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1、公共英语等级考试三级PETS3学习笔记五共25页文档公共英语等级考试三级(PETS3)学习笔记(五)Unit 16 Places and locationsDialogues /monologues:1、 About a block down from here.2、 I went to the conference to register and to set up my exhibition stand.3、 I set out our brochures ready for the official opening.4、 Coal could be moved from Welsh mi

2、ning villages right into the heart of London.5、 Britains rail network is still second to none.6、 That doesnt necessarily follow.7、 There will be taxies to cross down, but it will naturally be more economical to use bicycles and buses or to work.Passage:Washington, D.C. serves as the seat of governme

3、nt for the United States of American. Over the 200 years, Washington, D.C. has grown with the nation, and it now represents the very best of America. From its majestic monuments to its incomparable museums, from the Mall to the steps of the Capital, Washington offers visitors one-of-a-kind attractio

4、ns.The majestic capital building stands at the center of the city, allowing unobstructed views of the citys most famous attractions. The immense open space of the Mall is marked off by the various museums of the Smithsonian Institution, the largest cluster of museums in the world. The national Air a

5、nd Space Museum celebrates the nations achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brothers first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond. Visitors also line up for the Natural History Museum to learn about the sciences and to view the famous Hope Diamond. The Smithsonian Ins

6、titution also includes the world-famous galleries. Art lovers should also appreciate the nearby National Portrait Gallery and National Museum of American Art.Looking past the Mall, the Washington Monument stands 505 feet above the city. It was the tallest man-made structure in America from its compl

7、etion until the early 1900s. Behind this monument are the reflecting pool and the trio of memorials dedicated to remembering President Lincoln and the wounded and killed of the Vietnam and Korean conflicts. New to the area of the tidal basin, and facing the Jefferson Memorial, a memorial to Franklin

8、 Roosevelt lies on the Potomac River which hosts millions of visitors each year.The offices of the various government agencies take up most of the space of the city, and most offer free tours to the public. The White House also offers free tours to the public. Just outside of the city, the national

9、zoo houses thousands of animals on 163 acres of park. Among its residents are two giant pandas given to the United States as gifts from the Peoples Republic of China. Across the river in Arlington, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands amidst the dim, grave and majestic Arlington National Cemetery.

10、Washington has many other distractions from politics. Washingtons theatre life is thriving; it is second only to New York in number of theatre seats. The National Symphony and other musical companies play four schedules. As a temporary home to diplomats from around the world, Washingtons restaurant

11、offerings are the finest and most diverse around.The beauty and grandeur of the nations capital continue to captivate millions of American and foreign tourists who visit Washington, D.C. each year.参考译文:华盛顿特区(又称华盛顿哥伦比亚特区)是美利坚合众国政府所在地。在过去的200多年中,华盛顿特区与美国一起成长,现在它是美国国家的象征。从宏伟的纪念牌到无与伦比的博物馆,从首都广场到国会大厦的台阶,



14、高,而且种类繁多。作为国家首都的华盛顿,其优美景色和宏大建筑将继续吸引每年数百万美国和外国游客到此参观浏览。Unit 17 Travel and TourismDialogues /monologues:1、 The acceptable standard is 15% of the tall bill.2、 You can stock up on something to have for laterfor example, cheese and caviar in Mexico City.3、 Meditation room4、 When you walk in, relaxing mus

15、ic comes and pictures of clouds are projected on the wall.5、 Christen cruises are popular with those who are not interested in the drinking, gambling, and Las Vegas style shows that are a part of most cruising vacations.6、 Enjoying retracing the journeys of the apostle Paul in Turkey and Greece on a

16、 luxurious tall sailing ship.Passage:To attract tourism to ones country was once thought of as an unqualified success; there seemed to be no negative aspects to it. However, today we are coming to realize that tourism is a mixed blessing: it has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it can

17、bring money to parts of the world that very much need it. People can earn a great deal through tourism. And this income can help to preserve the environment. Anything that helps to protect the ecosystem, the interrelated community of plants and animals that makes up the earth, is, of course, positiv

