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2、方面。例如,傅杨武以化学反应工程为例,从课程网站设计的角度指出课程网站在界面设计、网站设计以及网站资源等的建设方面应遵循的、页面设计等方面探讨了校园网环境下课程网站的设计开发。因课程网站具有共享性,李曼便提出课程网站共建的概念,基于联盟理论,指出课程网站共建可从共享、参与和竞争三方面促进教案质量的提高,并分析了课程网站共建中应注意的问题;Course website is an important application in the form of education and teaching work of information technology. According to the

3、NationalQualityCourseResourceCenter statistics untiltheendof May 2011, only 24,446 ofwhich had excellent course website, accessingto reach 11,615,023 internetpassengers. However, the users ongoing access to which has been below 50%, andthe interaction rate (network interaction between users) are con

4、sistently below 5.43%, which indicates that the user hardly communicate on the course website. The website of the course is also occasionally used, which isfar from able to achieve self-learning and collaborative learning, the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. In fact, the existing curri

5、culum website, especially Courses website mostly lack of project evaluation and hastily built, which lead to the lack of features, the lack of analysis of the users (mainly students) and receiving cognitive behavioral level. Due to the use of interest, It is difficultto Expand the ideal platform for

6、 users to become autonomous learning. In the meantime, the research community focused on the theoretical aspects related to the design forum. For example, Fu Yang Wu takes the Chemical Reaction Engineering as an example.From the perspective of the course website, design course website noted in build

7、ing interface design, website design and website resources should follow page design and other aspects discussed in the campus network course website. Based on course website sharing, Lehman has proposed to build the course website concept, the theory -based coalition pointed out to build a course w

8、ebsite, which can promote the quality of teaching with sharing, participation and competition in three areas. What is more, the course site should pay attention to the issue.同时,李曼还从公共产品的视角指出课程网站的维护应加强制度设计和成员激励,引导资源合理配置,发挥团队的整体效应。然而,目前这些研究都缺乏运用实证研究的方法来关注用户的诉求点,并对用户的接受行为进行实证研究分析。因为从用户角度出发运用实证方法研究课程网站应

9、有的特性,不仅可以补充完善理论界对课程网站的研究,还可以贴近用户,准确把握用户接受课程网站的影响因素,吸引用户有效、持续使用下去,解决目前用户持续使用率低、交互率低等问题,以达到提高教案质量的目的。鉴此,笔者结合课程网站的交互性特点,在技术接受模型和交互理论的基础上,构建影响用户使用意愿的关系模型,运用结构方程模型对假设进行验证,并由此提出课程网站建设对策,希望能够充分发挥课程网站在现代教育教案中的重要作用。In the meanwhile, Lehman also noted that the course Web site design and maintenance of the sys

10、tem should be strengthened to motivate members to guide the rational allocation of resources, and to play a team from the perspective of the overall effect of public goods. However, these studies lacking of use of empirical research methods to focus on the users selling point has empirical research

11、and analysis to accept the behavior of the user. From the users point of view, the use of empirical research methods course website should feature not only complements studies theorists course site, but also close to the user, who accepts an accurate grasp of the factors affecting the course Web sit

12、e. To effectively attract users to continue using its solution, and to use the low interaction rate and other issues in order to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of teaching. In view of this, the author of the course website interactivity features in the base model and interactive techno

13、logy acceptance theory try to build the relational model affecting the user wishes, and using structural equation modeling hypotheses. As a result,websitecoursesarewanted to be able to fully play an important role in modern education course website teaching.(一)结论() Conclusion本研究的目的主要是探讨影响用户使用课程网站的因素

14、,在技术接受模型的基础上建立了课程网站接受模型,并对模型中有关12个假设进行了实证检验。研究结果:表明用户认知(感知有用性、感知易用性和环境认同)与行为态度正相关,感知有用性和环境认同与使用意向正相关,感知易用性正向影响感知有用性,课程网站的知识性与感知有用性正相关,课程网站的娱乐性和交互性分别与感知易用性和环境认同正相关。根据本文的研究结果,笔者可以对我国大学生课程网站的建设提出几点建议:The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence users touse the course website,

15、 which established a course website acceptance model based on the technology acceptance model, and talked about 12 assuming empirical test model. Theresults indicate user awareness (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and environmental identity) positively correlated with the behavior and at

16、titude, perceived usefulness and environmental recognition and positive correlation between the use of intention, perceived ease of use positively influence perceived usefulness, curriculum site informative and perceived usefulness positively correlated course website, which interactive entertainmen

17、t positively correlated with perceived ease of use, and environmental identity, respectively. Based on the findings of this article, the author can make college courses on the construction site with a few suggestions:1.充分利用多媒体技术,营造轻松学习环境目前大部分的课程网页以静态方式展现,其组织方式也是现行的,教案内容的呈现主要有两种方式:1. Making full use

