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1、开放教育英语专业英语写作复习资料远程教育英语专业 英文写作考试大纲一、 考试目的、 要求测试学员对英文写作知识的掌握程度,以促进学员对英文写作知识的学习。根据本课程各章节内容、难度、深度不一,对考试要求由低到高分了解、理解、综合运用三个层次。二、考试命题原则英文写作考试大纲依据英文写作教学大纲制定,基本掌握教学大纲的内容方可考试及格。三、考试内容以高等教育出版社出版的刘家荣主编的英文写作理论与知识为考试基本内容。四、考试类型与方式本课程的考试题型主要包括句子改错、按要求合并句子、过渡词填空题、主题句写作、根据所给提纲写短文、应用文写作、短文写作等。采取闭卷笔答考试方式。五、考试大纲细则第一章

2、选词与修辞格本章教学目的: 学会准确用词以及用意义具体的词创造不普通的语言效果、考查内容:1 词的分类依据以及选词的依据:词的语体意义 (语体正式程度)、搭配意义、语法意义、联想意义等-参见第9页的练习2和3。2 关于修辞格,弄清书本上的例子。第二章 有效句的写作1 句子的分类及分类的标准,各种结构形式的句子表达效果。2 破句、串句、错误平行结构、修饰语错位、垂悬修饰语结构单一层次不清的句子的常见形式以及修改方法。(认真看书上的例子以及讲义)3 掌握有效句的特点:统一性、连贯性、简结、句子形式和结构的多样性以及有效句的写作技巧。第三章写作段落1、统一性:主题句(中心句)的特点与写作方法、能够识

3、别中心句在段落中位置。明确主题句与展开句的关系,能够写出包括主题限制性词语的主题句,能够根据已有段落补充主题句;掌握根据主题句展开段落的技巧.2、连贯性 :熟悉实现连贯的常见的手段以及影响连贯的常见形式和修改的办法,学会准确使用过度性词语使语篇连贯(见练习274-75页)。3、段落展开技巧:重点注意列举法、过程法、举例法、归纳法、因果关系法、比较对照法、定义法、分类法,并能依据这些技巧做句子排序题,写出有连贯性的段落.4、段落结束句的写作方法:重申主题法、要点归纳法等(见练习67-68页 以及讲义 )第四章 篇章整体构思与写作考核内容1、能够根据所提供的材料确定文章主题,写作文提纲。2、认知开

4、头段、中间段、结尾段的意义,三段式文章各部分的写作技巧与常见方法,并能运用这些技巧写出200个字左右的短文 书中的范文段落可作句子排序材料。3、重点注意说明文、议论文的写作技巧。 第五章 应用文写作考查应用文的格式,信息的准确传递.掌握本节中的全部知识点,能运用已学过的写作知识,根据要求写出格式正确,内容充实的便条,信件,简历。第六章 论文写作本章暂不列为考试内容。该章节的主要目的旨在为同学们的论文写作提供指导。第七章 书写格式与标点主要考查标点的正确使用。第八章 设计写作任务主要考查句子排序,写故事梗概,分析材料作文。六、考试题型与分值分配:章节内容要求题型Chapter IChapter

5、IIChapter IIIChapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIIIRewrite sentences(10 points)Types of sentences; the unity, coherence, conciseness, clarity and variety of sentences Punctuation; and manuscript format Correct mistakes(10 points)Using appropriate words and rhetorical devicesCom

6、plete, minor, choppy, run-on sentences; sentence fragments, comma splices or faults; word order and emphasis of sentencesChoose topic sentences(10 points)Features of topic sentencesRearrange sentences(10 points)Dozens of strategies for paragraph developmentWriting for practical purposes(20 points)Ty

7、pes and format of letters; notices; greeting messages; notes; curriculum vitae; and applicationsPassage writing(40 points)steps in writing composition; main parts of a composition;and types of writing;Total points: 100英文写作作业练习题一、 课后练习题 (Finishing the following mentioned exercises attached to the cha

8、pters in your Textbook)Chapter I Using appropriate words and rhetorical devicesP8-11: Activities 1-3; P17-19: Activities 1-2;Chapter II Writing Correct and Appropriate SentencesP24-25 Activities 1-2; P27: Activities P29: Activities P31: ActivitiesP39: Activities P55-58: Activities 1-2Chapter III Dev

9、eloping ParagraphsP65: Activities 1-4 P74-76: Activities 1-6 P99-101: Activities 1-5Chapter IV Writing a Whole CompositionP113-115: Activities 1-6 P123-124: Activities 1-5 P149-152 Activities 1-11Chapter V Writing for Practical PurposesP168: Activities 1-2 P170-171: Activities 1-4 P173: Activities 1

10、-3 P175: ActivitiesP176: Activities 1-5 P181-182: Activities 1-4 P183: Activities 1-3 P184-185: Activities 1-3P186-187: Activities 1-5 P188: Activities 1-5 P191: Activities P193: Activities 1-2Chapter VI Writing Research Papers 略Chapter VII Using Proper Manuscript Format and PunctuationP247-250: Act

11、ivities 1-7Chapter VIII Designing Writing Tasks 略二、 综合练习题 (Write some articles on the topics given below)Exposition:1. Cheating on Tests2. Eat to Live and/or Live to Eat3. Computers/ The Role of Computer (Internet) in Modern Life4. Surfing on the Internet5. The Place of Science and Technology in Mod

