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1、太阳能灯具le灯具专业英语翻译太阳能灯具le灯具专业英语翻译 作者: 日期: 太阳能灯具和led灯具专业英语翻译工作环境温度:Working temperature工作电压:Supply voltage额定电源频率Rated power frequency额定功率Rated power驱动电源效率Power supply efficiency功率因数Power-factor(PF)LED发光效率LED luminoue efficiency灯具初始光通量Luminous flux灯具出光效率 Lamp Flux色温Color temperature显色指数CRI: Ra>75防护等级IP

2、 rating:IP65使用寿命 Working life外壳材质Shell material character产品尺寸 Size(A*B*C mm)重量 Net weight (kg)包装尺寸 Packing dimensions(mm)太阳能的相对多一点:交流电两种电的形态之一: 交变电流, 常用于住家中.非晶具有无周期型的原子结构.非晶硅有时简称为a-硅作为一种无序半导体材料用于增强等离子体化学蒸汽沉积(PECVD)工艺中. 此工艺可用来在不锈钢的基片上产生薄膜太阳能发电层.安培 (Amps)电流单位. 可视为电力流动的数量单位光伏矩阵或发电板阵 (Array - photovolta

3、ic)太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵.阻流二极管 (Blocking Diode)用来防止反向电流, 在发电板阵中, 阻流二极管用来防止电流流向一个或数个失效或有遮影的发电板 (或一连串的太阳能发电板) 上. 在夜间或低电流出的期间, 防止电流从蓄电池流向光伏发电板矩阵.光伏发电系统平衡 (BOS or Balance of System -photovoltaic)光伏发电系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分. 例如开关, 控制仪表, 电力温控设备, 矩阵的支撑结构, 储电组件等等.旁路二极管 (Bypass Diode)是与光伏发电板并联的二极管. 用来在光电板被遮影或出故障时提供另外的电

4、流通路.光伏发电板 (电池) (Cell-photovoltaic)太阳能发电板中最小的组件.充电显示器 (表) (Charge Monitor/Meter)用以测量电流安培量的装置, 安培表.充电调节器 (Charge Regulator)用来控制蓄电池充电速度和/或充电状态的装置, 连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蓄电池组之间. 它的主要作用是防止蓄电池被光伏发电板过度充电, 同时监控光伏发电矩阵和/或蓄电池的电压.组件 (Components)指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的其他装置.交直流转换器 (Converter)将交流电转换成直流电的装置.晶体状 (Crystalline)具有三维的重复的原

5、子结构.直流电 (DC)两种电流的形态之一, 常见于使用电池的物件中, 如收音机, 汽车, 手提电脑, 手机等等.无序结构 (Disordered)减小并消除晶格的局限性. 提供新的自由度, 从而可在多维空间中放置其他元素. 使它们以前所未有的方式互相作用. 这种技术应用多种元素以及复合材料. 它们在位置, 移动及成分上的不规则可消除结构的局限性, 因而产生新的局部规则环境. 而这些新的局部环境决定了这些材料的物理性质, 电子性质以及化学性质. 因此使得合成具有新颍机理的新型材料成为可能.电网连接 - 光伏发电 (Grid-Connected -photovoltaic)是一种由光伏发电板阵向

6、电网提供电力的光伏发电系统. 这些系统可由供电公司或个别楼宇来运作.直流交流转换器 (Inverter)用来将直流电转换成交流电的装置.千瓦 (Kilowatt)1000瓦特, 一个灯泡通常使用40至100瓦特的电力.百万瓦特 (Megawatt)1,000,000瓦特光伏发电板 (Module - photovoltaic)光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板.奥佛电子 (Ovonic)以S. R. 奥佛辛斯基(联合太阳能公司创始人)及电子的组合命名 - 用来描述我们独有的材料, 产品和技术的术语.奥佛辛斯基效应 (Ovshinsky effect)一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用下从一

