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1、质量功能展开矩阵质量功能展开矩阵Abstract: The definition of project quality is introduced in this paper. The customer expectations to project deliverables are what the product or service functions fulfilled. This is project functional requirements. Project team shouldnt just be rewording the functional requirements

2、 into technical requirements but also should be determining of the technical specifications so as to meet the customers expectations. This paper introduces a tool to transform the customer requirements into product or service specifications which called quality function development. As an example, t

3、he detailed process and method of functional and technical requirements conversion to a family car is discussed in this paper. 摘要:本文从项目质量的含义入手,分析了项目交付结果的质量在功能方面与技术性能方面的区别,介绍了将客户对项目交付结果质量的要求转化为产品或服务技术参数的专业方法质量功能展开(QFD)矩阵,阐述了QFD中客户要求、产品或服务特性以及技术参数之间的相互关系。最后结合一个具体的实例,详细剖析了运用质量功能展开矩阵来确定家庭轿车开发项目质量要求的步骤和方

4、法。 Keyword: project quality, customer expectation, product specification, quality function development 关键字:项目质量、客户要求、产品特性、质量功能展开(QFD) 1(项目质量 项目质量有两方面的含义,一方面是指项目最终交付结果的质量,也就是项目所提交的产品或服务是否符合客户的技术性能要求,能否使客户满意地接受;另一方面则是指项目管理过程的质量,即指项目能否在规定的时间内、在批准的预算内、在规定的工作范围内完成任务。高质量的项目管理过程,能够一定程度地保证最终交付结果的质量,但是,如果事先没

5、有搞清楚客户对项目交付产品或服务的质量要求,无论项目管理过程的质量有多么精彩,也依然避免不了项目最终的失败。 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out one-stop service for enterprises, and the

6、 masses start to make . . Administrative approval process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, peoples satisfaction. Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the qual

7、ity of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and

8、facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadr

9、es well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according

10、to villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 曾经有这么一个故事:一家工业锅炉公司需要建立自己的企业网站,用于产品发布、广告宣传等电子商务活动。某电子商务公司接受定单后,即调兵遣将,组织了专门的项目小组,进行页面、数据库格式等方面的设计,经过近一个月的努力,网站在规定的最后期限内开发、设计完成,所有数据也录入并且连接到位,项目经理于是很兴奋地通知客户老总来现场观摩。当网站被接通时,突然从计算机屏幕上方飞出一只百灵鸟,并且发出悦耳的叫声:“Welcom

11、e(欢迎)”,紧接着又从屏幕的两侧弹出两支鲜红的玫瑰花,伴随着轻柔的音乐,发出了“欢迎访问某某工业锅炉公司的网站,”的介绍。 在网站接通的一刹那,屏幕上突然飞出一只鸟时,客户老总吓了一跳,当聊簧嫌值 雒倒寤?炱鹪枚 囊衾质保 献茉椒?械讲欢跃?耍 谑嵌哉 诓僮鞯南钅烤 戆诎谑炙担骸靶辛耍 辛耍 鹪傺菔玖耍 ?lt;BR 项目经理正在兴头上,本想进一步炫耀他们的得意之作,没想到被客户打断,便疑惑不解地问道:“怎么啦,” 客户老总一板一眼地对他说:“你看,我们公司是生产工业锅炉的,是一家制造企业,产品也不过是一些大大小小、其貌不扬的锅炉,我们只是想通过网站让客户了解我们的产品和服务,并且能够在网上

12、进行签单、付款等电子商务活动,我们既不是广告公司,又非一般贸易、电子商务公司,你把我们的网站搞得那么花哨干什么,你们拿回去重做吧” 这里,项目经理认为他们的设计动画、漂亮、有水平,可是到客户那里却遭到了枪毙,为什么,根本原因就在于项目执行者没有真正搞清楚客户对项目交付结果的质量要求。 这样的例子数不胜数。 有时,限于专业水平或者行业知识,客户很可能不能准确地表达他们的需求,或者,即便他们能够说清楚,也非常笼统和抽象,并且侧重在产品或服务的功能方面。例如,客户需要购买一台笔记本电脑,他要求这个产品处理速度快、不出故障、硬盘空间大、重量轻、屏幕大、不怕摔等,这些都是笔记本这种产品在功能方面的要求。

13、如果项目小组按照客户的这些要求去管理开发、生产笔记本电脑的项目,恐怕难以满足客户的要求,因为这些要求太抽象、太模糊,又无法衡量,所以根本无法实现。所以,项目小组还必须将这些功能方面的要求转化成产品或服务的技术要求,并且进一步确定出具体的技术参数,这些技术参数通常非常具体,of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into adm

