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1、最新人教版八年级下册英语第一单元知识点人教版英语八年级下Unit 1 Whats the matter1、重点单词及用法1. foot-feet 单复数的考察 常用复数 同:tooth-teetheg:Look,my f_ are very big,but the new shoes are so small.2.stomach 变复数 词尾直接+s stomachseg:The children cant eat too much ice-cream because its bad for their s_.3.X-ray 冠词考察 无特指情况下用 an X-ray4.lie躺-lay(过去

2、式)-lying(现在分词) 躺 lie down 躺下eg:They are _(lie)on the beach and having a good time5.passenger 乘客 复数 were ten _ on the bus at that time.6.bandage n.绷带 v.用绷带包扎eg:Can you put the bandage on the cut(改为同义句)Can you _ yourself 7.Kilo 复数 kiloseg:How many _ of tomatoes do you want8.knife 复

3、数 knives eg:Dont play with may cut your fingers.9.death n.死亡 die v.死亡-died(过去式)-dying(现在分词)dead (形容词 死亡的)eg:The dogs _ made him very sad.10.11.sick 生病的 既可以作表语 又可以做定语 be sick =be ill eg:We are going to visit _ children in hospital.2、重点短语have a cold =catch a cold =have the flu 感冒 cough 咳嗽 lie down 躺下

4、take ones temperature 量体温 have a fever 发烧take/have breaks/a break 休息=take/have a rest get off 下车-get on上车to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是 right away 立刻 马上=right nowget into (trouble)陷入(麻烦) get sunburned 被晒伤be used to (doing)习惯于 适应于. take risks/a risk 去冒险run out (of)用完 用尽 cut off 切除(get out of 离开 从.出来 be in

5、control of 掌管 管理give up (doing)放弃(做)某事 have a stomachache 胃痛get an X-ray 做一个X射线检查 thanks to.由于 多亏in time 及时 on time 准时 think about 考虑think of认为 fall down 摔倒 make a decision 作决定put.on.把.放在.上 be interested in 对.感兴趣3、用法总结1. need to do sth需要做某事eg: The teacher needs_(rest) for a few minutes. like 意为“听起来像

6、”后接n./adj./句子 eg: It sounds like a good idea.! 类似的 感官动词+like:feel like/smell like/ look like/taste like/seem like sound+adj. 结构中,sound 是系动词意为“听起来是” 后接形容词 eg: That sounds great. +n./doing(v.现在分词) He went to school without having left the classroom without _ anything v.同意,赞成agree with

7、sb/某人的意见 看法 Does she agree with usagree to do sth 同意做某事 They agreed to solve the problem. problems (in) doing sth做某事有困难=have trouble/difficulty (in) doing have problems with sth =have trouble/difficulty with sth 在某方面有困难eg:One of my good friends said he had problems_(learn) English.¥get used to doing

8、 sth 习惯于做某事eg:He used to get up late,but now he is used to getting up early. used to do sth 过去常常做某事 (现在不做了)eg:He used to read English in the evening. use sth to do sth 使用 用某物做某事eg:So he used knife to cut off his arm. be used to do sth 被动 被用于做某事eg:These new pens are used to paint the wall. ones life

9、丧失生命 save ones life 挽救某人的生命eg:He lost his life in the car accident.; adj.足够的 充足的 后接名词n. enough money adv.足够地 修饰形容词/副词 enough要后置eg:The book is_,but I dont have enough money _it. interesting; to buy enough; to buy enough; buying interesting; buying 9. the importance of (doing)sth (做)某事的重要性important ad

10、j.重要的 unimportant adj.不重要的 importance n.重要性eg:We students should know the importance of (learning)English. n.决定 make a decision (to do sth)decide to do sth 决定做某事 decide not to do sth 决定不做某事 eg:Tom made a decision to study English well. up 放弃 give up 是动词+副词结构 接代词作宾语时 代词放中间eg:The problem is so difficu

11、lt for you,but dont _A. give it up it out up it out it give up doing sth 放弃做某事eg:You will be very sad if you give up_(sing). 用法 keep on doing sth 继续做某事 (中间有间隔 强调重复性)eg:He kept on studying though he was very tired.; keep doing sth 继续不停地做某事(不间断 连续性)eg:Keep walking until you reach the end of the road.

12、keep sb doing 让某人一直做某事eg:Dont keep the other students waiting. keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事eg:We should keep the little boy from stepping on the grass. 用法 find找到,强调寻找的结果 look for强调寻找过程 find out找出查明eg:I was looking for my watch,but I didnt find it. find sb doing sth 发现某人正在做某事(eg:When I walked along

13、 the road,I found an old man shouting for help. find it +adj形容词+to do sth 发现做某事是.的eg:She found it hard to finish the work by herself. risks=take a risk 冒险 He likes taking risks. risk ones life to do 冒着生命危险去做某事 eg:He risked his life to save the child. risk doing stheg: The man called Tom often risks

