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2、 sentence), 扩展句(development sentence)和结论句(closing sentence/concluding sentence)。主题句点出段落的主题,扩展句解释说明或论证主题,结论句总结、归纳或概括主题。1主题句主题句,就是段落的核心句、纲领句、主旨句、中心思想句,言简意赅,主旨鲜明。它是段落的灵魂,表达段落的主题,在英语文章段落中居于主导地位,其他句子都要围绕它而展开。英语文章一般喜欢开宗明义,所以主题句一般位于文章段首,但有时也在段中或段尾。2扩展句扩展句就是为主题句起解释说明或论证作用的句子。扩展句一般长度适中,有一定的条理和逻辑。扩展句的展开方法多种多样

3、,通常采用的方法有举例说明、描述、定义、比较对照、因果分析、分类等。3结论句结论句就是总结句,会重述或总结段落的中心论点,与主题句相呼应。需要指出的是,英文段落中结论句并不多见,我们通常看到英语的文章段落结构60%70%都是由“主题句扩展句”构成。例Why fiction is superior to textbooks lies in their imagination (主题句:以自问自答的方式提出段落主题). Authors of the fictions always create attractive characters so as to give his opinion abou

4、t nature and the society as well as life (扩展句1). It not only provides knowledge, but also teaches us what is the right attitude toward life (扩展句2). For instance, we can learn from Gone with the Wind how to be a strongwilled person; from Jack London, how to love life (扩展句3:基于上述观点,进一步举例说明). We can be

5、stimulated to overcome all obstacles to realize our ambitions (扩展句4). So, fictions enable people to form their positive view of life, the spirit of optimism and invincible courage, and provide us with an opportunity to learn and to practice, while textbooks barely can (结论句:归纳总结段落主题)(二)段落主题句的位置在进行阅读理

6、解时,我们要善于找出段落的主题句,这样才能抓住文章段落的中心思想(controlling idea)。主题句在段落中的位置并不是一成不变的,而是根据作者组织段落的方法或强调的重点而定。大多数情况下,主题句在段首,有时会在段中或段尾。无论主题句的位置在哪儿,主题句都包含一个逻辑性强且层次分明的中心思想。1主题句在段首这是主题句在段落结构中最常见的位置。这种安排开门见山,点出主题,读者可以迅速了解文章主旨。例Although smoking has been a popular habit for centuries, it has always had its enemies (主题句). So

7、me American Indians advised young braves not to smoke too much because tobacco would cut their wind (削弱力量) in a hunt or a battle. King James of England called smoking “a branch of the sin of drunkenness, which is the root of all sins”. Ben Johnson, the playwright, said smoking was “good for nothing

8、but to choke a man and fill him full of smoke and embers”. Popular slang called cigarettes “coffin nails” long before the medical evidence on the hard from smoking was complete. Now every package of cigarettes and every advertisement for cigarettes must carry a warning from the Surgeon General (卫生局局

9、长) that smoking is hazardous to health.2主题句在段中主题句出现在段中时,位于主题句之前的部分通常起到承上启下的作用,而主题句后面的部分则围绕主题句展开讨论或阐述。此类主题句并不一定在段落正中位置,可能靠近段首,也可能与段中的结论句相邻。例My parents have gone out for the evening. Just as I settle down to read or watch TV, my little brother demands that I play with him. If I get a telephone call, h

10、e screams in the background or knocks something over. I always have to hang up to find out whats wrong with him. Babysitting my brother is no fun (主题句). He refuses to let me eat a snack in peace. Usually he wants half of whatever I have to eat. Then when he finally grows tired, it takes about an hou

11、r for him to fall asleep.3主题句在段尾主题句位于段落的结尾,是对段落主旨进行概括和总结。主题句位于段尾的好处是会给读者留下深刻印象。例Some people dream of starring roles, their names in lights, and their pictures on the cover of magazines. Some would even go out of their way to get their name. However, I am not one of these people. A famous person give

12、s up private life, feels pressured all the time, and is never completely safe. So, let someone else have that cover story, take the starring roles and have a big name. Id rather lead an ordinary, but calm life rather than a stressfilled public one (主题句)二、明段落的展开理句间关系在段落中,一般会有两个甚至多个扩展句对中心思想进行论证、解释,这也就

13、是段落的展开。段落的展开模式多种多样。这里我们着重介绍9种段落展开模式。(一)列举型列举法是比较常见的段落展开法。按此类方法展开的段落中,作者会先点明主题,提出论点,然后列举一系列的论据进行陈述或解释。列举的内容可以是一系列的事物、事件、理由或者一个问题的不同方面。列举的顺序可以是时间的先后、地理位置的远近或者内容的相对重要性等。例The sentences in most well written paragraphs may be analyzed into three general functions. First, there are paragraph introducers, w

14、hich are sentences that establish the topic focus of the paragraph as a whole (列举1). Second, there are paragraph developers, which present examples or details of various kinds that support the ideas set forth by the paragraph introducers (列举2). Third, there are paragraph terminators, which logically

15、 conclude the ideas discussed in the paragraph in a psychologically satisfying manner (列举3). Not all pieces of writing will conform to this analysis; however, most successful paragraphs usually contain the same combination of these three sentence types.(二)举例型举例法是用具体的事例来说明段落主题,也是一种常见的段落展开方法。此类段落中,作者往