18、e.A recent worry, however, is the fact that tourism can cause serious damage to the fragile environments they love to visit. Ecosystems are delicate and easily damaged. Around the world, areas are endangered by the large numbers of tourism who visit them. On every continent, tourism threatens the en

19、vironment. Even trekkers who take difficult journeys on foot can cause damage.There are, then, serious dangers that come with the promise of tourism. Every advantages bring with it real disadvantages. This dilemma makes planning difficult for nations trying to decide what to do. Countries can make a

20、 good deal more money from the tourist industry than they need to put into attracting tourists. This financial profit can help nations protect habitats where endangered animals and plants live. It also may be that tourism can help strengthen local culture by encouraging awareness of traditions and c

21、eremonies. Historic buildings thrive on tourism. These cultural locations enjoy great success with the money and respect brought by tourism.But there is a down side to all this. Because cultural sites are becoming too crowded, Disneyland-like reproductions are being created. These are not authentic

22、cultural sites but copies of something that may or may not have ever really existed. Some people say, “whats the value of tradition if its kept alive for profit, and bears little relation to real life?”Taken together, the negative effects of tourism grow larger over time. The cumulative effects of t

23、ourism are great because every time we use cars or planes to travel we contribute to one of the greatest disruptions in the history of the planet: global warming and climate change are interrupting what has been the normal climate pattern for centuries.New approaches to the problem are also being de

24、veloped. One initiative has been the development of tourist opportunities in which the tourists both give and receive through working vacations. This kind of personal, small-scale tourism is meant to be a positive response with its large-scale organizing. Working tourism may not be for everyone, but

25、 the hope is that some kinds of travel can become more planet friendly.参考译文:吸引游客到某个国家旅游曾一度被认为是绝对成功的,因为这种做法似乎没有什么负面效应。然而,今天我们开始意识到旅游业是福也是祸;它既能给我们带来有利的一面,也会给我们带来不利之处。一方面,它可以为急需资金的国家带来财富。人们可以从旅游业赚到很多钱,这些收入足够用来保护环境。当然,任何有助于保护生态系统这个构成我们赖以生存的世界、由动物和植物组成的生物群落,都是值得肯定的。然而,最近令人们担心的一个事实是:游客会对自己钟爱的脆弱环境千万严重破坏。生态



28、旅游并非对所有人适用,但是给人希望的是:有些旅游形式能够更有益我们生活在这个星球。Unit 18 Sightseeing and Travel PlansDialogues /monologues:1、 Right after lunch, the tour makes a stop at St. Pauls. Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at the museum.“right”在这里表示“正好”的意思。makes a stop:停留、休息.。be at:从事于,做。2、 A:Anyway, is there still room? B:Y

29、es, there is. Will this be for yourself only?“Will this be for yourself only?”的肯定形式是:This will be for yourself only,如果是一般现在时,就是:This is for you。Will this be for yourself only? “这是给你一个人的吗?”,就是这么简单的意思。3、 When I started this company 20 years ago, we were commended, as a new kind of travel company, for

30、putting travelers with flexible schedules in touch with fantastic bargains.“in touch with”:同有联系。全句的意思:当我在20年前着手这家公司的时候,大伙受到了称赞。作为一个新型的旅游公司,用灵活的时间安排赋予旅客们极大的实惠。4、 Youll also be able to get fast, free quotes online, including the very up-to-date specials, discounts and promotions.你也可以得到快速,免费的网上报价,包括最新的

31、特价、打折与促销。5、 Building a tradition of the extended family all going away together is a great way to build long-lasting family bonds.这句话用在写作里可是相当实用哦。我将它翻译成:让大家庭的所有成员一起外出旅行成为一种惯例,是维系一个家族长期亲密和谐的有效方式。Passage:Anyone lucky enough to be going to Honolulu doesnt have to give a reason for going. They can just

32、say, “Were going to Honolulu,” and imagination will take care of the rest. Moreover, Honolulu can probably live up to and even surpass whatever we imagine. World-famous beaches and tropical weather set the scene for an amazing mix of pacific cultures in this Hawaiian capital. There is a reason why Hawaii is consistently rated as one of the nations top travel destinations; in fact, there are several of them.Waikiki

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