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1、141高级英语一复习材料教学提纲2013-14(1)高级英语一复习材料考试题型:1. 阅读理解20%2. 词汇选择20%3. 句型短语(中翻英)20%4. 句子翻译(英翻中)20%5. 复合句应用20% 一、翻译练习:Unit 11. Does it feel like youre being torn in all directions? Like youre getting stressed out? Like every teacher thinks his or her class is the only one youre taking? Like everything is com

2、ing down on you all at once, and youre not sure you can, or even want to, withstand the pressure? Do things feel like they are out of control? (para.1)你是不是感觉正被往四处拉扯?压力重重?感觉每位老师都认为你仅修他这门课?感觉顷刻之间所有的事情向你压过来,而你却拿不定你能不能,甚至想不想承受这种压力?一切似乎不可驾驭?2. The useful part of this understanding is that if we determine

3、 it, then we can control it. We determine meaning! We are in control!(para.5)这个认识的有用之处在于:如果我们决定压力,我们就可控制它。是我们确定意义的!我们处在控制这方!3. What if youre having trouble at home, then youre having some relationship problems, and maybe some small problems with a roommate and then a couple of exams on top of that?(

4、para.9)如果你在家里麻烦不断;有一些人际问题,或许是与室友的小问题;除此之外,还有几场考试等着你,你该怎么办呢?4. We all have to get old, but how we decide to approach getting old makes all the difference. Its not the destination; its the ride! (para.15)我们都会衰老,可决定如何走向衰老却大不相同。衰老不是目的,而是过程。5. For your own sake, and for the sake of finding renewed motiva

5、tion, end unpleasant relationships, and dont wallow in feelings of hostility, antagonism, or revenge.(para.22)为了你自己,也为了找回新的推动力,了断不愉快的人际 关系,不要沉浸在敌意、对抗或复仇的情绪之中。6. But in every situation, you have options. That is, you have opportunities to bring to bear your own unique personality. You have ways to be

6、 creative. You have room to offer your own insights.(para.31)任何时候,你都有多样选择。也就是说,你有机会展示独特的个性,有各种途径发挥创造力,也可以提些真知灼见。7. No matter the controls and regulations, no matter the rules and restrictions, the creative person will find ways to be creative. .(para.31)有种种约束与规定也罢,种种条规与限制也罢,有创造力的人总能千方百计发挥创造力。8. Acco

7、mplishing, producing, and completing are so important that I continually setting new goals - but believe me, they are ones that I can accomplish. (para.34)成事是无比重要的。我不断设定新的目标-相信我,这些都是能够完成的目标。9. Doing nothing is no substitute for doing what you feel you must.(para.35)无所事事取代不了你认为该做的事。10. The real heroe

8、s are those who doggedly and joyfully work at becoming more lively and self-actualizing on a daily basis.(para.39)真正的英雄是那些每一天都能矢志不渝、乐此不疲地让自己成为充满爱心并发挥自我潜能的人。11. The invigoration of the spirit is most likely to occur when we successfully deal with the stresses in our lives. (para.39)如果我们能够成功处理生活中的压力,我

9、们才最有可能获得自我激励。12. Your personal advance hinges on efforts - your willingness to put into practice techniques for activating the spirit. (para.39)你的个人成长取决于努力-取决于你愿意把振奋和放松精神的方法付诸实践。 Unit 21. Excessive cravings do not necessarily involve physical substances. Gambling can become compulsive: drinking can

10、become obsessive. (Para.1)人类极度渴望的东西不一定都和物质有关。赌博可能变成强迫性的行为;性也会令人耽溺其中。2. Even researchers who study TV for a living marvel at the mediums hold on them personally. (Para.1)甚至专门研究电视媒体的学者也都深受电视影响。3. Less attention has been paid to the basic allure of the small screen - the medium, as opposed to the messa

11、ge. (para.2)电视所传播的讯息成为关注焦点,相较之下萤幕本身的吸引力却未受到太多重视。4. The term TV addiction is imprecise and laden with value judgments, but it captures the essence of a very real phenomenon. (para.3) 电视瘾这个名词既不精确、又牵涉到价值判断,但却充分点出了真实现象的本质。5. Psychologists and psychiatrists formally define substance dependence as a disor

