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1、北京东城高三一模英语教师版2021北京东城高三一模英 语2021.4本试卷共 10页,共 100 分。考试时长 90 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Labrador has been doing an important job to help people stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.Ei

2、ght-year-old Roby runs through the streets of the hilly city of Medellin several times a day with a 1 in his jaws, taking vegetables, fruit and packaged foods to customers of the Fresh4U mini-market. “He helps us to maintain social distancing,” said Roby owner, Sherry Botero. “And people 2 it when w

3、e send the dog.” Roby enjoys eating carrots 3 to him by customers, a tip for bringing a basket of food.Roby wasnt always a star. He was accepted into the family 4 by Ms Botero after repeated requests by her son to 5 a dog.But Ms Botero quickly 6 with the dog. And when she opened a mini-market four y

4、ears ago, he started to accompany her to make deliveries.Roby cant read 7 . But he remembers the names of customers who have previously rewarded him with treats. And with some practice, he has learned to go to their houses on his own.“He knows the names of five or six of our customers,” Ms Botero sa

5、id, “So I send the goods with a receipt in the basket, and my customers 8 me through a bank transfer(转账;转移).”Roby might not know that hes become an 9 worker. But he is happy to help his owner and 10 his daily pay.1. A. bag B. chain C. basket D. stick2. A. respect B. love C. follow D. notice3. A. gif

6、ted B. returned C. lent D. donated4. A. intentionally B. regretfully C. immediately D. unwillingly5. A. adopt B. train C. adore D. walk 6. A. got away B. kept in touch C. caught up D. fell in love7. A. minds B. addresses C. numbers D. receipts8. A. treat B. help C. pay D. impress 9. A. essential B.

7、honest C. optimistic D. adventurous10. A. spend B. calculate C. collect D. increase 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AComets are among the most beautiful and interesting 11 (sight) in the universe. For centuries, people 12 (show) great interes

8、t in studying them. In 1682, Edmund Halley, an astronomer, noticed a comet that was especially bright and large. Based on his calculations, Halley predicted that this bright comet would return in 1758 or 1759this was about 75 years 13 he first saw the comet. The comet really returned on time and it

9、was named “Halleys Comet” in honor of Edmund Halley.BEmma was on her way home when she heard a sudden scream. Looking around, she saw a little boy on the sidewalk gasping(急喘) for air, his 14 (frighten) mother begging for help. Emma rushed to the boy, 15 face had turned purple. “Whats wrong?” “A cand

10、y! In his throat!” It was lucky that Emma had learned how 16 (perform) the Heimlich maneuver(海姆利克急救法) at school. She acted quickly. Soon, the boy coughed up a piece of candy and began breathing again. He 17 (save) in time.CIn Japan, the word bonsai means tray plant. It refers to the interesting 18 (

11、combine) of art and the planting and growing of miniature trees and plants. Bonsai originated in China more than 2,000 years ago and 19 (spread) to Japan about 700 years ago. Some people believe that only small plants must be used in bonsai, but this is not true. Nearly any type of tree or plant can

12、 be used, as long as it is grown 20 a seed or a small cutting.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,38分)第一节(共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAs part of our mission to inspire the next generation of scientists, inventors and engineers, the Science Museum Group (SMG) has launched an exciting new

13、 online gameTotal Darkness. Over the last year we have been developing Total Darkness with the aim of creating an experience that can have a positive impact on peoples attitudes towards STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), as well as having a focus on self-reflection, rather than askin

14、g players to recall specific facts or concepts.Total Darkness is a digital storytelling experience which encourages young people to recognise how the skills they use every day relate to STEM and can help them develop their confidence in science thinking. The game invites the player to solve a myster

15、ious power cut in their hometown. The game puts players in control, allowing their choices and decisions to guide them through the story.As the player navigates through the darkened streets of the town, equipped only with a torch, they will face various challenges. Using their curiosity, communicati

16、on skills and creative problem solving, they will discover new theories about what might have caused the blackout(停电;断电). But with every step their torch fades, and the player must solve the mystery before the battery runs out. The players choices and actions throughout the game will score them curi

