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1、最新陕旅版小学四年级英语下册教案四年级英语下册教学进度表周次起止日期教学单元教学内容计划 节数实授 节数12.25-2.28报名、复习旧知222.29-3.6Unit1Our New House433.7-3.1343.14-3.20Unit2Im Cooking in the Kitchen 第一次月考453.21-3.2763.28-4.3Unit3Is it Snowing?474.4-4.1084.11-4.17Unit4What Do You Do on Saturday? 第二次月考 494.18-4.24104.25-5.1期中复习 期中考试115.2-5.8125.9-5.15

2、Unit5Where Are You Going? 4135.16-5.22145.23-5.29Unit6Today Is Her Birthday 第三次月考4155.30-6.5166.6-6.12Unit7Be Careful!4176.13-6.19186.20-6.26Unit8What Can You Do? 第四次月考4196.27-7.3207.4-7.10期末复习 期末考试教材分析一、教材简况本套英语教材由陕西旅游出版社出版,是教育部审定的义务教育教科书。根据教育部颁布的全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)规定的小学毕业应达到二级水平的要求精心编写的。本教材供四


4、的基础。二、学生状况1.少数学生对英语有兴趣,口语运用自如、熟练。2.大部分学生对英语学习有很大的自信心。3.由于社会因素和家庭条件的影响,学生学习英语的环境不够理想。三、教学重点1.教材共有8单元,每单元中都有要求学生熟记的单词和句型操练,力求在教学中熟练掌握。2.听、说练习贯穿了整个教材,激发了孩子们在玩中听、说英语,是教材与教者共同始终追求的目标。四、教学难度1.对单词和短语的熟记和完全掌握。2.每个单元中出现的重点句型会说会用。3.在学习过程中了解中西方文化的差异,大胆运用英语相互交流,进行简单对话。4.激发学生的学习兴趣,加强学生听、说、读、写等基本技能。教学总目标及任务Unit 1

5、 Our New House一、课时分配Unit 1 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Look, think and matchWarming-up: Look and circleLets learnPart CListen and match第二课时Part ALets talkPart CLook and say第三课时Part BLets learn and moreRead again. Then tick or crossLook and say第四课时Part BRead a storyPart CLook, circle and matchT

6、hink and write二、单元具体目标1. 复习词汇: Watch TV, go to bed, have lunch2. 能听、说、读、写有关住所的词汇及相关形容词: house, study, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, beautiful, clean, new3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: (1) My house is not very big. But its beautiful.(2) There is Its and/but There are They are Unit 2 Im

7、Cooking in the Kitchen一、课时分配Unit 2 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Look and findWarming-up: Listen and doLets learnPart CListen and match第二课时Part ALets talkPart CListen and tickLook and write第三课时Part BLets learn moreLook and sayPart CRead and name第四课时Part BRead a storyLets singPart CAsk and answer

8、二、单元具体目标1. 复习词汇: read, write, sleep, eat, listen, cook, stand, sit2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: (1) what are you doing? Im / We are (2) What is he/she doing? He/She is (3) What are doing? Ther are (4) The baby is sleeping. Unit 3 Is it Snowing?一、课时分配Unit 3 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Draw the weather t

9、odayLets learnPart CListen and color第二课时Part AWarming-up: Think and matchLets talkPart CLook , ask and answer第三课时Part BLets learn moreLets playPart CMatch and say第四课时Part BRead a storyRead the wordsPart CLook and write二、单元具体目标1. 能听、说、读、写有关天气的词汇: rain, snow, cloud, wind, sky, raincoat, glasses2. 能听懂、

10、会说、会读、会用以下句型: (1) Look at the clouds in the sky.(2) Is it raining/snowing? Yes, it is./No, it isnt(3) Is there a wind? No. theres no wind. (4) Please take a raincoat (5) But there is a wind!Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday?一、课时分配Unit 4 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: read and tickLets learnPart B

11、Lets chant第二课时Part AWarming-up: Think and circleLets talkPart CRead and match第三课时Part BLets learn moreLook and talkPart CListen and circle第四课时Part BRead a storyPart CLook, ask and answerLook and write二、单元具体目标1. 能听、说、读、写有关日常活动的词汇: fly a kite, play football, do exercise, see a film, do some washing, c

12、limb the mountain, do ones homework2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: (1) What do you/does your do on Saturday? I/He/She often (动词短语) (2) Do you/does your often (动词短语) on Saturday? Yes, /No, 3. 能理解和掌握一般现在时态的句型结构和用法。Unit 5 Where Are You Going?一、课时分配Unit 5 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part ALets learnPart CRead and complete第二课时

13、Part AWarming-up: Think and tickLets talkPart CLook, read and match第三课时Part AWarming-up: Do you know?Part BLets learn moreDo a survey about the plans on Chirdens DayPart CListen and name第四课时Part BLets singRead the wordsPart CAsk and answer二、单元具体目标1. 能听、说、读、写下列词汇: park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospi

14、tal, bus stop, buy a story book, tomorrow, Chirderns Day2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: Where are you going? We going to the Are they going to the ? No, they arent. Tomorrow is Chirderns Day. What are you going to do? Im going to Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday一、课时分配Unit 6 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Circle

15、 your birthdayLets learnPart CLook and write第二课时Part AWarming-up: Think and tickLets talkPart CLook and talk第三课时Part BLets learn morePart CListen and writeRead, ask and answer第四课时Part BRead a storyLets chantPart CLets do quickly二、单元具体目标1. 能听、说、读、写有关生日的词汇及100以内的数词: gifts, flowers, card, birthday part

