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最新 李阳励志演讲稿精选多篇 讲话 致辞.docx

1、最新 李阳励志演讲稿精选多篇 讲话 致辞李阳励志演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:李阳励志 no. 1关键词:feel今天你觉得怎么样?a: hopletely agree pletely是一个五星级副词,读起来很过瘾。请夸张地反复练习completely!和它对应的中文是彻底,完全,十分。下面给你两个纯正美国英语例句:1) oh, my god! i completely forgot!(噢,上帝!我彻底给忘记了!)2) your progress in english is completely amazing.(你在英语上的进步简直是太惊人了。) no. 3关键词:give关键句:she gi

2、ves me a big headache.她让我头痛。a: she gives me a big headache.(她让我头痛。)b: i knooney.我喜欢钱。a: i love money.(我喜欢钱。)b: everyone loves money.(每个人都喜欢钱。)no. 10关键词:lucky关键句:im just lucky.我只是运气好。a: hoe so successful?(你是如何取得如此大的成功的?)b: im just lucky.(我只是运气好。)no. 11关键词: not sure yet.(我还不确信。)【发音秘诀】did it要连读。ade a m

3、istake!(你犯了一个错误。)b: nobodys perfect.(没有十全十美的人。)【发音秘诀】nobody中有一个疯狂舀水音和一个感叹祖国大好河山音,perfect中要注意重读卷舌音。no. 13关键词:matter关键句:atter?什么事?a: atter? (什么事?)b: nothing is the matter. everything is fine.(没什么。一切顺利。)【发音秘诀】matter的结尾是一个轻读卷舌音。no. 14关键词:tea(请关注)cher关键句:our english teacher is great.我们的英语老师很好。a: our engl

4、ish teacher is great.(我们的英语老师很好。)b: youre so lucky to have a good teacher.(你们有这样一位好老师真是幸运。no. 15关键词:about关键句:forget about it.忘记它吧。a: im sorry im late. (很抱歉,我来迟了。)b: forget about it. (忘记它吧。)no. 16关键词:together关键句:china and america should erica should y father has never traveled abroad.我父亲从未出国旅行过。a: my

5、 father has never traveled abroad.(我父亲从未出国旅行过。)b: my father lived in america for three years.(我父亲在美国住了三年。)no. 18关键词:calm 关键句:keep calm, its nothing serious.保持冷静,没什么大不了的事。a: keep calm, its nothing serious.(保持冷静,没什么大不了的事。)b: but im so orroorro busy then. hoade the same mistake as last time.你犯了和上次一样的错误

6、。a: youve made the same mistake as last time.(你犯了和上次一样的错误。)b: im sorry. im still learning.(我很抱歉,我还在学嘛。)no. 21关键词:charge关键句:anager is in charge of this department.(我们经理负责这个部门。)no. 22关键词:hard关键句:akes you akes you determined to succeed.(我决心成功。)no. 23关键词:confidence关键句:he has a lot of confidence.他充满了自信。a

7、: possible关键句:nothing is impossible.没有做不成的事。a: its impossible for me to speak english.(要我说英语是不可能的。)b: nothing is impossible.(没有做不成的事。)no. 25关键词:talk关键句:i need to talk to you.我要和你谈谈。a: i need to talk to you.(我要和你谈谈。)b: sure. do you ore关键句:i really cant stand it any more.我真的无法忍受了!a: the traffic is ter

8、rible in beijing.(北京的交通太糟糕了。)b: yeah, i really cant stand it any more.(我真的无法忍受了!)no. 28关键词:for关键句:im looking for mr. li.我要找李先生。a: im looking for mr. li.我要找李先生。b: oh, hes just over there.(哦,他就在那儿。)no. 29关键词:good关键句:my mother is a good cook.我的妈妈是一位好厨师。a: my mother is a good cook.(我的妈妈是一位好厨师。)b: my mot

9、her is a terrible cook.(我的妈妈是一位差劲的厨师。)no. 30关键词:look关键句:you look great today.你今天看上去棒极了。a: you look great today.(你今天看上去棒极了。)b: im flattered. thanks.(你过奖了,谢谢。)no. 31关键词:improve关键句:i prove my poor english.我想改进我的破烂英语。a: i prove my poor english.(我想改进我的破烂英语。)b: then you should study crazy english.(那你应该学习疯

10、狂英语。)no. 32关键词:truth关键句:you must tell the truth.你必须说出真相。a: you must tell the truth.(你必须说出真相。)b: but im afraid to tell the truth.(但我怕说出真相。)李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第四节:合口双元音no. 33关键词:pain关键句:no pain, no gain.没有付出,就没有收获。a: you have to ake money.(要想挣钱,你得长时间工作。)b: youre right. no pain, no gain.(你说得对。不劳无获。)no. 34关键词:m

11、istake关键句:i made a mistake.我犯了一个错误。a: i made a mistake.(我犯了一个错误。)b: everyone makes mistakes.(人人都犯错误。)n关键词:join关 疯狂英语清晨励志演讲 e to crazy english clubqq:1013118430as you sloes into your room,listen carefully,see if theres any neost importantly,its a neake neake neinds eye,you can see clearly the things

12、you ;you can see the smiles on the people around you agic moment can feel your face is getting redand your heart is beating fast and your blood is rushingall over your body to every single corner of your knomitted.and you are confident,you are passionate,you are committed.youll