7、种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应.并联连接 (Parallel Connection)一种发电板连接方法. 这种连接法使电压保持相同, 但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能 (Peak Power)持续一段时间(通常是10到30秒)的最大能量输出.光伏 (Photovoltaic - PV)光能到电能的直接转换.光伏发电板 (电池) (Photovoltaic Cell)经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料.卷到卷工序 (Roll-to-Roll Process)将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序.串联连接 (Series Connection)电流不变电压倍增的连接方式.太阳能 (S

8、olar)来自太阳的能量.太阳能收集器 (Solar Collectors)用以捕获来自太阳的光能或热能的装置. 太阳收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中 (常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统.太阳能加热 (Solar Heating)利用来自太阳的热能发电的技术或系统. 太阳能收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发电模块或太阳能发电板 (Solar Module or Solar Panel)一些由太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块.稳定能量转换效率 (Stabilized Energy ConversionEfficie

9、ncy)长期的电力输出与光能输入比例.系统, 平衡系统 (Systems; Balance of Systems)太阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件. 这些部件可使这些太阳能发电板得以应用在需要可控直流电或交流电的住家和商业设施中. 用于太阳能电力系统的其它部件包括:接线和短路装置, 充电调压器,逆变器, 仪表和接地部件.薄膜 (Thin-Film)在基片上形成的很薄的材料层.伏特 (Volts)电动势能单位. 能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的电阻.电压 (Voltage)电势的量.电压表 (Voltage Meter)用以测量电压的装置.瓦特 (Watts)用电压乘以电流的值来衡量

10、的电力度.英文ACOne of two types of electricity: Alternating Current; found in homes.Amorphoushaving an atomic structure that is not periodic.Amorphous SiliconSometimes abbreviated as a-Si, amorphous siliconis used as a disordered semi-conductor material in the plasma-enhanced chemicalvapor deposition (PEC

11、VD) process used to create thin-film solar cells on astainless-steel substrateAmpsThe unit of electrical current. Can be thought of as the flowrate of electricity.Array (photovoltaic)modules wired together in series or parallel form an array.Blocking DiodeUsed to prevent undesired current flow. In a

12、 PV array, the diode is usedto prevent current flow towards a failed or shaded module (or string ofmodules) or from the battery to the PV array during periods of darkness or lowcurrent production.BOS or Balance of System (photovoltaic)the parts of a photovoltaic system other than the array. For inst

13、ance:switches, controls, meters, power conditioning equipment, supporting structurefor the array, storage components, etc.Bypass DiodeA diode connected in parallel with a PV cell to provide an alternative currentpath in case of cell shading or failure.Cell (photovoltaic)the smallest unit of a solar

14、module.Charge Monitor/MeterA device that measures amperage; amp meter.Charge Regulator A device that controls the changing rate and/or state of charge forbatteries. Wired between a photovoltaic array and a battery bank., its main jobis to prevent the battery from being overcharged from the PV array,

15、 whilemonitoring the array and/or battery voltage.ComponentsRefers to other devices used and needed when building a solar systemConverterAn Electroic Device that changes alternating current (ac) to direct current(dc).Crystallinehaving a repeating atomic structure in all three dimensions.DCOne of two

16、 types of Electricity Direct Current; found in anything thatuses batteries. Radios, cars laptops, cell phones, etc.Disorderedminimizing and lifting of lattice constraints, which provides new degrees offreedom, permitting the placement of elements in multi-dimensional spaces wherethey interact in way

17、s not previously available. This allows the use ofmulti-elements and complex materials where positional, translational, andcompositional disorder remove restrictions so new local order environments canbe generated controlling the physical, electronic, and chemical properties ofthe material, thereby

18、permitting the synthesis of new materials with newmechanisms.Grid-Connected (photovoltaic)a photovoltaic (PV) system in which the PV array supplies power to the grid.Systems can be operated by the utility or by individual buildings.InverterAn Electronic Device that changes direct current (dc) to alt

19、ernating current(ac).Kilowatt1000 watts; a light bulb uses 40-100 watts.Megawatt1,000,000 wattsModule (photovoltaic)cells wired together in series form a module.Ovonicafter S.R. Ov(shinsky) + (electr)onic - the term used to describe ourproprietary materials, products, and technologies.Ovshinsky effe

