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1、八年级完型B八年级上册选词填空集锦Unit 1(p30)I went to a beautiful beach by 1._ on Sunday .It 2._and hot .So I had great fun playing in the water .In the afternoon .I went to the3. _ center .But it 4._to be crowed there ,I 5._ really enjoy it .The next day ,it was rainy ,6._ I decided to go to a museum with an 7._.I

2、t was boring .When I passed by the park I found a small bird singing at the gate .Its wings was hurt and it was 8._.I brought the poor bird back home and took good care of it .I showed great interested in the small animal .I 9. _ how to make it become better .So I looked up 10._information .At last

3、the bird became well and flew away .I felt very happy because I did a good thing .wet,not,enough ,so ,seem ,sun ,play ,wonder, shop ,different ,umbrella 作文:请你介绍一下你的假期经历。不少于60字。短文应涵盖以下要点。1:where did you go ?2.what did you do ? was the weather there ? were the people and the food there ?5.Wh

4、at did you think of your vacation ?Unit 2(P68)Coke is one of the most important drinks in the world .A lot of people enjoy 1._ it .But now people begin that its not a good drink for 2._.There is lots of sugar in the coke .Having much sugar is bad for peoples health .And it 3._ has some caffeine (咖啡因

5、)in it .The caffeine can get people into the 4._ of drinking more coke when they feel excited .If they dont drink coke they will feel 5._.And the worse thing is some people cant work or study 6. _ drinking several cups of coke everyday .More and more people want to cut down the coke they drink and a

6、sk for help from the 7._.If you like drinking coke very much ,I think you must have the coke habit .In fact ,coke is a kind of 8._ drink .Drinking 9._fruit and vegetable juice and 10._ coke are better for your health .also ,bad ,junk ,little ,maybe ,doctor ,health ,almost ,much ,drink , habit , with

7、 作文:Robert的朋友Jack上周给他写了一封信,向他询问有关保持健康的方法,请你以Robert的名义给Jack回封信,开头和结尾已经给出,告诉他你的建议如下。1.每天锻炼。2.多吃蔬菜,水果等健康食品,尽量少吃肉及垃圾食品。3.坚持每天喝牛奶,有益于健康。4.拒绝网络游戏,阅读有益书籍。5.不贪看电视,保证八小时的睡眠。要求:语句通顺,内容完整。不少于80字。Unit 3(P104)Most American families are 1._than the ones in other countries .Most American families have one or two 2

8、._.Children in the US will leave their parents home 3._ they grow up .They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good 4._ .They often write to their parents 5._telephone then .And they often go to visit their parents on holidays .Parents usually let their children choose thei

9、r 6._ jobs .Americans thinks it is important for young people to decide their lives by 7._.Many people ask the children to do some work 8._ their house .And in many families ,the parents 9._ their children for doing some housework so that they can learn how 10._ money for their own use .own , make ,

10、care ,child ,they , small ,job ,pay ,when ,or , around Unit 4 (p137)Sometimes life isnt as perfect as we imagine .If so ,what will you do ? Liu Wei ,the famous pianist 1._ arms in China ,is a good example .He lost his arms in a 2._ accident when he was only 10 years old .However ,he wanted to keep h

11、is dream .He learned to swim in a recovery (康复)hospital when he was 12 .Two years 3._,he won 2 gold medals in a national Swimming Championship for the disabled (残疾)。After that ,he began to learn how to type with his feet .In the following years ,he 4._ the world record and became the person who woul

12、d type 5._ with his feet .In the following years ,he started to play the piano .Last year ,he became the 6._ of Chinas Got Talent Show (中国达人秀).He always says ,”There are two ways in my life .I will 7._ live a wonderful life or die .”We can learn 8._ from Liu Wei ,no matter hoe hard the life is ,keep

13、 smiling to ourselves .Martin Luther King has ever said ,”we must accept disappointment in our life ,but we must never lose our 9._.”What he said is quite true .When we 10._ difficulties ,please face them bravely .Where there is a will ,there is a way .later,nothing,terrible,neither,hope ,something

14、,fastest ,broke ,without ,meet ,either ,winner (B)(141)This week I tried to new 1._ -Michelles and Antons .They are 2._ French restaurants downtown .Michelles is a small place 3._ about thirty tables .The waiters and waitresses are very friendly ,and the 4._ is excellent .I ordered chicken with oran

15、ge sauce along with rice and a salad .Then I had a chocolate cake and coffee .The chicken was delicious ,but the cake was a little dry .The meal 5._ about 20 $. Antons is a much larger restaurant and it was very6. _ on that night .I waited 20 minutes for a table .Antons is6._ than Michelles ,and the

