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1、打印版新概念英语Lesson 001Mary likes singingThe man in a shirt isticket with me.New Word andvery uncle.6. numberexpressionsLesson 0029. carThank you, sir. No 5.1. excuseNew words andIs this your car?What is your phoneExcuse me.expressions:Many people go tonumber, please?Excuse me. Is this1. penwork

2、by car.My room number is 309.your pen?Is this your pen?There are many cars7. fiveExcuse. What time isMay I borrow your pen?in the street.There are five peopleit?This pen is made in10. housein my family.2. meChina.Is this your house?He can eat fiveGive me that book.2. pencilHe lives in a bigapples at

3、 a time.Please tell me more.Is this your pencil?house.8. sorry3. yesThe pencil on theHe has a house inThis is not myYes, it is.desk is mine.Paris.umbrella, sorry sir.- Are you a student?Whosepencil is this?Lesson 003Sorry. I m late.- Yes, I am.3. bookNew words andI m sorry. I broke- Can I have a cup

4、 ofIs this your book?Expressionsyour glass.tea?I am reading a book.1. umbrella9. sir- Yes, of course.He has lots of books.My coat and myCan I help you, sir?4. is4. watchumbrella, please.Sir, you ve droppedIs this your handbag?Is this your watch?Bring your umbrellasomething.Today is Monday.Mywatch ha

5、s stopped.with you. It s going10. cloakroomThis card is mine.This watch is tooto rain.Excuse me. Where s5. thisdear.Wheres myumbrella?cloakroom?Is this your book?5. coat2. pleaseYou can leave your6. pardonIs this your coat?Please pass me thecoat in thePardon me?Howmuch is this coat?book.cloakroom.Pa

6、rdon? Will you sayPut on your coat.Close the door,Lesson 004that again?6. dressplease.New words and7. itIs this your dress?3. hereexpressions:Yes, it is.Her new dress looksHere is my ticket.1. suit- Whosebike is this?nice.Here comes the bus.Is this your suit?- It s mine.How much is thisMy aunt lives

7、 here.He looks nice in theThat skirt isdress?4. mynew suit.expensive, isn t it?7. skirtMy coat and myHowmuch is your suit?8. thank youIs this your skirt?umbrella, please.2. schoolThank you.She is wearing aI called my mumIs this your school?Thank you very much.short skirt.yesterday.Dad takes us toTha

8、nk you for yourThis kind of skirt isHave you seen my book?school every this year.5. ticketWhich school do youShe said Thank you8. shirtThe plane ticket isgo to?to me with a smile.Is this your shirt?two hundred dollars3. teacher9. very muchHe put on a shirt and($ 200).Is this your te

9、acher?I like her very much.went out.I forgot to bring myMiss Lee is myfavorite teacher. Howmany teachers are there in your school?4.sonIs this your son?Her son is eighteen years old.Your son is so lovely.5.daughterIs this your daughter? My daughters are at school now.They have three sons and a daugh

10、ter.Lesson 005 New Word and expressions1.Mr.Good morning, Mr. Black.Hello, Mr. White.Mr. Smith comes from London.2.goodGood morning. He is a good teacher. It s good to see you.3.morning We re leaving tomorrow morning.I get up early every morning.4.MissThis is Miss Sophie Dupont.This is Miss Green, y

11、our new teacher.Good morning, Miss Lee.5.newSophie is a new student.Do you like mynew car? He got a new job last week.6.studentThe school has about three thousand students.He is a student at a night school.7.French She is French.Do you speak French? French wine is famous all over the world.8.GermanS

12、ophie, this is Hans. He is German.This book is written in German.Cindy s husband is German.9.niceNice to meet you. Have a nice trip.That s a nice coat.10.meetLet s meet at the gate of the theatre.I will go to meet you at the airport.11.Japanese And this is Naoko. She s Japanese.He married a Japanese

13、 girl last year.Sony is a big Japanese company.12.KoreanAnd this is Chang-woo. He s Korean.Korean films are popular these days.There are manyKorean students in this college.13.ChineseAnd this is Lu Ming. He is Chinese. Are you Chinese? The Chinese people are peace loving.14.tooShe s Chinese, too. I

14、like music. My sister likes music, too.I,too, have been to New York.001 课 新词和短语1。借口 对不起。对不起。 这是你的钢笔 吗?借口。现在是什么时 候?2。我 给我那本书。 请告诉我更多。3。是的 是的,它是。- 你是学生吗?- 是的,我是。- 我能有一杯茶?- 是的,当然。4。是 这是你的手提包吗? 今天是星期一。 此卡是我的。5。这 这是你的书吗?6。赦免 请原谅我吗? 你说什么?请你再说 一遍吗?7。它 是的,它是。- 这是谁的自行车?- 这是我的。 这条裙子是昂贵的, 不 是吗?8。谢谢 谢谢。非常感谢。 谢谢

15、你的帮助。她说 谢谢用微笑给 我。9。很 本人非常喜欢她。 玛丽很喜欢唱歌。002 课 新词语:1。笔 这是你的钢笔吗? 我可以借用你的钢 笔? 这钢笔是在人中国。2。铅笔 这是你的铅笔吗? 书桌上的铅笔是我的。 这是谁的铅笔?3。书 这是你的书吗? 我读的书。 他有很多书。4。手表 这是你的手表吗? 我的表停了。 这手表是 太贵了。5。外套 这是你的大衣? 这件上衣是多少? 穿上你的外套。6。连衣裙 这是你的衣服? 她的新衣服看起来不 错。这件衣服多少钱?7。裙子 这是你的裙子? 她穿着一件短裙。 这种裙子是今年流行 一种。8。衬衫这是你的衬衫吗?我有五口人。005 课我们相遇,在剧场门他穿