12、ern Life6. Generation Gap 7. Part-time Jobs 8. Hard Work Is Good for Health9. The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller10. Why We Learn English/ The Importance of Foreign Language Learning11. Education in China Today/ High Education in China/ Chinas Educational System12. Do You Think There Still Exis

13、ts Sexual Discrimination in Society?/ The Place of Woman in Society/ Woman Are Not Second-Class citizens/ Job Discrimination against Women in China13. Do You Think Beijing Is Competent to Sponsor the Olympic Games in 2008?14. Physical Exercise 15. On Television 16. Environmental Pollution17. Life in

14、 the New Century18. My College Life19. A Brief Description of My Leisure ActivitiesArgumentation/Exposition1. Competition and Cooperation2. Housing Problem 3. My View on “A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing”4. Diligence Is the Key to Success5. On Happiness6. On Friendship/ How to Establish Harmon

15、ious Relationship with People Around You?/ The Value of Friendship7. The Place of Beauty in Our Daily Life/ My View on Beauty and Ugliness8. Learning From Books VS. Learning From Life/Education Outside School Is Important9. Academic Learning and Practical Learning10. Private Schools Should/Should No

16、t Be Encouraged in China11. Peoples Worth Are Shown in the Reward They Earn12. Life and Journey13. Why Divorce Rate Is on the Rise?/ Causes and Effects of Divorce in China14. Why Crime Rate Is on the Rise?15. My View on Job-Hopping16. Career or Family?17. Generation Gap 20. Modern Transportation/ Ho

17、w to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic21. Sports and Economy 22. Should Examination Be Abolished?23. Health and Wealth, Which to Prefer? 24. On Happiness 25. Studying Abroad26. Population Control/ The Problem of Human Population/ Traffic and Population27. My View on Chinas Entering the World Trade

18、Organization/Is the Entry to WTO Advantageous or Disadvantageous?Description and Narration:1. An Embarrassing Moment2. Spring Time 3. How I Spent Summer Vocation4. An Accident 5. My Favorite TV Program 6. The Best Teacher I Have Ever Had7. My Father (Mother/ Best Friend/ Roommate/ Teacher, etc.英文写作模

19、拟试卷(一)本试题满分100分。全部题目用英文作答。考试时间150分钟。总 分题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII核分人题分10101010102030复查人得分得 分评卷人复查人I. Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the requirement as indicated in brackets. (10 points, 2 points for each)Example: She decided to study English though she was interested in music. (periodic

20、sentence) Although she was interested in music, she decided to study English.1. He went to the library to borrow some books before he left the university. (periodical sentence)2. It rained heavily last night. I went to the station to pick him up any way. (compound sentence)3. All the kids love to ta

21、lk with Grandma Jennifer because she was very kind. (simple sentence)4. The tape recorder was not working right, so I returned it to the store. (complex sentence)5. Minnie bought a ticket to the play. She went out for dinner. She arrived at the theater by 8:00. (parallel structure)得 分评卷人复查人IICorrect

22、 the errors in the following sentences. (10 points, 2 points for each)Example: We shall hold the meeting here. Providing that there is no opposition. We shall hold the meeting here, providing that there is no opposition.6. Scientists at universities are often more involved in theoretical research th

23、an in practically research.7. The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases.8. Most of the damage property attributed to the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 resulted from the fire that followed.9. In nature, the distributive of plants is obviously related to

24、climate.10. Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages.得 分评卷人复查人III标出主题句(本大题共3小题,共10分)11. Choose the best topic sentence from the group below. Write the letter of the choice in the blank. (2 points)A. The common housefly is very dangerous.B. The

25、common housefly is found in many parts of the world.C. The common housefly carries germs everywhere it goes.D. . The common housefly leaves thousands of germs on the food.Answer: _12. Read the following paragraph and underline the topic sentence. (3 points)Convenient perhaps, but not exactly a relie

26、f. Such a utopia would give most of us the same kind of chill we feel when a stadium full of some club-bloc athletes in identical sports outfits, shouting slogans in unison, appears on TV. Most people do not want to be told what to wear any more than they want to be told what to say. In Belfast rece

27、ntly four hundred Irish Republican prisoners “refused to wear any clothes at all, draping themselves day and night in blankets,” rather than put on prison uniforms. Even the offer of civilian-style dress did not satisfy them; they insisted on wearing their own clothes brought from home, or nothing.

28、Fashion is free speech, and one of the privileges, if not always one of the pleasure, of a free world.13. Read the following paragraph carefully and select the best topic sentence from the four possible answers that follow the paragraph. (5 points)Topic Sentence: _ There is an old saying - man endea

29、vors to rise as the river flows downward. After all, working conditions and facilities for scientific research in China still have much to be desired. In fact, many who choose to go abroad are pursuing better working conditions that will benefit their personal development in their fields of study. H

30、owever, the fact cannot be denied that some talented people are heading abroad for higher pay and comfortable life. For whatever reasons, the brain is an enormous loss to our country.A. Working conditions and facilities should be improved to absorb the best minds. B. China should learn how to absorb

31、 best minds.C. It is impossible to stop the flow of people.D. How to recover the loss of the brain.得 分评卷人复查人IV. 重新组合段落(本大题每空2分,共10分)Rearrange the following numbered sentences so that they will read logically. Put the numbers in proper sequence in the boxes provided below.14. Once more I was at the field.15. M

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