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1、熔盐储罐焊接施工方案修改1.工程概况1.Project Summary本工程为2台20000m拱顶冷、热熔盐储罐新建工程,工程所在地位于青海省德令哈市西出口太阳能发电基地内,工程内容包括储罐罐主体制作、安装、防腐、及相关检测。This work is for two sets of 20000m vault hot melt salt storage tank new project, the project is located in solar energy base of west exit of Delingha City, Qinghai province, and the proj

2、ect contents include fabrication, installation, anti-corrosion, and relevant inspection of the main body of the storage tank.储罐结构形式为拱顶固定顶,共由五带壁板组成,壁板材质为Sa-516 Gr.70 N,壁板厚度从下到上依次为42mm、34mm、25mm、16mm、10mm。 The storage tank structure is fixed arch roof which is constituted with five shell plates. The m

3、aterial of shell plate is Sa-516 Gr.70 N, the thickness of shell plate from up to down in sequence is 42mm, 34mm, 25mm, 16mm and 10mm respectively.2 编制依据2 Compilation Basis2.1 中广核德令哈50MW光热项目热传储热系统施工图2.1 Construction Plan of CGN-Delingha 50MW Solar Thermal Power Generation Project Heat Transmission a

4、nd Heat Accumulation System2.2 合同、招标文件;2.2 Contract, bidding document;2.3 Q/JH121.11.004-92安全技术操作规程2.3 Q/JH121.11.004-92 Safety Technical Operation Process2.4 GB501282014立式圆筒形钢制焊接储罐施工及验收规范2.4 GB50128-2014 Vertical Cylindrical Steel Storage Tank Welding Construction and Acceptance Specification2.5 SH

5、/T3530-2011石油化工立式圆筒形钢制储罐施工工艺标准2.5 SH/T3530-2011 Technical Standard for Construction Vertical Cylindrical Steel Storage Tanks for Petrochemical Industry2.6 GB50341-2003立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐设计规范2.6 GB50341-2003 Code for Design of Vertical Cylindrical Welded Steel Oil Tanks2.7 GB/T709-2006热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及其允许偏差2

6、.7 GB/T709-2006 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerances for Hot-rolled Steel Plates and Sheets2.8 NB/T47014-2011承压设备焊接工艺评定2.8 NB/T47014-2011 Welding procedure qualification for pressure equipment2.9 NB/T47015-2011 压力容器焊接规程2.9 NB/T47015-2011 Welding specification for Pressure Vessels2.10 GB/T985-1998

7、气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口基本形式与尺寸2.10 GB/T985-1998 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas-Shielded arc weldind2.11 GB/T986-1998埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸2.11 GB/T986-1998 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding2.12 JB/T4730-2005承压设备无损检测2.12 JB/T4730-200

8、5 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments3 施工准备3 Construction Preparation3.1 焊工考试3.1 Welder Examination3.1.1 所有参加熔盐罐制作安装工程的焊工必须经过严格的审核和正规的岗前培训,持证上岗,对从事埋弧焊、气体保护焊和手工焊的焊工,应按GB50236-2011现场设备、工艺管道焊接工程施工规范焊工考核的有关规定进行考试。3.1.1 All welders who will take participation in the manufacture and installation

9、 of the hot melting salt tank must receive strict reviewing and regulated pre-job training and obtain certificates before being appointed the post. The welders who take participation in the submerged welding, gas shielded welding and manual welding should take examination as per relevant regulations

10、 for assessment of welders in Field Equipment, GB50236-2011 Process Pipeline Welding Construction Specification.3.1.2 对于首次施焊SA-516 Gr.70 N钢板的焊工,必须考试合格,才允许进行相应的焊接工作。3.1.2 The welder who first welds SA-516 Gr.70 N steel plate must take the examination and then be appointed to conduct the welding work

11、after examination qualification.3.1.3 根据现场情况,在正式开工前,完成焊工考试情况。按焊工实际焊接类型分别进行考试。考试合格后,方可进行焊接操作。3.1.3 According to field situation, the welder examination should be completed before formal starting of the construction. The examination should be prepared in line with the actual welding type respectively