13、 no longer fear making nee and effort on the most important goals of your life.youll never succumb to challenges or hardships.youll never ust do your part,you must faithfully folloake and take the actions you plan. you must never quit, you must never fear.i knoust do it, you can do it, you and tall,

14、 make a fist, get excited and yell it out:i must do it! i can do it! i ust do it! i can do it! i ust do it! i can do it! i iles begins oney doesnt groy future is not just a dream.我知道我的未来不是梦。5. to convert defeat into victory.反败为胜。6. youth means limitless possibilities.年轻就是无限的可能。7. leave behind a clea

15、n mit in your career.开创职业生涯的另一个高峰。10. pursue breakthroughs in your life.追求自我的突破。11. never say die.永不放弃。12. knoakes perfect.熟能生巧。15. go for it! = just do it!加油!向前冲!做了再说!16. no pain, no gain. 天下事没有不劳而获的东西。17. everyday and in every getting better. 每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。18. time is money.时间就是金钱。19. man can co

16、nquer nature.人定胜天。20. better late than never.只要开始,虽晚不迟! 第二篇:李阳清晨励志演讲 as you sloes into your room, listen carefully, see if theres any neostimportantly, its a neake neake neinds eye, you can see clearly the things you ; you can see the smiles on the people around you agic moment strikes. you can feel

17、 your face is getting red and your heart is beating fast and your blood is rushing all over your body to every single corner of your being. you knomitted. and you are confident, you are passionate, you arecommitted. youll no longer fear making nee and effort on the most important goals of your life.

18、 youll never succumb to challenges or hardships. youll never ust do your part, you must faithfully folloake and take the actions you plan. you must never quit, you must never fear. i knoust do it, you can do it, you ething, do something.与其空想,不如马上行动!a brave heart is a poe your strong points.在你的弱点上下功夫

19、,直到他们成为你的优势。 focus on realizing your amazing potential. 全力以赴,实现潜能!the quality of our life depends on the s. 不要忘记自己的梦想! (2020-02-19 19:56:54)转载标签:杂谈领袖的十大素质第一素质:优秀的人际关系;第二素质:果断;第三素质:战略家的眼光;第四素质:坚强;第五素质:敢于承担责任;第六素质:最大承受压力的能力;第七素质:优秀的学习能力;第八素质:坦诚;第九素质:出色的鼓动力;第十素质:充分调动一切资源的能力。ten important guidelines 1 t

20、oday, id like to share portant guidelines to live a better life. they seem very simple, but very fe. 2 the follo your life. learn them and put them into practice every day. knos can come true - believe in them ean - life .everything changes - bad times pliment - smile and say thanks.persistence pays

21、 - dont take no for an ansile dazzlingly - it ething to improve yourself every day it entality赢者思维 1 attitude really is everything. today, i portance of a entality!态度真的就是一切!今天,我想和大家谈一谈赢者思维模式的重要性!2 sports psychology has demonstrated that uch to do ental strength as ability: in other agine houch more

22、on a bad day? negativity is a major obstacle to success, so e. 每次都用积极代替消极。反复操练,直至成为习惯!be aplete control over them. 了解自己的思维模式,并立刻控制它们,而不是被他们控制和奴役!immediately get out of bed and jump up and does. 立刻从床上跳起来,原地跳跃几次。 第四篇:李阳老师的励志故事 李阳老师的励志故事 大学二年级上学期即将结束的时候,当时已是13门功课不及格的李阳告诉自己必须从灰色的生活中突围出来!他选择了英语作为突破口,发誓要通

23、过4个月后举行的国家英语四级考试。从1987年的冬天一直到1988年的春天,李阳每天冒着严寒坚持在兰州大学的烈士亭大喊英语句子、文章。在短短的4个月中,他复述了十多本英文原版书,背熟了大量四级考试题。李阳的口袋里装满了抄着各种英语句子的纸条,一有空就掏出来操练一番,从宿舍到教室,从教室到食堂,无论走到哪里,李阳的嘴总是不断运动着。4个月下来,李阳的舌头不在僵硬,耳朵不再失灵,反应不再迟钝,他可以轻松的脱口而出流利的英语。在当年的英语四级考试中,李阳只用50分钟,就答完了考题试卷,并且成绩高踞全校第二名,一个考试总不及格的李阳突然成为了一个英语高手,这一消息轰动了整个兰州大学。 第五篇:李阳励志

24、名言 让我们牺牲一些娱乐的时间、牺牲一些无聊的时间、牺牲一些闲聊的时间、牺牲一些为自己的穿着打扮苦恼的时间、牺牲一些思考如何吃的时间、牺牲一些打麻将的时间!让我们多一些反思自我、改造自我的时间!let us sacrifice some leisure time, sacrifice some boring time, sacrifice some chatting time, and sacrifice some time for your dressing all the time, some time for thinking about hoain more time for self reflection and self transformation.人一生总要成就一些事情!说一口流利的英语就是一件非常值得做的事,而且是一定可以做好的事!从中找到自己的快乐吧!找到自己的信心吧!找到自己的价值吧!找到奋斗的快感吧!找到克服重重困难的幸福吧! ething! speaking fluent english isvery e all the difficulties.

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