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1、新视野大学英语2短语Unit 1 (A)fall beh ind result in run out in a rush go with work at in pers on due to pour intoUnit 1 (B)adjust to familiar to culture shock tired of (doing) sth separate from preve nt from recover fromgo throughUnit 2 (A)next to落在后面导致;造成的结果用完;耗尽匆忙地同时发生;伴随致力于;从事亲身;亲自由于大量投入(精力或金钱等)适应为所熟悉文化冲击

2、;文化震撼厌烦(做)某事把分开;分离阻止;防止从(疾病,事故,震惊等)中恢复经历;经受靠近;接近in sb s preseneein the prese nee of sbby no meanscount onon one oeeasi oncome uponpack intotake no tiee ofsing out (point outrefleet onin adva neeUnit 2 (B)aet asabove allnot hear of itset one s mind onset the stage forfoeus onbe used to(do in g)sth有某人

3、在场绝不,绝非依靠;依赖;指望有一次偶然遇见;偶然发现塞进;使挤入注意到大声清晰地)喊出(或唱出)指出仔细考虑事先,预先作为最重要的是不听;拒绝听取决心做某事(或得到某物)为做好准备聚焦于;集中(精力)于习惯于hold one s breath strip sb of sth charge sb with sthUnit 3 (A)ups and dow ns work out for a time meet with all along have nothing to do with on the surface at one s worst 时候 learn ofTake care of

4、procceed to do sthUnit 3 (B)come up with 法) win over from head to toe on the short/fat/thi n,etc屏住呼吸剥夺指控;控诉盛衰;沉浮成功;产生结果暂时;一度遭遇;遇到始终与无关表面上;外表上最差的时候;最糟糕的获悉;听说负责;处理接着做某事想出,提出(答案,解决办说服;把争取过来浑身上下有点矮(胖,瘦等)有的看法安置(某人)睡觉相处得很好;一见如故必定;总是假如,如果,只要随意做某事立即,马上十分,非常对心存感激天天不停地,一直地有时,偶尔损害;破坏坚持,忠于失去控制习惯于(做)某事与相距很远与大相径庭

5、有共同之处到底,究竟think ofput (sb) to bedhit it offUnit 4 (A)without failas long asbe free toright awaymore tha n(+adjective)be tha nkful forUnit 4 (B)from day to dayfrom hour to houron occasi ontake its toll oncli ng tolose con trolbe/become accustomed to doing a far cry fromhave sth in com monon earthUnit

6、 5 (A)pick upbe grateful forbe dressed in coupled withdie fromdirect at starve sb of sthUnit 5 (B)make a point take for gran ted hold dow n pi ne for心make fun of sta nd up to give in to some degreeon dema ndturn over a new leaf in the endUnit 6 (A)拿起,举起感激;为致谢穿着加上死于对准,针对使缺乏,使得不到提出论点视为理所当然保住(工作)为(不能得到

7、某物)而伤嘲笑,取笑经得起,经得住屈服,让步在某种程度上一经要求悔过自新,洗心革面最后,终于fill outif only好eve n soturn dow ncome up topress forill at easefree fromtake charge ofbe stuck withUnit 6 (B) go to great len gths take sides act out来speak ofturn offturn outup tomore or lessfollow one s track填写就算都行,哪怕也即使如此,尽管这样拒绝走进,靠近催促,竭尽全力不自在无的,不涉及的负

8、责,管理被迫拥有或使用竭尽全力做某事支持某人,偏袒一方将(思想或情感)表达出表明,意味着使离开不理会,不理睬能适合的,能胜任的几乎,差不多 跟着,跟踪除了,除之外揭露,揭某人老底与某人个性不符禁止进入的apart fromblow one s coverout of characterout of boundsUnit 7 (A)除了其他事情之外among other things勃然大怒,大发雷blow one s top霆在的路上减少的数量记住on one s trailcut dow nkeep in mi ndUnit 7 (B)除了之外(还)另一方面相反的学习,工作)到深other

9、tha non the other handto the con trarybur n the midni ght oil (夜积累,逐步增加为担心在工作出现,发生rack upfear forat workcome input all one s eggs in one basketUnit 8 (A)be wasted on sthif onlywell offat a lowbe meat to do sthread ofonly toin the long runsend inUnit 8 (B)the good old daysplay(it)safewhether or notbe

10、 happy within shortby comparis onassociate with孤注一掷被浪费在某人身上但愿,要是就好了富裕的处于低水平应该做某事读到;从得知不料,反而,结果却从长远来看派(人)去过去的好时光稳扎稳打,小心行事无论,不管对感到满足认为是好的总之,简而言之相比之下把联系在一起,与相关联全部,整个at largein the abse nee of protect from graind to a haltUnit 9 (A)In (the) face of make sth of sb pass away have sth at heart from sb s st

11、andpoint 来看be en titled topick up the pieces常take shelterlap uplook forward toknow betterwatch outonce and for all的out of tough withUnit 9 (B)由于缺乏防御,保护逐渐停止面对使成为有出息的人死亡,逝世关心从某人的立场或观点有权做,有权得到收拾残局,恢复正躲避欣赏期待,期望有头脑,明事理注意,小心一劳永逸地,永远不再了解prefer to 更喜爱,宁可apply for申请pay off获益,得到回报in the mean time与此同时,在此期间with

12、 reference to关于due to因为,由于look at考虑,思考be obliged to有责任或义务做某事fill up填满,装满take offense (at sth) (对某事)生气;(因某事而)见怪Unit 10 (A)drive off击退,赶走be sure of一定会,肯定会in broad daylight光天化日之下carry on继续做un der con trol处于控制之下on the air (广播或电视)播出keep sb from doing阻止某人做某事watch for留意,密切注意put out扑灭,熄灭mark dow nprovide forUnit 10 (B)break off (sink in to态wanting in sth物expect sth of sb人做remai n ofmakefortake sb inbe seized with配go i nto记下来,写下来为做准备使)折断,中止恶化,陷入更糟糕状 某物不足,缺少某 对某人有期望,指望某 从留下,剩下朝走去;朝前进收留,收容被(强烈的感情)影响或支陷入

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