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疯狂英语突破单词 1B.docx

1、疯狂英语突破单词 1B感谢大耳朵网友luckyllj提供的听力原文It has long been a dream of mine to retire and live by the sea. 退休后去海边生活是我的夙愿。Her dream of success kept her from quitting.她渴望成功的梦想使她不愿辞职。Becoming the President is the dream of my lifetime.成为总统是我毕生的愿望。John lives in a dream.约翰生活在梦幻中。The boy had dreams of being a hero.这

2、孩子梦想当英雄。Is life really an empty dream?人生果真空如梦吗?The first few days of their romance had been like a dream. But the dream didnt last.他们开始几天的浪漫温馨曾是那么的完美,但这美梦却没能持续多久。He let me drive his new car last night it drives like a dream.昨晚他让我开他的新车,真是棒极了。I will never stop pursuing my dreams.我永远都不会停止追求我的梦想。The Ame

3、rican dream means anyone can be successful if they work hard. “美国梦”是指任何人只要努力工作都能成功。Man should always have big dreams.人应该有远大的理想。My childhood dream was to be a policeman.我孩提时的梦想是当一名警察。I cant sleep because I have bad dreams every night.我睡不好因为我每晚都做恶梦。The child woke up in the middle of a bad dream.孩子被恶梦惊

4、醒。You crushed my dreams with your cruel remark.你残忍的话粉碎了我的梦想。Dont rob me of my dreams, theyre all I have left right now.不要抢走我的梦,它们是我现在仅有的东西了。Dont spoil my dreams with all your negative talk.不要用你负面的谈话破坏我的梦想。I ruined my fathers dreams of having a doctor for a son when I dropped out of college.我退出了大学,这粉

5、碎了我父亲希望有个儿子当一名医生的梦想。When you woke me, you interrupted a wonderful dream.你把我叫醒了,打断了我的好梦。Its a terrible thing to lose your dreams.失去梦想是很可怕的事。You can say what you want, but you cant stop me from dreaming.你爱怎么说就怎么说,但你不能让我停止梦想。007、eager adj. 渴望的,热切的 I am eager for my vacation.我渴望假期的到来。We are eager to lea

6、rn English well.我们渴望学好英语。008、extremely adv. 非常地,极端地 Im extremely sorry for the delay.这事耽搁了我非常抱歉。Thats extremely interesting.那真是非常有趣。【额外成就感】 A: You look terrible.你看来面色很不好。B: Im extremely worried about you.我非常为你担心。009、feel v. 感觉,感受 Please feel free to call us.请随时给我们打电话。How are you feeling this morning

7、?你今天早上感觉如何?【疯狂单词家族】feeling n. 感触,感觉;感情;心情;预感 You hurt my feeling.你伤了我的感情。 I have a funny feeling about that man.我觉得那个人很有趣。 I have a feeling hell come. 我觉得他要来了。010、free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的 You are free to go or to stay.你可以走,也可以留下。Will you be free this Sunday?这个星期天你有空吗?【疯狂单词家族】freedom n. 自由 The children

8、enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays. 孩子们喜欢学校放假时的无拘无束。 We have freedom of speech.我们有言论自由。 We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.整个下午我们都做自己喜欢做的事情。011、lead v. 引向,领导,致使 He is leading a big company.他领导着一家大公司。I hope George Bush can lead our country through this crisis.我希望乔治布什能领导我们国家度

9、过这个难关。【美国人在世贸中心惨案发生后的由衷希望!】【额外成就感】 You lead and well follow.你带头,我们跟着来。 He led a hard life.他的日子过得很苦。 This road leads to the station.这条路通向车站。【这句话虽不令人激动,但非常实用!】 What led you to believe so?是什么让你这么想的?012、meet v. 与会面,相识,满足 Im going to meet the president this afternoon.我今天下午要与总裁会面。This product doesnt meet

10、our standards.这个产品不符合我们的标准。【额外成就感】 I enjoy meeting new people.我喜欢认识新朋友。 A: Have you two met?你们两个见过面吗?B: No, but I heard a lot about him.不,但我早就听说过他很多事。013、need v. 需要 I need your help.我需要你的帮助。You dont need to do them all at one time.你不需要同时做全部的事情。014、secret n. 秘密,秘诀 The secret of success is hard work.成

11、功的秘诀是辛苦工作。Keep it a secret!别告诉别人!015 succeed 成功If you want to succeed , allways force yourself to do more.如果你想要成功,总是要强迫自己多做一点,Did you succeed in the interview?你面试成功了吗?Succeed 家族一网打尽If you try hard ,you will succeed.如果你努力,就会成功.He succeed in the examination.他考试及格了.His business has succeeded,and is mak

12、ing a lot of money.他的生意很成功,赚了很多钱.Success n. 成功;胜利成功之人;成功的事Her success as a popular singer was short-lived.作为流行歌曲歌手她取得的成功只是昙花一现.Never be satisfied with just a little success.不要有一点成绩就满足.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母.He was not a success as a governor, but he became a great president.就做州长而言,

13、他不是一个成功者,介他成了一个伟大的总统.The conference was a success.大会开得很成功.Success breeds success.成功孕育成功.Failure can also breed success.失败也孕育失败.They atributed their success in business go hard work.他们将生意上的成功归因于间辛勤的工作.The plan was a success.这个计划成功了.Successful adj,成功的,有成就的;盛大的(会等);幸运的The performance was successful.演出很

14、成功.China was successful in launching its economic reforms.中国成功地实施了经济改革.The successful experiment provided a cure for the disease .这次成功的试验为这种病找到了治疗方法.To be a successful candidate requires hours of hard work and effort . 想要当选需要长时间的辛苦工作和努力.My father was not a very successful man ,but he loved his famil

