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1、语法答案10Ex. 23A 1. favourable 2. plentiful 3. momentous 4. hurried 5. valuable 6. thoughtful 7. mischievous 8. spiced 9. dependable 10. restful 11. disastrous 12. packaged 13. breakable 14. mournful 15. courteous 16. fenced 17. laughable 18. forgetful 19. dangerous 20. lined 21. preferable 22. powerfu

2、l 23. mountainous 24. striped 25. lovable 26. doubtful 27. mysterious 28. coloured 29. agreeable 30. truthful 31. melodious 32. detailed 33. noticeable 34. hopeful 35. courageous 36. different 37. patient 38. independent 39. important 40. urgent EX. 23B 1. well-read 2. well-behaved 3. over-cautious

3、4. well-equipped 5. Overloaded 6. well-trained 7. tear-filled 8. storm-battered 9. Fur-lined 10. well-worn 11. Over-excited 12. well-informed 13. horse-drawn 14. well-developed 15. ink-stained 16. hard-topped 17. smoke-filled 18. snow-covered 19. Blue-eyed 20. grief-stricken Ex. 23C 1. This is a pie

4、ce of very alarming news. 2. That was a most astonishing story. 3. They are well-behaved children. 4. There were many bored faces in the room. 5. Dont play with the burning candle. 6. This is a very encouraging report. 7. This will be a lasting agreement. 8. We have a limited supply of fuel. 9. Thos

5、e are reserved seats. 10. This lawyer has a number of very satisfied clients. 11. That was a totally unexpected result. 12. These are very Worrying circumstances. 13. The writer made his point with terrifying emphasis. 14. Sheila is the adopted daughter of a well-known writer. 15. He gave a boring l

6、ecture.Ex. 23D 1. beautiful long hair 2. a lovely green hilly slope 3. the unusual new Chinese restaurant 4. the cloudy gray morning sky 5. a very large steel bridge 6. three very healthy, intelligent children / three healthy, very intelligent children 7. new black oak furniture 8. the first ten car

7、dboard boxes 9. a very important political speech 10. Twenty original African wood carvings 11. a rather fascinating electronic device 12. My brothers first long public concert 13. A really beautiful pale pink sunset 14. a rather difficult Indian language 15. that big, new classical-style house 16.

8、delicious white French wine / delicious French white wine 17. my large black Japanese car 18. three very comfortable dark blue chairs 19. many huge industrial buildings 20. a small modern agricultural laboratoryEx. 23E 1. The Countess was amused at . 2. He was annoyed at the way . 3. Everybody was a

9、stonished at . 4. He was obviously not bothered with . 5. He was not contented with . 6. The Countess, however, was delighted with . 7. I am not disappointed in / with you. 8. Dont get excited by . 9. Hcwas fascinated by . 10. He was already interested in . 11. The Countess was very pleased with . 1

10、2. She was completely satisfied with . 13 she had been shocked by . 14. His old father would have been surprised at . 15. Now, his father would not have been worried about . Ex. 23F 1. We are adamant that you should resign. 2. We are afraid that you have . 3. Im ashamed that you should have behaved

11、. 4. I am certain that there will be . 5. We are concerned that you should feel . 6. It is curious that you should say . 7. Were delighted that you see . 8. It is essential that you should have . 9. The Captain is furious that you (should have) revealed . 10. We feel greatly honoured that you (shoul

12、d) have received us 11. Everyone is insistent that we should prolong . 12. We are greatly relieved that we shall have . 13. Im not sure yet that Ill be able to come . 14. Is it true (that) you said that? 15. Im surprised (that) you dont know .Ex. 24A 1. scientifically explored / explored scientifica

13、lly 2. Scientifically, the argument was absurd / . was absurd scientifically. 3. I simply do not understand you. 4 if I speak simply. 5. He made me thoroughly angry. 6 have thoroughly studied . / studied this chapter thoroughly. 7 much appreciate . 8 . very much appreciate it / appreciate it very mu

14、ch. 9. Honestly, I mean what I say / I honestly mean . / I mean honestly . 10 always writes to me honestly. 11 answer the question generally. 12. Generally, these questions are not . / . can generally . / . answer most of them generally.13 to apply practically. 14 are practically impossible to . 15.

15、 This is hardly my business / This hardly is . 16. I can hardly hear you. 17. I can just hear you. 18 is only for your ears / . is for your ears only. 19 for your ears alone. 20. Will you kindly come this way?21 spoke to her kindly.22. I also spoke to her mother / I spoke also . / Also, I spoke .23.