17、osity, creativity or communication points. At the end, the skills the player has used will be revealed along with their science style, showing how they could put their skills into action in the real world.Total Darkness is aimed at 8-15 year-oldsan important stage in teens science development. Resea

18、rch shows that as teens make the step between primary and secondary, many move away from an interest in science as other influences have a stronger pull in their lives.Total Darkness is a free online game playable on smartphone, tablet and desktop. Play now at

19、Total Darkness aims to help players _.A. recall scientific conceptsB. better understand STEMC. improve storytelling abilities D. develop communication skills22. Whats the key to getting points in Total Darkness?A. Judgement. B. Teamwork.C. Equipment. D. Gaming skills.23. What is the main purpose of

20、the passage?A. To promote a new product.B. To introduce the SMGs mission.C. To explain the rules of an online game.D. To emphasize the importance of STEM.BNick Torrance, a junior in high school, suffers from muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症), and attends school in a specialized wheelchair. The muscle diseas

21、e prevents him from accomplishing many everyday tasks, such as carrying his books and putting things away in his locker. So he had a fellow student assigned to help him. But Amy Smith, the schools occupational therapist(治疗师), thought that being able to do something simple like opening his locker on

22、his own would be empowering. Amy initially thought they would be able to buy a device to help. But searching online turned up nothing that could meet their needseverything needed a keycode or some other physical action, things her disabled student couldnt do. After the outside search for a method ca

23、me up short, she looked within the school itself for an answer. Amy turned to the schools robotics instructor.The instructor, in turn, suggested that two of his most capable students take on the project: Micah Stuhldreher and Wyatt Smrcka. They took first place in a national robotics competition, so

24、 they were a natural choice to tackle the locker door problem with a robotics solution. Micah and Wyatt wasted no time getting down to work and for an hour each school day, the boys brainstormed, built, and rebuilt various versions of the device until they landed on the perfect solution one year lat

25、er.Like in any device development, it took a lot of trial and error for Micah and Wyatt to make something that would work for their target audience. For example, they initially built a locker-opening button, but Nick wasnt strong enough to push it, so they replaced it with a sensor. Now, between cla

26、sses Nick steers his electric wheelchair to his locker and waves his hand over a sensor on the arm of the wheelchair. A few seconds later, the locker door swings open. Another wave closes the door. Nick can make it with easeit may be a small thing, but it gives him a sense of independence. 24. Why d

27、id Amy Smith want a device?A. To increase her students confidence.B. To encourage cooperation at school.C. To inspire a robotics invention.D. To help treat a muscle disease.25. With a sensor in his wheelchair, Nick can _.A. move around easily B. put his things awayC. continue his schooling D. open a

28、nd close his locker26. According to the passage, which words can best describe Micah and Wyatt?A. Caring and passionate. B. Talented and ambitious.C. Sensitive and insightful. D. Humble and warmhearted. C Vaccines(疫苗) may soon make their first film appearance. Led by expert Maria A. Croyle, research

29、ers have developed a thin sheet that preserves vaccines for long periods without refrigeration. This means the carefully cooled small bottles now used to ship vaccines could potentially be replaced by lightweight films that can be mailed in an envelope and stored on a shelf.Croyles laboratory began

30、developing the technology in 2007. Inspired by ambers ability to preserve the DNA of insects, the researchers set out to create their own version of the substance by mixing “a lot of sugar and a little bit of salt, much like hard candy,” Croyle explains. The vaccine-containing film is administered b

31、y mouthsweet news for many who dislike needles.The film is tailored to suit each specific vaccine candidate and provide a protective coating. “Weve learned over time that the key to really stabilizing whatever the film holds is to have it intermixed with all the components,” Croyle says, adding that

32、 the process is quick and uses affordable, standard equipment. “We really wanted to come up with something that would be transferable to developing countries.”Immunization(免疫) programs depend heavily on keeping vaccines cold(2-8) as they are transported, sometimes over thousands of kilometers to far-away locations. Delivery can be difficult and costly, and transport disruptions can cause the vaccines to

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