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1、高一第二学期期中考试英语试题2015-2016学年度第二学期 高一英语 期中考试题(全卷120分钟内完成,满分150分)说明:1. 所有选择题,请填涂在统一自备的答题卡对应的题号上。2. 七选五的E,F,G分别用E=AB; F=BC; G=CD代替. 3. 非选择题,请答在答题卷的指定位置上。4. 交卷时只交答题卡和答题卷。一:听力部分 ( 共15 小题,每小题2分,满分30分 )第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What

2、 did the man and woman mean?A. They enjoyed the party.B. Their friends seemed rather old.C. They met some funny people at the party.2. What was the score (比分) ?A. 0 : 3 . B. 4 : 0 C. 0 : 143. Why cant the man see the lawyer ?A. He didnt make an appointment . B. The lawyer is too busy on Thursday.C.

3、The lawyer is not in on Tuesday.4. What does the man usually do on Sundays ?A. Do some reading. B. Go shopping. C. Go swimming. 5. What does “ row ” probably mean in the dialogue ?A. Boating. B. Quarrel. (争吵) C. Climbing. 第二节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应的位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题。每小题

4、5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6 至7题。6. Why did the woman make the call ?A. To find out the best way to go to New York.B. To find out information on traveling by bus.C. To find out the cheapest way to get to New York. 7. How much does it cost to go to New York by bus ? A. $ 5 . B. $ 15 .

5、C. $ 50 . 听第7段材料, 回答第8 至9题。8. Why is the womans son not going to take a vacation ? A. He doesnt like traveling.B. He is busy with his studies.C. He doesnt like going abroad . 9. When are the woman and her husband going to leave for China ?A. Next week . B. Next Wednesday . C. Next month .听第8段材料, 回答第

6、10至13题。10. Why does the girl want to make some money ?A. She wants to travel to the north.B. She wants to buy a bike.C. She wants to buy some papers.11. What is the boys first suggestion ? A. Walking dogs. B. Buying a bike to collect old newspapers. C. Carrying papers. 12. Which of the following is

7、true according to the conversation ? A. The girl doesnt like animals. B. A lot of people around here keep dogs. C. The boy walks the dog every day.13. How much does an ad in the newspaper cost ? A. $ 10 B. $ 2 . C. Under $ 10 . 听第9段材料, 回答第14 至15题。14. What could the man be ?A. A firefighter. B. A bod

8、yguard C. A policeman.15. What happened to the man ?A. He was burnt. B. He was operated on. C. He breathed in a lot of smoke. 二: 阅读部分 ( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分 )第一节 阅读理解阅读下列三短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的标号位置上。 ( 满分20分 )AIt was dark. As John was walking on his way home, he suddenly found an

9、ugly old man staring at him. The old man said, “Son, why dont you get a book? It will keep you company.”John noticed all the books that the old man had were related to (与.有关) the super nature (超自然界). Trying to act bravely, he found one and the old man said, “Thats an interesting book. Its $25.”The o

10、ld man kept staring at John, which almost frightened him. He quickly searched his pockets and found $25.John quickly paid for it. Then the old man called out, “Whatever happens, dont turn to the last page. Do remember, or you will regret it!”Reaching home, John heard his parents talking about a stra

11、nge old book seller that appeared only at night during a full moon and then disappeared. Nervously, he ran straight to his room. At midnight, as he was sound asleep in bed, a blast (股) of cold wind blew in through the window and woke him up. He looked at his table and saw the book. For a while, he w

12、as frozen in fear, but he was so curious. Slowly he got out of bed and carefully picked up the book.As he took a look at the last page, he cried out and fainted (晕倒).This is what he read on the last page! Retail (零售) Price: $10.99 Promotional (促销) Price: $2.9916. Why did John buy the book?A. He was

13、interested in the super nature.B. He wanted to have a company.C. He wanted to help the old man.D. He tried to act to be brave. 17. When did John turn to the last page of the book?A. Immediately after he bought it.B. When he was talking with his parents.C. When he read to the last page of the book.D.

