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1、日常生活的英语情景口语会话日常生活的英语情景口语会话 英语的学习比开口说是学习不好的,下面我就给大家分享看看英语口语,就给大家来收藏哦 The Perfect Candidate 完美的选手 Aimee: So what are some of the characteristics of the women and the girls who always win? 艾米:在选美比赛中获胜的女生有哪些特质? Gilda: Well, you know, they have well, recently, they did a sort of like a reality show. And

2、like the whole country get to see whats happening in this Miss Venezuela organization. And theyare always looking for something trendy, like whats popular in America. 吉尔达:嗯,最近她们拍了一个真人秀节目。所有人都可以看到委内瑞拉小姐比赛的准备情况。她们经常关注潮流,关注美国潮流。 Aimee: Okay. 艾米:好。 Gilda: If theres a blonde girl or a brunette or and nor

3、mally, tall with all the perfect, 90-60-90 is it? 吉尔达:就身材高挑的金发美女或褐发美女来说,完美的比例是90、60、90,对吧? Aimee: Hmm? 艾米:什么? Gilda: 90-60-90 I think is the perfect. 吉尔达:我认为完美的身材比例是90、60、90。 Aimee: Oh, youre talking about measurements? 艾米:哦,你在说三围。 Gilda: Yeah, the body. 吉尔达:对,身材。 Aimee: Like body size measurements.

4、 艾米:你指的是身材比例。 Gilda: Yes. Yes. 吉尔达:对。 Aimee: Right. So thats important too, obviously. 艾米:好。显然这也很重要。 Gilda: Yes. Yeah. Thats really important. Yeah. Also the hair, the eyes, the teeth, everything. Yeah, so they think about many, many things. 吉尔达:对。没错。这点非常重要。还有头发、眼睛、牙齿等等。要考虑很多方面。 Aimee: So its all ba

5、sed on physical appearance. 艾米:所以完全看外表。 Gilda: Yes, yes. 吉尔达:对。 Aimee: Of course its a beauty pageant. 艾米:当然了,这是选美比赛。 Gilda: Of course, they go under a training, I heard, of almost one year. 吉尔达:当然,她们要接受训练,我听说基本上要训练一年的时间。 Aimee: Wow. 艾米:哇哦。 Gilda: So they train them in terms of how to express themse

6、lves using proper language. 吉尔达:会有专业人士训练她们如何用得体的语言表达自己。 Aimee: Yeah. 艾米:好。 Gilda: And yeah, and also beauty; how to make-up, how to fix their hair or something like. 吉尔达:还有美容,她们要学习如何化妆,如何做发型之类的。 Aimee: Okay. So like maintenance and self 艾米:好。就像护理一样。 Gilda: Yes, exactly. 吉尔达:对,没错。 Aimee: Self present

7、ation, I guess. 艾米:我认为这有点像自我呈现。 Gilda: Yes, yes, yes. Yes. 吉尔达:对,对,没错。 Aimee: Wow. What about I dont know much about beauty pageants, so but Ive heard or Ive noticed that you have to have a skill as well, dont you? An extra, a special skill like whatsyour, what are you going to present to the judges

8、 as your additional skill. Is that the case? 艾米:哇哦。我不太了解选美比赛,不过我听说选手也要有才艺,是吧?选手要有向评委展示的特殊才艺。是这样吗? Gilda: Thats more like American beauty pageants. 吉尔达:美国选美比赛可能是这样。 Aimee: Okay. 艾米:好。 Gilda: So in Venezuela, they are not introduced like, they dont introduce to the audience a skill. 吉尔达:委内瑞拉的选美比赛不用展示才

9、艺。 Aimee: Okay. 艾米:好。 Gilda: They just go there and do the swimsuit competition and the evening gown. 吉尔达:她们只要进行泳装展示和晚礼服展示。 Aimee: Yeah. 艾米:好。 Gilda: And then, a question. 吉尔达:然后回答问题。 Aimee: Yeah. 艾米:嗯。 Gilda: And then theyre crowned. 吉尔达:然后就可以决定冠军归属了。 Aimee: What kind of question might it be? 艾米:评委

10、一般会问哪类问题? Gilda: Well, they have many kind of questions but sometimes the questions are really difficult. 吉尔达:有很多种问题,有时问题很难回答。 Aimee: Yeah. 艾米:好。 Gilda: But normally, its about life, about world peace, about helping others, philanthropic activities. Yeah, that kind. 吉尔达:通常来说,问题都与生活、世界和平、帮助他人、慈善活动有关。

