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外研社 小学英语 总复习资料精品文档.docx

1、外研社 小学英语 总复习资料精品文档1动物(animal):bird 鸟 bear 熊 horse 马 butterfly 蝴蝶 parrot 鹦鹉 kangaroo 袋鼠 cat 猫 chameleon 变色龙 dog 狗 camel 骆驼 chick 小鸡 dragon 龙duck 鸭子 elephant 大象fish 鱼 frog 青蛙 hen 母鸡 lion 狮子 monkey 猴子 owl 猫头鹰 panda 熊猫tiger 老虎wolf 狼 2人体器官(body):head头 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 face脸 nose 鼻子mouth 嘴hair头发 shoulder 肩膀

2、arm 胳膊 hand手finger 手指 leg 大腿 knee膝盖 foot 脚(feet复数) toe 脚趾3季节(season):spring春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天 winter冬天4月份(month):January一月 February二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June 六月 July七月 August八月 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December 十二月5星期(week):Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Fr

3、iday 星期五 Saturday 星期六6职业(job/work):actor演员doctor 医生 driver 司机dancer舞蹈演员 farmer 农民 postman 邮递员firemen消防队员 teacher 教师 nurse 护士 policeman警察 taikonaut 宇航员7家庭(family):grandparent(外)祖父(母) grandfather(外)祖父 grandmother(外)祖母 grandchildren(外)孙子(女)parent父(母)亲 father父亲 mother(mum)母亲 cousin表(堂)兄妹 kid孩子 brother哥(

4、弟) sister姐(妹)son儿子 uncle叔,伯,舅8国家(county):China 中国 France 法国 America 美国 Spain 西班牙 Australia 澳大利亚 Canada 加拿大 England 英格兰9城市(city)及处所(place):Chinatown唐人街bedroom 卧室classroom教室 farm农场 field 田地 flat 公寓house家,房子station 车站 supermarket 超市 library图书馆 restaurant 饭店, 旅馆 school学校office办公室park 公园 playground 操场,运动

5、场 seashore海岸,海滩 square 广场10水果(fruit):apple苹果 banana香蕉watermelon西瓜 mango芒果 orange橘子 pear梨11服装(clothes) :T-shirt体恤衫 cap帽子 coat外套 hat帽子 dress连衣裙,女装 shoe鞋子sweater毛线衫 swimsuit游泳衣 12单位:kilometer千米,公里 kilo千克,公斤 metre米 13动作(action):dancing跳舞 drawing 画 jumping 跳skipping跳绳 swimming 游泳 shipping 购物 14交通工具:aero

6、plane直升飞机 bike自行车 train火车 bus公共汽车 boat小船 dragon boat龙船ship轮船 car小汽车 lorry卡车 plane飞机 taxi出租车15节日(festival):Spring Festival春节 Lantern festival元宵节 Dragon Boat festival端午节 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 Flag Day国旗日 Christmas圣诞节16宇宙事物及天气(weather):sky 天空 air 空气 wind 风cloud 云 sun 太阳 sunshine 阳光space太空 rain 雨 snow

7、雪 17学习用品:blackboard黑板 book 书 desk 课桌dictionary字典 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔ruler尺子bag 书包18人物(people):boy男孩 girl 女孩 friend 朋友 child儿童(单) children 儿童(复)lady 女士,小姐man男人(单) men 男人(复) queen 女王 pupil小学生 woman 女人(单) women女人(复)19球类名词(ball):basketball 篮球 baseball 棒球football 足球 table tennis 乒乓球 20乐器名词:flute笛子guitar吉他 p

8、iano钢琴 trumpet小号 violin小提琴 zither古筝21日用品:bed 床 bag 包,袋 bell 铃 bottle瓶子 box 盒子 building 建筑物basket篮子 clock 钟表 camera 照相机 cup杯子 chopsticks 筷子door 门 vase花瓶 doorbell 门铃 light 灯 pan平底锅 phone 电话 radio 收音机 table 桌子 toothbrush 牙刷 knife刀 chair 椅子 table 桌子 TV 电视机 telephone 电话 television 电视机 fork叉22三餐:breakfast

9、早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐,正餐23食品(food):fast food 快餐 biscuit 饼干 bread 面包 cake 蛋糕 sausage 火腿 coffee咖啡cheese奶酪 cola可乐 dumplings 饺子 egg 鸡蛋 fish and chips 鱼和薯条 moon cake月饼spice香料,调料品 ginger姜 hot dog 热狗sweets 糖果 hamburger 汉堡包 ice cream 冰激凌 jam 果酱 peanut 花生juice 果汁meat 肉 milk 牛奶sandwich 三明治,noodles面条 soup 汤soybe

10、an milk 豆浆 tea 茶 toast 烤面包 vegetable 蔬菜24游戏及娱乐:balloon 气球jigsaw 拼图游戏 computer games 电脑游戏, joke 笑话 kite 风筝 morning exercise 早操popular music 流行音乐 project 综合实践项目 toy 玩具 25疾病:cold 感冒 fever 高烧 headache 头痛 stomachache胃痛26学科(subject):maths 数学 geography 地理 history 历史music 音乐 PE 体育 science 科学 French法语 Englis

11、h 英语 Chinese 汉语二、分类词汇名词:人物: boy girl mother father brother sister friend cousin driver dancer pupil teacher policeman nurse farmer doctor Ms Mr动物: animal dragon tiger lion elephant monkey panda dog cat bird五官 身体部分: head eye nose ear mouth hand arm foot leg hair食物: food cake rice meat bread noodles s

12、oup fish chocolate mango banana apple pear orange peanut sweets biscuit vegetable milk fruit watermelon ice cheese juice coffee tea场所方位: classroom class school home farm house road supermarket station park lake sea rivereast west north south国家: China England America country玩具:kite, toy, computer gam

13、e, doll, jigsaw, chess, ball文具:bag pencil pen book时间: time today day hour yesterday tomorrow morning afternoon evening weekend 服装:hat dress coat T-shirt clothes sweater教室中的物品: desk chair door window其它名词: name present box bottle song winner Christmas tree letter homework weather postcard matter game

14、life headache fever动词:运动: play football, play basketball, play table tennis, do morning exercises, go swimming, go cycling, run, high jump, ride, row a boat,系动词: am is are was were feel smell情态动词 :can need may should其它动作:want, make, cook, wash, please, draw, thank, think, point to, sit down, stand u

15、p, know, help, hope, look see, have, has, like, sing , read, write, draw, learn, listen, hear, say, talk, tell, study, speak, drink, drop laugh, give, visit, catch, dance, carry, live, agree, stop, finish, wait, get up, have breakfast, go to school, go to work, have lunch, go home, have dinner, watch TV, take pictures, go straight on, turn right, turn left, understand, argue, wear, went bought had met ran lost learnt形容词:颜色: red blue yellow green black orange purple pink white天气: hot cold warm cool windy sunny心情感觉: fine, happy, favorite, hungry, difficult, thirsty sad, bored, angry, t

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