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1、英语英语完形填空夹叙夹议练习题含答案及解析(英语)英语完形填空夹叙夹议练习题含答案及解析一、高中英语完形填空夹叙夹议1阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder. However, life can be 1 when you are not busy finding fault with it. Several years ago I 2 a letter from seventeen-year-old Ker

2、ry, who described herself as a world-class fault-finder, almost always 3 by things. People were always doing things that annoyed her, and 4 was ever good enough. She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really 5 person. Unfortunately, it took a horrible accide

3、nt to change her 6 .Her best friend was seriously hurt in a car crash. What made it almost 7 to deal with was that the day before the 8 , Kerry had visited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her 9 of boyfriends, the way she was living, the way she related to her mother, and various

4、other things she felt she needed to 10 It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became 11 her habit of finding fault. Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to 12 everything so harshly ( 刻薄) . She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her 13 as well. Perh

5、aps most of us arent as extreme at fault-finding, 14 when were honest, we can be sharply 15 of the world. Im not suggesting you 16 problems, or that you pretend things are 17 than they are, but simply that you learn to allow things to be as they are 18 most of the time, and especially when its not a

6、 really big 19 . Train yourself to bite your tongue , and with a little 20 youll get really good at letting things go. And when you do, youll get back your enthusiasm and love for life.1. A. lonelyB. greatC. quietD. uneasy2. A. receivedB. answeredC. expectedD. rejected3. A. threatenedB. interruptedC

7、. botheredD. spoiled4. A. anythingB. everythingC. somethingD. nothing5. A. caringB. boringC. interestingD. surprising6. A. attitudeB. planC. measureD. explanation7. A. urgentB. unnecessaryC. certainD. impossible8. A. occasionB. eventC. accidentD. adventure9. A. memoryB. noticeC. evidenceD. choice10.

8、 A. hearB. contributeC. expressD. admit11. A. aware ofB. afraid ofC. curious aboutD. confused about12. A. discussB. realizeC. judgeD. settle13. A. familyB. lifeC. careerD. education14. A. soB. orC. butD. for15. A. proudB. sureC. hopefulD. critical16. A. faceB. createC. solveD. ignore17. A. rarerB. b

9、etterC. strangerD. worse18. A. at leastB. at lastC. by farD. so far19. A. taskB. dealC. resultD. duty20. A. practiceB. speechC. restD. pity【答案】(1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)D;(5)B;(6)A;(7)D;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C;(11)A;(12)C;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D;(16)D;(17)B;(18)A;(19)B;(20)A; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,Kerry本来是一个事事挑剔、苛刻的女孩,但通过她最


11、词。A.threatened“威胁”;B.interrupted“打扰”;C.bothered“麻烦”;D.spoiled“娇惯”。这个叫做Kerry的女孩说自己是一个世界级的找错者,她总是被各种事情困扰着。故选C。(4)考查代词。A.anything“任何事”;B.everything“每一件事”;C.something某事”;D.nothing“没有事”。人们总是做着那些惹她恼怒的事情,没有一件事是好的,故选D。(5)考查形容词。A.caring“关心的”;B.boring“糟糕的”;C.interesting“有趣的”;D.surprising“令人惊奇的”。 她具有高度的自我批评精神,

12、她也会对自己的朋友挑毛病。她成为了一个非常糟糕的人。故选B。(6)考查名词。A.attitude“态度”;B.plan“计划”;C.measure“措施”;D.explanation“解释”。不幸的,一场恐怖的事故发生改变了她的态度。故选A。(7)考查形容词。A.urgent “紧急的”;B.unnecessary“不必要的”;C.certain“确定的”;D.impossible“不可能的”。她最好的朋友在一场车祸中受伤很严重,让事情处理起来变得不可能的事情是,发生事故的前一天Kerry拜访了她的朋友故选D。(8)考查名词。A.occasion“场合”;B.event“事件”;C.accid


14、t“承认、许可”。发生事故的前一天,Kerry拜访了她的朋友,在这期间全程批评了她选择男朋友的眼光、她生活的方式、她与母亲联络时候的方式,还有各种其他她认为她需要表达的。故选C。(11)考查固定短语。A.aware of“意识到”; B.afraid of“害怕”;C.curious about“对.好奇”;D.confused about“对.迷惑”。直到他的朋友受了重伤,Kerry才注意到她挑毛病的习惯。故选A。(12)考查动词。A.discuss“讨论”;B.realize“意识到,实现”;C.judge“评价”;D.settle“解决”。非常快的,她学会了珍惜生命而不是对每件事都很刻薄


16、判这个世界。故选D。(16)考查动词。A.face“面对”;B.create“创造”;C.solve“解决”;D.ignore“忽略”。我并不是在建议你无视问题。故选D。(17)考查形容词。A.rarer“更稀罕的”;B.better“更好的”;C.stranger“更奇怪的”;D.worse“更坏的”。我也不是在建议你假装事物比它们自身更好。故选B。(18)考查固定短语。 least“至少”; last“最后”; far“到现在为止”; far“迄今为止”。至少在大多数时间里,你学着容忍事物的原态。故选A。(19)考查名词。A.task“任务”;“