11、基本是这类问题。 Aimee: Off the top of your head, can you give an example of a question that.? 艾米:现在你能想到一个问题吗?你能举个例子吗? Gilda: An example? 吉尔达:举例? Aimee: Yeah. 艾米:对。 Gilda: Like once, a girl was asked whats the difference between forgive and asking for permission. Like she had to explain whats the difference

12、 when you as for a permission and when you askfor forgiveness. 吉尔达:有一次,一个女孩被问到原谅和请求许可的区别。她必须要解释请求许可和请求原谅的区别。 Aimee: Oh so, its like a grammar question? 艾米:哦,这是语法问题吗? Gilda: Some sort of. The thing is that she fainted. 吉尔达:差不多吧。当时那个女孩晕倒了。 Aimee: She fainted? 艾米:她晕倒了? Gilda: Yeah. 吉尔达:对。 Aimee: No. 艾米

13、:不是吧。 Gilda: She couldnt answer. It was too much. And because, theyre young. I mean, were talking about girls 17, 18 years old, students. They were wearing lots of things. Theyre nervous.Theyre in front of millions of people and. 吉尔达:她无法回答这个问题。对她来说太难了。那是因为,她还太年轻。我们现在说的是十七八的女学生。她们佩戴的饰物很多。她们很紧张。她们要面对数

14、百万人 Aimee: Its a lot of pressure. 艾米:压力非常大。 Gilda: Yeah. And yeah, maybe you say like, Oh, thats an easy question. But at that particular moment, it might not be easy. 吉尔达:对,你可能会说,“哦,那个问题很简单。”但实际上在那个特定的时刻,那个问题可能并不简单。 Aimee: Yeah, of course. 艾米:对,当然了。 Gilda: And plus, they dont eat because they need

15、to fit in their dress. 吉尔达:而且她们还没有吃东西,因为她们要确保穿进紧身的裙子里。 Aimee: Oh my goodness. 艾米:哦,我的天哪。 Gilda: Yeah. 吉尔达:对。 Aimee: That just sounds so intense. 艾米:听起来非常紧张。 Gilda: It is. Its like a marathon or something. 吉尔达:没错。就像马拉松一样。 Megs Travels 梅格的旅行 Todd: Hey, Meg. We are talking about traveling and visiting

16、other countries. What countries have you traveled to? 托德:嗨,梅格。我们来谈谈去其他国家旅行。你去过哪些国家? Meg: Ive been to quite a few different countries. For example, Spain, Belize and Indonesia. 梅格:我去过很多国家。比如西班牙、伯利兹和印度尼西来。 Todd: Wow, three different continents. 托德:哇哦,这三个国家在三个不同的大洲。 Meg: Yeah, pretty far apart. 梅格:对,相隔

17、很远。 Todd: Wow, thats cool. So Spain, that must be a really nice country. What did you think of Spain? 托德:哇哦,那真酷。西班牙肯定是个美丽的国家。你认为西班牙怎么样? Meg: Spain is really beautiful. Theres a lot of beautiful nature and also some nice cities. While I was there, I lived in a small city called Caceres. 梅格:西班牙真的很美。那里

18、有很多美丽的自然风景,城市也很美。我在那里旅行时住在名为卡塞雷斯的小城市。 Todd: Oh nice. Are the people really friendly in Spain? 托德:哦,不错。西班牙人友好吗? Meg: Yes. Actually, the people are very friendly and very helpful, especially if youre lost. 梅格:友好。实际上,西班牙人既友好又乐于助人,尤其是在你迷路时,他们非常乐意帮忙。 Todd: Oh, thats great. I hear Spanish food is really,

19、really good. 托德:哦,那太好了。我听说西班牙食物非常非常美味。 Meg: Spanish food is delicious. I lived with a Spanish family and my Spanish mom cooked delicious meals every day for lunch. In Spain, seafood is really popular. So I ate a lot of fish andshrimp. 梅格:西班牙食物的确很美味。我当时和一个西班牙家庭住在一起,那家的女主人每天中午都会烹饪美味的饭菜。西班牙人非常喜欢海鲜。所以我吃