16、 I spoke to her mother as well.24. The house badly needs repainting / . repainting badly.25 painted it badly.26 badly painted / . painted badly.27 live economically.28. Somehow we have to manage / We have to manage some how.29. Sometimes we feel disheartened / . feel disheartened sometimes / We some

17、times feel .30. We shall never surrender. Ex. 24B1. clean2. clean3. cleanly4. clearly5. clear6. close7. closely8. direct9. directly, direct10. directly11. free12. freely13. hard14. hardly15. highly16. high17. high18. mostly19. most20. late21. lately22. prettily23. pretty24. prettily25. pretty26. rig

18、ht27.right28. rightly29.wide30. widely31. deadly32. dead33. easily34. easy35. easy36. fair37. fairly38. firmly39. firm40. firmlyEx. 24C1. lately2. shortly3. mostly4. first5. last6. largely7. pretty8. easy9. clean10. quickly11. late12. hard13. quickly14. rightly15. closely16. wrong17. right18. slow/s

19、lowly19. sharply20. direct21. near22. fine23. sharp24. hardly25. loosely26. clearly27. Sure28. easily29. surely30. highlyEx. 24D1.farther than Hart.2.further3.somewhat better today.4.He felt rather tired5. .almost ready; nearly finished.6. He was so much overwrought7. The smartly dressed women8. No

20、sooner had he/Hardlywhen he9anywhere in the room.10.He told Smith to come to the point immediately /to immediately come to the point.11. Lately the son has been staying out late.12. .close to me.13highly respected.14./15. .slowly opened the door.16close to his chest and then hit the ball high in the

21、 air.17.Sit tight18it is really hard to say which is worse.19.Bonds has almost the easiest swing20. The purpose of the investigation only became clear when Ex. 25A1. more brightly 2. cooler3. coldest 4. deepest5. higher, highest 6. more seriously7. bigger, biggest 8. softer, softest9. harder 10. har

22、der, hardest,11. earlier 12. hotter, hottest13. lighter 14. youngest, the youngest15. swiftest 16. nearer, nearest17. more lovely, the most lovely 18. most convenient19. the most silly 20. the most crowded Ex. 25B 1. as nervous as 2. as fast as 3. more interesting than 4. smoothly than 5. the most a

23、nnoying 6. faster than 7. the nicest 8. higher than 9. the nicer 10. more tolerant than 11. more relaxed 12. the most sensible 13. earlier than 14. as sweet as 15. unhappier than 16. denser than 17. the thickest 18. darker than 19. the funniest 20. more dangerousEx. 25C 1. as nice as 2. cooler than

24、3. more exciting than 4. as interested in fishing as 5. longer than 6. as far to the mountain camp as 7. rougher 8. more careful 9. more expensive than 10. as cheap as 11. cheaper than 12. less modern than 13. as comfortable as 14. more concerned about saving money than 15. better thanEx. 25D (1) th

25、an (2) as (3) as (4) so (5) as (6) the ( 7 ) the ( 8 ) the sooner ( 9 ) as (10) as (11) than (12) as (13) as (14) thanEx. 25E 1. not so near as / farther than 2. not so beautiful as / uglier than 3. not so ugly as / prettier than 4. not so light as / heavier than 5. not so strong as / weaker than 6.

26、 not so cheap as / dearer than 7. not so short as / longer than 8. not so low as / higher (taller) than 9. not so wide as / narrower than 10. not so heavy as / lighter than 11. not so smooth as / rougher than 12. not so young as / older than 13. not so proud as / more modest than 14. not so interest

27、ing as / duller (more boring) than 15. not so obstinate as / more obedient than 16. not so sophisticated as / more naive than (simpler than) 17. not so well off / better off 18. not so shallow as / deeper than 19. not so intelligent as / duller (stupider) than 20. not so economical as / more extrava

28、gant than Ex. 25F1. 他不是画家,也不是作家。2. 本学期我写的报告不下5篇。3. 张先生并不比李先生聪明(他俩一样笨。4. 与其说我把他看成老师,不如说我把他当作朋友。5. 他十有八九会失败。6. 与其说海洋把世界分隔开来,不如说海洋把世界连接起来。7. 这是一次奇妙的交谈,与其说是辩论,不如说是两个好斗的人之间的一次争吵。8. 与其说约翰谨慎,不如说他谦虚。9. 那地方景色之美非我所能形容。10. 我对她的演奏感到十二分满意。11. 这件事正如我希望的那样是一大成功。12. 这门课程对于学生来说既重要又难学。13. 史密斯太太既有耐心又通情达理。14. 我们都听说那是一座

29、伟大的水坝,是世界上最现代化的水坝之一。15. 这间屋与那间屋一样明亮。16. 在这里我和他有一样多的朋友。17. 他和他的妻子同样有罪。18. 那不是工人们所能忍受的。19. 他比他的兄弟更有学者风度。20. 他不像我原先所想的那样愚蠢。Ex. 25G 1. I can tell you a much funnier story than that. 2. Dicks behaviour is more courteous than Bobs. 3. Jones teaches in a much more friendly way than Johnson. 4. He is as goo

30、d a worker as John. 5. He is a more efficient worker than John. 6. I think Mary is the nicer of the two. 7. George did more work than anyone else. 8. We can let you have as many copies as you need. 9. He cant carry parcels as heavy as these. 10. It was as much of a success as I expected. 11. A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is. 12. He is no more fond of playing chess than you are. 13. Paper tiger is not half so fierce as it is painted. 14. There are monkeys more intelligent th

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