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1、版人教版高中英语必修2第三单元语言点详解第一部分:词汇。1. 识别词汇 blogger stuck privacy trollcyberbully embarrassing define blog blog post chat search engine software network surf charity province resident battery Wi-Fi button click filedatabaseguideline2. 形变词汇 convenientconvenienceinconvenientinconvenienceconveniently identityi

2、dentifyidenticalidentification cashcashiercassettecase=cash表示装进盒子里的物品,很贵重,代指“钱”。 benefitbeneficial distancedistantdistantly access accessibleinaccessibleancestor residentresidential presspressurepressingexpressimpressimpressionimpressivedepressdepressiondepressed discountcountcountablecounter privac

3、yprivateprivatelyprivilegedeprive theftthievetheftproofruderudenessrudelyembarrassembarrassingembarrassedembarrassment3. 课本词汇 square online compare to stressed folk passive negative meansurfconstantly interactionfoolishly taskpresentation invest 1). square这个词的意思很丰富。例句: Asquarecould be turned into a

4、rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to its sides.-翻译:正方形物 They reflect a concentrated beam of light onto the towns centralsquare, creating an area of sunlight roughly 600squaremeters. -翻译:(中心广场,平方米) That photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation between two women, se

5、parated only by a thinsquareof glass. -翻译:(一块=a sheet of) 2). online常用作形容词或副词,做定语形容词前置,副词后置。例句: Below are some common dos and donts for online learners. 形容词-在线的 By the time they started secondary school, children were already far more aware of their imageonline.副词-在线地 If a company goesonline, its se

6、rvices become available on the Internet. 副词-在网上地 3). compare动词,名词comparison.例句: A computer analysis blindlycomparedcalls produced by mothers and chicks, ranking them by similarity.动词对比 Butcomparedwith previous studies, she finds the speed of breaking down in this one exciting. 短语-与对比 Teachers are of

7、tencomparedto burning candles. 动词-比喻成 Bycomparison, the brains of apes (类人猿) require only 8%of rest-time energy. 名词-通过对比 4). mean可以用作形容词,表示吝啬的,刻薄的,残忍的。例句: Its hard to sympathize with someone who is someanto others. 形容词-刻薄的 Like so many other men ofmeans, John was a penny pincher. 名词-吝啬鬼 5). Presenta

8、tion介绍,表演,名词。例句: Students must provide theirpresentationson CDs before Friday, March 23. 学生务必于3月23日周五前提交才艺展示的CD。 Among the items provided by the school for a visualpresentationare a desktop computer and loudspeakers.在学校所提供为学生进行视频展示的设备中有台式机和扩音器。4. 列举掌握1). cash表示现金。例句:Hes not easily parted from hiscas

9、h. 让他不拿钱不容易。 I have nocashon me. May I pay by check?我身上没有现金。我可以试用支票吗? And while many took dollars, many others pinned their own_(cash)to the board. (cash) 尽管有好多人取(板上的)钱,可以也有好多人慷慨解囊(把他们自己的钱钉在板上)。 For many, finding an unattended wallet filled with 400_cashwould be a source of temptation. (in) 对于好多人来说,

10、捡到一个没人看护的装着400法郎现金的钱包会是一个不小的诱惑。 Could you pay at the_deskat the entrance, please? (cashier) 2). update动词或名词,表示“更新、修正”。例句:The computer forces the game to load a completeupdate.电子自动让游戏升级到最新。Its time weupdatedour software. 我们该更新软件程序了。 E-mails are then sent to the bookcrossing to keep them_about where t

11、heir books have been found. (updated) 电子邮件接着被发往“升级漂流中心”以便保持书籍的信息更新,比如这些书都曾经在哪出现过。 It would help her_test-taking skills. ( (to) update) 这可以帮助她更新做题技巧。 Through the years, Id run into former students who would provide_on old classmates. ( updates) 3). familiar形容词,熟悉的。例句:I am notfamiliarwith his characte

12、r.我不熟悉他的性格。-(“主动语态”) The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。 It also doesnt require a new type of technology that people arent alreadyfamiliar_. (with) His name seemsfamiliar_ me. - (“被动语态”) (to) 4). particular形容词, “独有的,特别的,挑剔的”。例句: They arepart

13、icularabout the quality of toilet paper.他们对卫生纸的质量很挑剔。 I went along thinking of nothing inparticularonly looking at things around me. 我一路走着,没想什么特别的事,只是四下张望着。 An attitude is a settled way of thinking, feeling or behaving towards_objects, people, events or ideologies. (particular) Blueberries are_high

14、in antioxidants (抗氧化物质). (particularly) Other cultures may use silence in other ways,_when dealing with conflicts among people. ( particularly) And 29%, the invisible risk group, scored high on three _particular. (in) I had better give a few_about myself. (particulars)5). Distance名词,距离。例句:I seemed t

15、o hear a voice in thedistance. 我好象听到远处有说话声. When good folks meet, evil men keep theirdistance. 好人相逢, 恶人远离. The moon is verydistantfrom the earth. 月亮离地球非常遥远。 It happened in thedistantpast. 事情发生在遥远的过去。 But now I live _ walkingdistanceof my office. (within) Regardless of the weather or the_, Paul Wilso

