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北师大版高中英语必修五第1讲Unit13 people词汇篇1学生版.docx

1、北师大版高中英语必修五第1讲Unit13 people词汇篇1学生版Unit13 People 词汇篇1_通过本节课,学生可掌握unit13中重点词汇及其用法,并通过各个题型的练习,巩固词汇基础,提升综合解题能力。一、重点单词1. gain vt.获得;增加;(钟、表)走快,(经努力)到达,达到搭配:gain sth.【精讲拓展】vi.(1)获利,赚钱;得益(by/from)We all gained from the experience.我们都从这次经验中获益。(2)取得进展;得到改善;增进健康The singer is gaining in popularity.这歌手越来越受到人们的欢

2、迎。 (3)(钟、表等)走快【典型例句】We gained experience by working during the summer.我们从暑期的工作中获得了经验. Students gain knowledge by reading.学生们通过阅读增加知识。 We gained our destination before dark.我们天黑之前到达了目的地。My watch gains five minutes a day.我的表一天快五分钟。2. concentrate vi.&vt.集中(注意力、思想等)集中于某处;使集中于一点【精讲拓展】concentrate on/upon

3、concentrate ones attention onconcentration n.【典型例句】We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。 For centuries the population of Europe has been concentrated in large cities.几个世纪以来,欧洲的人口一直集中在大城市里。Its hard to concentrate on writing a letter with the TV on.开着电视机很难集中精力写信。 Concentratio

4、n is essential if you want to do a good job.如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。3. connect vt.&vi.连接;结合;连结,接通电话,(与with连用)有联系,有关搭配:connect with /to;connection connected to/with/by【典型例句】This railway connects London and Edinburgh.这条铁路连接伦敦与爱丁堡。The operator connected me with the order department.接线员为我接通订购部的电话。 This wi

5、re connects with that one.这根电线与那根连接。There is a connection between good health and eating well.健康与合理膳食有关系。 【词语辨析】(1)be connected to:把连上Please connect the computer to the Internet.(2)be connected with:把与连接起来It serves as a bridge which connects the mainland with the rest of the world.它是连接祖国大陆与世界其他地方的桥梁

6、。 (3)be connected by:被连接在一起The whole world is connected by computers and it is becoming smaller and smaller.整个世界被电脑连在了一起,世界变得越来越小了。4. deserve vt.应得,值得【精讲拓展】deserve to do sth.deserve sth.deserve to be donedeserve doing.deserve ill/well of 有罪于/有功于【典型例句】They deserved to be praised.他们应该受到表扬。The rescuers

7、 deserved a reward for their courageous act.救援者应为他们的英勇行为得到奖赏。I think youre playing with fire. You deserve it!你是老鼠戏猫,真是自作自受!That goodhearted girl married her prince finally. She deserved it.那个好心女孩终于嫁给了她的心上人。她是有好报。He has deserved well of his country.他有功于国家。5. fail v. ;failure n. 失败【精讲拓展】fail sth. fail

8、 to do sth. fail in sth. sth. fail sb.【典型例句】Their first attempt at climbing the mountain failed.他们的初次登山尝试以失败告终。 We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.我们决不辜负我们的父母对我们的期望。She failed in the examination.她这次考试不及格。He is so excited that words failed him.他如此激动以致说不上话来。Early airplane e

9、xperiments ended in failure.早期的飞机实验以失败告终。 6. mistake n. &v.;mistaken adj.【精讲拓展】make a mistake by mistake mistake.for.【典型例句】Im not blaming youwe all make mistakes.我不是在责备你我们都会犯错。 I took your pen by mistake.我错拿了你的钢笔。I mistook Anna for his sister.我误把安娜当作是他妹妹。【词语辨析】mistake/error/fault/wrongmistake指偶然做错了事

10、,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,强调日常生活中的错误。It was a mistake buying that house.买那套房子是个错误。 error指违反某一标准做的错事,包括道德上的错误。He cant forget the errors of his youth.他忘不了他年轻时犯的错误。fault 常常指人在性格上或办事方式上的“缺点”“毛病”,强调过失的责任,不能与make连用搭配:挑毛病用 find ones fault。Its my fault that we are late.我们迟到是我的错。wrong 指“坏事,冤枉”。7. accuse vt.指控,控告搭配:accus

11、e sb. of.多用于正式的场合,用于描述“指控”某种犯罪行为。【精讲拓展】charge sb. with.适用范围十分广泛,用于“指控”“谴责”“责备”都可以,而且常用于表达道德方面的错误。【典型例句】The surgeon was accused of negligence.这名外科医生被控玩忽职守。 The police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。They accused him of taking bribes.他们控告他受贿。8. require vt.&vi.要求,需要,命令;requirement n.【精讲拓展】require doing.r

12、equire do sth.require sth. of sb.require that sb. should do.It is required that sb. should do.【典型例句】The floor requires washing.地板该洗了。Bringing up children often requires you to put their needs first. 抚养孩子常得把他们的需要放在首位。 All passengers are required to show their tickets.所有乘客都必须出示车票。The emergency r