18、of multimedia technology to create a relaxed learning environment at present most of the course web statically show, which is also the current organization, and teaching content presented mainly in two ways:(1)文本和静态图像:这种方式相当于书本的生硬搬家;(1) text and static images: This method is equivalent to the book b

19、lunt move。(2)PowerPoint讲稿:直接将教师的PowerPoint演示文件放到网上,趣味性明显不强。网站建设者应当改进课程网站网页外观设计,通过合理的色彩搭配和清晰的页面布局,突出课程网站的特色风格。同时,借助视频、动画和声音等多种媒介制作生动形象的多媒体教案资源进行知识传授。这样不仅能够加深用户对知识的理解和认识,而且能够营造出轻松愉快的学习氛围,吸引用户主动投身课程网站的学习中。Website builder programs should improve Web site design with reasonable and clear colors page layo

20、ut, highlighting the course website features style. Meanwhile, with a variety of media video, animation, and sound production vivid multimedia teaching resources for knowledge transfer. So the user can not only deepen understanding of knowledge and recognition, but also to create a pleasant learning

21、 atmosphere to attract users to actively participate in the learning program website.2.提供强大的交互功能,培养网络学习习惯理想的课程网站应能够根据用户的知识结构、学习情况,动态生成学习内容。这就要求课程网站具有强大的交互功能。网站除了能够提供实时的课件点播外,还必须注重多种交互方式,如电子邮件、讨论区、BBS、在线答疑等功能。以此同时,还应该利用各种方法、渠道宣传网站,鼓励学生用户利用网站进行学习交流或讨论问题,培养学生网络学习的习惯,使他们逐渐能够独立自主地安排学习进度、学习时间和学习内容,自主完成学习任

22、务。2. Ideal web site should be able to base on the users knowledge, learning content dynamically generated program structure, provides powerful interactive features and develop study habits. This requires the course website possess powerful interactive features. In addition to providing real-time web

23、site courseware on demand, thewebsite also should pay attention to a variety of interaction, such as email, discussion forums, BBS, online Q and other functions. Inthe same time, you should also use a variety of methods, channels promotional site, users use the site to encourage students to communic

24、ate or discuss issues of learning, students online learning habits so that they can independently arrange gradually learning progress, learning time and learning content, complete autonomy learning task.3.构建立体化教案资源,设立专人负责网站的发展充分利用课程网站容量特点拓展课程,对各种教案资源进行整合,利用超链接的方式,将各种媒体组成立体化网络教材,教材内容与课程内容紧密结合,为用户创建一个


26、系统的适应性,为学习者提供量身定做的学习内容,对于提高网站使用效果具有重要作用。3.Theconstructionof three-dimensional teaching resources,andthe establishment of the personal responsible for the site s development programs take full advantage of the characteristics of the site capacity expansion programs , andthe integration of a variety o

27、f teaching resources , andthe use of hyperlinks way , andthe three-dimensional network consist of a variety of media materials, teaching materials and course content closely, creating a three-dimensional teaching resources for users, thus opening up a user perspective. In addition, in order to incre

28、ase the sites informative programs and websites vitality, website content must be regularly updated.Thewebsitecan considereach semester the course of the period as a web content updates, and the main classroom teachers assigned main person responsible for the establishment of the person , who is res

29、ponsible for the course website content which is regularly updated ( such as exercises, papers, audio and video courseware , etc. ). In this way, you can ensure that users get the latest knowledge from the site of the course, but also to allow timely access to course instructors user to feedback, to

30、 better grasp the learning dynamic learners, and to provide more targeted guidance to improve the quality of teaching. In addition, from the perspective of the individual user perception and emotional starting point, building courses should focus more on the website user-friendly design, because the

31、 content is more user-friendly, thus improving the overall user identity to the course website . While improving the adaptability of the course website system to provide learning content tailored for learners, improving the site uses effects play an important role.(二)研究局限和未来研究方向() Study limitations

32、and future research directions使用课程网站辅助学习作为一种行为现象已经引起广大学者的普遍关注,本研究的贡献在于考虑到了课程网站的特点而将用户方面的环境认同因素,以及课程网站的特性因素整合进技术接受模型,从而对用户的课程网站使用意图进行了预测和验证,以便更好地指导课程网站的建设,推进相关课程建设的健康深入的发展。Use the course website assisted learning as a behavior phenomenon has attracted widespread attention from scholars, and the contr

33、ibution of this study is to take into account the characteristics of the course site and environmental aspects of user identity factors, as well as factors that course site features integrated into technology acceptance model, asresult, the users intention to use the course site was predicted and validate

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