12、der characterized by criteria that include spending a great deal of time using the substance;心理学家和心理医师已经将物质依赖正式定义为一种精神疾病,患者的主要特徵包括:花很多时间使用该物质;6. The EEG studies similarly show less mental stimulation during viewing than during reading. (para.7)以脑电图仪监测看电视的人所产生的脑波,结果同样显示在阅读和看电视时,他们在心理上受到的刺激比较小。7. What

13、 is more surprising is that the sense of relaxation ends when the set is turned off, but the feelings of passivity and lowered alertness continue. (para.8)更令人惊讶的是,关掉电视的时候,放松的感觉随之消逝,但是无精打采、警觉性降低的感觉却依然存在。8. For some, a twinge of unease or guilt that they arent doing something more productive may also

14、accompany and depreciate the enjoyment of prolonged viewing. (para.11) 对某些人而言,把时间全花在看电视,其他什麼事也没做,令他们良心不安,因此减低了长时间看电视的乐趣。9. By watching how brain waves were affected by formal features, the researchers concluded that these stylistic tricks can indeed trigger involuntary responses and derive their att

15、ention value through the evolutionary significance of detecting movement. (para.13)研究人员观察人类的脑波如何受这些表现形式所影响,他们的结论是:这些形式上的花样,确实会触动本能的反应,而且经由演化中侦测外界变动的重要反应机制,衍生出集中注意力的功能和价值10. Increasing the frequency of cuts changes to a new visual scene had a similar effect but only up to a point . (para.15) 如果增加画面变换

16、的频率(也就是变换到新的场景),也可以达到类似的效果,但只会到某种地步。11. Music videos and commercials that use rapid intercutting of unrelated scenes are designed to hold attention more than they are to convey information. (para.16) 电视上的音乐录影带和广告经常快速跳接许多不相干的画面,以吸引观众的注意力,达到传达讯息的目的。12. We and most other researchers argue that the form

17、er is generally the case, but it is not a simple case of either/or. (para.22) 我们和其他大多数学者都认为,一般情形应该都属於前者,但是,这不是简单的是非题。13. To some researchers, the most convincing parallel between TV and addictive drugs is that people experience withdrawal symptoms when they cut back on viewing. (para.23)对某些研究人员而言,电视

18、和成瘾药物最相似的一点就是,当电视迷想减少看电视的时间时,就会出现戒断徵状。14. If a family has been spending the lions share of its free time watching television, reconfiguring itself around a new set of activities is no easy task. (para.25) 假如一个家庭把大半的休闲时间都花在看电视的话,要安排新的家庭活动,实在不容易。15. Even though TV does seem to meet the criteria for su

19、bstance dependence, not all researchers would go so far as to call TV addictive. (para.26) 即使爱看电视的行为似乎合乎物质依赖的种种构成条件,但并非所学者都愿意称之为电视瘾。16. Although much less research has been done on video games and computer use, the same principles often apply. (para.27) 虽然关於打电动和使用电脑的研究更少,同样的原则仍然适用。17. They offer the

20、 psychic pleasure that accompanies increased mastery of most any human endeavor. (para.28) 让你在精神上产生莫大的愉悦,当玩游戏的技巧愈来愈精进时,喜悦的感觉也伴随而至。18. Sundar has shown people multiple versions of the same Web page, identical except for the number of links. (para.30) 桑达让实验对象浏览不同版本的网页,这些网页除了可以连结的网页数目不同之外,其他内容都一致。19. U

21、sers reported that more links conferred a greater sense of control and engagement. (para.30) 使用者说,可以连结的网页愈多,会令他们觉得自己拥有愈大的掌控权,参与感也愈深。20. As with video games, the ability of Web sites to hold the users attention seems to depend less on formal features than on interactivity. (para.30)至於线上游戏网站能否抓住使用者注意力

22、,主要关键似乎在於游戏的互动性,而不在於画面展现的形式。21. Yet when the habit interferes with the ability to grow, to learn new things, to lead an active life, it does constitute a kind of dependence and should be taken seriously. (para.31) 然而,当看电视的习惯会阻碍我们成长、干扰我们学习新事物、令我们生活消沉时,看电视就变成一种依赖性的行为,千万不可等闲视之。Unit 31. The subject is n