12、which will be performed by the welder. The examination qualified welder will be awarded with welder qualification certificate and will be appointed the post in line with certificate. No welding job for welder who failed to be awarded with welder qualification certificate.3.1.4 焊接工作进行前,焊接技术员要对所有焊工进行焊

13、接技术交底,让焊工熟知焊接工艺方案,熟练掌握所焊部位的材质种类和所采用的工艺方法,如坡口形式、焊材选用、焊接电压电流调节、焊接速度控制等,让焊工了解焊接应力与焊接缺陷的危害与预防措施。3.1.4 Before welding, the welding technician should deliver technical details disclosure to all welders to make each welder be familiar with the welding technology plan, to perfectly master the materials clas

14、sification and applicable technology for the welding parts, such as groove shape, welding materials selection, regulation of welding voltage and current, and welding speed control, in order to make the welders understand the hazards and prevention measures of welding stress and welding defects.3.2焊接

15、设备3.2 Welding device 直流电焊机、CO2气体保护焊焊机、埋弧自动平(角)焊机等。焊接设备的电流表、电压表、等仪表、仪器以及规范参数调节装置应定期进行检验。上述表、计装置失灵时,不得进行焊接。手工电弧焊、氩弧焊焊机必须集中放置在离焊接区较近的焊机棚内;自动焊根据现场需要进行放置,放置焊接设备的场地必须保持通风良好、干燥、维修方便。Welding equipment: DC welder, CO2gas shielded welding machine, automatic submerged arc flat fillet welder, etc. Ammeter, volt

16、meter, and other specification parameter adjusting devices shall be inspected periodically. When the aforesaid meter and metering device fail to function, welding shall not be performed. SMAW and GTAW welder must be collectively placed in the weld machine shed, near by the weld zone, the automatic w

17、eld machine to be placed according to the site needs. The weld machines shed must be kept well ventilated, dry and easy maintaining.3.3焊接材料Welding materials:焊接材料应具有产品质量证明文件,符合现行国家标准的规定,且实物与证明书上的批号相符,外观检查时,焊条的药皮不得有受潮、脱落或明显的裂纹;焊丝在使用前应清除其表面的油污、锈蚀等;埋弧自动焊丝、焊剂必须放在干燥处妥善保管;低氢型焊材需按照批次、规格不同,分别取样送有资质试验室进行熔敷金属的

18、扩散氢含量检测,扩散氢含量以不超过4mg/100g为合格。Welding materials shall have certificate of qualification and shall meet the stipulations of the current national standard, and lot number on the material package shall conform to the certificate; Electrode shall be free of moisture, falling or apparent crack during visu

19、al inspection; Welding wire shall be free of oil stain, rust stain and so on prior to usage; Submerged automatic arc welding wire and flux shall keep in a dry place properly;焊接材料入库前检查其装箱单,出厂质量证明书等文件,检查焊材包装等情况及核对标识后方可入库。焊材入库后应根据焊材种类、型号、批号分类存放,存放焊材的库房应干燥、退风,库内温度应大于50,相对湿度不大于60%;焊材应放在焊材架上,离开地面和墙壁的距离不小于

20、300mm,应安放湿度计并做好记录。Before receiving welding materials, it is required to check its packing list, leave-factory quality certificate and other documents, welding material packages, and identifications. When the welding material is received, it shall be stored as per its category, type, and batch number

21、 respectively, and the welding material storage room shall be dry, ventilated, room temperature shall be larger than 50C, relative humidity shall not be larger than 60%; welding materials shall be put on the welding material support, its distance to the ground and wall shall not be less than 300mm,

22、and humidity meter shall be installed and its reading shall be well recorded.焊接材料设专人保管,掌握焊材库的温度、湿度状况及焊材库存量、出库量,并必须设去湿剂。Welding materials shall be kept be designated person, temperature, humidity, inventory, distribution amount of the welding material storage room shall be mastered, and the de-wettin

