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1、中考英语分类汇编专题二填空型补全对话专题二、填空型补全对话。(2017黑龙江哈尔滨)(B )填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A: Good afternoon. What can I do for you?B: Id like lo buy two bags for my _56_ .A: What color do your mother and father like?B: _57_ of them like black. A: Why _58_ buy these two ones? They are the most fashionable this year. Theyre pe

2、rfect for a couple. B: What are the bags made of?A: Theyre made of cloth.B: _59_ are the bags made?A: In Australia.B: How _60_ are they?A: The small one is 225 yuan and the big one is 275 yuan.B:OK, Ill take them.56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._56. parents 【解析】句意:我想买两个包给我的_。由后文mother and father可知,此处是parents

3、。57. Both 【解析】句意:上文提到妈妈和爸爸,是两个人,此处填Both(两者都)。58. not 【解析】句意:为什么不买两个呢?固定句型Why not do sth.?意为“为什么不做?”。59. Where 【解析】句意:包是_产的?由后文In Australia.(在澳大利亚。)可知,上文应问“包产自哪里。”60. much 【解析】句意:它们多少钱?由后文The small one is 225 yuan .可知,上文应问“价钱”。故填much。(2017河南)六、补全对话(5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整

4、。A: Hey, hows it going?B: Oh, all right. Im trying to make friends.A: Oh, thats great! Everyone needs friends.B: 76. _A: Yes. I think you should talk more often walk the people who you want as friends.B: Okay, thanks for your advice. I have one more question though.A: Go ahead, please. 77. _B: Shoul

5、d I try to get their phone numbers?A: 78. _. Friends need to communicate with each other.B: Then I wont be shy to ask for their phone numbers. 79. _?A: You can make friends with any kind of person. I became a friend to an old man and to a young kid.B: Wow, thats amazing. I didnt know making friends

6、would be easy. 80. _.A: Good luck on that. Goodbye.B: Goodbye.76. But can /could/will/would you (please) give me some advice Can /Could /Will/Would you (please) give me some advice Shall/May/ Can /Could I ask you for some advice 【解析】根据后面的答语“Yes. I think you should talk more often walk the people who

7、 you want as friends.”可知上句是希望对方给自己一些建议。77. Im happy/glad/pleased to help you (to earn/make more friends) I will try my best to help you Any question is welcome I would welcome any question. 【解析】由前一句“Go ahead, please. ”可知说话者是很乐意帮助对方的。78. Yes, of course Of course you can Yes/OK/Sure/Certainly All righ

8、t/.【解析】根据后面的句子“Friends need to communicate with each other.”可知是认为应该问别人要电话号码的。79. What kind of friends should /shall I make Who should /shall I make friends with.【解析】由下一句“You can make friends with any kind of person.”可知上句是问应该交什么样的朋友。80. Thanks/Thank you /Thanks a lot/Many thanks (again for your advic

9、e Ill have a try /try (it)【解析】在别人给你提供了一些好的建议后当然应该感谢别人。(2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔)(B ) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences.Wang Hong: Hello! This is Wang Hong. (51)_ ?Li Mei: Yes, Li Mei speaking.Wang Hong: Hi, Li Mei. Our summer holidays are coming. What are you going to do?Li Mei: (52) _ .Wang H

10、ong: Beijing? That is a good place to visit.Li Mei: Right, would you like to go with me?Wang Hong:Yes, Id love to,but Im afraid I cant. My grandfather is ill. I have to look after him.Li Mei: (53)_? I hope he will get better soon.Wang Hong: I hope so. By the way, (54)_?Li Mei: With my parents.Wang H

11、ong: (55)_. Bye-bye.Li Mei: Thank you. Bye.51. May I speak to Li Mei?/ Can I speak to Li Mei?/ Could I speak to Li Mei?52. Im going to visit Beijing./ I want to visit Beijing./ I will visit Beijing./ Im visiting Beijing./ I am going to Beijing.53. Sorry to hear that./ Im sorry to hear that.54. who(w

