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1、完整小学五六年级英语阅读docPassage 1My name is Amy. I m from America. I usually get up at 6:30, and I often go hiking on the weekend. I likespring best. It s windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I canplay with snow. Today my parents aregoing shopping. My brother is swi

2、nging in the garden. I TV. Do you want to be my friend? My QQ number is 408981124, and my telephone number is 6678115.() 1.Amy often goes hiking.A. on SundayB. in spring C. on the weekend() 2.What is Amy s favorite season?A. Spring B. WinterC. Spring and winter() 3.Why does Amy like winter? Because.

3、A. her birthday is in DecemberB. she can play with snow C. A and B.() 4.Is Amy s brother going shopping?A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isn t. C. Yes, he is swinging in the garden.() 5.What is Amy s telephone number?A. 408981124B. 6678115C. 408981124 and 6678115Passage 2An American SchoolgirlMary is an Amer

4、ican schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesntknow Chinese, but she is trying to study and speak it. She often ties to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they dontunderstand her, because she cantspeak Chinese well.It sSaturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her w

5、ay to the park. She is going there to see a flower show. But she doesntknow how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy cantunderstand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows

6、Mary the way to the park. understand ?nd?st?nd/ 动学习 take out 拿出I.判断正( T )误( F)( ) 1.Marys Chinese is poor.( ) 2.Mary often tries to speak English to her Chinese friends.( ) 3.Mary knows how to get to the park.( ) 4.The boy can understand her.1 / 16( ) 5.Mary got to the park at last.II.选择() 1. Mary l

7、ives innow.A. ChinaB. CanadaC. EnglandD. America() 2.Mary can speakChinese.A. muchB. a littleC. a fewD. little() 3.Mary likesChinese with her friends.A. speakB. speaksC. speakingD. spoke() 4.Its Saturday morning. Mary is going.A. to a farmB. to see a friendC. to a new schoolD. too see a flower show(

8、) 5.How does Mary ask the way to the flower show?A. She asks the way in Chinese.B. She asks the way in English.C. She draws a picture to ask the wayD. She asks the way with a sign.III.填空1.我们必须努力学习。We have to _ hard.2.你会讲法语吗?Can you _ French?3.你能理解我吗?Can you _ me?4.请拿出你们的英语书。_ your English books, ple

9、ase.Passage 3Lovely pandas faces look like cats , but their fat bodies and short tails are like bearslovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pa

10、ndas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.( )1. The panda mainly lives in_.A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China( )2. _is like a cat s.A. The panda B. The panda s face C. The panda s body D. The panda s tail( )3. Where are the

11、 pandas hometowns?A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.2 / 16C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan( )4. What s the panda s main food?A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass.Passage 4Mary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good riendsf. Mary s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France

12、16 is Nancy s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favoritenumber. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate s father.TheyteacheslikeChinesemath foodvery much and they also like Chinese people. Kate s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that oneca

13、n travel the world together.1. What s Mary s favorite number?_2.Is Nancy s favorite countryJapan?_3. What s Kate s father s job?_4. Does Kate like Chinese food?_5.How many people are there in this passage?_Passage 5Hello. My name is Millie. I m thirteen years old. I m a good boy. I often,soI playmvo

14、lleyballfitandhealthy. For breakfast, I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice. I sometimeshave rice with fish and an apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “ An apple a daaway(离开)” . In the evening, I sometimes have a glass of milk orcupa of green tea and some

15、 biscuits(饼干). For dinner, I often have soup, meat and vegetables. I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy. They are good for me. Look at me! How tall and strong I am now!( )1.Millie is 14 this year.( )2.Millie likes football very much.( )3.Millie often drinks orange juice for breakfast

16、.( )4.Millie likes apples because they re healthy.3 / 16( )5.I often have vegetables for dinner.Passage 6Dick is seven years old. He is polite(有礼貌 ).So his friends and his parents like him very much.It is Saturday today. Dick is at home. He is watching TV and his sister is doing her homework. At ten

17、, hisfather comes back with some apples. Dick likes apples very much and wants to eat one. His mother asks,“Which apple do you want, Dick?”“The biggest(最大的) one, Mum.”“What?”says his mother.“You should be polite and want the smallest(最小的) one.” “Should I tell a lie(说谎 ) just to be polite, Mum?”()1.