16、n will make sure low-income students in his neighbourhood arrive at their college classes on time. (distance) To many people, technology means computers, hand-held devices, or vehicles that travel to_planets.( distant) A_relative is not as good as a near neighbour. (distant) They were too_seated for

17、 any conversation. (distantly)6). access名词入口,动词进入。例句:A childsaccessto schooling varies greatly from area to area.孩子接受学校教育的途径大不相同。 The only access to the town is across the bridge. 到镇上唯一的通路是经过一座桥。Only 40 % of 5 - year - oldshave access topreschool education. 5岁孩童中只有40%能享受学前教育。 You needapasswordto get

18、accessto_ (operate)the computer. (operating) As the Kennedy centers artistic adviser for Jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for Jazz, make the music more_. (accessible)7). Tough形容词,常见意思“坚强的,粗糙的,坚固的”。例句:The steak was sotoughthat he couldnt eat it. 那牛排硬得他没法吃。 Are you sure youre physicallytougheno

19、ugh for this job? 你确信你有足够的体力胜任这份工作 吗 ? Other European countries laid down a similar requirement for immigrants, and some terms are even_. (tougher) She has a mental_that did not come about by chance. (toughness)8). Function表示功能,作用,可以做动词或名词。例句:Hormones are chemicals which are produced by the body to

20、control various bodyfunctions. 荷尔蒙是身体产生的用于控制身体各种功能的化学物质。 More generally, the Internetfunctionsas if it were my memory. 更多时候,因特网就如同我的记忆。 A war injury has made his left hand stop_, and he has often been in prison. (functioning) The telephone was out of order, but is_now. (functional)9). tip 有“小费、建议、窍门

21、”等含义,可以用作动词,也可以做名词。例句:You buy the tickets and Illtipup for the meal.你买票,我付饭费。 Is it a practice totiphairdressers in your shop? 在您店里用给理发师小费吗? Here are threetips_ great cooking on a tight schedule. (on/for) Before we finish, can you offer anytips_ becoming a better songwriter? (on/for)10). confirm动词,证

22、实,确认,批准。例句:He refuses toconfirmwhether both sides recently did sign the military agreement. 他拒绝证实双方最近是否签署军事协定。 The lastconfirmedwild pigeon in the United States was shot by a boy in Pike County, Ohio, in 1900. 被确认为最后一只北美野生旅鸽于1900年被一个俄亥俄州派克郡的男孩所射杀。11). false 形容词,虚伪的;不正的,非法的;假造的。 例句:I cant understand

23、why folks complain aboutfalseteeth. 我不明白人们为什么会抱怨假牙的问题。 He knew onefalsemove would end in death. 他明白稍有差池就会丧命。 The patient was registered under afalsename. 那个病人挂号的时候没用真名。 Falsefire alarms are illegal and may lead to imprisonment. 翻译-(虚假的火警)5. 重点词汇 1). inspire动词,“唤醒,激发。”例句:History and cultureinspirehis

24、 works. 他的作品得益于历史和文化的启示. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.我们的艰巨任务是要激励那些投票者并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。 An_story sent to the magazine should be real and original. (inspiring) I _(extremely inspire)by the elegant way the words sounded. (was extremelyinspired) The little pr

25、oblems that we meet in our daily lives may be_ for great inventions. (inspirations) They foundinspiration_ the worlds greatest masterpieces. (in) The strike inspired many _(defend) religious and civil rights. (to defend) 2). plus介词居多,“加,除此以外”。例句:This work requires intelligenceplusexperience.这项工作需要才智

26、和经验.Whats seventeenplusnine? 17加9是多少? Plus, having the doctor tell us to get two and a half hours of exercise a week doesnt really help our motivation much. 同义词替换:plus= in addition=besides Moreover, I completed the senior course of computer basics,plusfive relevant pre-college courses. Theres a new

27、indoor play centre,plusthe special events and workshops, and others during school holiday periods. 同义词替换:plus=in addition to “plus”经常会在说明性的文章中出现,用于列举平行事件。可以和“in addition, also, besides, whats more”等交 替使用。所以,这个单词在写作中是一个非常重要。 3). benefit名词,利益,好处,动词,对什么有益,获益。例句:Medical researchers have studied the heal

28、thbenefitsof the new tea. 医学研究者已经对这种新茶的保健功能进行了研究。 Now, a new study suggests gettingbenefitsfrom exercise doesnt have to be that demanding. 现在,一项新的研究表明,坚持运动健身没必要那么费力。 Select projects where theres potential for mutual_. (benefit) Vegans canbenefit_protein supplements since they do not eat animal-based

29、 protein sources like meat or eggs.(from) While the suns rays can age and harm our skin, they also give is_Vitamin D. (beneficial) It isbeneficial_ dental health. (to) There are a lot of_to working out, especially in the mornings. (benefits) Doing morning exercises will beof benefit_your health. (to

30、)4). case名词,案件,事例,盒子,情况等。例句:Hearing that there was an emergencycase, the doctor put down his chopsticks and left at once. 听说有紧急情况,那个医生放下筷子立刻就走。 Incaseyou need something, please dont hesitate to ask me. 如果有什么需要的,不要犹豫跟我说。 Connor gave the deciding vote in many important_ during her 24 years on the top court. (cases) It is often thecase

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