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初中英语 牛津上海版Unit3 Trouble巩固提升教案有答案.docx

1、初中英语 牛津上海版Unit3 Trouble巩固提升教案有答案U3 Trouble课文 ReviewDealing with troubleToday my dad and I were waiting for the ferry when suddenly we heard a big _1_. Two women tourists and a young man were shouting at each other. The man held out a bag, and showed everyone that it was empty.The crowd _2_ at the th

2、ree people. No one knew what was happening.My dad moved through the crowd and said quietly to one of the women, Whats going on?They _3_ my friends _4_ , said the woman. We were in the bookshop, buying postcards. Three young men started talking to us. Suddenly my friend noticed that her _5_ was gone.

3、 Two of the men ran away. We followed this man here.Then the _6_ opened. The man hurried _7_ , and the two women tourists went after him.Wait, said my dad. Lets take the next ferry.This was _8_ . Was my dad afraid of that man? I followed him to a shop nearby.He picked up the phone and quickly _9_ 11

4、0.I want to report a _10_ . The man is on No. 3 Ferry now. It just left a few minutes ago. Please meet the ferry. He gave some more _11_ , and then put the phone down.We took the next ferry. As we got off, we saw the two women tourists and four policemen standing around the man and he looked _12_ .W

5、ell done, Dad, I said as we walked by. Dad just smiled.【答案】 1.argument 2.stared 3.stole 4.purse 5. purse 6.gates 7.aboard 8.strange 9.dialled 10.theft 11.details 12.worried单词复习8A U3 Vocabulary根据音标,词性和中文写单词序号英文音标词性中文1/ev(r)/adv.在任何时候,从来2/:gju:/v.争论,争吵,争辩3/trbl/n.问题,困难4/nju:l/adj.特别的,不寻常的5/:gjmnt/n.争论


7、下,往楼下【答案】1.ever 2.argue 3.trouble 4.unusual5.argument 6.crowd 7.stare 8.through 9.quietly 10.steal 11.purse 12.postcard 13.gone 14.gate 15.aboard 16.strange 17.dial 18.theft 19.detail 20.worried 21.realize 22.fight23.rather 24.downstairs词汇语法复习(1)8A U3词性转换整理1n.争论,争吵,争辩v.争论,争吵,争辩2n.问题,困难adj.讨厌的,麻烦的,困难

8、的3adj.常见的,平常的,普通的adj.特别的,不寻常的4n.人群,观众adj.拥挤的5v.担忧adj.担心的【答案】1.argument argue 2.trouble troublesome 3.usual unusual4.crowd crowded5.worry worried重点单词1.argue v. 争论,争吵E.g. 1) He _ _ Mary about the best place for their holiday. 他和玛丽就度假的最佳去处发生了争执。2)We _ them _ in the other room. 我们听见他们在另一个房间争论。3)They oft

9、en have _ over money.他们经常为钱的事发生争执。4)The _ turned into a fight.争论变成了一场武斗。【答案】1) argued with 2) heard.arguing 3) arguments 4) argument2.crowd n. 人群E.g. 1) There is a large _ at the football match.足球赛场上有一大群人。2)Nanjing Road Walkway is always _ with a lot of tourists from all over the world.南京路步行街上总是挤满了来

10、自世界各地的游客。【答案】1) crowd 2) crowded 3. stare v. 凝视E.g. 1) He _ _ out of the window.他凝视着窗外。2)He _ _ the word, trying to remember its meaning.他盯着那个单词看,努力想记起它的意思。【答案】1.was staring 2) stared at4.through prep. 穿过,贯穿,从始至终,接通电话,通过某人或某物E.g. 1) Tom walked _ the school gate. 汤姆穿过了校门。2)We travelled _ the night.我们

11、行进了一整夜。3)She got the job _ her father. 她通过父亲而得到了这份工作。【答案】1) through 2) through 3) through 5.aboard adv. 上船E.g. 1) Are all the passengers _ the ship.所有的乘客都上船了吗?2)Welcome _! 欢迎各位乘坐本航班!3)They hurried _. 他们急急忙忙上了船。【答案】1) aboard 2) aboard 3) aboard6.strange adj. 奇怪的E.g. 1) Its _ that he has failed in the

12、 exam. 真奇怪,这次考试他竟然不及格。2)She heard a _ voice.她听到一个奇怪的声音。3)Who is that _ man over there?那边的陌生人是谁?【答案】1) strange 2) strange 3) strange 7. worried adj. 担心的,发愁的E.g. 1) The mother _ _ _ her sons safety.这位母亲担心她儿子的安危。2)I _ _ _ the hotel bill.我曾经担心旅馆的费用问题。【答案】1) is worried about 2) was worried about 8. detai