12、hom) will you go with?/ who(whom) are you going with?55. Have a nice (good) trip./ Have fun./ Have a good time./ Enjoy yourself./ Have a good vacation (holiday).注:只要学生答案符合语境,教师即可酌情斌分。(2017湖北鄂州)VI . 补全对话(共3小题,每题2分,满分6分) 阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。(Its Friday afternoon. After school, Sun Me

13、i meets Hu Fang on the way home.)Sun Mei: Hello, Hu Fang!Hu Fang: Hello, Sun Mei!Sun Mei: Tomorrow is Saturday and the weather is fine. I want to climb the Ge Hill. 75_?Hu Fang: Sure, Id love to. Oh, I hear theres a strawberry garden near it. We can do some picking in the garden after climbing.Sun M

14、ei: 76_! I like eating fresh strawberries. We can also take beautiful photos there.Hu Fang: Great! 77_?Sun Mei: Lets meet at 8 oclock in the morning at the gate of Yanglan Primary School.Hu Fang: Its a deal! See you tomorrow.Sun Mei: See you.对话题材:计划打算75. Would you like to go (there)with me? / Would

15、you like to climb the hill with me? / Do you want to go (there)with me? / Do you want to climb the hill with me?76. Good idea!./ Thats a good idea! / That sounds good! / Sounds good! / Sounds nice! / Sounds great! /.77. When and where shall we meet?/When and where are we going to meet?/(2017湖南衡阳)C)

16、补全对话。根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(共5小题,计10分)(A: Mrs. Wang B: A stranger C: A waitress)A: Excuse me, (71) _?B: Sure. Go straight along the street first, then turn left at the third crossing. Just follow this street, four blocks. Linyin Hotel is near the bus station.A: (72) _?B: Oh, its about

17、10 kilometers away from here. Youd better take a No. 101 bus. It will take you to Linyin Hotel.A: Ok, thanks.B: Not at all.(Fifteen minutes later, in the hotel.)C: Welcome to Linyin Hotel. Here is the menu. (Fifteen minutes later.) (73) _?A: Sure. Id like some chickens, some beef, a bowl of vegetabl

18、e soup and two bowls of rice.C: (74) _?A: I also want a glass of soft drink.C: Ok. Thanks for your order.(Thirty minutes later.)A: (75) _?C: Let me see. Its 276.A: Here you are.C: Heres your change. Thanks for coming.71. Where is the Linyin Hotel?【解析】根据下句内容是在指路,本句应填问路句型。72. How far is it from here t

19、o Linyin Hotel?【解析】根据下句“大约10千米”可推知,本句是问从这到林荫宾馆有多远。73.Would you like to order now? 【解析】根据下句“我想要一些鸡肉,一些牛肉,一碗蔬菜汤和两碗米饭”可推知这是吃饭场景,上句是问“你要点菜了么”。74. Anything else? 【解析】根据下句“我还想要一杯饮料”可推知上句是问“你还要来点别的么”75. How much is it? 【解析】 根据下句“总共276元”可推知上句是问“多少钱”。(2017青海西宁)B)根据对话内容, 在空白处填入一个适当的词, 补全对话。Bill: Hello, Lily.

20、What are you going to do this weekend?Lily: Im going to have a 66 at home. Its my 14th birthday.Bill: Oh, thats 67 ! Happy birthday!Lily: Thank you. Would you like to come? Ill be happy if you can come.Bill: Sure. And Ill bring some cakes made by my mom. Shes good at 68 , you know.Lily: Thanks. The

21、party will start at 10 oclock. After that, how about having a 69 in the park?Nancy: Good idea! We can eat the cakes there.Grace: All right. See you 70 .66. party 【解析】由后面的Its my 14th birthday. 及下文The party will start at 10 oclock.知,这个周末Lily要在家举办一个十四岁生日聚会。故填party。67. great/good/wonderful/nice【解析】举办生日派

