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1、学年高中英语Module4MusicSectionIntroductionModule 4 Music Section Introduction & Reading-Language Points一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇 1.conservatoryn音乐学院2.soloistn. 独奏者;独唱者3.melodyn. 旋律.拓展词汇1.relativen亲戚,亲属relate v把联系起来;有关联2.interpretv诠释,解释;翻译interpretation n阐明,解释;翻译interpreter n翻译人员3.characteristicn特征,特性,

2、特质character n(汉)字;角色,人物;品质;性格4.poeticadj.有诗意的;诗的poetry n诗歌binev结合,联合combination n结合,合并6.depressv使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷depressed adj. 精神不振的,忧伤的,消沉的depressing adj. 使人沮丧的depression n忧伤,消沉,沮丧;经济大萧条7.ambitionn志气,抱负,雄心ambitious (of) adj.有野心的;有抱负的8.regardingprep.关于regard v认为,看作regardless adv.不管怎样;无论如何1.relative n

3、亲戚,亲属联想relation n关系,联系,亲戚比较较近的亲戚用relation,较远的亲戚用relative。2.interpret v诠释,解释;翻译联想translate vt.翻译比较interpret主要指“口译”; translate主要指“笔译”。3.poetic adj.有诗意的;诗的联想poem n诗 poet n诗人bine v结合,联合联想unite vt.联合,合并,统一,团结join vt.&vi.结合link vt.联合,结合5.depress v使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷联想discourage vt.阻碍,使气馁discouraged adj.泄气的6.r

4、egarding prep.关于同义considering prep.关于concerning prep.关于二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块1.give concerts举办音乐会2.graduate from 毕业于 true of/for 与情况相同 similar to 与相似 connected to 与有关,与相连6.give life to 赋予生命(生命力,活力) the same with 与情况相同 public 当众,公开地9.make contact with 与进行来往1.during her visit to China

5、她到中国访问期间2.respect the traditions 遵守传统3.cry in my heart 我的内心在哭诉4.Chinese poetry 中国诗歌5.the power and the beauty of the music 音乐的力量和美pose music 创作乐曲7.share the feelings and ideas with friends和朋友分享感受和看法8.have a particular goal 有特定的目标三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.The biggest challenge is to respect the traditions bu

6、t to add my own style.最大的挑战是在尊重传统的同时还要融入我自己的风格。两个不定式短语to respect .和to add .在句中作表语。My wish is to_become_a_translator when I grow up. 我的愿望是长大后当一名翻译家。2.Its the same with classical Chinese music. 中国古典音乐也是如此。Its the same with .意为“也是如此”。He is very clever and he also works hard. It_is_the_same_with_his_sis

7、ter. 他很聪明,并且也很努力,他姐姐也是这样。1(教材P43)The pipa is a lute with four strings and is a relative of the European lute.琵琶是一种带有4根琴弦的拨弦乐器,它是欧洲的鲁特琴的“亲戚”。 relative n亲戚,亲属 adj.相对的,比较的;与有关系的 (1)be relative to 与有关系(2)relation n. 联系,关联in relation to 有关,关于,涉及,与相比(3)relate v. 把与联系起来,叙述relate .to . 把与联系起来related adj. 有关

8、的,有关联的be related to 与有关联He asked me some questions relative to the subject.他问了我一些有关这个题目的问题。I have nothing to say in_relation_to that matter.关于那件事,我没什么好说的。It is well know that taking exercise is closely related_to health.众所周知,运动与健康息息相关。2(教材P44)The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng.对于我

9、的第二种乐器古筝,情况也是如此。 (be) true of/for与情况相同,对也适用(常用于the same is true of/for结构)come true (预言、梦想等)成为事实,实现true to life 逼真的,活灵活现的Tom is ready to help others; the same is true of/for Mary.汤姆乐于助人,玛丽也是如此。If you work hard constantly, you will make your dream come_true.如果坚持不懈,你将会美梦成真。He can always tell stories th

10、at are true to life.他讲故事总是活灵活现的。3(教材P45)They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture, like a dialogue.它们给整幅画带来生机,也使得观众融入图画,就像与图画进行对话。 give life to赋予生命(生命力,活力)give ones life to 为而献出生命risk ones life 冒着生命危险lose ones life 丧生,死save ones life 救了某人的性命come to life 苏醒过来

11、,变得生动有趣bring .to life 使复活,给以活力Fountains also stand amidst the flowers to give life to the whole garden.喷泉也矗立在花丛中,为整个花园增添生气。He was truly a creative genius and gave_his_life_to the perfection of his art.他是一位真正的有创造力的天才,他将自己的毕生都献给了对完美艺术的追求。The quiet girl has come_to_life since she worked as a saleswoman

12、.那个安静的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。4(教材P45)The pipa sounds and the pauses combine to make a poetry of sound.琵琶的声音和乐曲中的停顿结合在一起,给声音赋予了诗意。 combine v联合,结合;兼做,兼有 (1)combine .and/with . 把与相结合be combined with . 与相结合combine against sth. 联合起来反对某物(2)combination n. 联合,结合in combination with 与结合/联合Some films combine educati

13、on with/and recreation.有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。Patience combined_with diligence is necessary for success.耐心结合勤奋是成功所必需的。The firm is working on a new product in_combination_with several overseas partners.公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。5(教材P45)I feel a little depressed or lonely when there is no concert for a long time.当很长