14、flying over the sea.四、短语辨析1.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(动作正在发生):see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(看到动作全过程或者经常看到动作发生)eg:I saw the boy crying when I passed by(路过).类似的 hear/watch/notice/find+sb do/doing sththanks to 多亏. 由于.=with the help of/with ones help=because of thanks for 因.而感谢 强调感谢的原因 eg:Thanks to my teacher

15、,I passed the exam.Thanks for your help .Thanks for inviting time 及时 表示动作在规定时间内或比规定时间提前发生 on time 准时 按时 指正好在规定时间内eg:Thanks for coming here to help me in time.The train arrived into the station on time.火车准时进站了。3.think about 考虑 think of 认为 ;想起eg:I only thought about saving the boy without thin

16、king about anything.The picture makes me think of my grandfather.What do you think of your English teacher=How do you like your teacher4.too many ; too much; much too; too many ;too much 修饰名词 too many+可数名词;too much+不可数名词eg:too many people too much water/homework much too 修饰adj.形容词 eg:Dont eat _junk

17、food,or you will be _fat.A./B.much too;too much many;too many much;much too much;too many 5.interesting 有趣的 一般修饰物 interested 感兴趣的 一般修饰人习惯用法:get/become/be interested in sth/doing sth 对.感兴趣eg:She became interested in singing songs.The story is interesting and all of us are interested in it.6.because 连

18、词 后接句子because of 介词短语后接名词/动名词/代词eg:I didnt go out last night because of the heavy rain.=I didnt go out last night because it rained 如此.以至于. 引导结果状语从句、 so that 以便,为了 引导目的状语从句eg:She is so young that she cant dress herself.(结果)The teacher spoke loudly so that everyone could hear him c

19、learly.(目的) so +adj/adv +that 从句= too+adj/adv+to do sth (太.而不能.)She is too young to dress in control of 控制管理 主动;反义词组-be out of control 无法管理 be in the control of 被控制管理 在.的控制之下 被动.eg:A teacher must be in control of his out of 用完,用尽 人作主语 We have run out of our money. run out 用完

20、,用尽 物作主语 主语一般为时间金钱 Our time is running out.10.11.sick 生病的,有病的 可以作表语 也可以做定语 ill 生病的,有病的 只可以作表语 比较级为worse 最高级为worst illness 名词 生病 eg:She cant go to school because she is ill/because of her illness.Please take good care of the sick boy.12.expect/wish/hope expect 预计;期望,希望 expect to do/expect sb to do st

21、h/expect+that 从句eg:He expects to win the prize. wish 希望;祝愿 可能性较小 wish to do sth/wish sb to do sth/eg:I wish to fly in the sky.、 hope 可能性较大 希望 hope to do sth /hope +that 从句(没有hope sb to do sth)eg:I hope to see you soon.13.get off 下车 get on 上车多指从公交车火车飞机下来 空间大的交通工具 get out of 从.出来 get in上去 指上下小型交通工具 汽车

22、 出租车eg:Lucy is getting on the bus while I am getting off.14.fall(fell) down 与 fall off fall down 意为“倒下”,在平面摔倒; fall off 意为“跌落”强调从某处掉了下来 联系 fall down from(从.摔下)=fall offeg:When the little girl ran across the street,she fell down:He fell off the bike and broke his legs.4、语法大点1. 询问对方哪里不舒服,或者遇到什么麻烦以及回答

23、问:Whats the matter(with you )=Whats the troubl(with you)=Whats wrong(with you)=What happened(to you)=Whats up (with you) 答:I have a cold (感冒)=I get a cold =I catch a cold= I have the flu. have a bad/terrible/heavy cold(重感冒) have a little cold(轻感冒) I have a fever (发烧) I have a cough(咳嗽) I have a stom

24、achache/headache/toothache/backache(胃痛/头疼/牙疼/后背疼), I have a sore throat/sore knee/sore feet (嗓子疼/膝盖疼/脚疼)2.情态动词 should 意为“应该” 课本原句:You shouldnt eat so much next time. He should lie down and rest. He should a dentist and get an X-ray. Should I put some medicine on it注意:should 没有人称和数的变化 它和其后的动词原形一起做谓语

25、句式变化: 肯定句: 主语+should+动词原形+其他!eg:You should read his new book. 否定句: 主语+should+not+动词原形+其他eg:You shouldnt eat anything. 一般疑问句式: Should+主语+动词原形+其他eg:Should I trust him 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+should+主语+动词原形+其他eg:When should we go具体用法: 表示委婉地提出建议与意见eg:You should take some medicine. 表示职责与义务eg:As a student,you should

26、work hard. 表示推测意为“应该 可能”对现在或者未来的推测eg:My brother should get there left home at 7:00.3.反身代词 课本原文: But the driver didnt think about himselfHe hurt himself in April 26,2003,he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. 含义:表示反射或者强调自己的代词叫反身代词,意为“自己,亲自” 具体构成:第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyour

27、selfhimself herself itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves 常见搭配: enjoy oneself=have fun=have a good time teach oneself by oneself=alone 独自 help oneself to sth 请随便吃. introduce oneself to 向.自我介绍 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 leave sb,by oneself 把某人单独留下 speak to oneself 自言自语 lose oneself 迷失注:反身代词必须与主语保持人称的一致

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