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Unit 9 When was it invented.docx

1、Unit 9 When was it inventedUnit 9 When was it invented?一、教学目标1、 语言目标:(1)Talking about the history of inventions (谈论重要发明的历史及用途)(2)能用被动语态正确表达发明物的历史。如:It was invented in 1876. It was invented by Bell.2、知识目标: 学会使用含有被动语态的不同句型结构“When was it invented?” 和“Who was it invented by?”来谈论各种发明物的历史。 3、能力目标: 通过了解一些中

2、外发明者的事迹,培养勤奋学习、立志为社会多做贡献的精神。二、重点知识1、重点单词invent, mistake, ancient, produce, pleasant, pie, throw, century, notice, including, knock, basket, metal, below, towards, develop, risen2、重点短语be used for, by mistake, in the end, by accident, according to, fall into, in this way, knock into基本要求:会读、会写、会用。3、重点语

3、法The Passive Voice (被动语态的用法):(1) When was / were . invented?(2)Who was / were . invented by?(3)What is / are . used for?基本要求:理解其含义,学以致用。课题Unit 9 When was it invented? SectionA 1a-2c 1/6教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularyinvent, calculator, be used for, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, slipper, scoop, elect

4、ric2. Target LanguageWhen was the telephone invented? - I think it was invented in 1876.Who were they invented by? - They were invented by Julie Thompson.What are they used for? - They are used for seeing in the dark.过程方法1. According to listening to train the students to talk about the history of in

5、ventions.2. Train the students listening and speaking skills with the target language.情感态度Many important inventions have changed the world a lot. Do you know the inventors of them? And when were they invented?教学重点1Key Vocabulary2Target Language教学难点1Train the students to talk about the history of inv

6、entions.2Train the students to understand the target language in spoken conversation.教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图Step I Warm-upShow some pictures and ask students to be familiar with the words below.Telephone, calculator, car, personal computer, TV set Step II Presentation and practice1. 1a Groupwork(1) Point

7、to the pictures and ask students to say what they are.(2) Discuss in groups and number them 1-5.(3) Check the answers. 2. 1b(1) Look at the pictures and the dates. Listen to a conversation between a girl and a woman, then match the inventions and the dates.(2) Check the answers.3.1c Pair work(1) Wor

8、k in pairs. Look at 1b. Student A cover the dates. Student B, ask student A when the things in the picture were invented. Then change roles and practice again. (2) Ask students to make similar dialogues using the things around them.StepIII Consolidation and extension1. 2a (1) Show a slide with some

9、inventions on it. Teach the vocabulary words. Read them again and again and try to grasp them.(2) 2a Show another slide. Look at the picture. Here are the three inventions. You will hear a conversation between a girl and a boy. Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear them.(3) Lis

10、ten carefully again and check up their answers.2. 2b(1) Show another slide. Look at the chart. It shows the people who invented these things and what they are used for. Listen to the recording again and match the items in column A, B and C.(2) Play the tape again, then check the answers.3. 2c Pair w

11、ork(1) Ask the students to pay attention to the sample conversation and ask two students to read it aloud. (2) Role play the conversations using the information in the chart in 2b.Step IV Summary Look at the picture and remember the words.Look at the pictures and number them 1-5.Listen to a conversa

12、tion between a girl and a woman, then match the inventions and the dates.Work in pairs. Then make similar dialogues using the things around them.Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear them.Listen again. Match the inventions with their inventors and uses.Role play the conversatio

13、ns using the information in the chart in 2b.出示精彩图片,提高学生学习兴趣。练习学生口语的同时,熟悉本课新词。听力练习,提高学生口语能力。练习口语的同时,熟悉不同物品的发明年代。完成不同的听力任务,提高学生的口语能力,进一步理解不同物品的历史。运用本课学习的句子创作对话,提高学生口语交际能力。板书设计Unit 9 When was it invented? 1The names of the five inventions:computer, car, calculator, telephone, TV set2Target language:Whe

14、n was the telephone invented? - I think it was invented in 1876.Who were they invented by? - They were invented by Julie Thompson.What are they used for? - They are used for seeing in the dark.教学反思课题Unit 9 When was it invented? SectionA 3a-4 2/6教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularybulb, light bulb, microwave, o