16、往开门见山,点出主题,然后列举具体事例(一个主要例子或多个相关例子)进行说明。所举事例一般较具体,可以是日常事件、现象、个人经历、名人轶事等等。例The ability to write wellorganized, concise (精确的) paragraphs is essential (必要的) to a students success in almost all university courses. In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student must present his or he

17、r findings in logical order and clear language in order to receive a favorable evaluation (评价) of his or her work (举例1). In writing successful answers to essay questions on history or anthropology (人类学) examinations, a student must arrange the relevant facts and opinions according to some accepted p

18、attern of paragraph structure (举例2). And certainly in writing a book report for English, or a critique (评论) for political studies, or a term paper for sociology, a student must pay attention to the style and organization as well as the content (举例3). Clearly, skill in expository writing (说明文) is cru

19、cial to successful achievements in most university subjects.(三)描述型段落也可以用描述的方法来展开。常见的描述法有三种:时间顺序、空间顺序和过程顺序。这三种模式使段落的层次体现了一定的次序关系。用这种模式展开段落,作者能够清楚连贯地交代事物的本末,读者可以容易地理解段落的主旨。1时间顺序这种方法主要是以事情发生的时间顺序或先后次序来展开段落,常出现在描述历史、时事、人物或事件的发展过程的文章中。描述顺序有“顺序”、“倒序”和“插序”。例Bill Gates stepped down as chief executive office

20、r of Microsoft in January, 2000. He remained as chairman and created the position of chief software architect. In June, 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning from fulltime work at Microsoft to parttime work, and fulltime work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He gradually transf

21、erred his duties to Ray Ozzie, chief software architect, and Craig Mindie, chief research and strategy officer. Gates last fulltime day at Microsoft was June 27, 2008. He remains at Microsoft as nonexecutive chairman.(顺序)2空间顺序按照空间顺序展开的段落主要见于描述场所或空间、人或物的空间位置及其相互关系的文章中。例It is a beautiful and quiet nig

22、ht. The moon is like a disc hanging in the dark sky, which casts its light on everything. Around the lake are some trees, their slender leaves blowing in the gentle wind. There must be some frogs in the middle of the lake, whose endless singing can be heard clearly. What an attractive night!(由上及下,从远

23、到近)3过程顺序过程顺序法主要是描述做一件事情应该遵循的程序或步骤。这种段落展开的方法多见于培训手册、科技文章和操作说明书中。例The ancient pyramids of Egypt continue to fascinate and amaze people nearly five thousand years after the Egyptians built them. Constructing each massive (巨大的) pyramid was difficult and dangerous labor, requiring thousands of workers an

24、d years of toil. First, heavy limestone (石灰岩) blocks were taken from quarries (采石场) located near the Nile River (步骤1). Then the blocks were transported by wooden boats to a point as close as possible to the intended building site of the pyramid (步骤2). Next, the blocks were unloaded and slowly hauled

25、 to the actual site by means of sledges (重型运输雪橇) positioned atop wooded rollers (滚筒)(步骤3). As construction proceeded, the Egyptians moved each successive (依次的) block into position using ramps (滑轨,斜坡) made of bricks of dried mud (步骤4). Incredibly, the huge pyramids were completed without the aid of b

26、ulldozers (推土机), cranes (起重机), trucks, or other modernday construction equipment. Even so, the tallest pyramid rose higher than a fortystorey building! Equally remarkable, numerous pyramids still stand today, almost fifty centuries since their construction.(四)比较对比型比较对比法是将两个可比的项目进行比较以找出其相同点或进行对比以找出其不

27、同点。比较或对比的方法有两种:一种方法叫整体法,即先讨论A的特点,再讨论B的特点,即A1,A2,A3;B1,B2,B3。另一种方法叫逐项法,即将A的特征与B的特征交替比较或对比,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3。1整体法例Laws and ethics (伦理) are not quite the same. In general, laws are societys attempt to formalize reduce to written rules the general publics ideas about what is considered right and wrong

28、conduct in various spheres of life. However, it is rarely possible for written laws to capture all of the subtle shadings that people include in the codes of ethics they use to govern their lives. Ethical concepts (伦理观), or moral principles (道德准则) like the people who believe in them are more complex

29、 than written rules of law. Ethical concepts are ideas about right or moral conduct, and they cannot always be expressed in the formal language of law or in rules.(A1,A2;B1,B2)2逐项法例In college and university courses, the objective test and the essay examinations are two contrasting methods of evaluat

30、ion commonly used to measure a students grasp of subject matter. The objective test usually consists of a large number of unrelated questions that require the student to demonstrate mastery of details. It often leads to rote memorization (死记硬背) of isolated facts during the pretest study. Since the q

31、uestions on the objective test are presented in truefalse or multiple test form, the student may be encouraged to guess answers for which he has no accurate (准确的) knowledge. The essay examination, on the other hand, usually consists of a few broadly stated questions that require the student to give

32、proof of his ability to handle general concepts. This type of examination also relies on factual information, but there is far greater necessity for the student to demonstrate analytical and compositional skills. Mere guessing at answers is reduced to a minimum. Although the objective test and the essay examination have similar goals the assessment of a students academic achievement the techniques (and very often the results) of the two types of examination differ significantly. (A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3)(五)因果分析型

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