23、g agent shall be used.焊条和焊剂烘干设专职烘干员,并按厂家说明书要求进行烘烤,如无规定按下表要求烘烤。在使及过程中保持干燥,焊条烘干数量要有计划,根据工程的进展情况,适量的进行烘干。烘干时,要经常打开通风孔并打开风扇,驱除潮气,焊条、焊剂放进或取出时,干燥箱内温度不得低于200;烘干合格后的焊条放入恒温箱内。焊工取焊条时,必须携带焊条筒,随用随领。同一焊条筒内不准放入两种不同规格的焊条,以免用错。当湿度为80%-90%时,使用时间不超过2小时。湿度小于80%时,使用时间不超过4小时,超过这些时间,应按规定重新烘干,焊条再烘干的次数,一般不超过2次。烘干焊条要使用远红外线式

24、焊条烘干箱和保温箱,箱内不得烘干除焊条、焊剂以外的物品,干湿温度计要定期校验。焊条烘干员应及时做好焊条烘干记录、焊材发放记录、焊材库温湿度记录,记录时写全焊材的使用部位、材料名称、牌号、批号等内容。对于回收的焊条,应分类存放,重新烘干,不得与未使用的焊条混放。The designated person shall be arranged to ne responsible for drying electrode and flux, and it shall be dried as per the instruction of the manufacturer, if no stipulati

25、on is made, below table shall be followed. During usage process, it is required to keep dry, the electrode shall be dried as per the scheduled quantity, and drying operation shall be properly made as per the project progress. During drying process, vent shall be opened and fan shall be used frequent

26、ly to remove moisture; when electrode and flux are used, temperature in the dryer shall not be less than 200; After it is dried thoroughly, the electrode shall be put into thermostat. When the welding operator takes out the electrode, quiver must be carried for placing the electrode. The same quiver

27、 shall not be placed with electrode of different specification so as to avoid misapplication. When the humidity is 80%-90%, usage time shall not be more than two hours. When the humidity is less than 80%, the usage time shall not be more than four hours, otherwise, it shall be dried again, but the d

28、rying times for the electrode shall not be more twice in general. It is required to use far-infrared electrode drying oven and incubator to dry the electrode, beside electrode and welding flux, no other article is allowed to be dried in the oven, and dry and wet bulb thermometer shall be calibrated

29、periodically. The electrode drying responsible person shall make Electrode Baking Record, Electrode Issue Record, and Temperature and Humidity Record of Welding Material Storage. Application position, vendor name, brand no., and furnace number of the welding material shall be recorded clearly. The r

30、ecovered electrode shall be stored as per its classification and dried again, and it is forbidden to put it with the unused electrode together.药皮受潮、脱落或有明显裂纹的焊条不得使用,焊丝在使用前应清除表面的油污、锈蚀等。If the coating is moisture, dropped, or significant crack exists, the electrode is not allowed to use; prior to appli

31、cation of welding wire, grease, rust, and other defects shall be removed from its surface.4 焊前准备4 Weld Preparation4.1 坡口形式4.1 Groove Type项目间隙形式角度备注边缘板对接 内端1214mm外端810mm加垫板50中幅板对接及收缩缝6mm加垫板40大角缝2mm/内侧45外侧50罐壁环焊缝间隙21mm/内侧45外侧45罐壁纵焊缝3mm/50-604.2熔盐罐各部位焊接方法4.2Welding various parts of molten salt tanks序号N

32、o.焊接部位Welding parts焊接方法Welding method所用焊材Welding consumables1熔盐罐底板Molten salt tank bottom气保焊+埋弧自动焊GMAW+SAWER50-6+H10Mn22熔盐罐壁板立缝Molten salt tank wall standing seam气电立焊EGWAT-YJEG50A3熔盐罐壁板环缝(外侧)Molten salt tank wall ring seam熔盐罐壁板环缝(内侧)Molten salt tank wall ring seam埋弧自动焊SAW手工电弧焊SMAWH10Mn2J5074熔盐罐大角焊缝Bighorn weld molten salt tank焊条电弧焊+埋弧自动焊GTAW+SAWJ507+H10Mn25熔盐罐拱顶板Molte

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