15、ven, microwave oven 2. Target LanguageWhat do you think is the most helpful invention?I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.Why is that?Well, it gives people more time to work and play every day.过程方法Train the students writing and speaking skills with the target language.情感态度If you are

16、 alone on a tiny island, what inventions would you like to have on the island with you?教学重点1Talk about the helpful inventions and annoying inventions.2Guide the students to discuss their opinions on the inventions.教学难点1Discuss the opinions on the inventions.2Use the target language to describe the i

17、nventions.教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图Step I RevisionWat Show some pictures about inventions such as computer, telephone, car, TV, calculator Ask the students to practice speaking.Step II Presentation and practice1. 3a Pairwork1 (1) Look at the pictures. There are some inventions (alarm clock, light club, micr

18、owave oven). Ask students to read them loudly.(2) Ask students the following questions.Is the light club useful or annoying?(3) Ask the students to make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions on their own, move around the room to offer help asneeded.(4) Let the students who w

19、ould like to share their answers to read to the class. 2. 3b(1) Ask the students to pay attention to the conversation. Ask two students to read the conversation.(2) Ask the students to discuss their opinions in 3a with their partner.StepIII Consolidation and extension4 Groupwork (1) Show a picture.

20、Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island. Choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you.(2) Tell the group what you choose and why, use these sentences. I think the most helpful invention isId like to have a because I couldIts used forI also want a because it(3) Ask the stu

21、dents to discuss in a group.StepIV SummaryTalk about the inventions in the picture.Make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions.Discuss their opinions in 3a with their partner.Choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you.Tell the group what you choose a

22、nd why, then discuss in a group.复习上节课所学知识,温故而知新。谈论不同物品是否对人类有帮助,练习学生口语。谈论不同物品是否有用,提高口语表达能力。用所学语言,表达自己的看法。板书设计Unit 9 When was it invented?Target language:What do you think is the most helpful invention?I think the most helpful invention isId like to have a because I couldIts used forI also want a beca

23、use it教学反思课题Unit 9 When was it invented? SectionB1a-2c 3/6教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabulary: sweet, salty, crispy, sour, potato, chip, by mistake, thin, in the end, chef, sprinkle2. The target language: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?No, I didnt know that. Who invented them?过程方法According

24、 to listening to train the students speaking and listening skills with the target language.情感态度Do you enjoy eating the potato chips? Have you ever thought of the history of the chips?教学重点1Train the students speaking and listening skills with the target language.2Teach the students to use the new voc

25、abulary correctly.教学难点Do the listening practice.教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图Step I RevisionHave a free talk. Ask the students to practice talking to each other.Step II Presentation and practice1. 1a (1) Read the four words and ask students to repeat them. Give them a minute to read and write the words. Then te

26、ll the students they are adjectives and they are used for describing things. For example: The apple is sweet and sour. (2) Get the students to describe the things with the given adjectives. Some food have more than one word.(3) Check the answers.2. 1b Ask the students to describe how food taste and

27、finish 1b.StepIII Consolidation and extension1. 2a (1) Let students describe how potato chips taste and describe how helpful the potato chips. (2) Ask the students to listen to a story about the invention of the potato chips and circle T or F.(3) Check the answers.2. 2b(1) Listen again and complete

28、the sentences.(2) Check the answers.3. 2c PairworkThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Ask the students work in pairs. Role play the conversation about the invention of the potato chip. Use the information from 2a and 2b.Step IV SummaryPractice talking to each other。

29、Write the words under the correct picturesListen and circle T or F.Listen again and complete the sentences.Work in pairs. Role play the conversation about the invention of the potato chip. Use the information from 2a and 2b.复习上节课所学内容,巩固所学知识。 认知一些形容词,为听力做准备。完成不同的听力任务,提高听力能力,了解炸土豆条的历史。利用所学语言,创造新的对话,培养

30、学生创新思维。板书设计Unit 9 When was it invented?A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake?B: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them?A: They were invented by a chef called George Crum.教学反思课题Unit 9 When was it invented? SectionB 3a-4b 4/6教学目标知识技能1. Key Vocabularyby accident, beverage, thousand, according to, ancient, legend, emperor, fall into, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, in this way, pie, flying, bakery, Bridgeport, Connecticut, throw 2The reading passage about tea.过程方法According to reading, train the students reading skill on how to answer the questions.

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