20、了很多鱼和虾。 Todd: Oh, I love fish and shrimp. 托德:哦,我喜欢鱼虾。 Meg: Me too. 梅格:我也喜欢。 Todd: Now, Spain is really warm, right? 托德:西班牙很暖和,对吧? Meg: Yes. Spain was very hot while I was there during the summer. 梅格:对。我是夏天去的西班牙,当时非常炎热。 Todd: Oh yeah? How hot? How hot does it get? 托德:是吗?有多热?西班牙夏天有多热? Meg: It got up p

21、ast 40 Degrees Celsius during the summer. 梅格:夏天的温度超过40摄氏度。 Todd: Wow. 托德:哇哦。 Meg: Yeah. It was pretty hot. 梅格:对。非常炎热。 Todd: Does it rain? 托德:夏天会下雨吗? Meg: It does rain. But when I was there in the summer, it didnt rain very often. 梅格:会下雨。不过我在那里的那个夏天,雨水并不多。 Todd: So what about Belize? Belize is a real

22、ly small country. 托德:那伯利兹呢?伯利兹是一个非常小的国家。 Meg: Belize is very small, but its also hot similar to Spain in the summer. 梅格:伯利兹的确非常小,而且夏天也很热,和西班牙差不多。 Todd: Why did you go to Belize? 托德:你为什么去伯利兹旅行? Meg: I went to Belize on a study trip for school, and I stayed there for about two weeks. 梅格:我随学校去伯利兹进行游学考察

23、,我在那里待了两周的时间。 Todd: Okay. Now, does Belize have good food? 托德:好。伯利兹有美食吗? Meg: Belize also has good food. There was a family that cooked for us and we had a lot of delicious almost Mexican type food. 梅格:伯利兹也有美食。有一家人负责我们的饮食,我们享用了很多美味的墨西哥式美食。 Todd: Oh really? So for example, what do you eat? Like, what

24、 do people eat in Belize? 托德:真的吗?你都吃了哪些美食?伯利兹人一般都吃什么? Meg: People eat its kind of like a taco but flat with a tortilla, and some meat and vegetables on top and some spices that make it really delicious. 梅格:伯利兹有一种像墨西哥煎玉米粉卷的食物,在墨西哥薄馅饼上放肉类、蔬菜和调料,非常好吃。 Todd: So the last country is Indonesia. When did yo

25、u go to Indonesia? 托德:最后一个国家是印度尼西亚。你什么时候去的印尼? Meg: I actually went to Indonesia just last year. 梅格:我去年去的印尼。 Todd: Oh wow. How long did you stay? 托德:哇哦。你在那里玩了多长时间? Meg: I only stayed there for about a week. 梅格:我只玩了一周左右。 Todd: Oh yeah? Oh, short trip. 托德:是吗?短途旅行。 Meg: Yeah, it was a short trip, but I

26、was just visiting some friends there. 梅格:对,是短途旅行,我是去那里看望朋友的。 Todd: Where did you go? 托德:你去了哪里? Meg: I went to Jakarta and Bali. 梅格:我去了雅加达和巴厘岛。 Todd: Oh, okay. So I hear Bali has really beautiful beaches. Is it true? 托德:好。我听说巴厘岛有非常漂亮的海滩。是真的吗? Meg: Yeah, its true. There are a lot of famous and beautif

27、ul beaches in Bali. 梅格:没错。巴厘岛有很多著名的美丽海滩。 Todd: Oh, did you surf in Bali? 托德:哦,你在巴厘岛冲浪了吗? Meg: Ive never surfed before. Usually, when I went to the beach, I just wanted to put my feet in the water. 梅格:我从来没有冲过浪。通常我去海滩只想把脚放在海水里。 Todd: Oh yeah. Now, Bali also has very famous scenery on the inside like t

28、he rice fields. Did you see the rice fields of Bali? 托德:哦。巴厘岛内陆以稻田而闻名。你有去欣赏稻田美景吗? Meg: No, I didnt see the rice fields. But I did go to some famous historical spots. 梅格:没有,我没有去稻田。不过我去了一些著名的历史景点。 Todd: So of the three countries Spain, Belize and Indonesia what country was your favorite? 托德:西班牙、伯利兹和印尼,这三个国家你最喜欢哪里? Meg: Maybe Spain was my favorite because I love learning language and it was really nice to stay with my Spanish family. 梅格:应该是西班牙吧,因为我喜欢学习语言,而且和西班牙家庭一起生活很美好。 Todd: Yeah. I could see that. I really want to go to Spain, and I hope to go soon. 托德:好。我可以理解。我也想去西班牙,希望不久后能实现。

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