16、 waiter was very slow with my 8._ .I ordered soup and a steak with fried potatoes and vegetables .The soup wasnt very hot .The steak was OK, but the vegetables werent good .For desert ,I had a icecream .The meal was really 9._ -about 45$!Now you know 10._ I would go to Michelles again ,but not to An

17、tons .cost ,be ,meal ,both ,cheap ,crowd ,why,serve,expensive ,restaurant ,noisy ,with Unit 5(177)My grandpa 1._ watched TV .He thought that people spent too much time 2._ it .Some of his friends often talked about 3._ shows ,the movies and plays .My grandpa said to4. _ ,”they never read 5._ books o

18、r go out in the evening .”So he didnt buy a TV . Two years ago my grandpa was 60 years old .He stopped working in the hospitals. My father 6._ him a TV .He began to watch all the 7._ .He knows much more about the world now .And he reads 8._ books ,too .Now ,my grandpa will get very angry 9._ your tr

19、ouble when hes watching TV.I cant understand that one can 10._ his idea when hes,he ,comedy ,watch ,if ,buy ,change ,many ,sport ,educational ,never ,some 作文:请以my favorite TV show 为题,介绍一下自己最喜欢的电视剧。不少于60字。(B)(187)Now more and more children are becoming very heavy .Maybe they are three main 1._

20、.Firstly ,there are too many shops around schools .The shops sell unhealthy foods ,2._ as fried chicken and ice cream 3._ low prices .So some children dont like to eat at home .If there were fewer of these shops ,then probably children would buy 4._ unhealthy food .Secondly ,children have had bad 5.

21、_ habits .They like fast food .Today we can see McDonalds and KFC 6._.Many children are crazy about fast food .7._ fact ,most of the fast food is unhealthy because it has too much salt and sugar .Thirdly ,children these days take little8. _ .When they get home ,they sit in front of the TV or their c

22、omputers and play computer games .It isnt a good habit ,and it 9._ gives them time to eat more unhealthy food .They should go outside and play sports 10._ games .at ,take ,everywhere,in ,also ,little ,or,exercise ,bad reason ,eat,such (C)(194)CCTV New Years Gala (春晚)is a Chinese New Year special pro

23、duced by China Central Television .The program begins at 8:00 PM and 1._ until about 1:00 AM on the first day of the New Year .The program has received extremely 2._ audience ,which have grown greatly 3._ the years .As the Chinese New Years Eve is a time when the 4._ members get together ,the Gala a

24、dds a pleasant mood to the house 5._people sit in front of their TV set laughing ,discussing and enjoying the 6._.It has become a 7._ in China to watch the New Years Gala .Around 1:00 in the early morning ,the program 8._ with the song Gant forget night .To bring audiences even 9. _ to the yearly sh

25、ow ,the Gala organizers have tried many ways to make the program more attractive .Its 10._ that there will be no advertisements this year so that audiences can be satisfied with a natural and smooth Gala .Unit 6(226)In the New 1._ resolution ,survey ,we got over 1000 letters and emails 2._ our reade

26、rs about their resolutions .Many readers are3. _ to work harder in school this year .Lots of readers are going to play 4._ .Some readers say they are going to eat _5._ vegetables .A few readers say they hope to learn a new 6._.Some girls say they are going to study exercise more to keep7. _ health .

27、Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school .They want to communicate better with 8._ kids .A woman says she finds a job 9._ a foreign language teacher .Shes going to look for a10. _ job in China next year .B(232)There are a lot of jobs which we can do .Some are ordin

28、ary (普通)jobs and 1._ are careers (职业)。But each person likes something 2._.My favorite job is that of a (an)3._.You can make beautiful things and you dont have to 4._ to get to work .Also ,you dont have to do what other people tell you .You can 5._ what you are going to paint and then you just do it

29、.The only 6._thing is that artists dont make very much money .The worst job can think of is a pilots .You have to work for long hours and its 7._ tiring and boring .If you make a serious mistake ,8. _ will go wrong .Its too dangerous .The only good thing is that pilots are paid a lot of money ,9._ m

30、oney isnt the most important thing about a job .In a word ,10._ job has both good and bad things about it ,but I think that artists have got the best jobs .Unit 7(264)In some science fiction movies ,people in the future have their own robots .These robots are just like 1._ .They help with the housew

31、ork ,and do the 2._unpleasant jobs .Robots scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people .3._ example ,there are 4._ robots working in factories .These robots look more like huge arms .They do 5._ jobs over and over again .People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored .But robots will 6._ get bored .In the future there will be more robots everywhere and humans will have 7._ work to do .New robots will have many different 8._.Some will look like humans ,9._ others might look like snakes .Well never know wh

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