14、inistrative service center to carry out one-stop service for enterprises, and the masses start to make . . Administrative approval process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, peoples satisfaction. Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work

15、, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key area

16、s of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results s

17、uggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money li

18、nked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 并且可以测量,项目小组按照这些技术参数去开发产品、提供服务,才能准确无误地满足客户的要求。 一般情况下,客户关注的是产品或服务在功能方面的要求,但项目小组却必须关注产品或服务在技术方面的要求。表1表明了对笔记本电脑这种产品在功能要求和技术要求方面

19、的区别,从表中可以清楚地看出,前者模糊、抽象,后者则具体、可测量。 表1 产品或服务的功能要求与技术要求 功能要求 技术要求 速度快 英特尔奔腾M, 1.6Ghz处理器 不出故障 英特尔迅驰移动计算技术, 内置微软视窗XP操作系统 硬盘空间大 60GB大容量硬盘 重量轻 1.8公斤 屏幕大 15.4英寸 不怕摔 从2米高度摔向水泥地面完好无损 电池时间长 5小时 2(质量功能展开 质量功能展开(quality function development, 简称QFD)就是将项目的质量要求、客户意见转化成项目技术要求的专业方法。这种方法在工程领域得到广泛地应用,它从客户对项目交付结果的质量要求出发

20、,先识别出客户在功能方面的要求,然后把功能要求与产品或服务的特性对应起来,根据功能要求与产品特性的关系矩阵,以及产品特性之间的相关关系矩阵,进一步确定出项目产品或服务的技术参数,技术参数一经确定,项目小组就很容易有针对性地提供满足客户需求的产品或服务。QFD矩阵主要是用来确定项目质量要求的,形状of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be mo

21、ved into administrative service center to carry out one-stop service for enterprises, and the masses start to make . . Administrative approval process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, peoples satisfaction. Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in

22、hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and ot

23、her key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessme

24、nt results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people

25、 to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 看起来像房子,于是又称质量屋(quality house),如图1所示。 这里, 1) “客户要求”即客户意见或客户的需要和期望,往往涉及客户希望得到的产品或服务究竟是什么的问题。客户要求通常集中在功能方面,并且很笼统和抽

26、象,在项目执行之前,项目小组可以采取通过访问客户、发放调查问卷以及其它市场调查的手段来获取; 2) “优先级”是客户的若干要求中,他关注的重视程度,通常由客户来定义,可以按顺序分别用1、2、3来表示。通常,客户优先考虑的要求也应成为项目小组的优先考虑; 3) “产品或服务特性”指的是为了满足客户要求,在产品设计、制造或服务提供等方面必须具备怎么样的特性,这些特性是由项目小组来确定的,通常与产品或服务的某些结构、性能有关; 4) “相关关系矩阵”是指产品或服务的众多特性之间的相互关系,根据它们之间的相互影响关系,通常用正相关或负相关来表示; of government departments a

27、nd dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out one-stop service for enterprises, and the masses start to make . . Administrative approval process optimization, shortest t

28、ime and link the least, best service, peoples satisfaction. Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on

29、 illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The w

30、ork to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. W

31、hile to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide,

32、 and township 5) “关联关系矩阵”是指客户要求和产品或服务特征之间的关联关系,根据它们之间关联的程度,通常用强、中等、弱三种定性关系来确定; 6) “产品或服务技术参数”是指产品或服务的质量性能参数,通常用可以测量的客观标准来衡量,例如,产品的结构参数,长度、频率等,性能参数,可靠性、适应性、可操作性、灵活性、可制造性等,感官参数,味觉、视觉等,时间参数,耐久性、保修期、可维护性等,商业参数,担保、退换等,社会参数,合法、安全、环保等;服务的提供参数-服务时间、服务能力、服务态度等。按照这些技术参数来设计产品和提供服务,才能真正使客户的需求得到准确无误地满足。 3(质量功能展开的运用 假设你现在正在负责的项目是为某客户开发一种家庭轿车,下面用这个例子来阐明质量功能展开的运用方法。 第1步:确定项目的要求“是什么”,即搞清楚客户需要什么样的轿车。通过走访和需求调查,项目小组了解到,客户对轿车的要求是马力大、空间大、安全性好、寿命长、经济高效、维修方便、容易发现故障等,很显然这些是客户对轿车功能方面的要求。可以看出这些要求非常抽象和模糊,难于测量。项目小组如果就按这些要求去设计轿车,制造出来的产品恐怕很难满足客户的需求。 第2步:将“是什么”转化成“怎么样”,即确定客户需要

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