15、y very much.我父亲并不是一个很成功的人,但他热爱他的家人.Unsuccessful .adj. 不成功的,失败的He was unsuccessful in his attempt to climb Mt . Everest.他攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试失败了.I tried to launch my own internet company last year,but I was unsuccessful.去年我想开间自己的网络公司,介没能成功.016、sweet adj. 甜的,可爱的,美好的 Its so sweet of you to send me such a nice pr

16、esent.你真是太好了,送这么好的礼物给我。Kim has a sweet tooth.Kim喜欢吃甜食。【名言突破单词】 No sweet without sweat.没有付出,就没有收获。(没有汗水,就没有甜蜜。017、ability K.K: 5bIltI IPA: 5biliti n. 能力,才干 He has great ability in teaching English.他在英语教学方面有特别的才能。She is a woman of ability.她是个能干的女人。018、business K.K: 5bIznIs IPA: 5biznis n. 生意,商业,事情 Im

17、dreaming of owning my own business.我梦想着拥有我自己的生意。Lets get down to business.让我们谈正事吧。019、busy K.K: 5bIzI IPA: 5bizi adj. 忙碌的,临时占用的 Im busy preparing for the TOEFL.我忙着准备托福考试。No matter how busy you are, never neglect your health.不管你有多忙,永远不要忽视健康。【额外成就感】 Dont bother me. Im busy!别烦我,我忙着呢。 I was too busy to

18、call you last night.昨晚我太忙了,没时间给你打电话。 Were busy with our new project.我们忙着我们的新项目。 He was too busy talking to notice the time!他太忙于谈话,顾不上注意时间。 What are you busy with these days?你们最近忙些什么? I tried to call him, but the line was busy.我试过打电话给他,但电话占线。020、consider K.K: kn5sIdL IPA: kn5sid v. 考虑,认为 Ill consider

19、 your suggestion.我会考虑你的建议的。【老板常用语】He is considering studying abroad.他正考虑着出国留学的事。consider家族还有个五星级的名词:consideration n. 深思;考虑;设想周到;体谅;因素;重要性 Please give the problem your careful consideration. 请你仔细考虑这个问题。 Time is a very important consideration in this case.在这种情况下时间是极为重要的因素。 He was a man of some conside

20、ration.他是个要人。 The price is the first consideration when buying something, as far as most people are concerned.就多数人而言,买东西的时候首先要考虑的是价格因素。 The relations between China and the United States were a serious consideration.中美之间的关系是一个要认真思考的因素。 You really need to have more consideration for others. You arent

21、the only person in the world you know!你真该多为别人着想,要知道你并不是这世上唯一的一个人。 We need to take all the evidence into consideration.我们需要考虑所有的证据。 Thank you for your consideration.多谢你考虑。021、delicious K.K: dI5lIFs IPA: di5liFs adj. 美味的,好吃的 The food here really tastes delicious.这儿的食物真的很好吃。This is the most delicious m

22、eal Ive ever had.这是我吃过的最好吃的一顿饭。022、different K.K: 5dIfrnt IPA: 5difrnt adj. 不同的 You look different today. Have you had your hair cut?你今天看起来不一样,你剪了头发吗?The Chinese language is very different from English.中文和英文非常不同。【额外成就感】 Beijing is different from what I expected.北京跟我想象中的不同。 Beijing looks so different

23、 from 10 years ago.北京看上去与10年前不同。 A: What do you think of China?你觉得中国怎么样?B: Its really different from what I expected.跟我想象的一点不同。【疯狂单词家族】difference n. 不同;差别;差异 It doesnt make any difference.没什么不一样。 I cant see much difference in them. 我看不出他们有什么大的差别。 There are many differences between living in a big ci

24、ty and living in the country.生活在大城市与生活在乡村有许多不同之处。023、difficult K.K: 5dIfI7kQlt IPA: 5difiklt adj. 困难的,难以相处的 It is difficult to master two different languages.要精通两种不同的语言是困难的。He is difficult to get along with.他很难相处。【额外成就感】王牌句型:It is difficult(for sb.) to It is difficult for me to drive a car.对我来说,开车很难

25、。 It is difficult to learn Japanese well.学好日文很困难。 It is difficult to figure out what he really means.很难猜出他到底是什么意思。 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.有志者事竟成。 All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事必先难后易。【疯狂单词家族】difficulty n. 困难,艰难;难事;困境 This question is full o

26、f difficulties. 这个问题困难很多。 Do you have any difficulty with English? 你英语上有困难吗?王牌句型: have difficulty in + V-ing We had a little difficulty in finding your office.我们找到你的办公室有一点困难。 I always have difficulty in pronouncing new words.对新单词的发音我总是有困难。 Do you have any difficulty in working with others?你跟其他人一起工作有

27、什么困难吗? There wont be any difficulty in finding a replacement.找一个代替者不会有什么困难。024、diligent K.K: 5dIldVnt IPA: 5dildVnt adj. 勤奋的,用功的 Henry is the most diligent student in our class.亨利是我们班上最用功的学生。He is diligent in his work.他工作很勤奋。025、efficient K.K: I5fIFnt IPA: i5fiFnt adj. 有效率的 She is an efficient secre

28、tary.她是个有效率的秘书。The way you work is far from efficient.你这样工作太没有效率了。026、interesting K.K: 5IntrIstIn IPA: 5intristiN adj. 有趣的 I have something interesting to tell you.我要告诉你一些有趣的事。Students found his lecture interesting.学生们觉得他的演讲很有趣。027、live K.K: lIv IPA: liv v. 生活,居住,活,生存 I want to live a simple but happy life.我想过简单而愉快的生活。We eat to live, but not live to eat.我们吃东西为了生存,但生存不是为了吃东西。028、millio

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