14、 After he was woken up at midnight. 18. What can we learn from the passage? A. The old man had magic power. B. John was overcharged for the book. C. John was a really brave person. D. The book was very interesting. BMy name is Laura. At the age of 35, I decided to work on the plane against the will

15、(意愿) of my children. After my first plane ride at the age of five, I felt so excited that I had a dream of earning my wings (翅膀)on the plane. I didnt earn much, but I loved my job. We were flying from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C, when I answered a call. Then I went to the cabin (客舱), I found a yo

16、ung mother struggling with her baby son. She told me that she had no more diapers (尿布). With the saddest eyes I have ever seen, she continued. She said she had two babies, but she could no longer support two of them. She was taking her son to a family in New Hampshire. As she stood in front of me, c

17、rying, I could see the hopelessness on her face. I went away and got some diapers from the other mothers, and gave her a sweater of mine. After the woman and her son had changed their clothes, I sat with her, holding her hand, trying to provide some support and comfort. I could feel her pain and her

18、 love for her baby son. During that time, I kept thinking of my children who were waiting for me in New York.Once we landed, I walked with them to their next flight, which would take them to their final destination (目的地). The woman thanked me a lot, and I replied, “Thank you, too.”19. What can we le

19、arn about Laura from the first paragraph? A. She wanted to live an exciting life. B. It was her dream to fly in the sky. C. Her children agreed with her decision. D. She liked her new job because of its high pay.20. Lauras job on the plane was to _. A. help the pilot manage the airplane B. help the

20、passengers when they were in trouble C. help the passengers adventure by plane D. ensure the safety of the airplane21. Why did the author thank the young woman? A. She had helped a lot when the author was in trouble. B. She provided support and comfort for the author. C. She made the author realize

21、a mothers love for the children. D. She made the author see the importance of her work. C Not all countries have known the interesting facts about Canada. For example, did you know that although Canada is the second largest country with only 27 million people, making it the 28th largest in populatio

22、n? Because a large part of Canada is covered with lakes and streams, it has the largest source of fresh water in the world. Think the U.S. has a lot of automobiles (汽车) on the road. Canada has more automobiles, per person, than any other country, with at least one automobile for every 2 people. And,

23、 in Canada, 100 different languages are spoken. Did you know that the Canadian $1 coin is called the Loonie, named after (取名) a bird, pictured on the coin? Are there any other animals featured (出现) on Canadian coins? Yes. The caribou (驯鹿)is displayed (呈现) on the Canadian quarter (两角五分的硬币). Did you a

24、lso know that Canada has six time zones? Some of the things we love most in America were created by Canadians. Superman, the chocolate nut bar, basketball, and Ginger Ale were all created by Canadians. Famous inventions that are used by many Americans are credited to (归功于) Canadians including the wa

25、lker, used by the elderly or injured, the common garbage bag, the electric cooking range (电烹调范围), and the electric light bulb (灯泡) (even though most people think it was invented by Thomas Edison). To make our lives easier, Canadians invented the instant mashed potatoes (速食土豆泥), paint roller (油漆滚筒) ,

26、 snow blower (旋转式清雪机), the wireless radio and the zipper (拉链). For communication or fun, the Canadians invented the television, walkie-talkies (手提无线电话机), telephone, and the snowmobile (雪橇). There are many famous people who were born in Canada, including Pamela Anderson, Shania Twain, Keanu Reeves an

27、d Jennifer Tilley. 22. The author is most probably from _. A. Australia B. America C. Canada D. China 23. We know from the passage that Canada _. A. has more automobiles on the road than the U.S B. has more lakes and rivers than any other country C. is a country large in area and population as well

28、D. has the richest supply of fresh water in the world24. The passage is mainly intended to _. A. share some interesting facts about Canada B. correct peoples wrong ideas about Canada C. tell about the history and culture of Canada D. honor the Canadians for their great achieve-ments25. The example o

29、f “Loonie” is used in the passage to _. A. explain the characters of the Canadian people B. introduce some animals found only in Canada C. show the Canadians deep feelings about nature D. give some information about Canadas money system 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项

30、为多余选项。Not all memories (记忆) are sweet. Some people spend all their lives trying to forget bad experiences. Violence (暴力) and traffic accidents can leave people with terrible physical (身体的) and emotional (情感的) scars (伤痕). 26 Now American researchers think they are close to developing a pill (药丸), whi

31、ch will help people forget bad memories. 27 They hope it might reduce or possibly erase (抹去) the effect (效果;影响) of painful memories.In November, experts tested a drug on people in the US and France. 28 So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not

32、that the memories are erased. 29 Some think it is a bad idea, while others support it. Supporters say it could lead to pills that prevent or treat soldiers troubling memories after a war. But those who are against the research say that it is very dangerous to change memories because memories give us our identity (身份) . 30 “All of us can think of

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