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1、国际市场营销重点解析1. India, Russia, China, Brazil are in group countries which are in the same Union named BRIC金砖四国2. Monochrome and polychrome definitionsPolychrome cultures in cross-cultural communication means type of cultures where representatives usually trying to do couple and more businesses at the s

2、ame time.Monochrome cultures in cross-cultural communication means type of cultures where representatives usually to concentrate on doing businesses “Step-by-step”, or organize doing business according the most logical way.3. In developing countries consumers mostly prefer:They prefer global product

3、s from the developed countries and the goods of national characteristics from their own country4. Which kinds of crisis are not natural disasters crisis? Financial crisis Economical crisis5. What is the most famous Franchiser in the World?Mcdonalds(should follow the standard of the quality of the pr

4、oduct)(contract manufacturing dont care the procedure but the result)6. The risk of an investment that has a predetermined maximum downside potential, which is usually the initial amount invested is7. The steps or strategies implemented by firms to determine the optimum price of a product. Cost vers

5、us market based approach基于成本与市场New product pricing: skimming versus penetration pricing新产品定价: 略读与渗透定价法Standardization versus adaptation approach标准化与自适应方法Centralized versus decentralized approach集中与分散处理的办法Preparedness for internationalization and industry globalization: pricing strategy prototypes国际化

6、和产业的全球化准备: 定价战略原型8. What is a product on the FOREX market? Currencies (FX) usually refers to expressed in foreign currencies can be used for international settlement of all kinds of means of payment. Include: foreign currency, foreign currency deposit, foreign currency securities and foreign currenc

7、y payment voucher.9. What is WTO?The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.10. Which country is not member of WTO?建议注意:越南,朝鲜,斯坦系列(除了巴基斯坦)Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria Islamic Republic of Iran Republic of

8、the Sudan阿尔及利亚人民民主共和国 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 苏丹共和国11. What is Brand?Unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors. (Guidelines for success of a global brand:1.Recognition 2.Consistency 3.Emotion 4.U

9、niqueness5.Adaptability 6.Management)12. What is Slogan? A slogan is a noun,usually repeated and persuasive that creates a memorable catch phrase,motto,or jingle,that expresses a particular aim or concept。In business A slogan is a sentence placed after your company name or product name that helps to

10、 give it an identity and a positive image。13. What is Design? Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system14. Parts of distribution channel chain?Manufacturers, merchants (intermediary and agent middlemen), the consumer制造商、商人(中间商和代理中间商)、消费者15. Elements

11、 of 4PS? 1.Promotion 2.Price 3.Product 4.Place16. What is Ethnocentrism? Ethnocentric is a focus on the home marketConsumers belief about the ethics of buying foreign productsEthnocentric consumers are proud of brands and symbols of their own countryEthnocentric consumers are less open to foreign cu

12、ltures and cosmopolitanism17. Modes of market-entry.export-based mode contract-based mode equity-based modes18. Who is licenser? Who is licensee?认可者是谁?被许可方是谁For a fee, the licensor allows the licensee to use intellectual property to gain presence in the markets covered by the licensee。 Small upfront

13、 cost/risk for licenseeRoyalties can translate into direct profit for licensor(Licenser sell license to licensee)(licensee dont care/responsible of the quality of the product)收费的,许可人允许被许可人使用知识产权获得市场由被许可人的存在小的前期成本/被许可方的风险版税许可方可以转化为直接利润(许可销售许可被许可人)(被许可方不在乎/负责产品的质量)19. Forms of International Joint Vent

14、ures?Two or more companies from the same country form an alliance to enter another country An overseas company joins a local company to enter its domestic marketFirms from two or more countries band together in a JV formed in a third country.Foreign private business and a government agree to join fo

15、rces in a pursuit of mutual interestsA foreign private firm enters into a JV with a government-owned firm to enter into a third national market20. Global vision?The ability to look into the future or the capacity to visualize the image that the company is seeking to create on a world-wide basis.21.