13、l n. 细节,资料E.g. 1) He can probably tell us _ _ _. 他也许能告诉我们所有细节。2)Well discuss the problem later in _.以后我们再详细讨论这一问题。【答案】1) all the details 2) detail 9. realize v. 意识到,领会E.g. 1) I didnt _ you were so unhappy.我没有察觉到你那么不开心。2)The moment I saw her, I _ something was wrong.一看到她,我就觉得不大对劲。3)He didnt _ his mis

14、take until his mother told him.知道妈妈告诉他,他才认识到自己的错误。4)The girl finally _ her dream of becoming an actress.那个女孩最终实现了当演员的梦想。5)I _ his voice. 我认出了他的声音。6)I _ that I I have been wrong.我承认我错了。【答案】1) realize 2) realized 3) realize 4) realized 5) recognized 6) recognize 10. fight v. 打斗,打架E.g. 1) Two children

15、are _. 两个孩子在打架。2)You must _ _ rights. 你必须为自己的权利而奋斗。3)Their _ were always over money. 他们总是为了钱打架。4)Who won the _? 谁赢得了这场战斗?【答案】1) fighting 2) fight for 3) fights 4) fight 11.each other&one another 互相E.g 1) My parents respect _ _. 我父母互相最终对方。2)The sea, the land and the sky seem to melt into _ _ in this

16、picture.画上的大海,陆地和蓝天似乎融为一体了。【答案】1) each other 2) one anotherPracticeI. Complete the sentences with the proper expressions in the box. (从方框中选择适当的短语完成 下列句子)A.dealing with B. put the phone down C. Well done D. held on E. stood aroundF. afraid of G. happened to H. ran away I. got off J. going on1.Be care

17、ful in _ such people. They may hurt you one day.2.After discussing the homework with Sandy for about half an hour, Judy finally _.3.The shop assistant _ a dress for Melisso to try on.4.The fox _ before the hunter shot it.5.Mandy was the first to work out the maths problem. _! said the teacher.6.A fu

18、nny thing _ me yesterday. A strange girl went up to me and told me that I was her brother.7.Dont worry about the future. Theres nothing to be _.8.All people _ the table, waiting for Lucy to blow off the 20 candles on the cake.9.Whats _? Is there anyone who can tell me the truth?10.The bus stopped an

19、d we _ immediately.【答案】1.A 2.B 3.D 4.H 5.C 6.G 7.F 8.E 9.J 10.I II. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words. (用所给单词的额是当形式填 空)1.When I got into the classrooms, Peter and Jackson were _. (argument)2.A guide always takes his/her _ here and there. (tour)3.I rode my bicycle _ to s

20、chool. (quick)4.He thought _ about his project and decided to finish it in the morning. (careful)5.Many foreigners were very _ to us when we were abroad. (friend)6.The government must take _ to fight against pollution. (act)7.The _ speech made everyone in the hall sleepy. (bore)8.In order not to wak

21、e up the sleeping baby, the girl left the room _.(quiet)【答案】1.arguing 2.tourists 3.quickly 4.carefully 5.friendly 6.actions 7.boring 8.quietlyIII. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)1.My father flew to Shenzhen yesterday. (改为否定句)My father _ _ to Shenzhen yesterday.2.I spoke English to the C

22、anada visitors.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ English to the Canada visitors?3.They asked me for 100 yuan. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ they ask you for?4.He rode to school last week. (保持句意基本不变)He _ to school _ _ last week.5.We went to Lucky Island on Saturday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ to Lucky Island?【答案】1.didnt fly 2.Did,

23、speak 3.How much did 4.went, by bike/bicycle 5.When did, go IV. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)1.The man hurried _ aboard while the woman hurried_, to B./, /, / D./, to2.There is _ useful information in todays newspaper.A.a C./ D.the3.What _ to her yesterday evening?A.was

24、happened B.happened C.happening D.happen4.Joes answer is quite different from _, but I really agree with _.A.his, hers B.her, hers C.hers, she D.him, hers5. He _ my friends purse.A.steal B.stole C.stolen D.stealing6. Nobody noticed Tom _ the bank of Shanghai.A.entered enter C.enter into D.enter

25、7. She knew little about the accident _ she read todays newspaper.A.after soon as C.for D.until8. His mother _ him to go shopping with her last Sunday.A.hoped B.let C.wanted D.saw9. _ saying these words, Mary left the classroom angrily.A.With B.After C.Before D.To10. Im _ playing soccer.A.keen

26、on B.enjoy【答案】1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.AHomeworkI. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案)1.Studying is _ important part of city life.A.a B. the C./ D.an2.The story happened _ the morning of October C. on D./3. The next train will arrive _ two C. af

27、ter D. for4. I knew nothing about it _ he told me.A. because B. since C. until D. after5. I was _ tired _ I couldnt walk, that B. too, to C. very, that D. very, to6. Id like my good friend _ to my home.A. come B. will come C. coming come7. Dont be late. You _ be there on time.A. must B. can C. may D. neednt8. She is pleased _ others.A. talk to talk to talk D. talking9. He loves _ along

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