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1、成都中考英语word版试题+答案英语(统考)A卷(共100分)第一部分 听力 (共30小题;计30分)一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分). Nice to meet you!B. Good morning!C. How are you. Thank you.B. Youre welcome.C. Sounds fun. Good idea.B. I think so.C. No way. Yes,please.B. No,thanks.C. Certainly. What a pity!B. Thats funny!C. See you t

2、here!二、听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每小题念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分). Birthday cakes.B. Long noodles.C. Eggs. To bow.B. To kiss.C. To shake hands. Scary movies.B. Comedies.C. Action movies. Their favorite day.B. Their favorite subjects.C. Their favorite te

3、acher. Nine months.B. Three years.C. A long period of time. By using Wechat.B. By writing letters.C. By talking on the phone. Mother and sonB. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient. Its old.B. Its colorful for her.C. Its small for her. .B. 3.C. 4. In a bookstore.B. In a restaurant.C. In the teac

4、hers office.四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分) do some people try hard to pick special names for their babiesA. Because we live with our names all our lives.B. Because its popular in the US and Europe.C. Because paying a naming expert is expensive. of the following is TRUE for many parents to

5、 pick namesA. Try hard to think of strange names.B. Look for ideas in books or online.C. Ask naming experts for help. is the nameHillrelated toA. A relative. B. Nature. C. A city. of the following names is related to a cityA. Austin. B. Audio Science. C. George Bush. many kinds of naming are mention

6、edA. 4. B. 5. C. 6.五、听两封信,根据信件内容完成图表中所缺信息。信件念三遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)Sad and Fifteens problemWhen he has a smartphone in his hand, its hard 26 .the way Dr. Know repliesFirst, she 27 of Sad and Fifteens problem.Then, she gives advice.Dr. Knows advicedevelop a new habit like taking more 28 activitiesput a

7、note on the phones home screen to remind him to finish his homework first*homework first and then he can play on the phone*give himself 29 chances to play on the phone* 30 the time of playing on the phoneask his parents for help第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题;计40分)六、选择填空(共15小题;计20分)A. 从以下各题的 A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共10

8、小题;每小题1分,计10分), you in this city since do you like itA. lived B. live C. have lived32. Why do many farmers put their products online these days them more easily.A. To sell B. Sell C. Selling33. Welcome back to school, Tim. I want to know online.Of course, Ms. Clark, I was hard-working.A. what you st

9、udied B. when you studied C. If you studied hard. High School Entrance Examination one month later than usual will be unforgettable event for us.A. a B. an C. the35. Look! People outside are wearing thick coats. The weather be very cold.A. might B. must C. cant36. Labor(劳动)education is important for

10、 students development. Yes. schools put it into practice, students will be more independent and helpful.A. While B. Unless C. If book cover has a beautiful picture is Lilys.A. which B. whose C. that is like a horse, and it rides you.A. either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and, my dictionary is not he

11、re. Do you have A. it B. that C. one Bridge as an Internet-famous place in Chengdu now.A. regards B. is regarded C. is regardingB.补全对话,根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)Jane: Weve walked for a long time. Im hungry, Gina.Gina: Me, too. 41 Jane: Yeah. What shall we eat Do you have any good ide

12、asA. We can walk there.B. Where is Uncle BobsC. How about some hamburgersD. And its across from Sunshine Park.E. Why dont we get something to eatGina: Em. 42 Jane: Sounds good.Gina: Lets go to Uncle Bobs. Their beef hamburgers are delicious.Jane: Really 43 Gina: Its on Long Street. 44 Jane: Oh, I se

13、e. How can we get there thenGina: Its not far. 45 Jane: OK. Lets go.七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共15小题;计20分。A篇每小题2分,计10分;B篇每小题1分,计10分)ANow people can pay by scanning(扫描)their faces while shopping. Is it 46 to pay by scanning other parts of our bodies Amazon has a new technology

14、that scans 47 . The technology can tell if the person is the right one by scanning his or her hand. The scanner examines things such as finger prints. It then sends a picture to a certain center which can decide who the person is.In September 2019, Amazon made a payment system for a US supermarket.

