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1、电气安装论文英汉对译 电气安装论文:关于建筑工程电气安装施工的讨论要主要从建筑工程施工前的准备、施工要点及施工管理方面,探讨建筑工程电 气安装施工技术及施工质量的控制和管理。 关键词施工;电气;管道;质量 中图分类号 TU 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1673-9671-(2011)012-0137-01 1 施工前的准备工作 1)图纸会审。电气工人应该在施工前看懂图纸,了解工程的施工进度计划 和施工方法,再同建设单位、施工单位一起进行图纸会审,并做好相关的记录, 争取在施工前发现图纸上的“错、漏、缺”等问题,如设计符不符合规范要求、 管线布局合不合理、各种设备布置合不合理、施工大样及施工图齐不

2、齐全、设 备型号规格说明清不清楚等。 2) 编制施工组织设计。 施工组织设计是用来进行基本建设和施工的必要文件,是完善施工项目各项活动的技术、经济和组织使建筑施工企业加强管理提 高经济效益的重要手段。施工组织设计能保证开工后能有序、高效、科学合理 进行施工,一般施工企业在施工前都要编写切实可行的施工组织设计。施工组 织设计编制内容包括以下部分:质量目标、工程概况、施工部署、质量控制、 安全保护措施、环境保护措施、人机料进场计划、季节性施工措施、施工平面 图、施工进度计划等。 2 施工要点 1) 电气配管混凝土内预埋敷设施工。 电气线管常常暗敷在砖墙内或地板 下,不可在剪力墙、承重墙完成后暗敷,

3、并且线管外表面距墙角、地面的深度 摘要大于等于 20mm,保证墙面与地面沿管线处不出现裂缝。在电气配管混凝 土内施工时,在管与管之间的接口采用套管,长度为管外径的 1.5-3 倍,当采 用钢管时,连接处要严密焊接,保证连接的牢固性,并上好防锈漆;采用 PVC 线管时,管口插入深度应为外径的 1.1-1.8 倍,并绑扎牢固,防止在楼面混凝 土浇筑时堵塞管道。由于 PVC 线管抗冲击能力差,为防止 PVC 管在施工中 意外断裂的情况,在线管的铺设时,要绑扎在钢筋上面,固定点之间的距离不 宜大于 0.8m。管线在预制板内的暗敷时要避免交叉,当 20mm 线管超过规 定根数时,为避免对地板结构的影响,

4、应分排并放 1 根 16mm 的管子。管线 进入配电箱及盒内时,要保持平直,进箱长度为 3-5mm,当管线较多时,应排 列整齐进入配电箱。当镀锌管、薄壁管进入配电箱时,要用专门的接地线卡和 截面 2.5mm 以上黄绿双色 RV 导线与箱体连接牢固。 2) 电气管道刨沟槽安装施工。 沟槽刨制方法。 首先计算埋设管槽的宽度, 再用墨斗按照所计算的宽度在墙上弹出双线,并在旁边标出宽度、深度、起止 点,方便工人施工;然后,利用切割机按照之前所弹得墨线切割两条垂直的线; 最后,利用扁凿和榔头人工刨制,要防止用力过大而导致的墙体开裂等问题。 沟槽刨制的工序。在沟槽的刨制过程中,一定要根据施工工序进行,施工

5、工 序细分为定位、弹线、切槽、剔槽、刨沟等工序。为了保证墙体的结构受力和 强度满足要求,定位和弹线工序要在所砌的墙体强度达到 30%以后才能进行; 待砌筑砂浆强度达到 75%以后才能进行切槽工序;最后进行剔槽盒刨沟工作 时,墙体的强度必须达到 100%,这样才能保证所刨墙体具有足够的强度,避 免墙体开裂等问题。电气管道固定。为了牢固的连接电气管道,在箱体埋设 稳定后,管路和钢筋用铁丝捆扎牢固,每隔 1m 将一根绑好铁丝的钢钉打入砌体。为了避免粉刷层和砌体完全断隔,多根管道之间不能紧靠,根据计算要求,各管道之间的间隔应在 0.5cm 以上。电气管道敷设在砌体中进行电气管道敷 设时,要在砌体肋侧开

6、槽,预留好管道和开关盒槽,同时确定槽的宽度和高度, 方便管道埋入墙体和墙缝修补处。 3)线管管内穿线施工。土建工程未完就开始穿线,容易造成管线积水而 导致导线的绝缘性降低和寿命降低,所以穿线施工一般在建筑的抹灰、粉刷及 地面施工结束后进行;穿线前检查管内是否有杂物和积水,保证穿线的安全, 防止穿线破坏墙面;穿线时检查钢管管口锁母和防护套是否完好,放线时要用 纱布抹直后缓缓放入;同时接头包扎出要严密,防止与接线电器之间形成裸线 外漏。穿线时,传线一端要和送线一端配合默契,动作要直,不能强拉硬拽。 穿多根单芯导线时,采用绝缘层不同的导线,A、B、C、三相导线用黄、绿、 红色区别,单相相线用红色,零