22、对是件让人高兴的事,用thats great(太棒了)等表达喜悦之情。 68. cooking 【解析】由前面的Ill bring some cakes made by my mom. 可知Bill的妈妈是擅长烹调的。由此考虑到单词cook;因at为介词,介词后应跟动名词。故谈cooking。69. picnic【解析】由前一分句The party will start at 10 oclock.知,聚会是在上午10点开始;由下句Bill的话We can eat the cakes there.(我们能在那吃蛋糕)推知,这里Lily肯定是建议在公园里野餐,因为在白天去公园野餐是合理。故填pic

23、nic。 70. then【解析】双方道别的时候用“see you then”表达“再见;到时候见”的意思。. 英语口语(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)(2017新疆建设兵团)根据对话内容,用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全对话。A: Hello! 6462379, North Street Hotel speaking.B: The North Street Hotel?A: Yes. Can I help you?B: 81 . Id like to book (预定) two rooms for the coming weekend.A: OK. 82 ?B: Just two nigh

24、ts.A: OK. From Friday or Saturday?B: Friday. And two double rooms, please.A: Two doubles, two double rooms, July 20th and 21st. Right?B: Yes. Whats the 83 of a double room, please?A: Er ., 400 yuan.B: Thats OK. Can I book the rooms now, please?A: OK. 84 ?B: Andy Smith.A: 85 ?B: A-N-D-Y, Andy. S-M-I-

25、T-H, Smith.A: Thats all right. Thank you, sir.【主旨大意】这是一段有关“顾客订房间”的对话。81. Yes, please/ Yes 【解析】上句是一般疑问句,空格处应用肯定回答。82. How long will you stay/ How long/ How many days/nights will you stay 【解析】根据答语Just two days.(仅仅两天。)可知,问句应问“你将会待多久”。83. price 【解析】根据答语., 400 yuan.可知,上一句问的是“价钱”。Whats the price of .?意为“多

26、少钱?”。84. Whats your name/ Your name, please/ May I have your name 【解析】根据答语Andy Smith.可知,问句应问“你叫什么名字?”。85. How can/do you spell it/your name / Can you spell it/your name 【解析】根据答语 A-N-D-Y, Andy. S-M-I-T-H, Smith.可知,问句应问“你能拼写你的名字吗?”。(2017吉林)VIII. 补全对话 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)(10分)Susan: Hello, H

27、elen. 41 ?Helen: Hi, Susan. It was OK. I really enjoyed it.Susan: Did you go anywhere?Helen: Yes. I went to Weifang in Shandong.Susan: Weifang? I 42 there twice. I know it is a city famous for kites.Helen: Yes, there is an interesting international kite festival there every April. During the festiva

28、l, you can see 43 made of silk or paper.Susan: Sounds like you had a wonderful time.Helen: Yes, it was really fun to see the kites flying in the sky. What did you do on your vacation? Susan: I visited a farm in the countryside. I saw a lot of interesting things and took some photos.Helen: Thats grea

29、t. 44 show them to me tomorrow?Susan: No problem. Its time for class. See you later.Helen: 45 话题:庆祝活动41.How was your vacation/holiday? /What was your vacation/holiday like? What do you think of your vacation/holiday? /How do you like your vacation/holiday? /How do you feel about your vacation/holida

30、y?42.have been43.(all) kinds of kites / (some) different kinds of kites / (many) different kinds of kites / some kinds of kites / many kinds of kites / many/some/a lot of/ lots of kites / ones44.Could/ Would /Will /Can you (please) / Would you like to45.See you (later). / Bye. / Goodbye. / Bye-bye.(2017四川成都)二、完成对话。在对话的空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词。把答案按编号依次填入下方表格内(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)(2017四川成都) JJack DDavidJ:Christmas used to

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