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1、乒乓球英语词汇乒乓球运动 table tennis男子单打 mens singles 单打 singles女子单打 womens singles 双打 doubles男子双打 mens doubles 团体赛 team event女子双打 womens doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles男子团体 mens team 女子团体 womens team乒乓球运动员 paddlerpdl 裁判 umpire mpai连击 double hit 两跳 double bounce出界 out 擦网 net ball擦网出界 net out 擦网重发 let擦边 edge ball 发球

2、 serve无遮挡发球 no-hiding service 旋转发球 spin service发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分 service ace发球失误 missed service 发球下网 fall接发球 service reception 直握球拍 pen-hold grip横握球拍 tennis grip 击球 hit; stroke追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋 topspin下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin削球 chop 弧旋球 loop前三板 first three strokes 提拉 lift发球抢攻 at

3、tack after service 推 push相持 sustained rally 挡 block挡板 barriers 球台 table网 net 胶皮 gum胶粒 pimple 海绵胶拍 sponge40毫米球 40millimeter ball 台面 playing surface边线 side line 底线 end line中台 middle court 准备-发球 ready-serve搓球 push 决胜局 deciding game五局三胜 Best of 5 games 橙色球 orange ball反胶拍 pimples-in bat 接发球 receive白色球 wh

4、ite ball 拦击 volley擦边球 edge ball 反手削球 backhand chop球拍 racket正胶拍 pimples-out bat反手击球 backhand strokes接球员的左半区 receivers left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。乒乓球英语术语 2006-12-24 20:21:00 | By: 冷飞虎 A English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary (Versi

5、on: 2002-5-26) Aarons, Hughes Ruth | (USA) 1936 and 1937 World Champion (Womens single) accuracy | 准确(性)| n. ace | 发球得分 | n. adjust | 调整 | v. advantage | 优势 | n. aggressive | 具有进攻性的 | a. agile | 灵活的 | a. agility | 灵活(性) | n. all-out | 全攻型的 | a. an all-out hitter all-round | 全能的,技术全面的 | a. Its good t

6、o have an all-round game and play all the strokes properly. | American grip (See Seemiller grip) np. angle (closed angle; open angle) | 角度(合角/朝下,仰角/朝上) | n. anti- (anti-topspin; anti-loop) | 防 (上旋,弧旋,旋转) | pref. anti-doping | 反兴奋剂的 | a. the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) | 世界反兴奋组织 | Anti-doping cod

7、e | 反兴奋剂条例 | antispin | 防转胶皮 | n. an inverted rubber sheet thats very slick, so spin doesnt take on it. It usually has a dead sponge underneath. Its mostly used for defensive shots. Also known as anti. arc | 弧线 | n. arm | 手臂 | n. upper arm | 大/上臂 | assessment | 评估 | n. attack | 进攻 | v. a devastating

8、 (?) attack after serve | 发抢(发球抢攻的缩略)| attack on serve | 接发抢 (接发球抢攻的缩略)| attacker | 攻击型选手, 进攻方 | n. B English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary back | 背 | n. back | 后面的 | a. backhand | 反手 | n. A shot done with the racket to the left of the left elbow for a right-hander, the reverse for a left-hander.

9、Backhand backside drive / loop backing | 抵, 顶 | n. backspin | 下旋, 下转 | n. A type of spin used mostly on defensive shots. When you chop the ball, you produce backspin. The bottom of the ball will move away from you. This is also called chop or underspin. backward | 向后 | adv. badge | 胸徽,袖徽等标牌 | n. bal

10、ance | 平衡 | n. a good of speed and spin ball | 球 | n. band | 带子,套子 | n. head 额带,wrist 护腕 Barna, Victor | (HUN) 1930, 1932, 1933, 1933 and 1935 World Champion (Mens single) barrier | 球挡 | n. bat | 球拍 | n. bat | 球拍 | n. be down | 落后 | v. beat | 打败 | v. BEL | 比利时 | Belgium Bengtsson (Stellan Bengtsson)

11、 | 本格森 (瑞典) | (SWE)1971 World Champion bent | 弯曲 | v. Bergmann, Richard | (AUT) 1937, (ENG) 1939, 1948 and 1950 World Champion (Mens single) best four (of seven) | 七局四胜制 | np. best three (of five) | 五局三胜制 | np. best two (of three) | 三局两胜制 | np. blade | (乒乓球)底板 | n. The racket, usually without coveri

12、ng. | 无覆盖物的球拍 | shakehand | 横握式底板 | penhold | 直握式底板 | Japanese penhold | 日本式直握底板 | Japanese hinoki single ply | 日本式桧木地板 | Carbon | 碳精/素底板 | arylate | 芳基纤维底板 | titantium | 钛底板 | offensive | 进攻型底板 | defensive | 防守型底板 | allround | 全面型底板 | block | 挡球, 推挡 | v. n. A quick, off the bounce return of an aggr

13、essive drive done by holding the racket in the balls path. blocker | 推挡型选手 | BLR | 白俄罗斯 | Byelorussia Boll | 波尔 (德国选手) | (GER) bounce | 弹,跳 | v. n. break | 打破,破坏 | v. to break the loopers rhythm | brush | 摩擦 | v. n. bucket | 球筐 | n. a of balls for multi-ball practice C English-Chinese Table Tennis D

14、ictionary calves | | Cao Yanhua | 曹燕华(中国选手)| (CHN) 1983 and 1985 World Champion (Womens single) captain | 队长 | n. center line | 中线 | np. change line | 变线 | cheerleader | 啦啦队长 | n. chest | 胸 | n. Chiang Peng Lung | 蒋澎龙 (台北选手) | (TPE) Chiu Chung-hui | 邱钟惠(中国选手)| (CHN) 1961 World Champion (Womens singl

