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1、30天高考英语词汇特训专题30天高考英语词汇特训专题高三的同学已经投入到紧张高考备考中,为助大家高考英语一臂之力,今天起,每天给大家推送一些核心单词及重点短语的知识点,持续30天。内容:本专题含四个部分:核心单词、重点短语、写作句式和我读我练。现在,我们开始第1天的学习吧!方法:一:核心单词:先读5遍,然后以五个单词为一个单位:看着英语写汉语,看着汉语写英语。 二:重点短语:读5遍。 三:写作句式:在笔记本上抄写一遍。 四:我读我练:. 词汇应用:读的同时要把每个句子在脑海中译成中文。 (不认识的生词和短语查词典) . 句式仿写:先抄在笔记本上,然后口头背下来,并且要背写下来。时间: 早读进行

2、:核心单词、重点短语; 午休前: 写作句式 晚自习:我读我练30天高考英语词汇特训专题(第1天)一. 核心单词1. abandon bndn vt. 放弃;抛弃;遗弃2. abnormalbnm()l adj. 反常的,变态的3. aboard bd prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)4. abolish bl vt. 废除,废止5. absence bsns n. 不在,缺席6. absorb bsb vt. 吸收,使全神贯注7. abstract bstrkt adj. 抽象的n. 抽象派艺术作品8. absurd bsd adj. 荒谬的,怪诞不经的9. abundantbndnt

3、 adj. 大量,丰盛的,充裕的10. abuse bjuzvt. 滥用,虐待,谩骂11. accelerate kselret vt. 加速;促进12. access kses n. 接近;通道;存取(计算机文件);接近的机会13. accommodation kmde()n n.(pl.)住宿,膳宿14. accompanykmpn vt. 陪同;陪伴(go with);为伴奏(on/at)伴随15. accomplishkmpl vt. 完成(任务);达到(目的);实现(计划、诺言等)16. accumulatekjumjlet v. 积累,积聚17. accurate kjret ad

4、j. 准确的;精确的18. accustomed kstmd adj. 习惯于,惯常的19. achievementtivmnt n. 成就,成绩;完成,实现20. acknowledgeknld vt. 承认;答谢;告知收到(信件、礼物等);(微笑、挥手等)致意21. acquaintance kwentns n. 熟人,(与某人)认识22. acquire kwa(r) vt. 取得;获得;学到(知识等)23. addicted dktd adj. 沉溺于某种嗜好的;上了瘾的24. adequatedkwt adj. 充分的;足够的;可以胜任的25. adjustmentdstmnt n.

5、 调整,适应二. 重点短语1. abandon oneself to. 沉溺于;纵情于2. be/get accustomed to. 习惯于3. devote oneself to./be devoted to. 献身于,专心致力于4. adapt/adjust (oneself) to. 使(自己)适应5. apply oneself to. 专心致力于6. above all 最重要的是7. after all 毕竟8. in all 总共,总计9. first of all 首先10. all in all 总的来说11. not at all 一点也不 三. 写作句式状语从句1.(2

6、016全国卷书面表达)Asthe summer break isapproaching, I will be free for almost three months.随着暑假临近,我将有大约三个月的空闲时间。2.(2016天津高考书面表达)It has beentwo weekssinceyou came to our school for the exchange program, which has benefited all of us.你们来我们学校参加交流活动已经两周了,这项活动让我们所有人都受益。3.(2016全国卷书面表达)I remember you showed me so

7、me photos on that themethe last timeyou visited our school.我记得你上次来我们学校的时候,你让我看了关于那个主题的一些照片。4. (2015四川高考书面表达)When it comes toimproving Mandarin, my advice is that you should listen to Mandarin every day and practice speaking it whenever possible.Just as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.当谈到

8、提高普通话时,我的建议是每天尽可能地多听多说普通话,正如俗话所说,熟能生巧。四. 我读我练. 词汇应用1. They ran out of money and had toabandon(放弃) the project.2. It is known to us that our country isabundant(丰富的) in natural resources.3. In theabsence(absent) of any further evidence, the police were unable to solve the murder.4. I sincerely wish yo

9、u ever greaterachievements(achieve) from now on.5. Hedevoted all his life to helping(把一生都献给了帮助)the children in need of help.6. You should not have scolded the boyat all; he is a childafter all.Above all, he made only two mistakesin all.你根本不该责备那个小男孩,他毕竟还是个孩子;最重要的是,他总共犯了两处错误。. 句式仿写1. 随着老龄人口的日益增多,空巢老人的