18、Is Dick polite?A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt.C. He is polite.()2. How many people are there in Dicks family?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.() 3. What is Dick doing?A. He is doing the homework.B. He is at home.C. He is watching TV.()4. When does his father come back?A. At seven.B. At nine.C. At ten.()5. Whi

19、ch apple does Dick like?A. The smallest one.B. The red one.C. The biggest one.Passage 7Dear Peter,Thank you for your letter and some beautiful stamps. I like them very much. I also collect stamps. Isending some Monkey King stamps to you. I think you ll like them.Now I m going to answer some of your

20、questions. You ask me about the weather in Beijing in winter. It quite cold and it often snows in winter. After snowing, the ground is white. And I can skate on real ice. I like winter best.You ask me when is the best time to come to China. I think the best time to come to China is in spring orautum

21、n. It s often too hot in summer and it s too cold in winter. I have to finish this letter now. Asbrother to come to China with you. Welcome to Beijing soon.Yours4 / 16Wang Bing() 1. What season does Wang Bing like best?A. SpringB. SummerC. AutumnD. Winter() 2.Where does Wang Bing come from?A. Americ

22、aB. ChinaC. EnglishD. Japan() 3.What does Peter give Wang Bing?A. FoodB. StampsC. SnowD. Nothing() 4.Who will come to China with Peter?A. MotherB. SisterC. BrotherD. Father() 5.What is the text (文章 ) about?A. a letterB.a reportC. NewsD.a noticePassage 8I m a girl student in Class Two, Grade One. My

23、name is Li Hong. I (双m胞eleven胎)brother,.MytwinLiYang, and I are in the same school, and in the same grade, but he is in Class Three. We are good students atschool.I have a good friend. I call her Miss Yang Yang. Do you think Yang Yang is a good girl? No, you reShe isn t a girl, but a cat, a nice cat

24、. She is black and white. She looks the same as her mother.()1、How old is Li Yang?A 、 9B、10C、11D、 12()2、Li Yang is Li Hong s.A 、 twin brotherB、twin sisterC、good friendD、 good student()3、Li Yang is in.A 、 Class OneB、Class TwoC、 Grade OneD、 Grade Two()4、Miss Yangyang is Li Hongs.A 、 teacherB、 catC、sis

25、terD、 friend()5、What colour is Yangyangs mother?A 、 Yellow and whiteB、 Black and yellowC、Black and white D、We don t knowPassage 9Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading the newspaper and some are saying goodbye to their friends.5 / 16Mr. Wang,Mr.Li and Mr Chen are talking so happily

26、that they don t know the train is going to leavguard says to them,” Hurry up! The train is going to leave.” The three men hear the guard. Tonto the train quickly before it moves. Mr. Wang is left behind. He looks very sad. The guard says to him,Don t feel bad. The next train will come in ten minutes

27、.” “ I know, ” Mr. Wang says,friends only come to say goodbye to me.”快速判断:1.Mr. Wang ,Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking at the station.()2.There are only three men at the station.()3.Mr. Wang jumps onto the train.()4.Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are Mr. Wang s friends.()5.Mr. Chen and Mr. Li really want to jum

28、p onto the train.()选择填空:1.people are waiting for the train.A: ThreeB: ManyC: Some2.Some people are.A: reading the booksB: cleaning the trainC: saying goodbye to their friends3.Mr. Wang , Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are.A: eatingB: talkingC: playing4.should jump onto the train.A: Mr.LiB: Mr. ChenC: Mr. WangPassage 10“ Sam,” says his father, “ Put (on帽your子)capand let s go out for a walk. ”

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