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2、这段话:(3)、两种形式皆可有的handkerchief(手帕),scarf(手帕),dwarf(矮子),wharf(码头),hoof(蹄)。这种情况可熟记下面一句话:汉译英他按照自己的信念做事。He acted in accordance with his believes.He acted in accordance with his beliefs.她房间里有两个书架,竖在长着大叶子的花的旁边。There are two shelfs in her room . Both are besides the flowers with large leafs.There are two she

3、lves in her room . Both are besides the flowers with large leaves.选择Theof these cottages were covered with.A. roofs ; leafs B. roofs ; leaves C. roovs ; leafs D. rooves ; leaves2、以-o结尾的名词变复数以-o结尾的名词变复数时有两种情况:(1)、词尾加-s, 主要有bamboo(竹子),radio(收音机),zoo(动物园),photo(照片),piano(钢琴),kilo(公斤)等。可熟记下面一段话: (2)、词尾加

4、-es,主要有Negro(黑人),hero(英雄),tomato(西红柿),potato(马铃薯)。汉译英那些带有袋鼠的照片洗不出来了,因为胶卷坏了。Thephotoeswith kangarooes didnt come out,because the film was faulty.The photos with kangaroos didnt come out,because the film was faulty.两位英雄是种植马铃薯和西红柿的黑人。The two heros are Negros who plant potatos and tomatos.The two heroes

5、 are Negroes who plant potatoes and tomatoes.选择Zhou zheng long was arrested because of the fake tiger.A. photos B. photoes C. photoe D.photo3、常见的名词复数的不规则变化 man men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice goose-geese child-children ox-oxen woman teacher-women teachers4、表示“某国人”的名词的单复数形式(1)、直接加-s。

6、主要有Russians(俄国人),Germans(德国人),Americans(美国人)(2)、以-man或-woman结尾的改为-men或-women。如:Englishmen(英国人),Frenchwomen(法国女人)等。(3)以-ese结尾的词和Swiss(瑞士人)单复数同形.如:Japanese(日本人),Chinese(中国人),Portuguese(葡萄牙人)等一句话搞定这些规则:我们两个是中国人,他们两个是法国人。We two are Chineses,and they two are Frenches.We two are Chinese, and they two are

7、Frenchmen.选择Both Marx and Engels are.A. German B. Germans C. Germen D. German 5、具有两种复数形式的名词(1)、penny“便士”。表示“价值”时,复数为pence;表示“钱币的个数”时,复数为pennies。(2)、people表示“人,人们”时,是复数名词,无单数形式;表示“民族,种族”时,是可数名词,其复数形式为peoples。(3)、fish表示“鱼的种类”时,复数为fishes;表示“条数”时,单复数同形;表示“鱼肉”时,是不可数名词。汉译英一英镑等于一百便士There are 100 pennies in

8、 one pound.There are 100 pence in one pound.这条河里有各种各样的鱼There are many kinds of fish in this river.There are many kinds of fishes in this river.6、容易混淆的可数名词和不可数名词区分可数与不可数可以用“一分为二”的方法来判定,即把判定的事物任意分成两半之后,若每半都能有原来整个物质的性质,就是不可数名词。如:wood分成两半之后还有木头的性质,而desk分成两半之后就不是桌子了。常见的一些不可数名词集锦:air空气 water 水 cotton 棉花 m

9、eat肉 suger 糖 ink 墨水 gold 金子 flour 面 wealth 财富 love 爱 danger危险 beauty 美丽 happiness 幸福 patience 耐心 cold 寒冷 honesty 诚实7、可转化为可数名词的不可数名词(1)、物质名词表示个体概念时常可数wind风a wind 一阵风 tea 茶a tea 一杯茶paper纸a paper 一份论文报纸 light 光线a light 一盏灯(2)、抽象名词具体化时为可数名词,表示“某种人或物”beauty 美人或美丽的事物 failure 失败的人或事物 danger 令人感到危险的人或事物 pit