10、问题变得越来越严重。As the aging population is becoming larger and larger, the problem of the empty nesters is getting more and more serious.2. 当谈到英语时,听、说是我的弱项。(2015四川高考书面表达)Listening and speaking is where my weakness lieswhen it comes to English.3. 我仍然记得:当我们第一次在学校相见时,你正在教室里看书。I still remember thatthe first t

11、ime we met at school,you were reading in the classroom.30天高考英语词汇特训专题(第2天)一. 核心单词1. admirable dmrb()l adj. 值得赞赏的,可钦佩的2. admission dm()n n. 准入,接纳3. adopt dpt vt. 采用,采取;表决采纳;收养4. adore d(r) vt.(不用于进行时) 敬慕,崇拜5. advantagedvntd n. 优势6. advocate dvkt v. 提倡,支持;拥护;主张;鼓吹7. affect fekt v. 影响;使感动8. affection fe

12、k()n n. 喜爱,钟爱9. afford fd v. 负担得起(的费用);抽得出(时间);提供10. alternativeltntv adj. 选择性的;供选择的n. 可供选择的事物11. amazing mez adj. 惊人的12. ambitiousmbs adj. 有雄心壮志的;有野心的13. amusement mjuzmnt n. 娱乐14. ancestor nsst(r) n. 祖先15. ancient ennt adj. 古老的16. anniversarynvsr n. 周年纪念(日)17. announcement nansmnt n. 通告,通知18. anxi

13、ous ks adj. 忧虑的,焦急的19. apologize pldaz vi. 道歉,谢罪20. appetite ptat n. 食欲,胃口21. applaud pld v. 鼓掌;赞许,赞赏22. applicantplknt n. 申请者,申请人23. appreciatepriet v. 欣赏;感激24. approach prt v. 接近,靠近n. 方法;路径;接近,靠近25. appropriateprprt adj. 合适的,恰当的二. 重点短语1. account for 对作出解释;是的原因;占2. on no account 绝不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)3.

14、 on account of 因为4. take sth into account/consideration考虑到;顾及;体谅5. 把加到6. add to 增加(常用于抽象意义)7. add up 加起来8. add up to 总计9. apart from 除以外(还)10. aside from 除以外(还)11. far from 远离,远非12. regardless of 不管,不顾三. 写作句式状语从句1. (2015全国卷书面表达)You can write anything relevant so long asits interesting and in

15、formative.只要它有趣并令人增长见识,你可以写与之有关的任何东西。2. (2016全国卷书面表达)I know you have a very busy schedule, but Id be very grateful ifyou could take some time to go through them and make necessary changes.我知道你日程安排得很紧,但如果你能花一些时间检查它们并作出必要的改变,我会非常感激。3. Every student, no matter howtalented or hardworking, will come acro

16、ss difficulties in his or her study.每位学生,不管他或她有多么聪明、多么努力,在学习中总会遇到困难。四. 我读我练. 词汇应用1. A man who can think will always have anadvantage(优势) over others.2. Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice eveningapproaching(接近).3. There is a heated discussion on whether museums should charge for admission(admit)

17、or not.4. I was amazedat heramazingexperience.(amaze)5. Pleaseadd all the figures up(把所有数字加起来), and you will get the total.6. In the school shop, studentsaccount for(占比例)50% of our customers. 句式仿写1. 如果你和我们分享你的作品,我会非常高兴。(2016 全国卷书面表达)I shall be very pleasedif you share your works with us.2. 不管什么时候我不高

18、兴了,总是我的朋友们让我振作起来。Whenever/No matter when Im unhappy, it is my friends who cheer me up.3. 只要细心,任何一个人都能胜任这份工作,你应该尝试一下。Any man will be equal to the task,so long as he is careful. You should give it a try.30天高考英语词汇特训专题(第3天)一. 核心单词1. approximately prksmtl adv. 近似地,大约2. argument jmnt n. 争论,辩论3. arrival ra

19、v()l n. 到来,到达4. association sse()n n. 社团;联盟;交往;联合5. assume sjum; (US) sum v. 假定,假设6. assumption smp()n n. 假定,假设7. astronaut strnt n. 宇航员8. athlete lit n. 运动员9. attach tt vt. 缚,系,贴;使依恋;使依附(与to连用)10. attempt tempt vt. 试图,尝试11. attend tend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加12. attention ten()n n. 注意,关心13. attitudettjud

