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1、外国人天天在用英语万用会话6000句P500699回国招呼You look really exhausted.Its great to see you again.Thank you for coming to the airport to see me.Such a long trip must have worn you out.You must have had a hard time. You seem to have lost a few pounds.You seem to be healthier than before.I guess you didnt sleep well

2、on the plane. You got red eyes.Page 500租影片Id like to watch a chick flick.How about watching horror movies all night?Is there a video you want to watch?Since tomorrow is a holiday, lets watch movies all day.What is the best film youve ever seen?Theistic movie has been readapted for release as a DVD.V

3、ideo rental store videotape resolution Page 501租影片2When will the movie be released on video?Give me a call then the King Kong video is returned.How much is it to rent a video for one night?For how long can I rent a video?The video I rented yesterday didnt work.If you dont pay off the late fee for th

4、e video, you will not be allowed to rent anymore.Which DVD is the most popular in this store?Page 502看影片I cannot read the captions.Play the DVD now.Pause the video while I go to the bathroom.Lets take a look at the action scene once again.The subtitled dont match what theyre saying.Fast-forward the

5、video just a little bit.Can I rewind some sections?You need to clean your video player with a cleaning videotape.Page 503归还影片Put it in the return box.I am returning this DV.I should return the videotape to the store.Did you return the video we rented last time?Please return the video on time.I want

6、to pay extra to keep the movie a bit longer.Page 504逾期&催促There must be a lot of late fees.How much is the late fee?I got an email reminding me to return the video last week.There are a lot of late fees because you returned the videos late.I havent watched the video I rented last time since my video

7、player is out of order.Page 505汽车保养I have a flat tire.My car needs a tune-up.I need car maintenance.I came to change the oil.How often do I have to change the oil?I think the tires need more air.Fill up the coolant, please.You need to add more washer fluid.Emergency light hood diesel Engine washer l

8、iquid transmission fluid window tinting Page 506汽车保养2I want to get my car tuned up.I would like to install a navigation system.Can you change the AC filter, please.Please replace the side mirrors.The brake linings need to be replaced.Please check the amount of air in the tires.Page 507故障&维修The engin

9、e is making noise.My car makes noise when I brake.The brake pads sometimes lose their grip on the disks.I made a dent in my car.Can you work on the scratch on the door?I need to remove this scratch.It smells bad when the air conditioner comes on.My car stereo is not working.Page 508故障&维修2The bumper

10、got smashed.My car rocks heavily when it is running.The car wont start even though there is a lot of gas in it.My car is still under warranty.When is the next car inspection?Its hard to get that part for your car because theyre not making them anymore.Garage / repair shop repair mechanic free of cha

11、rge jalopy body shop Page 509事故车辆The car was totaled.The driver side door was totally crushed.The car flipped because of that accident.The front bumper of my cart was crushed.I hit a car, and my car bonnet / hood was crushed.If the front side of your car was crushed, maybe the engine is damaged, too

12、.The tail light cover was broken while I was backing up my car.Page 510修理费用How much does it cost to repair your car?I spent over one million won to repair my car.I sent my car to an auto repair Shop because of an accident.It cost me a fortune to repair my car.But thankfully, the insurance covered th

13、e fee.It didnt cost me much, so I didnt report the accident to the insurance company.Its better to scrap a car than fix it.Page 511加油Fill the tank with 30000 won, please.Fill up the tank, please.Turn off the engine while refueling.You should pump the gas by yourself.I forgot to bring my point card.

14、Is there any way to access my account without it?If theres any trash in your car, Ill throw it away for you.How much gas do I have to fill up with to get a free car wash?Page 512洗车I need a stream wash.Is it possible to wash the car here now?Can you wipe the windshield, please?Can you work on the int

15、erior as well?I want to wax my car.I just need an exterior car wash.I always get a hand wash.Please be careful not to scratch my car.Page 513Unit 1 电影院 P.516Unit 2 书店 P.527Unit 3 卡拉OK P.535Unit 4 网咖 P.541Unit 5 健身房 P.548Unit 6 公园&游乐园 P.553Unit 7 美术馆 P.560Unit 8 酒吧 P.567Unit 9 抽烟 P.575Unit 10 夜店 P.58