20、ctThe effect by which a specific glassy thin film switches from a nonconductor toa semiconductor upon application of a minimum voltage.Parallel ConnectionConnection in which the voltage stays the same, but the amperage multiplies.Peak Powerthe maximum amount of energy available for a sustained perio

21、d of time,typically 10 to 30 seconds.Photovoltaic (PV)direct conversion of light into electrical energy.Photovoltaic CellThe treated semi-conductor material that converts solar irradiance toelectricity.Roll-to-Roll Processa process where a roll of substrate is continuously converted into a roll ofpr

22、oduct.Series ConnectionConnection in which the current (amps) stays the same but the voltagemultiplies.SolarEnergy from the sun.Solar CollectorsA device designed to capture light or heat energy from the sun. Solar thermalcollectors are used in solar hot water systems (often found in homes) andphotov

23、oltaic collectors are used in solar electric systemsSolar HeatingTechnologies or systems that take advantage of the heat energy coming from thesun. Solar thermal collectors are used in solar hot water systems (often foundin homes) and photovoltaic collectors are used in solar electric systems.Solar

24、Module or Solar PanelA collection of solar cells interconnected to form a solar panel or module.Stabilized Energy Conversion Efficiencythe long-term ratio of electrical output to light input.Systems; Balance of SystemsSolar electric systems include the photovoltaic array and the othercomponents that

25、 allow these solar panels to be used in homes and commercialfacilities where a regulated DC power supply or an AC power supply is required.Components used in solar electric systems include; wire and disconnect devices,charge regulators, inverters, metering, and grounding components.Thin-Filma very t

26、hin layer of material formed on a substrate.VoltsThe unit of electromotive force that will force a current of one amp through aresistor or one ohm.VoltageThe measurement of the force of electricity.Voltage MeterA device that measures voltage.WattsA measure of electrical power that is determined by m

27、ultiplying the voltage bythe amperage.专业照明 illumination防爆灯 explosion-proof lamp/light室内灯 residential lamp台灯 table desk lamp/light壁灯 wall lamp/light落地灯 floor lamp/light吸顶灯 ceiling lamp/light镜前灯 mirror front lamp/light户外灯 outdoor lamp路灯 street lamp/light庭院灯 garden lamp/light草坪灯 lawn lamp/light防水灯 wate

28、rproof /under water lamp应急灯 emergency light工具灯 utility light浴室灯 bathroom light灯饰附件 lighting accessories灯饰配件 light fittings灯泡 bulb白炽灯泡 incandescent light bulbs开关 switch光源 light source节能灯 energy saving lamp荧光灯 fluorescent light/lamp荧光灯管 linear fluorescent light tube环形荧光灯fluorescent circular lamp发光二级管L

29、ED三极管 audion/dynatron灯杯 lamp cup灯罩 lamp shade/cover灯头/灯座 lamp holder灯头/灯座 lamp base灯头型号 bases type灯盘 lamp house灯盘 lamp plate/metal pan灯柱 lamp pole压克力配件acrylic fitting塑胶配件 plastic fitting五金配件 hardware fitting玻璃配件 glass fitting压铸件 die-casting fitting电线 electric wire/power cored插头 Pin/plug插座 socket螺丝 s

30、crew螺母 nut十字螺丝 philips head screw扁头螺丝 flat head screw方螺帽 square nut螺栓杆 bolt bar螺栓盖 bolt cover金属面板 metal surface面板 bezel panel底板 back plane镇流器 ballast电子镇流器electronic ballast感应镇流器inductive ballast适配器 adapter变压器 transformer调节器 adjustment连接器 connector调光器 dimmer接线端子 terminal接线盒 connection box电池 battery光电

31、池 photocell备用电池 emergency battery保险丝 fuse调光器 dimmer传感器 sensor电线 electric wire电镀 plating抛光 finish/polish铬 chrome镍 nickel铁 iron钢 steel铝 aluminum银 silver黄铜 brass不锈钢 stainless steel古铜色 antique brass抛光铜色 polish brass图纸 drawing电路图 circuit diagram玻璃备品 glass spare part防水 waterproof防尘 dustproof落下测试 drop test电器测试 electric test老化测试 aging te

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