10、y 令人遗憾的人或事物surprise 令人惊讶的人或事物 success 成功的人或事物(3)、有些可数名词的复数形式有特殊的含义 Rains 大量的雨水,多场雨 snows 大量的雪,多场雪winds 大风,多场风 waters 大片水域sands 沙滩 woods 森林fruits 各种各样的水果 glasses 眼镜forces 军队 brains 智力,聪明的人looks 外表 manners 礼貌(4)、个别专有名词视为可数名词ANewton 一个牛顿式的人物 two Marys 两个叫玛丽的选择May I take your order now?Wed like threeand

11、 two.A. tea;cups of coffee B. teas ;coffeesC. cups of tea ; coffee D. cup of teas; cup of coffees 8、s所有格的构成规则一般单数名词的词尾加-s;以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,在词尾加-;不以-s结尾的复数名词的所有格,在词尾加-s.汉译英妇女节离现在还有两周Women Day is in two weeks time .Women s Day is in two weekstime .9、何时在最后一个名词后加s,何时在每个名词后都加s表示几个人共有一物,只在最后一个名词用所有格形式;如表示各自拥

12、有时,则每个名词后都要用所有格形式。史密斯先生是我爸爸和妈妈的朋友。Mr Smith is my father and mothers friend.露西的房间比汤姆和莉莉的都大。Lucys room is bigger than Toms and Lilys.10、表示时间、距离等无生命的名词的所有格是在后面直接加-s或-。他父亲离开五年之后又回来了。Her father returned home after absence of five years.Her father returned home after five yearsabsence.选择The village is far

13、 away from here indeed. Its walk.A. a four hour B.a four hours C. a four-hours D. a four hours11、of所有格与双重所有格的区别Of 所有格用名词普通格或人称代词宾格,双重所有格中of后用名词s所有格或名词性物主代词。而picture,photo,portrait等词用of所有格侧重同位关系,用双重所有格侧重所有与部分关系。这是我妈妈的一张照片This is a photo of my mothers.This is a photo of my mother.Whats that on the des

14、k?Its a letter sent by.A. my father friend B. my father friends C. a friend of my fathers D. friends of my father12、名词的修饰语只修饰可数名词的修饰语有(a)few, several, many(a),a number of ,more than one等;只修饰不可数名词的修饰语有(a)little, much,a goodgreat deal of, a bit of,a large amount of等;既修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词的有some, a lot of ,l

15、ots of ,plenty of,enough,most, a mass of,all, quantities of, a quantity of ,the rest,masses of 等。汉译英我有几本有关园艺的书I have got a little books on gardening.I have got a few books on gardening.每年大量的钱都被花在烟草上A number of money is spent on tobacco every year.A large amount of money is spent on tobacco every yea

16、r.选择He doesnt havefurniture in his room-just an old desk.(2008陕西)A. any B. many C. some D. much In chinagraduates go abroad to have further study every year.A. a great deal of B. many a C. a large amount of D. masses of13、名词作定语时用单数还是复数名词作定语说明事物的用途、材料等,一般用单数;manwoman作定语时,单复数形式要与被修饰的名词一致;还有一些只以复数形式出现的

17、名词作定语仍然用复数形式。a clothes shop 一家服装店 a glasses store 一家眼镜店a goods train 一辆运送货物的火车 a sports meet 一次运动会女同学正在操场上打排球The girls students are playing volleyball on the playground.The girl students are playing volleyball on the playground.The is just around the corner and you wont miss it(2001上海)A. bicycles sh

18、op B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicyclesshop-It s getting dark earlier than before,isnt it?-Yes ,I think so. I see are on already.A. the streets lights B. the lights of the streets C. the streetslights D. the street lights14、cause,reason,excuse 有何不同?cause是造成一种事实或现象的“原因。起因”,后常接介词of;reason是说明一种

19、看法或行为的“理由”,后常接for;excuse“借口,辩解”,多指为免受指责或推卸责任而找出的理由。翻译火灾通常起因于粗心。Carelessness is the usual excuse of fire.Carelessness is the usual cause of fire.又迟到了,你这次的借口是什么?Late again! Whats your reason this time?Late again! Whats your excuse this time?选择-Im sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.(