16、0Chapter 9看电影、泡夜店等休闲娱乐喜欢的电影This movie won an Academy Award.I like Tim Burtons movie.I watch every movie Won Bin is in.Although this is a low-budget film, I really like it.Where can I watch short films?You can find good films among non-mainstream movie.This is a B action movie, so I am watching it ju

17、st to kill time.Page 516看电影前This movie was rated R.Whats the title of the box offices top movie?Can you recommend any good movie?Are there any family movies?I am going to watch a midnight movie with my friend.I dont think this movie is appropriate for elementary school students.Do you want to go to

18、the movies with me this weekend?Page 517欣赏电影I cried during the movie.I cried so hard that my eyes were swollen.I dozed off in the middle of the movie.I get so busy trying to read subtitles that I cant really watch the movie itself.An action adventure movie is much more fun if you watch it on a huge

19、screen.I ran out of the movie in the middle because it was too theater film soundtrack movie critic Page 518电影票1We cant sit together. What should we do?Please give me a ticket for the 2:30 showing.Two adults and on child, please.The only seats available are in the front row.Our seats are

20、 in row D, number 17 and 18.If you have a telephone membership card, then you can get a discount on your ticket.If you go to the movies in the morning, you can get a discount.Page 519电影票2If you buy the movie tickets, Ill buy the popcorn.Are people scalping tickets these days?I got an invitation card

21、 for that movie.Its really hard to get a ticket to this movie.Movie tickets have gotten expensive.We dont need to wait in line since I already bought the tickets online.Since the opening, this movie has been sold out for a week.Page 520电影院礼仪1The person behind me is kicking my chair.The guy sitting i

22、n front of me is blocking the view.Tell the person next to you to be quiet.Turn your cell phone off before the movie starts.The sound of somebody eating popcorn is so annoying.I got to the bathroom too often during the movie.Somebody was talking on the phone during the movie, and it was really annoy

23、ing.Page 521电影院礼仪2The person next to me is so noisy.I couldnt watch the movie because of the couple sitting next to me.I cant concentrate because of that noisy kid.If you dont sit in your reserved seat, then you will need to move to another seat later.Its had manners to get up from your seats before

24、 the ending credits.Movie industry rating independent film low-budget movie Page 522电影好评The main character was so hot.The actor who played the lead role did well.The movie was more interesting than I expected.Which scene did you like most?I can still remember the line.I think the plot was very well

25、written.That film was a perfect match for the scenario, actors, and soundtrack.Sequel documentary film dramatization editing visual effects Page 523电影坏评This remake seems worse than the original.The actor and the movie didnt match.Dont you think the plot was incomplete?The movie critics criticized th

26、is movie sharply.This directors works are creative, but too violent.The main character of the movie didnt act well with the rest of the cast.I think the editing wasnt good. It didnt flow well.Page 524电影院This theater has no leg room.This movie is playing in theater number 3.How many times do you go t

27、o the movies a month?Is there any theater playing Gone With the Wind?Did you hear that a classic movie theater opened recently?This theater only show low-budget movies.The running time of the movie is 144minutes.Page525其他I am invited to a movie preview.Lets go see a morning movie.Its a lot of fun to

28、 see cameos in the movies.That movie was already released on DV.I want to own the DVD.Most of this years movies couldnt break even financially.I go to the movies often when Im going out with someone.Page 526书籍&情报This book is a bestseller.Who is the most famous novelist these days?The writers new boo

29、k was recently published.The book came out this month.I got Kong Jiyoungs autograph in this book.I have to buy foreign language study aid.The newer edition came out.I bought a paperback book instead of a hardcover book.Page 527找书Can I search for a book on this computer?Im looking for a wild flower p

30、hoto book.There is no such book with that title.That book is out of print.I dont know the title of the book but I do know the name of the writer.I believe theres something to do with a cat in the title.Where can I find an essay of Shin Kyungsook?Page528逛书店1You cannot remove the plastic cover from th

31、e magazine.There are lots of interesting books at the bookstore.You cant bring a book for which you havent paid into the bathroom.Is it true that I can get this bag as a freebie if I purchase this magazine?If I buy Girls Generation monthly magazine, theyll give me a pictorial supplement.Is there any book translated by another publisher than this one?

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