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高一英语Unit 1 同步测试.docx

1、高一英语Unit 1 同步测试高一英语Unit 1 同步测试 高一英语Unit 1 同步测试I 单项选择:1 He ens _ arund the apus A al B t al aling D f aling2 st traffi lights r _ A at a tie B all the tie at ne tie D ever tie3 I lie sea _ in suer A speial B speiall espeial D espeiall4 N ne an be sure _ in a illin ear A hat an ill l lie B hat ill an

2、l lie an ill l lie hat D hat l ill an lie -hat is ur ne teaher lie? - _ A He lies plaing the guitar B He is quite ell He ust graduated D He is tall and handse6 After that e never sa her again, nr _ fr herA did e hear B e heard had e heard D e have heard7 Have u _ ur ne neighbur, r Sith?A ade a frien

3、d ith B ade friends f ade friends t D ade friends ith8 - I issed the first part f the fil It as reall a pit- u _ he half an hur earlierA shuld have left B ust have left shuld leave D ust leave9 After graduatin fr llege, he began t ander fr it t it, _ a suitable b A hunting fr B taing n ling after D

4、bringing up 10 I srr t sa nl t en _ the shipre(沉船) A died B survived lived D esaped11 _ eet hi at the airprt, he had t get up earl A S as t B In rder t S that D In rder that12 ne da hu is _ a flight _ the Paifi ean _ suddenl his plane rashes A in; ver; hile B n; arss; hen ith; thrugh; then D n; arss

5、; as13_ I didnt n anbd at the part, I had a gd tie A Even B Instead Even thugh D Hever14 ur teaher tld us that the earth _ rund the sunA ves B ved t ve D ving1 - There is a hle in ur bag- I n I a ging t have it _A end B ending ended D t be ended16 _ u fnd _ ftball ath?A D; f athing B Are; t ath Are;

6、 ling D Are; f athing17 He tld her h pr and iserable he _ thenA has lived B had been had nn D ent thrugh18 If ur spen English gets better, _ ur ritten EnglishA s des B s ill suh des D suh ill19 The believe that _ the ill defeat the ftball teaA ne da B the ther da an da D either da20 D u en listening

7、 t pp sngs? es, I a _ it ver uh A n B ith in D int 21 - e dnt have enugh bs hat uld u lie t _?- H abut t f us _ ne?A suggest; sharing B sa; share suggest; share D sa; sharing22 Se pp stars ill _ perfranes _ raise ne fr the pretA put n; s that B g n; in rder that put n; s as t D have n; in rder t23 H

8、e is gd at aing es He alas has thers _ at his esA laughed B t laugh laughing D t be laughed24 The puter is ut f rder, but there is n ne he an _helpA as t B be ased t as fr D as abut2 In rder t prtet the trees, the ld an lives _ in a _ huse, but he desnt feel _A alne, alne, lnel B lnel, alne, alne ln

9、el, lnel, alne D alne, lnel, lnel26 The lin hid in the bush _ be fundA s as t nt B s that nt in rder that nt D in rder nt t27 Her spen English is better than _A annes B anne else anne elses D annes else28 uld u g and _, please?A find hat the atter is ith T B find ut hat the atter is ith T find ut ha

10、ts the atter ith T D be sure hat is the atter f T29 There ere _ deer at that tie that the leaves f trees ere eaten upA s uh B s an t an D suh uh30 She ased e _A that if I as pleased B hether as I pleased that I as pleased D if I as pleased31 There is friend uld u ae urself _ hi?A t n B n nn b D nn t

11、32 I tld the _ r Sith had been aa fr t dasA if B hether hen D that33 Let Harr pla ith ur t as ell, lare u ust learn t _A supprt B are spare D share34 He as ging t _ in the ave _ he as disvered b the eneA esape; as B hide; hen live; hile D sta; hen3 -rs Brn is alas beautifull dressed -es, she ears _

12、nie lthes!A s B suh suh a D s uh36 -e havent heard fr T fr a lng tie-hat d u suppse _ t hi?A as happening B has happened t happen D having happened 37 It as _ late t ath a bus after the part, therefre e alled a taxi and ent he diretlA t ver B uh t t uh D far38 an u tell e _? A hat des the island l l

13、ie? B hat the island ls lie h des the island l lie D h the island ls lie39 -I lie siing but I dnt lie t si tda -_ A S d I B S I d S it is ith e D I d s40 I an hardl iagine Peter _ arss the Atlanti ean in five das A sail B t sail sailing D t have sailed II Reading prehensinAIs ur fail interested in b

14、uing a dg? A dg an be a pleasant panin t ur fail, but if u hse the rng ind f dg, u ill have a lt f trublesFailies shuld sit dn and thrughl disuss the pssible prbles befre buing a dg Even if the hildren in ur fail are the nes h ant the dg, the parents are the nes h are reall respnsible fr seeing that

15、 the anial is prperl ared fr If u dnt n uh abut dgs, it is a gd idea t g t the librar fr bs abut different inds f dgs, as ell as bs abut h t train a ung dg In reading abut the different breeds(种类)u shuld n that a dg desribed(描述)as ver alert(机敏灵活的)a be t ative hen a b desribes a dg as an exellent hun

16、ting dg, it prbabl eans that the dg nt be happ living in a sall huse Dg breeds var(变化)in ppularit as the ears g b ne f the st ppular dgs these das is the Geran shepherd This is beause it prvides prtetin as ell as paninship The fail shuld be arned that these dgs gr up t be ver big, and a be t perful

17、fr hildren t ntrl If spae is liited, a t dg a be a gd hie These dgs are ver sall and eas t train The dnt need t be aled dail, sine the an exerise in the he1 _ shuld tae the respnsibilit(责任)fr aing sure that the dg is prperl treatedA The hildren B The parents Bth the parents and the hildren D Anne h

18、ants the dg2 Arding t the passage, ne an get infratin abut different inds f dgs_A b ging t the librarB b asing sene h has enugh experiene abut different inds f dgs b buing a dg and training itD b reading bs abut dgs3 The Geran shepherd is a ppular dg _A beause it is eas t train B beause it is big an

19、d strng beause it is perful and friendl D beause it is alert and ative4 hih f the flling stateents is nt true?A Dnt bu a hunting dg if ur huse is nt big enughB A dg a nt be s gd as it is desribed in bs The Geran shepherd never lses its ppularit fr it prvides nt nl paninship but als prtetinD u shuld

20、have a disussin ith ur fail befre buing a dg in ase it auses u a lt f trubles hih is the best tpi f the passage?A The are and prper seletin f dgs fr failiesB Different breeds f dgs Respnsibilit fr seeing that dgs are prperl ared frD Different inds f bs abut dgsIII、 短改错:I have been in England sine th

21、ree nths 1_There have been suh an plaes t see that I have 2_nt had an tie fr riting letters I shall start 3_ studies at a llege There are a plent f pitures 4_u an l and there are an bs that u an _read the I have ade se friends and have 6_been used t live in England The eather here 7_is neither ld r

22、ht Peple here d nt shae 8_hands as e d Peple dnt put ut their hands 9_hen the eet eah ther en rise their hats t 10_en but nt t eah there t Unit ne I: 单选: 1-20: BDAD ADAAB BBA DBBAD 21-40: AD DBD DDDBB BBB II:阅读: BDDA III:改错: 1、sine fr 2、suh s 3、an enugh 4、去掉 plent 前的 a 、l 后加 at 6、去掉 the 7、live living 8、r nr 9、正确 10、rise raise

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