14、一段时间没有音乐会时,我会感到有点儿失落或孤独。 depressed adj.感到沮丧的,消沉的depress v 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷depressing adj. 令人沮丧的depression n. 沮丧,消沉;萧条,不景气When I am feelingdepressed, I usually listen to music.当我感到沮丧的时候,我一般会听音乐。Looking for a job these days can be very depressing (depress)如今求职有时会令人非常沮丧。The trip to the seashore brought

15、her out of her depression (depress)到海边旅行使她不再抑郁。6(教材P45)Since I moved to Canada, I have had opportunities to make contact withother musical traditions and play with master musicians.自从我移居加拿大,我就有机会接触到了其他音乐传统并跟一些音乐大师同台演出。 make contact with与进行来往,与接触;与取得联系lose contact with 与失去联系(动作)get in contact with 与取

16、得联系(动作)keep/be in contact with 与保持联系(状态)be out of contact with 与失去联系(状态)When I visit Washington, I shall try to make contact with/get in contact with my friends there.在我去访问华盛顿的时候,我要试着和我那里的朋友取得联系。We have been keeping_in_contact_with each other by email since he left China.他离开中国以后,我们一直用电子邮件彼此保持联系。The

17、plane lost_contact_with the airport during the fierce storm.由于猛烈的暴风雨,飞机失去了与机场的联络。7(教材P45)What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?对于中国音乐她有何抱负? regarding prep.关于(1)regard v 认为,看作regard .as . 把视作(2)regardless adv. 不管怎样;无论如何regardless of 不管,不顾(3)with/in regard to 关于(用于点题)He is regarded as one of th

18、e classical composers in this century.他被认为是本世纪一流的作曲家之一。Our goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable regardless_of his financial situation.我们的目标是为每一个愿意和有能力接受高等教育的人提供可能的机会,而不管其经济状况如何。With/In_regard_to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully.关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。

19、Its the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是如此。 Its the same with .意为“与情况相同”。该句型相当于So it is with .句型,表示后者的情况也一样,多用于以下情况:(1)前文既包含肯定情况,又包含否定情况。Tom studies very hard and is never late for school. So its the same with Dick.汤姆学习非常努力,上学从不迟到,迪克也是如此。(2)前面句子中含有不同类的谓语动词;前面句子的主语既包含人又包含物。Tom is an America

20、n, but lives in China. So it is with Jack.汤姆是美国人,但他住在中国。杰克也如此。Susan is an English girl, and Bath is her homeland. It is the same with Jane.苏珊是个英国女孩,巴斯是他的家乡。简也是这样。 表示“也如此”,还有以下结构: 1 在肯定句中,用sobe/助动词/情态动词主语,表示前面所说的情况也适合于另一人或物。 2 在否定句中,用neither/norbe/助动词/情态动词主语,表示“也不”。She takes an active part in social

21、work, so_does_he.她积极参加社会工作,他也如此。He doesnt take interest in music.Neither/Nor_do_I.他对音乐不感兴趣,我也不感兴趣。.单句语法填空1The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper.2The food is good and the same is true of/for the service.3He made a very beautiful woman out of clay and give life to her and named her

22、Pandora.4We think it important that theory shall be combined with practice.5When I am feeling depressed (depress), I usually go to run on the playground.6The plane made contact with the ground control centre by wireless.7I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information re

23、garding (regard) the job.8They didnt finish the task successfully and were scolded by the boss. So it was with us.完成句子1Weve gone through all the documents related_to/relative_to_the_case.我们浏览了所有有关此案的文件。2Although the main characters in the novel are so true_to_life,_they are imaginary.虽然小说里的主要人物写得如此栩

24、栩如生,但都是虚构的。3Failure usually comes in_combination_with_misfortunes.失败总是伴随不幸而来。4Regardless_of_expense,_we must take every measure to save the old mans life.不管费用多少,我们必须采取一切措施挽救这位老人的生命。5We have lost_contact_with_him since he went abroad.自从他出国以后,我们就失去了联系。6Todds father is an honest man and works hard. It_

25、is_the_same_with/So_it_is_with_Todd.托德的爸爸是个诚实的人并且工作努力,托德也是这样。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Charles Chaplin has his own way of interpreting (诠释) the life of little people in cities.2Ambition is a characteristic (特点) of all successful businessmen.3The government has set up some rules regarding (关于) the food saf

26、ety.4One of his ambitions (志向) is to become one of the firstrate pianists of the world.5Yesterday my younger sister bought a book of poetry (诗歌)6Education should be combined (结合) with entertainment.7He felt greatly depressed (沮丧的) at the news that he had been turned down by the company.8The beautifu

27、l melody (旋律) is lingering in my mind.单句改错1In regarding to teaching method, we have not yet discussed it.regardingregard2Just thinking about the crowd on the way home is depressed.depresseddepressing3Dont hesitate to make in contact with me if you need any further information.去掉in4The weather in Chi

28、na is different from area to area, which is true in Canada.第二个inof/for5Youre very cold towards your brother, but with your friends you really come to the life.去掉the6Tom doesnt like playing football.So do ISoNeither/Nor.选词填空regardless of, sharing feelings and ideas with, give concerts, make contact w

29、ith, give life to, combine .with .1She is always sharing_feelings_and_ideas_with her friends.2It might be a good thing for you to combine business with some pleasure.3Music can give_life_to those who are depressed.4By giving_concerts with other famous pianists, he collected enough money for saving t

30、he dying boy.5Ive tried to make_contact_with them, but theyve brushed me off.6Our club is open to everyone regardless_of age, sex or educational background.课文语法填空Liu Fang is international music star, famous for her work with traditional Chinese instruments. She has given concerts since she was eleven, 2.including (include) performance for the Queen of England during her visit to China. Liu Fangs mother is a Dianju

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