7、线用蓝色,PE 保护线用黄绿双色线,防止日 后连线出现错误;在螺栓处page 1,每根接线连线时不能超过 2 根,多股导线相连时, 采用铜接线。对于包扎导线接头时,要先用橡胶带或黄蜡带紧缠两层,再用 黑胶布包扎两层,保证导线接头的严密性。 施工结束后,施工工人应该仔细检查配管及接线质量,并报送监理单位, 按照电气工程设计及施工规范进行工程验收。 4)配电箱、插座盒等箱体安装。配电箱暗装施工。配电箱的大小要根据 设计要求进行订货加工,安装前根据配电箱预留口找好标高、水平和竖直,避 免安装标高不一致,开洞不整齐,铁箱变形的问题。安装箱体洞口应为箱体外 形尺寸外延 1cm,安装完成后,利用砂浆填实固

8、定。在厚度为 190mm 的砌块 内安装配电箱,明装和暗装都比较合适,明装箱量好尺寸后用膨胀螺栓固定,不要破坏箱外的油漆,并在砌体内加设过路线盒即可。在 115mm 厚度的砌体 内安装配电箱,需要采用玻璃纤维布或镀锌钢丝网片贴面,做好防裂缝处理。 箱体明装施工箱体明装时,箱底部与地面的高度要符合设计和规范要求,同 时在预留口内设置电箱固定点,保证箱体的牢固性。 3 施工管理 1) 提高施工队伍管理。 施工单位专业队伍资质是衡量施工企业水平的一个 重要标志。如果承建单位电气安装施工人员质量意识淡薄、素质低,没有电工 操作证,对施工图纸领会不深刻,都会对施工质量产生重大影响。由此可见, 专业队伍人

9、员素质是工程成败的关键。同时要提高施工单位的管理水平,建立 严格的工程奖惩制度,适时对施工人员进行技能培训,从管理上提高电气施工 的工程质量。 2)做好材料验收。为了提高工程质量,要加强材料的管理,严格审查材料 的质量,对于有合格证的材料才允许进场,保证电气施工的质量。电气安装使用的材料与设备,如管、线、盒、箱、柜、动力设备、开关电 器及自动化系统装置等,要保证所有材料具有合格证,或者质量检验部门的检 验,符合国家规范的材料才允许进场,并由监理单位验收合格后才能使用。 3)加强重要部位工艺监督。在电气施工中要加强重要部位工艺施工,对于 某单相工程,确定质量工艺控制点,实施重点控制,同时加强施工

10、人员施工技 能培训,使之能承担重点部位施工的能力,确保施工质量,如果重点部位施工 质量受到影响,将直接影响到人民的生命财产安全,因此加强重要部位工艺监 督是必要的。4) 做好分项工程质量检查。 加强分项工程质量检查是保证工程质量的有效 手段之一,由于建筑电气安装的分项工程较多,不能在同一时间完成,所以要 做好分项工程质量检查,在分项工程施工过程和检验批完成后进行第一阶段的 检查,同时要在送点调试前做好第二阶段的检查和测量。要通过分项工程质量 的检查提高整体工程的质量。 4 结束语 总之,施工单位在电气安装施工过程中,以规范和规程为准,做好施工前 的准备,切实制定施工质量管理体系,精心施工,充分

11、发挥施工人员的技术、技能与管理经验,保质保量的为居民提供一个良好的居住环境。 参考文献 1全建锐.电气施工中应注意问题的探讨,2009. 2张学芳.浅谈建筑电气工程质量监督控制,2006. 3陈发农.住宅电气设计施工中常见的质量问题,2000Electrical installation papers: On the construction project electrical installation construction discussion Mainly from construction to the preparation before, key points of const

12、ruction and construction management, this paper construction engineering electricity Gas installation construction technique and construction quality control and management. Keywords construction; Electrical; Pipe; Quality subdivisision points Class Numbers of literature identification code A TU 967

13、1 - article Numbers 1673 - (2011)012-0137-01 1 before construction preparation work Co-examination as 1). Electrical workers should be in before construction read blueprints, understand engineering construction schedule and construction Methods to go with the construction unit, together with constru