20、; (US) ttud n. 态度,看法14. attract trkt vt. 吸引,引起15. availablevelbl adj. 可获得的;有空的16. awesomesm adj. 引起敬畏的;可怕的17. awkward kwd adj. 令人尴尬,使人难堪的18. background bkrand n. 背景19. bakery bekr n. 面包店20. balance blns n. 平衡21. bargain bn n. C交易,协议;廉价货vi. 讨价还价;达成协议22. barrier br n. 屏障,障碍;关卡23. behaviour bhevjr n. 行

21、为,举止24. belief bliv n. 信条,信念25. beneficial benf()l adj. 有益的,有帮助的二. 重点短语1. at the mercy of. 任摆布2. at the cost of. 以为代价3. at the expense of. 在损失的情况下4. at the risk of. 冒的危险5. appeal to 吸引,投合某人的心意;呼吁6. apply to 适用于; 申请7. belong to 属于8. contribute to 导致;有助于9. have/gain access to. 可以获得(或接近)三. 写作句式状语从句1. (

22、2016全国卷书面表达)Sincethe deadline is next Sunday, would you please send them back to me before next Saturday?因为截止日期是下周日,您能否在下周六前把它们发给我?2. (2016全国卷书面表达)We can set out earlyso thatwell have more time to read and select books.我们可以提前出发,这样我们会有更多的时间来阅读和选择书籍。3. (2016天津高考书面表达)You aresokind and consideratethatwe

23、 hope to be friends with you no matter where you are.你们如此善良、体贴,我们希望成为你们的朋友,无论你们在哪。四. 我读我练. 词汇应用1. Hebargained(讨价还价) with the merchant before he bought the ring.2. When it comes to the social phenomenon, different people hold different attitudes(态度) towards it.3. Reading widely and regularly will beb

24、eneficial(benefit) to your English.4. Well listen to thearguments(argue) from both sides and then vote on it.5. The war broke out, and many innocent people wereat the risk of(冒的危险) losing their lives.6. Sheapplied to(向申请) the international school for a job as an English teacher. 句式仿写1. 重要的事情是你要学会控制你

25、的脾气,以便你不会做一些使你后悔的事或说使你后悔的话。(2014安徽高考书面表达)The important thing is to learn to control your temperso that you may not do or say anything youll regret.2. 音乐对我如此有吸引力,以至于一有时间我就会听音乐,它会带我进入一个不同的世界。Music isso appealing to me thatI always listen to music whenever Im free, which brings me into a different worl

26、d.3. 另一方面,既然我们都尽力了,我们就不会有遗憾。(2013湖南高考写作)On the other hand,since we all tried our best,we had no regret.30天高考英语词汇特训专题(第4天)一. 核心单词1. benefit benft n. 益处,好处v. 受益;有益于2. betray btre vt. 背叛,辜负3. block blk n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障vt. 阻塞;阻挡4. board bdn. 木板;布告牌;委员会vt. 上(船、火车、飞机)5. bonus bns n. 津贴,奖金,红利6. botanica

27、lbtnk()l adj. 植物学的7. bound band adj. 一定的,必定的;被束缚的 v.& n. 跳跃8. boundarybandr n. 分界线;边界9. branch brnt n. 树枝;分公司,分店;支部10. brand brnd n. 品牌11. breakthroughbrekru n. 重大进展,突破12. brief brif adj. 简洁的13. brilliantbrlnt adj. 巧妙的,使人印象深刻的,技艺高的14. broad brd adj. 宽的,宽大的15. broadenbrdn vi. 扩大;变宽,加宽vt. 使扩大;使变宽16. b

28、roadcastbrdkst n. 广播,播音;广播节目vt. 广播,播送;宣扬17. brochurebr n. 资料(或广告)手册18. brotherhood brhd n. 兄弟般的关系19. budget bdt n. 预算20. bunch bnt n. 串;束;扎,大量,大批21. burden bd()n n. 负担;责任vt. 使负担;烦扰;负重22. cafeteria kftr n. 自助餐厅23. calculate klkjlet v. 计算,核算24. campaignkmpen n. 运动,战役25. campus kmpsn. 校园二. 重点短语1. be absent from 缺席in/during ones absence 某人不在时in the absence of sth 缺乏某物2. be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于bury oneself in/be buried in 专心于be lost in 陷入

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