16、y, balloons, candles, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: I am going to for her. Today is her birthday. How about ? Good idea! Happy birthday to you! How old are you/is your ? Are you going to have a party? Yes, I am. Im /He/She is Unit 7 Be Careful!一、课时

17、分配Unit 7 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Color and traffic lightsLets learnPart CLook,tick and say第二课时Part AWarming-up: Circle and signs you knowLets talkPart BLook and say第三课时Part BLets learn moreLets playPart CLook and match第四课时Part BLets chantPart CListen and numberRead and tick or cross二、单元具体目

18、标1. 能听、说、读、写有关交通的词汇: stop, wait, turn right, turn left, traffic lights, cross the street, be careful, wait a minute2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: Be careful! Look at the traffic lights. The light is now. Dont Please wait a minute.Unit 8 What Can You Do?一、课时分配Unit 8 课时分配课时数所包含内容第一课时Part AWarming-up: Circle you

19、 can doLets learn第二课时Part ALets talkPart CCircle and sayLook, ask and answer第三课时Part AWarming-up: Think and tickPart BLets learn moreFind out about you friends. Then tell the class第四课时Part BRead a storyPart CListen and tickMatch and write二、单元具体目标1. 能听、说、读、写有关动作和日常活动的词汇: speak, hear, see, help, open,

20、 close, take photos, play the music2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用以下句型: What can do? I /They/It can Can you ? Yes, I can try. /No, I cant. But I can Unit1 Our New House第一课时教学目标:学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room.教学重点:能听懂、会写、会读、会说house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room

21、。教学难点:通过学习,能够用英语表达住所名称。教学环节:学习目标(2分钟)(一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, 并用所学单词和句型表达住所名称(二)学习There be句型。自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新复习有关日常活动的词汇:wathc TV, go to bed, have lunch, 同桌进行简单句型问答。(二)阅读方法对照课本,边看边练习拼写描述住所的单词。(三)互助释疑同桌间一边指着住所图片,一边读出单词,交流不会读的单词。(四)探究出招同桌间练习书写,可以互相检

22、查拼写。展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示小组内练习用英语描述住所(二)班级展示指名小组上讲台做游戏,用英语描述住所。点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读单词。(三)用句子There be 描述住所。课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清1.单词拼写h se 房子 b dr m 卧室 b throom 卫生间 d ing room 餐厅 l ing room 客厅 k tch 厨房2.单词连线house 卧室bedroom 餐厅 bathroom 卫生间 dining room 客厅living room 房子kitchen 厨房study 书房挑战自我造6个 Th

23、ere be 句子板书设计:Unit 1 Our New Househouse 房子 This is our new house.bedroom 卧室 There are two bedrooms. bathroom 卫生间 dining room 餐厅living room 客厅kitchen 厨房study 书房 课后反思:第二课时教学目标:学习句型 1. Whats in your new house? There is a There are 2. My house is not very big. But it is beautiful.教学重点:熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。教学

24、难点:能够熟练运用所学的语言知识在创设的情景中进行交际,并能将其准确应用于日常生活之中。教学环节:学习目标(2分钟)(一)学习本课句型,并进行替换练习。(二)进行重读练习。自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新默写住所的单词(二)阅读方法自主读句子,理解句子意思。(三)互助释疑同桌间交流句子意思。(四)探究出招模仿例句造句,小组内交流,纠正错误。展示交流(10分钟)班级展示指名学生上台读句子,全班交流。点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读句子。(三)指名做 look and say 练习。课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清There a TV in the livi

25、ng room. There a TV, a table and a sofa.There two bedrooms in our new house.板书设计:Unit 1 Our New House 1. Whats in your new house? There is a There are 2. My house is not very big. But it is beautiful.课后反思:第三课时教学目标:1. 能听懂Lets learn more 短文中描述住所的词汇和句型 2. 能运用There be 句型向别人介绍自己的家 3. 能运用new,big, samll, n

26、ice, beautiful, clean等形容词描述自己的家。 4. 能够听懂并熟读短文,语言语调准确。 5. 通过对Lets learn more 的学习,培养学生爱家的情感。教学重点:能听懂Lets learn more 短文中描述住所的词汇和句型 能运用There be 句型向别人介绍自己的家 能运用new,big, samll, nice, beautiful, clean等形容词描述自己的家。教学难点:能够听懂并熟读短文,语言语调准确;通过对Lets learn more 的学习,培养学生爱家的情感。教学环节:学习目标(2分钟)1. 能听懂Lets learn more 短文中描述

27、住所的词汇和句型 2. 能运用There be 句型向别人介绍自己的家 3. 能运用new,big, samll, nice, beautiful, clean等形容词描述自己的家。 4. 能够听懂并熟读短文,语言语调准确。 5. 通过对Lets learn more 的学习,培养学生爱家的情感。自主学习(15分钟)(一)温故知新完成 There be 的练习。(二)阅读方法对照课本,边看边练习拼写描述住所的单词。(三)互助释疑同桌间读对话,理解there be句型的用法。(四)探究出招小组合作用there be造句,并进行回答。展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示小组内练习用英语描述住所名称。

28、(二)班级展示小组内分角色朗读课文。点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读单词。(三)小组内分角色读课文。(四)上台表演对话。课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清Read again. Then tick or cross.Look and say.Read a story板书设计:Unit 1 Our New HouseThere is + 单数的人或物+地点There is a kitchen in our new house.There are + 复数的人或物+地点There are two bedrooms in our new house.课后反思:第四课时教学目标:1. 能够听懂、会读Part B Read a story 部分的对话 2. 通过Part C 部分的练习,对本单元所学知识进行全面复习 3. 能够熟练掌握句型:Is he in the? Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. He is 4. 通过Read a story 部分的学习,提高学生学习英语的兴趣

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