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Psychology in our daily life 生活中的心理学.docx

1、Psychology in our daily life 生活中的心理学To discuss Psychology in our daily life we must first understand what Psychology is. The definition of Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process; however, it can be applied to many other things in life. Everything we do in life is related t

2、o Psychology. Psychology is basically the study of who we are, why we are that way, and also what we can become. What is positive psychology? Traditionally in psychology, the focus has been on identifying and treating mental health problems such as depression. This is critically important for those

3、facing mental illness however, it provides an incomplete picture of mental health. Positive psychology is a relatively new branch of psychology that shifts the focus from what is clinically wrong, to the promotion of wellbeing and the creation of a satisfying life filled with meaning, pleasure, enga

4、gement, positive relationships and accomplishment. Gable and Haidt (2005) defined positive psychology as “the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the ourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions” . Positive psychology is not about putting on a happy face

5、all the time. Life can be hard and disappointments and challenges are inevitable. However, scientific research has shown that there are some strategies and skills that allow people to navigate the challenges of life more effectively and enjoy life despite the upsets. 1. Enhancing pleasureSavouring:

6、Savouring is the awareness of pleasure and of giving deliberate conscious attention to the experience of pleasure. Fred B. Bryant and Joseph Veroff of Loyola University have identified five techniques that promote savouring: Sharing with others - Seek out others to share the experience and tell othe

7、rs how much you value the moment. This is the single strongest predictor of the level of pleasure Memory building - Take mental photographs, or even a physical souvenir of the event, and reminisce about it later with others Self-congratulation - Dont be afraid of pride; tell yourself how great you a

8、re and remember how long you have waited for this to happen Sharpening perception - Focus on certain elements and block out others, like closing your eyes and listening to the music Absorption - Allow yourself to become totally immersed and try not to think, just sense2. EngagementMindfulness: Mindl

9、essness pervades much of human activity. We act and interact automatically, without much thinking. Mindful attention to the present moment can be developed through meditation and mindfulness based therapies. Through mindfulness we can focus our perspective and sharpen our experience of the present m

10、oment.Nurture relationships: Your income level has a surprisingly small effect on your psychological well-being. The most fundamental finding from positive psychology is that strong personal relationships have the greatest impact on your satisfaction with life. Make sure that you invest time and ene

11、rgy in your friends and family.Identify and use your strengths: Think about your personal strengths and how you might use them in your everyday life. Are you a leader, playful, fair, curious or original? Do you have a good sense of perspective? Do you love learning? Are you genuine? Are you good at

12、teamwork? If you have internet access you can take an online test on Martin Seligmans website to explore your personal strengths. Cultivate and use your strengths at work, in family life and in your leisure time.Seek out flow experiences: Through his research, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi sought to under

13、stand how people felt when they most enjoyed themselves and why. He developed the concept of flow which describes a state of joy, creativity and total involvement. Problems seem to disappear and there is a feeling of transcendence. Flow is the way people describe their state of mind when they are do

14、ing something for its own sake. Some activities consistently produced flow such as sport, games, art and hobbies. 3. Finding meaning Keep a gratitude diary: Take the time each day to write down three things that went well and why. This causes psychological well-being levels to increase in a lasting

15、way.Thank a mentor: Write a letter of thanks to someone to whom you owe a debt of gratitude such as a teacher or grandparent. Then visit the person and read the letter to them. People who do this are measurably happier for more than a month.Learn to forgive: Let go of anger and resentment by writing

16、 a letter of forgiveness to a person who has wronged you. Inability to forgive is associated with persistent rumination.Weigh up your life: Take time out occasionally to consider how you are going in the major facets of your life such as family, work, finances, health and play. Reflect on the progre

17、ss you are making in working towards your major life goals. Make changes in your life to match your priorities.Perform small acts of kindness: Performing five kind acts a week, especially all in one day, creates a measurable boost to levels of psychological well-being. Giving not only makes you feel

18、 good about yourself, it enhances your connection with others and can bring you positive feedback from others. 越害怕的事情越容易发生】口袋装着刚买的手机,在公车上生怕被盗,每隔一段时间就去查看手机是否还在。这一举动引起了小偷的注意,最终手机被偷走。就因为害怕发生,所以会非常在意,注意力越集中,就越容易犯错误。这就是著名的墨菲定理。 心理常识:贝勃规律】原本1块的报纸变成了10元一份,你定会感到无法接受;相比较而言,原本5000元的电脑涨了50元,你一定不会有这么大的反应。贝勃规律表明



21、后,你再想记起的时候突然发现对那段感情的记忆很模糊,甚至不复存在。原理: 长期记忆不可能遗忘,只是没有找到恰当的检索方式。动机性遗忘(针对性失忆),弗洛伊德的精神分析论。分析: 回忆痛苦经验时,将使人回到痛苦的过去,为避免痛苦感受在记忆中复现,因而当时者学到对自己加以压抑,将意识中不愉快的经验刻意施加压力,将之压抑在潜意识之中。人的大脑是有保护机制的,记忆太痛苦了,才要忘记。把遗忘的记忆从深海中打捞出来,你也许会痛不欲生。按精神分析论的解释,除个人生活中重大灾害的压力可能导致失忆症之外,个人的心理冲突,也是形成失忆症的原因。诸如个人在情绪上的一些内在冲动或欲望,如不为个人理性所接受时,两方面冲






27、会在纸盒子里找。分析:三岁的小孩不知道要从别人的角度去思考问题,他认为既然自己看到了糖果是被放在了衣柜里,他就不能理解为什么A会不知道。而五岁小孩已经学会了从别人的角度来思考问题,他把自己放在A的位置来思考,所以他知道A并没有看到糖果被转移了位置。人的思维总是在变化着的,善解人意这样的品性并不是人们天生的,而是需要在社会生活中不断去学习,人的社会化的过程就是学习常识心理学的过程。有些父母总会责怪子女太自私,不会替别人着想。看了上面的实验结果,我觉得父母应该看到希望,或许您的孩子现在总是不懂父母的心,但随着年龄的增长,他们会慢慢学会角色互换,会站在父母的角度去思考,去理解。1.现在伸出你的双手 选出你最喜欢的一只手指 不分左右 只能选一只喔!(了解自己对什么角色比较看重)1、拇指父母2、食指兄弟姐妹3、中指事业4、无名指情人5、小指自己【题目】有一天你走在沙漠里 很渴 突然发现前面有一个亮闪闪的瓶子 你赶紧跑过去捡起来 去发现里面根本没有水 这时 你是选择把瓶子扔掉还是拿着继续走 【结果】把瓶子扔掉:你是个容易忘记过去不开心的事的人拿着继续走:你是个不容易忘记过去的人

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