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1、学习目标Unit 16 Stories一、学习目标1知识目标类别内容词汇biography, fantasy abandon, victim, criteria, preserve, capsule, witness, occur, tremble, awesome, rewind, authentic, characteristic, monument, gather, sorrow, sympathy, burst, specific, significance, abnormal, vivid, hardship, origin, admirable, tease, suspension

2、, videophone, superb, severe, restriction, stubborn, troublesome, precise, precious, gradual, expand, complex, apparent, tiresome, awkward, tense, dizzy, applaud, clumsycome into view, knock sb. over, once upon a time, volcanic eruption, block out, in a way, on ones side, split up, on the way to, pa

3、y rise, nameafter, come across, hold up, count on, figure out, end up, put up with, musical instrument, in particular, now that,功能项目表达猜测、预见或想法(expressing guesses, assumptions and beliefs)I guesssupposebelieve.讲述故事过程中使用的连接词(linking parts of a story)after that.and then.guess what.suddenly语法项目过去完成时geth

4、ave sth. done结构2能力目标技能内容听1、抓住关键词,并通过关键词抓住要点。2、注意故事中重音词的使用,并借此理解故事中的重要信息。说1、能用英语流畅地讲故事和讨论姓名的含义。2、能适当改正口语中的错误。读1、能顺利阅读各种体裁的故事。2、能借助猜测同义词和反义词的策略完成阅读任务。写能写出记叙本人或他人生活中重要事件的短文。二、语言知识自学Lesson 1 Stories from History一)重点词语1)witness vt. 目击,经历n. 目击者,目击证人例如:She witnessed the accident. 她亲眼看见该事故。He has witnessed

5、many battles. 他经历过多次战争。a witness to the accident. 事故的目击者2)admire vt. 钦佩,赞赏,羡慕例如:He admired the way she had coped with life. 他很赞赏她对待生命的态度。All those who knew him admired him for his good work. 所有认识他的人都羡慕他有一份好工作。I admire him for his courage. 我佩服他的勇气。3)authentic adj. 真实的,与事实相符的;真正的,非伪造或复制的例如:an authenti

6、c account by an eyewitness 一份目击者的真实证言an authentic painting by Corot 一幅真正的科伦特的画She has authentic charm whereas most people simply have nice manners. 她具备真正的魅力而很多人只徒有其表。They could only try to make the curtain as authentic as possible. 他们只能把窗帘做得尽量仿真。4)characteristic adj. 显著的,独特的n. 突出的标记或特征例如:I like the

7、characteristic flavor of apples. 我喜欢苹果特有的味道。What are the characteristics that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? 中国人区别于日本人的特征是什么? be characteristic of 所独有的特征,有.的特色Isabel was a tall girl with the oveal face, straight nose, fine eyes and full mouth that appeared to be characteristic of the fam

8、ily.伊莎贝尔是个高身材的女孩,椭圆脸,直鼻梁,一双秀目、丰满的嘴,这一切看来都是(布)家的特征。5)sympathy n. 同情,同情心;和谐,对应例如:Its useless just to seek sympathy from others. 一味寻求同情是没有意义的。He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致。 feel sympathy for(=have sympathy for) 对表示同情in sympathy with 同情;赞成;和一致二)语法归纳过去完成时的用法_过去完成时表示过去某时前某事已经发生。(可说是过去的过去

9、)When I arrived, Jane had left. 我到时简刚刚离开。She had changed so much that I couldnt recognize her. 她改变太大,以至于我都认不出她了。_过去完成时多用语境表示出来,但也有一些时间状语可以参考,如:She had run out before I could stop her. 我还没来得及阻止,她就冲了出去。By the end of June, they had treated 1,000 patients. 到六月底他们已经治疗了一千个病人。三)巩固练习选择方框中单词或词组的适当形式填空。Aimpre

10、ssion, preserve, authentic, characteristic, occur, witness1Anyone who _ the attack should call the police.2The thief ran away, but I could remember his physical _.3If headaches only _ at night, the lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.4I like _ Italian food, which can only be offered in t

11、his restaurant.5My _ is that they are completely out of control.6We will do everything to _ peace.Bbe caught, block out, live on, dig out, on ones side1Rescue crews have been _ people _ of the collapsed buildings.2Thick chipboard across the window frames _ daylight.3If you get this job, your family

12、will have enough money to _.4They laid him _ so that he could feel better.5Jim _ in a heavy rain, so he didnt catch the train.用动词的适当形式填空。1The play _ (start) when I got to the theater. And most people were seated well.2I _ never _ (break) my word. You can trust me.3I _ (live) in London for ten years

13、before I moved to Paris.4By the time I got home, my brother _ (leave).5He believed that he _ (do) the right thing.选择填空1Although I dont agree with everything, I still think you are right _.Ain the way Bin a way Con the way Dby the way 2A heavy earthquake happened on May 12th 2008 in Sichuan, on such