16、Local vision?22. Factors which are influencing pricing decisionscompetitive factorsconsumer factorsproduct factors and distribution channelscountries factorscompany factors (strategic level)23. Concentration Strategy.Company focuses intensely on one segment of the market and designs its marketing ef

17、forts with that segment in mindDecreased competition and dominant share are prosBut, lack of portfolio diversification means greater financial risk24. Goal of an STP strategyTo identify and engage the right customer segments, but also to preserve the true identity of the brand while answering the ne

18、ed to position it in very customized, segment-specific communications25. Segment (definition)Segment is a group of customers with common needs, values and responsiveness to marketing variables (homogeneous clusters) 26. Brand product (definition)Strategy based on a direct link between a brand and a

19、specific product27. Cultural macro-segmentationidentification of groups of countries that are similar in terms of some macroindicators or in terms of culture(2)The variables that can be used are: economygeography politics religion cultur28. Stages of product life cycleProduct development stage产品开发阶段

20、Introduction phase介绍阶段Development phase开发阶段Maturity phase成熟阶段Decline phase下降阶段29. Influencing prices decisions (5)Competitive factors Consumer factorsProduct factors and distribution Channels产品因素和分销渠道Country factorsCompany factors (strategic level)30. Ingredient brand (definition)Additional brand ab

21、out a different version of a specific product or an “ingredient“31. Price (definition)Price is a tangible value of an offer created through product, distribution and communication decisions。(Pricing decisions are intrinsically tied to other marketing mix variables.In a global context, the price that

22、 a product can gain in the market often determines its development)价格是报价的有形资产的价值通过产品,分销和沟通决定定价决策是本质上与其他营销组合变量。在全球背景下,产品在市场上可以获得的价格往往决定了它的发展32. Globalization (definition)Globalization is a process of interaction and integration driven by international trade33. Marketing (definition)Marketing is a soc

23、ietal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating,offering,and exchanging products and services of value freely with others. 营销是一个社会过程,个人和团体获得他们所需要的,并希望通过创造,提供和交换产品和服务的价值与他人自由。Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, prom

24、otion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. 营销是计划和执行的过程的概念、定价、促销和分销的想法,商品,和服务创建交流,满足个人和组织目标。Market Potential: is the level of demand that would exist if all people who express the need for the product would buy and use t

25、he product in the maximum quantity available34. Market potential formulaMPts = (Nts x Pt) x Fts x DtsN = number of potential customersP = percentage of potential customers with discretionary income level for the product categoryD = dosage (quantity per use)F = Frequences = marketspacet = time period

26、35. Market share analysisStrategic Alliances(definition)A strategic alliance is a formal, contractual relationship between two or more firms that share resources to pursue a common goal.VerticalFirms from different industries cooperateHorizontalFirms are from the same industry(没有垄断)1印度、俄罗斯、中国、巴西是在集团

27、国家在同一个联盟命名2单色和彩色的定义3发展中国家的消费者大多喜欢:4哪种危机不是自然灾害危机?5什么是世界上最著名的经销商吗6投资的风险有一个预定的最大缺点潜力,通常初始投资额7公司或策略实施的步骤来确定产品的最优价格。8什么是外汇市场上的产品? 外汇 foreign exchange (FX市场)通常指以外国货币表示的可用于国际结算的各种支付手段。包括:外国货币、外币存款、外币有价证券(政府公债、国库券、公司债券、股票等)、外币支付凭证(票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等)。9世贸组织是什么10哪个国家不是世贸组织成员?11品牌是什么?12口号是什么?13设计是什么?14 地区分销渠道链?

28、15、4ps的元素?16、种族中心主义是什么?17、掉期交易模式。18、认可者是谁?被许可方是谁19、形式的国际合资企业?20、全球视野?21、当地的愿景吗?22、影响定价的决定因素23集中策略。24、STP战略的目标25市场细分的(定义)26品牌产品(定义)27文化的宏观细分?macro-segmentation28产品生命周期阶段29影响价格的决定(5)30成分品牌(定义)31价格(定义)32全球化(定义)33营销(定义)34市场潜力的公式35市场份额分析Positive effects of financial crisis:1.helpful to clean the market 2

29、.give opportunities to enlarge get the competitive advantagesNegative effects of financial crisis:1.Bankrupting 2.unempolyment 3. economic depressionGlobal market segment criteriaCriteria to use in forming the segment:1.Measurable: Size, purchasing power, and profile of segment2.Differe

30、ntiable: Respond differently changes in the marketing mix3.Accessible: can be reached and served 4.Substantial: Large and profitable enough to serve5.Actionable: stable enough to allow for proper targeting and measurable responseCriteria to choose segments(补考)1.Market size 2.Growth rate 3.Competitiv

31、e position4.Market accessibility 5.Customer fit Concentrated & Customized ApproachesConcentrated (Niche Targeting)-Company focuses intensely on one segment of the market and designs its marketing efforts with that segment in mind1.Decreased competition and dominant share are pros2.But, lack of portfolio diversification means greater financial riskCustomized (Micromarketing)-Deeper segmentation of the target market and more nuanced and specialized products and marketing cam

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