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学年英语译林版选修6学案Unit3Section Ⅴ Project.docx

1、学年英语译林版选修6学案Unit 3 Section ProjectSection_Project原文呈现 Cultural Experience Tours the travel company with a difference.We offer you the chance to visit different minority cultures and experience for yourself their traditions, customs and way of life.Tour 1 Inuit ExperienceA chance to meet the Inuit pe

2、ople of Nunavut in Canada.While staying with the Inuit people you will have the chance to ride on a dog sled and travel in a seal skin boat.If you do not eat meat, this tour is not for you, as the Inuit eat mostly seal, deer, whale meat and fish.This means they need to move around to hunt for food i

3、n the Arctic Circle.You will join them there, and stay in tents and wear clothes made from animal skin.The Inuit believe in animal spirits.They usually live in small family groups but have large summer assemblies for feasts and celebrations.You will have the chance to join one of these large assembl

4、ies and take part in the dancing, listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games.While dancing you may even be asked to wear a special animal dance mask which is usually carved from wood.You will learn to make some of their native jewellery, which is made from animal claws and wolf bones.

5、读文清障offer sb.sth.给某人提供某物the chance to do sth.做某事的机会minority/maInrtI/n.少数民族;少数,少数人for yourself 亲自Inuit/InjIt/n.因纽特人Nunavut/nnvt/n.努纳武特区(加拿大地区名)While staying with the Inuit people是时间状语从句的省略形式,补全后是While you are staying .。sled/sled/n.雪橇seal/sil/n.海豹deer/dI(r)/n.鹿(单复数同形)as the Inuit eat mostly .是as引导的原因状

6、语从句。move around 四处活动hunt for 猎取the Arctic Circle n北极圈Arctic/ktIk/adj.北极的,北极区的 n北极过去分词短语made from .作后置定语,修饰clothes。believe in 相信assembly n集会,集合feast/fist/n.盛宴,宴会;节日account/kant/n.描述,叙述give an account of 描述bravery/breIvrI/n.勇敢mask/msk/n.面具 vt.伪装,掩饰carve/kv/vt.雕刻be carved from .由雕刻而成jewellery n珠宝;首饰jew

7、ellery 是通称,为不可数名词。claw/kl/n.爪,爪子wolf/wlf/n.狼(复数:wolves)文化体验之旅与众不同的旅游公司。我们给您提供机会,让您接触不同的少数民族文化,亲身体验他们的传统、风俗和生活方式。路线1因纽特体验游这是一个和加拿大努纳武特区的因纽特人见面的机会。在与因纽特人相处期间,你将有机会乘坐狗拉雪橇、划海豹皮制成的皮筏子。如果你不吃肉,那本次旅行就不适合你了,因为因纽特人的主食就是海豹肉、鹿肉、鲸肉和鱼肉。这就意味着他们需要在北极圈内四处活动以猎取食物。你会在那儿加入到他们中去,待在帐篷里,穿着用动物毛皮缝制的衣服。因纽特人相信动物是有灵魂的。他们通常以小家庭

8、为单位生活在一起,但会举行大型夏日聚会,来享受丰盛的食物,举行庆祝活动。你将有机会参加其中一个这种大型的集会,参与跳舞,聆听他们传统的英勇故事,还可以做游戏。跳舞时,你或许会被要求戴上一个特别的专门用于动物舞蹈的面具,这个面具通常是用木头雕刻而成的。你将学会用动物的爪子、狼的骨头制作他们当地的部分首饰。Tour 2 Aborigine AdventureA trip to Kakado in Australia will include a threeday stay in an Aborigine village.Here you will have the chance to see Ab

9、origine ceremonies with singing and dancing, based on ancient beliefs.These ceremonies sometimes go on for hours.The Aborigines believe that Great Spirits created all the people, animals and plants on Earth.They believe that these Spirits put people, plants and birds in different places and made rul

10、es and laws to govern them.The Aborigines collect food from the bush around them and often hunt down holes for large snakes.You will get the chance to try some very strange food! On this trip you will get to learn about their musical instruments and the boomerang, which they use to hunt animals., Ab