14、ction unit co-examination, and keep relevant records and for the construction Former found of drawings wrong, leakage, lack of, such as design problems such as operators dont conform to the standard, pipeline layout and the conflict The principle, the various equipment layout reasonable or unreasona

15、ble, construction DaYang and documentation qi is not complete and prepare type specification said a Ming is not clear Chu, etc. 2) planning construction organization and design. The construction organization design is used to carry out the necessary basic construction and construction of text Parts,

16、 construction project activities is to perfect the technology, economy and organizations to construction enterprises to strengthen management carry high after Jackie benefit the important means. Start the construction organization design can guarantee after orderly and effective, scientific and reas

17、onable construction, on General construction enterprise in construction to write feasible before the construction organization design. Construction group weaving design content package staffing Cover the following parts: the quality objectives, engineering survey, construction deployment, quality co

18、ntrol, safety protection measures and environmental protection Measures, man-machine material approach plan, seasonal construction measure, construction plane figure, construction schedule, etc. 2 construction Point 1) electric piping in concrete embedded laying construction. (1) electrical lines in

19、 brick wall tube often dark apply inside or under floor Not for the shear wall, main wall after the completion of the dark apply, and line from outside surface of corner, tube the depth of the ground pick To ensure greater than or equal to 20mm, the metope and ground GuanXianChu no cracks. (2) at th

20、e electric piping coagulation soil When the construction within the tube and tube, the interface between using casing, the length of pipe diameter 1.5-3 times, when mining with steel pipes , joint should closely welding, guarantee the soundness and good connection antirust paint; Use PVC line pipe,

21、tube mouth Insert depth should 1.8 times of overall 1.1 - firm, prevent and binding in floor coagulation soil casting jams pipeline . (3) because of PVC line tube impact resistant ability is poor, PVC pipe in construction to prevent accidentally break, online tube When the laying, binding in reinfor

22、ced above, the distance between the anchors should not more than 0.8 m. (4) pipeline in forms The dark apply within to avoid cross, when 20mm line pipe set root number more than rules, in order to avoid the influence of floor structure, Duty to row and put one 16mm pipe. (5) distribution box and pip

23、eline into the box to keep straight into the box, long Degrees for three - 5mm, when pipes are for long time, should row column tidy into distribution box. When galvanized, tube into distribution box When, want to use special grounding line card and sectional 2.5 mm above yellow green double-color R

24、V conductors and cabinet conjunction. 2 ) electric piping installation planer groove. (1) groove planing system method. First calculated bury tube slot width, reoccupy According to the width of the ink fountain popup double, and on the wall beside marked in depth, width and start-stop points, conven

25、ient work People construction; Then, using a cutter according to play before MoXian cut two vertical lines; Finally, using the flat chisel And hammer artificially planing system, to prevent the wall greatly too forcibly caused problem such as craze. (2) the groove planing system process. in Grooves

26、planing system in the process, must according to the construction process and construction work for positioning, and the sequence subdivision line, cutting, Uptick trough, dig ditches processes. In order to ensure the structural stress and strength wall meet the demands, positioning and play in line

27、 processes The wall that build by laying bricks or stones after 30% to strength; Stay after bonding mortar strength to 75 percent cut grooves Process; The last dig ditches ti slot box when the intensity of work, wall must achieve 100%, such ability assure that shaver Wall have the enough strength, a

28、void avoid walling problem such as craze. (3) electrical pipe fixed. In order to solid connection electric Pipe, in case bury stabilizes, line and reinforced with wire strapping firm, every 1-m will tie a root wire Steel nails into build by laying bricks or stones Body. In order to avoid paint layer

29、 and masonry completely broken apart, many root pipeline between cannot abuts, according to computation requirements, The interval between each pipe should be in 0.5 cm above. (4) electrical pipe laying in masonry electric pipeline apply set In masonry rib side, slotted, obligate well pipe and switc

30、h box slot, while determining slot width and height, convenient pipeline Embed wall and QiangFeng repair place. 3) line tube tube threading construction. (1) the civil engineering unfinished, easy to start threading Cause pipeline caused wire insulation water reduction and life is reduced, so in bui

31、lding construction threading plastering commonly , paint and ground construction completion; Check whether there before threading pipe sundry and water, ensure the safety of threading , prevent threading destroy metope; When threading inspection of steel tube mouth lock mother and protective set is

32、in good condition, pay-off in yarn Cloth wipe straight into slowly; after Meanwhile joint bandage out to rigor, prevent and wiring electric leakage formed between terminals. (2) When threading, preaching with wire line end with the tacit understanding, the movement wants one straight, cannot be strong to pull hard drag. Wear many single core and guide Line, the insulating layer different conductor, A, B, C

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