20、2003 北京)-There is no for this while you are on duty.A. reason B. excuse C. cause D. explanation 15、mistake,error,和fault的用法区别三个词有“错误,过错”之意。mistake强调日常生活中判断和看法的错误;error强调违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误;fault强调责任过错或性格上的弱点、缺点。这三个词在一些固定短语中不能混用,如an error of judgement(判断错误),by mistake(错误地),find fault with(找茬儿,挑剔,吹毛求疵)

21、等她的美德弥补了她的缺点。Her virtue offset her mistake.Her virtue offset her fault.I broke off my relationship with John because he always found with whatever I did.A. error B. mistake C. fault D. failure16、energy,force,power,strength的用法区别energy主要指精力、活力、身体内部的能量、能源;force着重指发挥出的力量、效力、暴力,也可指物质和精神力量等,复数形式指“武力”;powe

22、r着重指人的权力、势力、能力和物的动力;strength指本身具有的并能给人一种“强壮”感觉的体力或内力。空军被派往前线。Air power were sent to the front.Air forces were sent to the front.这匹马身大力强。The horse was of great size and energy.The horse was of great size and strength.中国是个人民掌权的国家。China is a country where the people are in forces.China is a country whe

23、re the people are in power.选择You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret?(2007福建)A. power B. strength C. force D. energy17、situation,state,condition,occasion的用法区别situation“形势,情况”,指明确、具体的环境情况或处境;state“状态,情形”,指人或物在环境、外表、心灵以及健康方面的状况,或指在某一阶段的状态或形式,常用单数形式;condition“状况,情况”,指处于一定的原因、条件或环境产生的特定情况;oc

24、casion“场合,时机”,时间性较强,表示某个时间内的状况。副总统健康状况不佳。The vice president is in a condition of poor health.The vice president is in a state of poor health.他抓住机会邀请她回家吃饭。He seized the state to invite her home for dinner.He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner.选择School children must be taught how to dea

25、l with dangerous (2006辽宁)A. state B. conditions C. situations D. positions18、巩固练习1、 When he first went for treatment at the hospital he seemed to be hopeless. A. situation B. case C. condition D. state2、 It doesnt make anynow what he saysits too late for apologies.A. difference B. effect C. progress

26、 D. development3、 We discussed the high rate of single parent family, and wondered how to explain this .A. condition B. state C. situation D. phenomenon4、 -Did you take the coat finally?-No ,it was beautiful, but was out of my price.A. control B. reach C. aim D. range5、 He isnt a reliable man. Under

27、 no should you lend him any money.A. circumstances B. states C. cases D. situations6、 In recent years, China and US ha ve been a lot of of views about the same problem.A. replacements B. transformations C. changes D.desire7、 Eric was well prepared for the computer test so that he could be positive a

28、bout passing it on his first .A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire8、 You are really very kind. Ill never forget the you have done to me.A. favour B. deed C. help D.good9、 As is well known to us all, in China pigeons stand for peace. However ,in India the wheel in its national flag is also aa

29、nof peace.A. symbol B. sign C. mark D. example10、In English college ,classes are often arranged in freer and openerand many jobs are designed for students.A. grades B. ranks C. customs D. patterns11、The little girl broke a which is made ofjust now.A. tea cup;glass B. cup of tea;glass C. teas cup;gla

30、sses D. tea cup;glasses12、-Mary was being badly treated when John happened to pass by and helped her out.-I think it was not a purebut had been well planned.A. coincidence B. occurrence C. arrangement D. incident13、It is a great for a person to be able to drive when he is seeking a job.A. advantage

31、B. chance C. fun D. importance14、In the time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keeepwith the rapid change of society.A. contact B. progress C. touch D. pace15、We have strongfor believing that the mine accident in Wangjialing was due to the poor management.A. grounds B. reason C. cause D. purpose19、高考真题练习1、 Those who suffe

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