11、origine/brIdnI/n.澳大利亚土著人Kakado/kkdu/n.卡喀杜(澳大利亚地名,卡喀杜国家公园所在地)过去分词短语based on ancient beliefs作后置定语,修饰Aborigine ceremonies。go on 持续,进行on Earth 在地球上govern/gvn/vt.统治;控制,支配musical instrument 乐器musical/mjuzIkl/adj.音乐的 n音乐剧boomerang/bumr/n.回力镖(澳大利亚土著人使用的武器或狩猎工具)路线2澳大利亚土著历险之旅本次澳大利亚卡喀杜之旅将包括在一个土著村庄3天的逗留。在这里,你将有

12、机会目睹基于古老信仰的、人们又唱又跳的澳大利亚土著人庆祝仪式。这些仪式有时要持续几个小时。澳大利亚土著人相信,是“大神灵”创造了地球上所有的人、动物和植物。他们相信,这些“大神灵”将人、植物和鸟类安置在不同的地方并制定规则和法律来管理他们。澳大利亚土著人从周围的灌木丛中采集食物,常常深入洞穴捕捉大蛇。你会获得品尝一些非常稀罕的食物的机会!本次旅行过程中你会了解到澳大利亚土著乐器以及他们用来狩猎的武器回力镖。Tour 3 Mysterious MaorisNew Zealand is home to the Maoris.It is believed that the Maori people

13、came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia.They brought with them a culture rich in song, dance and art.The Maori people believe in many gods such as the God of the Forest and the God of the Sea.These gods are remembered through their song and dance.The Maoris have a traditional meeting house, where

14、 visitors are welcomed.This will be the place where you will meet with the Maoris and join with them in dance.You will stay with a family in their wooden house in the area of Rotura.There you will eat food such as fish and sweet potato, which is cooked in leaves steamed over hot stones.You will get

15、the chance to eat food cooked in underground stoves.You will also get the chance to go night fishing., mysterious/mIstIrIs/adj.神秘的,奇怪的Maori/marI/n.(新西兰)毛利人(语) adj.毛利人(语)的be home to .是的家园it作形式主语,that从句作真正的主语。Polynesia/plIniI/n.波利尼西亚形容词短语rich in song, dance and art作后置定语,修饰culture。be remembered此处意为“被纪念

16、”。where visitors are welcomed是where引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰meeting house。meet with 遇见where you will meet with .是定语从句,修饰the place。Rotura/rtjur/n.罗吐鲁阿(新西兰地名,毛利文化故乡)steam/stim/vt.&vi.蒸,蒸发 n蒸汽stove/stv/n.炉子,火炉cooked in underground stoves 为过去分词短语作后置定语。路线3神秘的毛利人新西兰是毛利人的家园。人们相信毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛。他们带来了一种以丰富的歌舞和艺术为表现形式的

17、文化。毛利人信仰很多神,如森林之神和海洋之神。人们通过歌舞的形式来纪念诸神。毛利人有一个传统的聚会房舍,他们在这里欢迎客人的到来。这里将是你见到毛利人并和他们一起跳舞的地方。你将住在罗吐鲁阿地区一户人家的木屋里。在那里,你将吃到像裹在叶子里放在炽热的石头上蒸熟的鱼和红薯这样的食物。你将会获得吃到用地灶烹饪的食物的机会。你还会有机会在夜晚出去捕鱼。Tour 4 Native American Indian AdventureThere are many different tribes that belong to the Native American Indian group.On this

18、 trip you will visit a tribe in the centre of North America.They are known as the Plains Indians, as they live on the plains.The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals, trees, stones and clouds.You will sleep in an Indian tent and wear clothes made

19、 from animal skin.You will take part in the Sun Dance, which is a very important ceremony, and you will also see natives smoking a peace pipe.There will be a bow and arrow competition designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food.Food will include meat roasted over an open fire.Ind

20、ian/IndIn/n.印第安人;印度人Native American Indian n北美印第安人tribe/traIb/n.部落belong to属于(无进行时态和被动语态)in the centre of .在的中心be known as .作为而闻名Plains Indian n平原印第安人;大草原印第安人plain/pleIn/n.平原 adj.清楚的,明显的;坦诚的;朴素的as they live on the plains是as引导的原因状语从句。have power over 控制,支配过去分词短语made from .作后置定语,修饰clothes。peace pipe n和