23、ot love, but sleep. Shakespeares Macbeth said it “knits up the raveled sleeve of care” and was the balm of hurt minds, great natures second course, chief nourisher in lifes feast. (para.1)本主题所谈论的非爱情,而是睡眠。莎士比亚说,那是”织补关照的袖口”和那是”心灵慰藉,自然的赋予,生命的滋养”2. Cervantess Sancho Panza sang its praises as the food th

24、at cures all hunger, the water that quenches all thirst, the fire that warms the cold, the cold that cools the heart. the balancing weight that levels the shepherd with the king, and the simple with the wise. (para.1)科文特斯.伯查却赞歌”食足肚饿,水慰口渴,火暧冬寒,寒静热血.这均衡的赐予抚平了牧人与国王的差别,抚平了愚者与智者的差别.” 3. That response, ho

25、wever, dodges the issue and is the equivalent of saying that you eat to keep from being hungry or breathe to ward off feelings of suffocation. (para.2)然后,这个答案回避了问题本身,如同说吃饭是为了充饥,呼吸是为了免除窒息一样。4. All terrestrial mammals have been examined exhibit REM sleep, which alternates with non-REM sleep, also call

26、ed quiet sleep, in a regular cycle. (para.4)所有的陆生哺乳动物经检都呈现出快速动眼期睡眠,它与一种叫做静睡眠的非快速动眼期轮换出现,并有规律地循环. 5. More recently, the field has made its greatest progress in characterizing the nature of sleep at the level of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. (para.5)最近更多在大脑神经细胞水平上描述睡眠特性的领域取得了巨大的进展6. And most bra

27、in cells in both the forebrain and brain stem regions are quite active, signaling other nerve cells at rates as high as - or higher than - rates seen in the waking state. (para.8)同时,脑前区和脑干区大部分细胞仍然十分活跃, 发出信号给其它神经细胞在比率上等于或高于清醒状态7. The brains overall consumption of energy during REM sleep is also as hi

28、gh as while awake. (para.8)在快速动眼期整个大脑的能量消耗也与清醒状态一样8. Whether the sleep loss itself is fatal or other aspects of the brain damage are to blame is not clear. (para.14)睡眠缺失本身是否致命的或其他方面的脑损伤是罪魁祸首还不清楚。9. Closely related species that have genetic, physiological and behavioral similarities might also be exp

29、ected to have similar sleep habits. (para.14)近缘种的遗传、生理和行为相似性可能也会有类似的睡眠习惯10. Yet studies of laboratory, zoo and wild animals have revealed that sleep times are unrelated to the animals taxonomic classification.(para.14)然而,实验室动物园野外的动物研究揭示了睡眠时间与动物的分类学分类无关11. REM sleep, however, is the proverbial riddle

30、 wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. (para.18)众所周知,快速动眼期是一个被包裹在神秘秘团之中的秘语12. But a specific group of brain cells that goes against this trend is of special interest in the search for a purpose of REM sleep. (para.18).但是,一群与不同于这种趋势的特殊细胞成为研究快速动眼期功能的特别兴趣点. 13. The observation that humans are much mor

31、e alert when awakened during REM sleep than during non-REM periods supports this idea. (para.21)人类在快速动眼期清醒比在非快速动眼期清醒更为警惕的发现支持这个观点14. The best predictor of the amount of REM sleep time for an adult in a given species is how immature the offspring of that species are at birth. (para.25)一个物种成体快速动眼期的时间量

32、预测的最好预报器是该物种刚出生的后代15. This evolutionarily earliest of extant mammals surprised us by revealing itself to be the champion REM sleeper: (para.26)进化上现存最古老的哺乳动物鸭嘴兽让我们惊奇于它是快速动眼期的冠军16. Sleep researchers are confident that progress in identifying the brain regions that control REM and non-REM sleep will soon lead to a more comprehensive and satisfying understanding of sleep and its functions. (para.28)睡眠研究者确信,控制快速动眼期和非快速动眼期的大脑区

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