. an, Her C. a, She D. an, He( ) 25. Can they play chess No, A. they are B. they can C. they can t D. an, He( ) 26. She wants to a Beijing Opera artis

8、t. A. be B. is C. are D. /( ) 27. Please show your new bike. A. I B. my C. me D. mine( ) girl a red sweater is my sister. B. of C. in D. at( ) 29. I can sing the song, but he .A. doesn t B. does C. can D. can t( )30. Your book can on the desk. A. be B. is C. are D. do阅读理解(2*5=10)Namecan docan t doBi

9、llplay the drums, the pia no, paint,dance, swimspeak En glish wellJenniferplay the pia no, speakswim, play the drums, playChi nese well, si ng wellchessVictorpaint well, play the guitarspeak Chin ese, dance orand drums,swimsing, play computer games判断下列句子是否符合事实,符合的写“ A” ,否则写 “B”。()1 . Bill

10、and Jennifer can sing but they can t play the piano.()2. Jennifer can help Victor with his Chin ese.()3. Bill isn t good at playing the piano but Victor can play it well.()4. All of them can join the music club.()5. If ( 女口果)Victor wants to dance and sing. Bill can help3完成对话(1*10=10)A: Hi! Can I 1 y

11、ouB: Yes, please! I want to 2 the Japa nese club.A: Good! 3 I know your n ameB: Robert.A: Robert. Yes, I got it. And 4 your family n ameB: White.A: 5 old are youB: Thirtee n.A: Can you 6 Japa neseB: Yes, but I can t speak it very_7 . I want to learn more 8 it.A: OK! Do you have an 9 addressA: Great!

12、 Tha nks a 10 .B: Tha nk you!1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4首字母填空(1*10=10)1 She likes to swim, so she can join the s club. 2 Can you play the d 3She can dance and si ng well. So she wants to be a m .4S is the first day in a week. 5 I like China and I can s Chin ese well.6Do you like to play volleyball w Jack

13、7Then you can b in our school festival. 8 Can you sing o dance9Do you have an e-mail a 10W do you like comedies Because they are funny.5用所给词的正确形式填空 (10) 。 (1*10=10)1 Does she want (join) the club 2 Let s join the (paint) club.3Jack ( no t like) the school show.4There are two great (pia no) in the mu

14、sic room.5Bob likes (play) the pia no. 6 Come and join (we).7 Can you play it (good) 8 Can you help me with (dance)六选词填空。5请阅读下面的招聘广告,根据广告内容用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 七 句型转换。(1*10=10)1.We want to join the chess club.( 戈U线提问) do you want 2.David can play the guitar.( 改成一般疑问句) David the guitar3.Wu

15、 Do ng can play football. (就划线部分提问) can Wu Dong 4.1 can sing and dance.( 改成否定句 ) I sing dance.八、连词组句。(共5分,每小题1分)1.wan t, jo in, the, do, club, to, music, you2.chess, but, I, play, the, can, guitar, can t,, you, do, wan t, jo in, to,, wan t, lear n, we, art, aboutputers, kids, hel

16、p, they, with, can九作文(10)先阅读下面的学校一个乐队的启事。假设你叫王林,你符合启事中的所有要求并希望加入乐队,请写一封自我推荐信。词数不少于Musicia n wan ted for the band “ Fly ”Our band is called “Fly ” . Now there are four people in our band, and we need another boy.Do you like En glish songs Can you dance Can you play the drums If you can, please write

17、to Jack.Keys:I. 110 DBACD ADCAD 1120 BCDDA DBDDC 2130 DDBBB join May What s How speak well about e-mail lotIV.1. swimming 2. drums 3. musicians 4. Sunday 5. speak 6. with 7. be 8. or 9. address 10. WhyV.1. to join 2. painting 3. doesn t like 4. pianos 5. playing 6. us 7. well 8

18、. dancing 9.learn/to learn 10. doVI.1. plays the violin well 2. need/want musicians for 3. be in 4. What, want to 5. to learnabout 6. Are, good with 7. drums, them wellVII.1. What club, to join 2. Can, play 3. What, do 4. can t, orVIII.WrtingWe need 4 musicians for our school band. Can you play the

19、piano Can you play the guitar Can you play the trumpt Can you play the drums Come and join us. Please call .Oure e-mail address is. 七、书面表达。50。先阅读下面的学校一个乐队的启事。 假设你叫王林,你符合启事中的所有要求并希望加入乐队,请写一封自我推荐信。词数不少于Musician wanted for the band “ Fly ”Our band is called “ Fly ” . Now there are four people in our band, and we need another boy.Do you like English songs Can you dance Can you play the drums If you can, please write to Jack.

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