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1、闽教版小学英语六年级下册期末总复习知识点归纳2019-2020年闽教版英语六年级下册期末总复习知识点归纳一、26个字母大小写二、词组1.the Yangtze River 长江 2. go skating 去滑冰 3. listen to music 听音乐 4. go back to my hometown 回到我的家乡 5.the Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节 6 .a big ice city 一座大冰城 7.make a snowman 堆雪人 8.take a photo 拍一张照片take some/many photos9. the Spring Festi

2、val 春节 10 .New Years money 压岁钱 11. have a good time 过得愉快 12. in hospital 住院 13. feel better 感觉好多了 1.go to hospital 去医院15. have a headache 头疼 16.have a cold 感冒 17.have a toothache 牙疼 18. have a fever发烧 19.see a doctor 看病 20.cross the street 过马路21. May 1/1st 五月一号 22. May Day 五一节 23 .December 25/25th 1

3、2月25日 24. Christmas Day 圣诞节 25. 25.March 8th 三月八号 26. 26. Womens Day 妇女节27. June 1/1st 六月一号 28. Childrens Day 儿童节 29.September 10th 九月十号30. Teachers Day 教师节 31.January 1st 一月一日 32.New Years Day 元旦33. October 1st 十月一号 34.National Day 国庆节 35.dining room 餐厅36. the second Sunday of May 五月份的第二个星期天 37.loo

4、k like看起来像 38. in the UK/USA 在英国/美国 39. grow corn 种植玉米 player 篮球运动员41. taxi driver 出租车司机 42.police officer 警察 English teacher 一位英语老师 44. a PE teacher 一位体育老师 45.want to be 想成为 very good at 非常擅长47. on holidays 在假期 48.a great inventor 一个伟大的发明家 49. a middle school 一所中学 50. Sunl

5、ight Middle School 阳光中学 51. .reading room 阅览室 52. classrooms for Grade Seven 七年级教室 53.go back to the USA 回到美国 54.her parents 她的父母亲 55.make a year book 制作一本毕业留念册 56.make a DVD 制作一张光碟 57. make an address book 制作一本通讯录 58.leave China 离开中国 59.send emails 发送电子邮件 60. our information 我们的信息 61.last year 去年 6

6、2.Sallys birthday party 莎莉的生日聚会63.Thanksgiving dinner 感恩节晚餐 64.go for a spring outing去春游 65.feel sorry 感到遗憾 66.have a very good/wonderful time 过得非常愉快 each other 互相帮助 68. in March 在三月 69.worry about /be worried about 为感到担忧 favorite subject 我最喜欢的学科三、句子1. Did you go anywhere in winter? 冬天

7、你有去一些地方吗?2. I went to Shandong/Harbin. 我去了山东/哈尔滨。3. I traveled along the Yangtze River. 我沿着长江旅行了一趟。4 .I climbed a famous mountain. 我爬了一座很有名的山。5 .Look at the snowman. Its short and fat. 看这个雪人。它又矮又胖。6.Hes tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。7. Wang Tao broke his leg. 王涛摔断了腿。8.Im sorry to hear that. 我很遗憾听到这个消息。9.The

8、basket is heavy. Let me carry it. 这个篮子很重。我来拎吧。10.Yang Ming didnt do well in high jump. 杨明在跳高比赛中没发挥好。11.This box isnt heavy. Its light. 这个盒子不重。它是轻的。12.Im worried about my lessons. 我担心我的功课。13.Dont worry. I can help you with your English. 别担心。我会帮你补英语。14.I can help Mom with her housework. 我会帮助妈妈做家务。15.H

9、ow are you, Ben? Im not well. 你(身体)怎么样,本? 我不是很好。16.Whats wrong with you, Ben? I have a headache. 你怎么啦,本? 我头疼。17.Im ill. 我生病了。18.Ill take you to hospital. 我将带你去医院。19.Open your mouth and say,“Ah”. 张开你的嘴巴说:“啊”。20.Ill give you some medicine. You must take the medicine.我给你开些药。你必须要吃药。21.You mustnt talk in

10、 the library. 你不可以在图书馆讲话。22.The light is red. You mustnt cross the street. 现在是红灯。你不可以过马路。23.Youre ill. You mustnt go to school. You must stay in bed today. 你生病了,不可以去学校,你今天必须躺在床上。24.I must stay at home for two weeks. 我必须呆在家里两周时间。25.What will you do for your mother? 你将会为你妈妈做些什么?26.Ill give her some fl

11、owers. 我将会给她一些花。27.Ill make a card for her. 我将会做一张贺卡给她。28.Ill take a photo for her. 我将会给她拍一张照片。29.What a surprise! 真是一个惊喜!30.What an interesting book! 多有趣的一本书啊!31.What a wonderful dream! 多棒的一个梦想!32.Whats the date today? 今天是几号?What day is today? 今天星期几?33.We got up early and did the cleaning. 我们早起并做了卫

12、生。34.Who is that man? 那个男人是谁?35.Who is this woman? 这个女的是谁?36.Who are these people? 这些人是谁?37.They are my aunt and uncle. 他们是我叔叔阿姨。38.What does your grandma do? 你奶奶是做什么的?39.Do they have a farm in the UK? 他们在英国有农场吗?40.What does he/she do? 他/她是做什么的?41.Whats his/her job? 他的/她的工作是什么?42.What are their jobs

13、? 他/她们的工作是什么?43.Theyre nurses. 她们是护士。44.Youre very good at music. 你非常擅长音乐。45.Do you want to be a singer? 你想成为一名歌手吗?46.Singers often work on holidays. 歌手经常在节假日工作。47.Thats true, but they can make people feel happy. 的确是这样,但他们可以使人们感到快乐。48.What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?49.Doctors can make people strong

14、and healthy.医生可以使人们变得强壮而又健康。50.Will you be a math teacher? 你会成为一名数学老师吗?51.Yes, I will. 是的,我会。 52.No, I will be a scientist. 不,我想成为一名科学家。53.Teachers can help students learn.教师会帮助学生们学习。54.Teaching is a great job. 教学是一份伟大的职业。55.Ill show you around our school. 我将会带你们参观一下我们的学校。56.Our school library is on

15、 the first floor. 我们学校图书馆在一楼。57.Teachers offices are on the second floor. 教师办公室在二楼。58.Well study physics at middle school. 我们将会在中学学习物理。59.Where are the labs? 实验室在哪儿?60.Theyre on the ninth floor. 它们在九楼。61.Where are the classrooms for Grade 7? 七年级教室在哪里?62.Theyre on the third floor. 它们在三楼。63.This is a lab for chemistry. 这是一个化学实验室。64.So many bottles! 这么多瓶子!65.Chemistry must be very interesting. 化学一定非常有趣。66.Who is the man on the picture

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