15、e) CHN | 中国 | China chop | 削球 | v. n. A defensive return of a drive with backspin, usually done from well away from the table. (see backspin) chop block | 下旋推挡 | np. A block where the racket is chopped down at contact to create backspin. chopper | 削球选手 | n. A of play where chopping is the primary sh

16、ot. Chuang Tse-tung | 庄则栋 (中国选手)| (CHN) 1961, 1963 and 1965 World Champion (Mens single) closed | (球拍)前倾, (球拍)下压 | a. closed racket | 前倾的/下压的球拍,压拍型 | np. Racket position in which the hitting surface is aimed downward, with the top edge leaning away from you. 参看open racket |亮拍型| coach | 教练 | n. comeb

17、ack | 追上, 扳回 | n. concentration | 注意力集中 | n. confidence | 自信 | n. consistency | 稳定(性)| n. consistent | 始终的 | a. consistently | 始终地 | a. consolation singles | 安慰赛单打| np. constantly | 不停地 | a. contact | 接触 | v. n. control | 控制 | v. n. receive control (接发球控制) Corbillon (Cup) | 考比伦 (杯) (女子团体冠军)| n. corn

18、er | 角落 | n. counter-attack | 反攻 | n. counterdrive | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n A drive made against a drive. Some players specialize in counterdriving. counter-loop | 反拉弧旋,反拉 | v. n. To loop a loop. (see loop) countersmash | 反攻, 对攻 | v. n. To smash a smash. (see smash) court | 比赛赛区 | n. CRE | 希腊 | Greece CRO |

19、克罗地亚 | Croatia crosscourt | 球台对角的 | a. A ball that is hit diagonally from corner to corner. | crossover | 交叉步 | n. A of footwork for covering the wide forehand. crucial | 关键的 | a. cut | 削球 | v. n. D English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary Dawei ITTF Pro Tour Grand Finals 2001 or 2001 Dawei ITTF Pro

20、Tour Grand Finals | 大维2001 国际乒联职业巡回总决赛 | dead | 不转球? | n. A ball with no spin. deep (See long) | 长球 | a. 1. A ball that bounces on the opponents side of the table very close to the endline. 2. A serve or push that would not bounce twice on the opponents side of the table (if given the chance) defaul

21、t | 失去比赛资格 | Being disqualified from a match for any reason. defeat | 打败 | v. defender | 防守方, 防守型运动员 | n. defensive | 防守的 | a. delegation | 代表团 | n. Deng Yaping | 邓亚萍(中国选手)| (CHN) 1991, 1995 and 1997 World Champion (Womens single) Depetrisova, Vlasta | (TCH) 1939 World Champion (Womens single) deuce

22、 | 局点前的最后平局,如20平,10平 | n. diagonal | 斜线的 | a. diagonally | 斜线地 | adv. die out | (旋转)消失 | vp. direction | 方向 | n. disguise | 装作,假装 | v.n. disputed edge ball, a | 有争议的擦边球 | np. double | 连击 | n. double bounce | 两跳 | np. A ball that hits the same side of the table twice. The person on that side loses th

23、e point. doubles | 双打 | n. down | 下, 落后 | adv. prep. a. down the line | 直线 | np. A ball that is hit along one side of the table. draw | 抽签 | n. drive | 攻球 | v. n. drop shot | 吊球,近网短球 | np. Putting the ball so short that the opponent has trouble reaching it. Done when the opponent is away from the ta

24、ble. dump shot | 勉强的球 | np. All hitters must accept the fact that sometimes you must go for a dump shot to make sure that you dont miss an opportunity to smash. (Larry, 1993: 119) E English-Chinese Table Tennis Dictionary early (stage) | 上升期 | a. n. Eguchi, Fujie | (JPN) 1957 World Champion (Womens

25、single) elbow | 肘部 | n. endline | 底线 | n. ENG | 英格兰 | England erratic | 无规律的 | a. an shot | However, his backhand seemed more erratic, and he began to make mistake from both wings. error | 错误 | n. even up | 打平 | vp. exert the authority | 执法, 行使职权 | vp. expedite system / rule | 超时轮换发球制 / 规则 | np. If

26、a game has continued for 15 minutes without the game ending, the expedite rule takes effect. A point is awarded to the receiver who returns 13 consecutive shots after expedite has been called. Players alternate serves after expedite has been called. explosive | 爆发的 | a. power | F English-Chinese Tab

27、le Tennis Dictionary Farkas, Gizella | (HUN) 1947, 1948 abd 1949 World Champion (Womens single) fast | 快 | a. fast-paced | 节奏快的 | a. feed | 喂球 | v. feeder | 喂球者,陪练者 | n. final | 决赛 | n. finalist | 参加决赛的选手 | n. fish | 放高球 | v (See lobber) flat | 平球,不转的球 | n. A ball that has no spin, usually traveling

28、 fast. The ball hits the racket straight on, at a perpendicular angle, e.g. a flat shot | flexibility | 灵活(性)| n, flight | (球的)飞行 | n. flip | (台内)挑攻,旋转球拍 | v. n. An aggressive topspin return of a ball that lands near the net (a short ball). To move in twists and turns float | 漂,浮 | a. backspin is us

29、ually float follow-through | 手臂击球后的惯性动作 | n. It is the natural progression of the racket forward and up after a stroke follow-up | 跟进球 | n. foot | 脚 | n. footwork (forward, backward, side-to-side) | 步法 | n. How a person moves to make a shot. forearm | 前臂 | n. forehand | 正手 | n. Any shot done with the racket to the right of the elbow for a right-hander, to the left for a left-hander. forward | 向前 | adv. FRA | Fra

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