13、equires that it should be done.情况紧急,非这样做不可。The rules require that you bring only one guest to the dinner.按照规定,你只能带一位客人出席晚宴。 The police required the address of the thief.警察要求小偷提供地址。【词语辨析】request/require/command/orderrequest要求,请求,语气比其他词委婉;request可用作make a request,所以 request ( do sth.) 是“请求(某人做某事)

14、”,是下对上的要求;而require表示order,demand,是“命令,要求”之意,指上对下的要求,比如法律条款对当事人的要求,业主对雇员的要求。这样记忆吧,request是你看到同学说的,require是老师对你说的。order和command在用法上很相似,command和order都有“命令”之意,都可以接名词、从句作宾语,接不定式作宾语补足语,接从句时从句要用虚拟语气。command指权威方面正式下令,主要用于军事场合。The general commanded his men to attack the city.将军命令士兵攻城。order 执行任务或掌权者发布命令时使用,为常

15、用词,可用于正式或非正式场合。The police officer ordered that I should get out of the car.警察命令我从汽车里出来。9.devote vt.专心于,献身于;devotion n.【精讲拓展】devote oneself/ones whole life devoted to.【典型例句】He left government to devote more time to his family.为了能有更多时间陪伴家人,他离开了政府部门。He has devoted his whole life to benefiting man

16、kind.他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。This magazine is devoted to science.这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。例1、He _ the Zhangs by marriage.A. connects with B. is connected to C. is connected with D. connects to例2、Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my son from the burning house.A. failed B. left C. dis

17、couraged D. disappointed例3、 “I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on,thats all,”said the boy. A. Error B. mistake C. fault D. duty例4、He is such a man who is always _ fault with other people.A. putting B. Seeking C. Finding D. looking for例5、They _that the police had beaten thre

18、e students to death.A. accuse B. charges C. Accused D. charged基础演练一、单项选择1、He _ them of having broken their words.A. accused B. accused of C. charge D. charged2、The newly founded chess club formally _ us to attend the opening ceremony.A. requested B. required C. demanded D. Commanded3、_ in the regula

19、tions that you should not tell other people the password of your email account. A. What is required B. What required C. It is required D. It requires4、_ to his research work,the professor cared little about any other things.A. Devoting B. DevotedC. Having devoted D. To devote巩固提高一、完成句子1、He quickly _

20、 experience.他很快就有经验了。2、Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.她在这个国家住了十年后才取得了公民身份。3、He _ weight after his illness.病后他的体重增加了。4、This clock _ five minutes a day.这只钟每天快5分钟。5、Does your watch _ or _ ?你的表走得快,还是走得慢?6、In the end we _ the top of the mountain.我们终于到达了山顶。7、_ _ your stud

21、y.集中精神学习。8、A driver _ _ _the road when driving.开车时驾驶员的注意力要集中在路上。9、Industrial development is being _ in the west of the country.这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。10、Will you _ this wire _ the television?你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗?11、This flight _ _ New York one.这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。一、完成句子1、He did very well,but _ _ _ the record.他做得很出色,但未

22、破记录。2、George _ history last semester.乔治上学期历史考试不及格。3、His courage _ him.他失去了勇气。4、His friends _ him when he needed their help most.当他最需要帮助的时候,他的朋友们却辜负了他。5、She _ him _ stealing her watch.她控告他偷她的表。6、He _ his boss _ having broken his word.他指责老板不守信。7、He _ _ _ murder.有人指控他谋杀。8、He _ _ with stealing.他被控犯有偷窃行为

23、。9、The roof _ _. 屋顶需要修理了。10、We _ _ _ _ the opening ceremony.我们要求她参加开幕式。11、The director required that we _ _ all night.主任要求我们通宵工作。12、He _ _ _ the study of contemporary art.他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。 13、He _ _ _ _ _ entirely to music.他将一生奉献给了音乐。14、She is a good wife and a _ mother.她是一位贤妻良母。15. 汤姆在一家超市当售货员。Tom

24、worked in a supermarket _ _ _._一、单项选择1. - I want to be a translator of technical texts.- It sounds good. . A. No doubtB. Go for it then C. Dont mention itD. Its rude to say so2. In past, gifted children have not always been given proper educational support. A. a; /B. a; aC. the; aD. the; /3. Some sc

25、ientists predict that the Earths temperature by as much as 5C over the next 20 years. A. is risingB. roseC. will riseD. rises4. Were glad that something has come out of the situation. A. positiveB. previousC. curiousD. expensive5. We didnt like the performance at first, but we cheering for it. A. dr

26、ew upB. broke downC. ended upD. turned down6. Susan stayed in the job for five years, valuable experience. A. gainedB. to be gainedC. gainingD. having gained7. Tom left me a message, said he would stay at home preparing for the coming exam. A. whoB. whichC. itD. that8. People the old days with good

27、times, and seem to forget the trouble they had. A. associateB. respectC. treatD. pray9. At the very beginning of the project, Paul made it clear that he would be in control. A. suddenlyB. usuallyC. nearlyD. entirely10. So far every possible method to get rid of the bad smell, but none works. A. has been triedB. was trying C. was triedD. has tried11. The woman of beating her four-year-old daughter has been found guilty. A. accusingB. to accuseC. accusesD. accused12. The problem is we can get to take the place of Eric. A. whereB. whenC. whoD. what

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