17、处理、交易”;C.result“计划”;D.duty“责任”。尤其是当这不是一个特别大的事情。故选B。(20)考查名词。A.practice“实践”;B.speech“演讲”;“休息”;D.pity“遗憾”。训练你自己忍着不说那些刻薄的话,小小的实践一下,你会变得很擅长放手。故选A。【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,代词,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Nature and

18、 Nurture(遗传还是环境) People have wondered for a long time how their personalities and behavior are formed. However, it is not easy to explain why one person is intelligent and another is not, or why one is cooperative and another 1 . Social scientists are of course 2 interested in these types of questio

19、ns. They want to explain why we possess certain 3 and exhibit certain behavior. There are no clear answers yet, but two 4 schools of thought on the matter have developed. 5 one might expect, the two approaches are very different from each other, and there is a great deal of debate between 6 of each

20、theory. The controversy(争论) is often referred to as “nature and nurture”. Those who 7 the “nature side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are 8 determined by biological factors. That our environment has little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics

21、and behavior is 9 to this theory. Taken to an extreme, this theory states that our behavior is predetermined to such a great degree that we are almost completely governed by our 10 . Supporters of the “nurture” theory, or, as they are often called, 11 , claim that our environment is more important t

22、han our biologically based instinctsin determining how we will act. A behaviorist, B. F. Skinner, sees humans as beings whose behavior is almost completely 12 by their surroundings. The behaviorists view of the human being is quite mechanistic(机械论的). They state that, like machines, humans respond to

23、 13 stimuli(刺激) as the basis of their behavior. Socially and politically, the results of these two theories are 14 . In the US, for example, blacks often score below whites on intelligence tests. This leads some “nature” supporters to conclude that blacks are genetically 15 in status than whites are

24、. Behaviorists, 16 , say that the differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often robbed of many of the educational and other environmental 17 that whites enjoy, and that, as a result, they do not develop the same 18 that whites do. Neither of these theories can yet fully explain hum

25、an behavior. As a matter of fact, it is quite 19 that the key to our behavior lies somewhere between these two extremes and that the debate will 20 for a long time is certain.1. A. sensitiveB. productiveC. competitiveD. impressive2. A. frequentlyB. extremelyC. generallyD. occasionally3. A. approache

26、sB. possessionsC. characteristicsD. friends4. A. differentB. reliableC. excellentD. equal5. A. WhatB. AsC. WhichD. That6. A. objectorsB. operatorsC. opponentsD. supporters7. A. claimB. supportC. resolveD. object8. A. completelyB. largelyC. thoroughlyD. merely9. A. sensitiveB. openC. centralD. subjec

27、t10. A. abilitiesB. teachersC. personalitiesD. instincts11. A. expertsB. behavioristsC. environmentalistsD. scientists12. A. shapedB. discussedC. constructedD. learned13. A. environmentalB. biologicalC. psychologicalD. physical14. A. temporaryB. slightC. fatalD. far-reaching15. A. lowerB. higherC. s

28、trongerD. smarter16. A. on the contraryB. as a wholeC. after allD. for instance17. A. protectionsB. pollutionsC. technologiesD. advantages18. A. conclusionsB. abilitiesC. responsesD. opportunities19. A. necessaryB. impossibleC. unreasonableD. likely20. A. ariseB. disappearC. continueD. respond【答案】 (

29、1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)D;(7)B;(8)B;(9)C;(10)D;(11)B;(12)A;(13)A;(14)D;(15)A;(16)A;(17)D;(18)C;(19)D;(20)C; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,论述了关于人的个性和智力的形成的两个针锋相对的理论:遗传论和环境论。 (1)考查形容词。句意:很难解释为什么有些人聪明,而有些人不聪明,为什么有的人充满合作精神,而有些人却老是想着竞争。A. sensitive“敏感的”;B. productive“多产的”;C. competitive“竞争的”;D. impressive“印象深刻的”。故

30、选C。 (2)考查副词。句意:当然,社会学科学家对这些问题及其感兴趣。A. frequently“频繁地”;B. extremely“及其,非常”;C. generally“一般地”;D. occasionally“偶尔”。故选B。 (3)考查名词。句意:他们想解释问什么人们表现出某些特点,做出某些行为。A. approaches“方法,手段”;B. possessions“财产”;C. characteristics“特点,特征”;D. friends“朋友”。故选C。 (4)考查形容词。句意:但是就这个问题演变出两种不同的学派。A. different“不同的”;B. reliable“可

31、靠的”;C. excellent“杰出的”;D. equal“平等的”。故选A。 (5)考查名词。句意:正如有的人期望的那样,这两种学派彼此是不同的。此处为as引导的非限制性定语从句,意为“正如,就像”。故选B。 (6)考查名词。句意:两个理论彼此的支持者之间存在很多争议。A. objectors“反对者”;B. operators“ 操作人员”;C. opponents“对手”;D. supporters“支持者”。故选D。 (7)考查动词。句意:那些致辞争论中“本性”一方的人认为我们的性格和形式模式主要由生物因素决定。A. claim“宣称,声称”;B. support“支持”;C. resolve“决心”;D. object“反对”。故选B。 (8)考查副词。句意:那些致辞争论中“本性”一方的人认为我们的性格和形式模式主要由生物因素决定。A. completely“完全地”;B. largely“主要地,大部分地”;C. thoroughly“彻底地”;D. merely“仅仅”。故选B。 (9)考查形

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