14、an occasion, words can not express my _.Atrouble Bawesome Csorrow Dsurprise 3_ 1748, they had found an awesome historical site.AFor BAt CIn DBy 4Im sorry I _ I had given you so much trouble.Adont know Bhavent known Cdidnt know Dam not knowing 5Peter, who _ for an hour, was very angry when his sister

15、 finally turned up.Ahad waited Bwas waiting Cis waiting Dwaited 四)能力训练完形填空I remember one night a few years ago when my daughter was mad with worry. After my Harvard Extension School classes, I usually arrived at the bus station near my home by 11:00 p. m., but on that night I was nowhere to be found

16、. My daughter was 1 . It wasnt safe for a single woman to walk 2 on the streets at night, especially one as 3 as I am: I can kill a robber with my smartness, but Im just too short to do any real physical damage.That night my daughter 4 the bus station, drove around the streets, and contacted some fr

17、iends. But she couldnt find me 5 she called my astronomy professor who told her that I was on top of the Science Center using the telescope to gaze at the stars. Unaware of the time, I had gotten 6 in the heavens and was only thinking about the new things I had learned that night in class.This story

18、 shows a habit I have 7 over the years: I lose track of the time when it comes to learning. How else do you 8 a woman who began high school at age 71 and who is graduating with a bachelors degree at 89? I may have 9 late, but I will continue to learn as long as I am able to because I have found that

19、 the world is a final 10 that you can never be prepared enough for.My studies were 11 when I was in the 7th grade. I loved school but I was forced to leave it to 12 for my family. I eventually married and raised 5 children and 20 grandchildren. I knew I was as smart as a college graduateI had proved

20、 it by running a successful family business for decades that still exists. 13 I wanted more. I wanted to feel 14 when I spoke and I wanted people to respect my opinions.I am here today to prove that if you have treated education as your main 15 , and not as a means to an end, then you, too, know tha

21、t the power of knowledge makes me the most outstanding 89-year-old woman at the bus stop.1Acurious Bnervous Cconfused Dsurprised 2Alonely Bslowly Calone Dbravely 3Aclever Bfoolish Cfrightened Ddefenseless 4Aentered Breached Cchecked Dexamined 5Aafter Bwhen Cunless Duntil 6Aready Blost Ctired Dused 7

22、Agot Bfound Cexpected Ddeveloped 8Aexplain Bforce Cchange Drespect 9Adecided Bstarted Carrived Dmarried 10Aplace Bresult Cexam Ddecision 11Adamaged Bprepared Ccompleted Dinterrupted 12Apay Bcare Clook Dstudy 13ABut BFor CAnd DSo 14Ahappy Bproud Chonest Dconfident 15Abelief Bdegree Cgoal Dway 阅读理解Pom

23、peii Buried!In the year A. D 79, Pompeii was a wealthy city on the west coast of Italy. In August that year, the people of Pompeii began to see signs that the nearby volcano Mount Vesuvius was “waking up”. Vesuvius was often active. These prolonged signals did not scare most people. They went about

24、their daily lives, and they were sure that the mountain would soon quiet down again. I believe they should not have been so certain.On the morning of August 24, the top of the mountain split apart in a huge explosion. Smoke shot up into the sky, blocking out the sun. Birds fell dead from the sky, te

25、rrified animals ran and tried to hide. Even then, many people took no precautions to protect themselves.At first, a light layer of ash began to cover the city. People simply brushed the powder off their clothes and hair. Before long, though, small pieces of rocks began to fall from above. Some peopl

26、e tied pillows to their heads to protect themselves. Later, larger rocks began to fall. Many people fled the city, but some stayed behind. In my opinion, those who stayed should have known they were in great danger.A foul(难闻的)odor filled the city. Deadly gases seeped(渗出)through the cracks in houses.

27、 People were forced to seek fresh air outside. There, though, the air was thick with dust and gases. The rocks still rained down. The people were forced inside again.Soon the city was covered in ashes and rocks nine feet deep. Rooftops caved in, trapping those inside. On August 25 a glowing mixture

28、of gas and molten(熔化了的)rock from the erupting volcano flowed over Pompeii, killing everyone in its path.The once-great city remained hidden under layers of ash until 1594. Then workers building a water channel nearby found the buried city. Since then, digging has continued. In 1860, an Italian scien

29、tist took over the project. We should all be grateful for his careful work. The most interesting results are plasters casts of the bodies of humans and animals. These casts show the frightened victims of Vesuvius frozen in time nearly 2,000 years ago.1The author feels that people in Pompeii _.Acould

30、 have all survived Bwere stupid to find a way out Cknew how to protect themselves Ddidnt have any chance to escape 2Which of the following is the right order of the Pompeii story?aA foul(难闻的)odor filled the city.bBirds fell dead from the sky, terrified animals ran and tried to hide.cThe top of the mountain split apart in a huge blast.dPieces of rock began to fall from above.eMany people fled the city.fA light layer of ash began to cover the city.Ac, f, b, d, e, a Bc, b, f, d, e, a Cb, c, f, d, a, e De, c, b, f, d, a 3The last people were killed by _.Athe foul od

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