15、People can pay 48 by scanning their hands under a machine. Their hand scan is connected to their bank cards, so they can pay successfully. Its quite convenient, especially for 49 people. With this new technology, people 50 take their cards with them. They just scan their hands. . possible B. importa

16、ntC. strange47. A. eyes B. facesC. hands. usuallyB. simplyC. really. old B. poorC. smart. mustnt B. cant C. needntBa parrotOne day, a woman bought a parrot from a pet store. However, the woman decided to 51 the parrot to the store the next day. This bird doesnt 52 ,she told the pet store owner. Does

17、 he have a 53 ” the owner asked. Parrots enjoy watching themselves in it. So the woman bought one and left.The next day, she came back, saying that the bird still didnt say anything. How about a ladder(梯子) Parrots love ladders, the owner said. The woman bought a ladder and left. But the next day, sh

18、e was back a 54 time. Does your parrot have a swing No Well, once he starts 55 , hell talk a lot happily, the owner said. The woman then bought a swing and left.When she walked into the store the next day, she began to cry and said 56 ,The parrot died. The pet store owner was 57 what she said. What

19、Im sorry. Tell me, did he ever say anything he asked. Yes, right before he died, the woman answered, in a 58 voice, he asked me weakly, Dont they sell any food at that pet storeSometimes we forget whats really necessary in life. We sometimes have lots of things to do 59 , but we forget to deal with

20、the most important things first. We have to remember to 60 the parrots in our lives. sendB. return C. pass. eatB. flyC. talk. mirrorB. photoC. screen. first B. secondC. third. exercising B. swingingC. playing. sadly B. warmlyC. peacefully. worried aboutB. shocked atC. Scared of. highB. loudC. low. a

21、t onceB. after allC. in total. keepB. watchC. feed第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题; 计30分)八、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判句子正误。正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)Following the rule of social distancing is probably well-known to us all now. It refers to staying away from crowded places to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some companies

22、are taking advantage of this by changing their logos. Coca-Cola, for example, placed the letters of its famous brand further away from each other to show social distancing. The encouraging sentence Today, being apart is the best way of being together. is printed below the logo. McDonalds Brazil has

23、separated its famous arches(拱门)in a picture posted on its Facebook page. Other global companies, including Audi and Nike, have also posted similar logo changes online.Although many people think this idea is creative, some believe it makes social distancing seem less serious. What do you think of it

24、companies think changing logos can prevent the spread of COVID-19. following logo change of Coca-Cola is to show social distancing. far, more than three global companies have posted their logo changes online. some peoples eyes,were supposed to takesocial distancingseriously. logo of McDonalds has be

25、en changed worldwide like this picture to show social distancing九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(共10小题;每小题2分,计20分)AHappy Rain on a Spring NightOer wild lanes dark cloud spreads; In boat a lantern looms.Dawn sees saturated reds;The towns heavy with blooms.Good rain knows its time right; It will fall when com

26、es spring.With wind it steals in night; Mute, it moistens each thing.Du FuTranslated by Xu YuanchongThis famous poem, with four couplets, was written by Du Fu(712-770,Tang Dynasty)when he was living and farming in Chengdu. His farming experience taught him to be thankful to nature. The very first wo

27、rd, good, shows the poets joy and love for the spring rain. The rain is good because it knows the proper time to come. Here the poet uses personification, as if the rain were smart enough to come in time for the farmers busy season.When the rain comes, it appears during the night without making any

28、noise. Unlike the summer storms, the spring rain finishes its task without being known.In the third couplet, the poet describes a peaceful scene to us. In the night sky, the clouds look dark and heavy. Its a sign that there will be enough rain during the light from the riverboat makes the dark scene

29、 a bit livelier.Lastly, the poet starts to moming, he thinks,the city of Chengdu will become beautiful when all of the flowers bloom(盛开)after the rain.s the Chinese title of the poem Happy Rain on a Spring NightA.春望 B.春夜喜雨 C.夜雨寄北 of the following rhymes are right for this poemA. aa-bb-cc-dd B. ab-ab

30、-cd-cd word can be used to describe the rain in this poem. . . of the following uses personification wind it steals in night. will fall when comes spring. towns heavy with blooms(blooming flowers). does Du Fu want to show in this poems thankful to nature. loves and enjoys farming. expects the flowers to bloom.BDear Readers,Now over the years, real Chinese dishes have become more and more popular in foreign countries.In the United States, people are eating hotpot, jianbing and roujiamo. In Russia, hundreds of tanghulu were sold out in j

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