21、平烟斗(北美印第安人某些部落于庆典、集会等场合使用的长管烟斗,为和平的象征)see natives smoking .为“感官动词宾语宾补”结构。bow/b/n.弓;蝴蝶结;琴弓arrow/r/n.箭;箭头标记retell/ritel/(retold, retold)vt.复述,转述roast/rst/vt.烤,烘焙adj.烤的,焙的路线4美洲印第安土著历险之旅美洲印第安土著民族有许多不同的部落。在本次行程中,你将参观北美中部的一个部落。他们以平原印第安人而著称,因为他们生活在平原上。平原印第安人信奉“大神灵”,他掌管着包括动物、树木、石头和云彩在内的一切。你会睡在印第安帐篷里并穿着用兽皮制作

22、的衣服。你将会参加拜日舞。拜日舞是一个非常重要的仪式。你还会见到土著人用和平烟斗抽烟。你会看到一场射箭比赛,它的目的是复述过去平原印第安人是如何狩猎获取食物的。食物将包括在户外篝火上烧烤的肉。Step 1Read the text and finish the questions.What can Cultural Experience Tours bring to you according to the passage?Cultural_Experience_Tours_can_offer_a_chance_to_visit_different_minority_cultures_and_

23、experience_for_yourself_their_traditions,_customs_and_way_of_life.Choose the best answers according to the text.1What is the main purpose of this passage?ATo describe the beauty of these places.BTo introduce guided tours.CTo attract tourists.DTo explain different minority cultures.2Inuit Experience

24、is not for you if you do not eat _.Arice BmeatCvegetables Dfruit3What will you see if you take a trip to Kakado in Australia?AA dog sled.BLarge summer gatherings.CA peace pipe.DAborigine ceremonies.4Which group believes in many gods?AMaoris. BNative American Indians.CAborigines. DThe Inuit.5Which st

25、atement is WRONG according to this passage?AThe Inuit people believe in human spirits.BThe Inuit people live in small family groups.CThe Inuit people like to have large summer assemblies for feasts and celebrations.DThe Inuit people like to dance with special animal dance masks.答案:15CBDAAStep 2Fill

26、in each blank with only one word according to the text.Ethnic groupsIn which countryWhat to eatWhere to liveSpecific eventsInuit1.Canadameat and fishtentshave large 2.summer assembliesAborigines3.Australiafood from the 4.bush;_ snakeshave Aborigine ceremonies, play musical 5.instruments and use boom

27、erangsMaorisNew and sweet potatowooden housesdance, eat food cooked in 7.underground stoves and go night fishingNative American Indiansthe USA8.meat roasted over an open firean Indian 9.tentwear clothes made from animal skin, take part in the Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow petition

28、一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.deer n鹿2.feast n. 盛宴,宴会;节日3.account n. 描述,叙述4.mask n. 面具vt. 伪装,掩饰5.carve vt. 雕刻6.steam v. 蒸,蒸发n. 蒸汽7.plain n. 平原adj. 清楚的,明显的;坦诚的;朴素的8.arrow n. 箭;箭头标记9.retell vt. 复述,转述10.roast vt. 烤,烘焙adj. 烤的,焙的.拓展词汇1.minority n少数民族;少数,少数人majority n大多数,大部分2.bravery n勇敢brave adj.勇敢的bravely a

29、dv.勇敢地3.govern vt.统治;控制,支配government n统治;政府governor n州长;统治者4.musical adj.音乐的n.音乐剧music n音乐musician n音乐家1.feast n盛宴,宴会;节日同义banquet, festival词块give/hold a feast举行宴会festival feast 节日宴会at a feast 在宴会上2.deer n鹿(单复数同形)联想单复数同形的词fish鱼sheep绵羊works 工厂 means 手段3.wolf n狼 (复数wolves)联想由wolves想到的knifeknives leafle

30、aveshalfhalves thiefthievesloafloaves lifelives4.retell vt.复述,转述记法re(重做)tell(告诉)retell联想rebuild 重建 recover 重新获得regain 收回 return 返回recall 回想 recount 重新计算5.派生词语境识记The governor said that the government didnt have the right to govern anyone illegally.I like playing musical instruments because I like music.I want to be a musician when I grow up.二、这样记短语记牢固定短语

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