16、上了 T 恤,走了出他可以一次吃五个苹新词和短语口。去。果。1。先生我会去机场接你。在衬衫的人是我叔叔。8。抱歉早上好,布莱克先生。11。日本9。车这不是我的伞,对不你好,怀特先生。这是直子。她的日语。这是你的车吗?起,先生。史密斯先生来自伦敦。他娶了一个日本女孩很多人开车去上班。抱歉。我迟到了。2。好的最后一年。有很多车在街上。我很抱歉。 我打破了你早晨好。索尼是日本大公司。10。房子的玻璃杯。他是一位好老师。12。韩国这是你的房子?9。主席先生这是很高兴见到你。这是昌宇。他是韩国他住在一所大房子。我能为你效劳吗?3。上午人。他在巴黎的房子。主席先生, 你的东西下我们明天早晨就走。韩国电影受

17、追捧。003 课降。我很早起床,每天早这所大学中有很多韩新词语10。衣帽间上。国学生。1。伞对不起。哪里的衣帽4。小姐13。中文我的大衣和伞拿给我,间?这是杜邦小姐苏菲。这是陆明。他是华人。谢谢。你可以把你的衣帽间这是格林小姐, 你的新你是中国?带上你的雨伞。 这是要大衣。老师。中华民族是爱好和平下雨了。004 课早上好,李小姐。的。哪里是我的伞?新词语:5。新14。太2。请1。诉讼索菲娅是个新学生。她的中国了。请把我的书。这是你的西装吗?你喜欢我的新车?我喜欢音乐。 我妹妹喜关闭的门,请。他看上去很漂亮的新他找到一份新工作的欢的音乐了。3。这里衣服。最后一周。我也到过纽约。这里是我的机票。你

18、的西装是多少?6。学生在这里,公共汽车来2。学校学校拥有约三万名学了。这是你的学校吗?生。Lesson 011我姑姑住在这里。爸爸带我们每天上学。他是在一家夜校的学New words and4。我的你去哪个学校的?生。expressions:我的大衣和伞拿给我,3。老师7。法国1. whose谢谢。这是你的老师吗?她是法国人。Whose shirt is that?昨天我打电话给我妈李小姐是我最喜欢的你会讲法语吗?Whose watch is this?妈。老师。法国葡萄酒是著名的Whose house is this?你看过我的书?有多少教师在你的学世界各地。2. blue5。机票校吗?8。

19、德国My shirt s blue.飞机票是两百美元4。儿子索菲娅,这位是汉斯。The sky is blue.(200 美元)。这是你的儿子吗?他是德国人。The sea looks dark我忘记带我的票。她的儿子是 18 岁。这本书是在德国。blue at night.6。数你儿子是那么可爱。辛迪的丈夫是德国人。3. perhaps谢谢你,先生。 5 号。5。女儿9。不错- Is this shirt你的电话号码是多这是你的女儿吗?认识你很高兴。Tims? - Perhaps it少?我的女儿在学校了。有一个愉快的旅程。is, sir.我的房间号码是 309。他们有三个儿子和一这是一个不

20、错的大衣。Perhaps it will rain.7。五个女儿。10。满足Perhaps you are right.4. white6. brotherIt s very smart.The old man livedTims shirt sIt s my brother s.He is in a smart suitwith two dogs.white.Do you have anytoday.My grandmas hairbrother?He gave a smarthas gone white.His brother is a highanswer to thatLesson 0

21、15Her face turned whiteschool student.question.New words andat the news.7. his6. hatexpressions:5. catchThis book is his, notMy hat s new too.1. customsHere you are. Catch.mine.That s a smart hat.He was stopped at theCatch the ball, Tom.Tom lent me his pen.Put on your hat.customs.Come and catch8. he

22、rIt s cold outside.Her husband works atme, she shouted.Have you read any of7. samethe customs.her books?It s the same color.2. officerHer parents areWe studied in theJack is a customsLesson 012living abroad.same school.officer.New words andThey are all in theGo and ask the policeexpressions:same clo

23、thes.officer.1. fatherLesson 0138. lovely3. girlIs it your father s?New words andThat s a lovely hat.Who is the girl inLike father, like son.expressions:The baby s verywhite?His father loves her1. colorlovely.Amyis a girl s namevery much.What color s yourYou looked lovely4. Danish2. mothernew dress?

24、with the hat.We are Danish.Is it your mothers?What color is yourThey speak Danish.What is your mother?new car?Tony is Danish.My mother is aWhat color do youLesson 145. best?New words andAre your friends3. blouse2. greenexpressions:Danish, too?Whoseis that blouse?It s green.1. case

25、Hes a friend ofYour new blouse looksThe trees turn greenWhat color is themine.nice on you.again.woman s case?I have a lot ofHowmuch is this blueDo you like green?He put all hisfriends.blouse?3. comeclothes into the case.6. Norwegian4. sisterComeupstairs and seeMy case is black.They are Norwegian.It

26、s my sister carpetMark is Norwegian.My sister is threeMay came to see meWhats the color ofHe knows a littleyears older than me.yesterday.the carpet in yourNorwegian.She was a sister toWhen did she comehouse?7. passporther.back?The cat is lying onYour passports,5. tie4. upstairsthe carpet.ple

27、ase.Whose is that tie?My room is upstairs.3. dogI left my passport atHe has many ties.Go upstairs andWhat color ishome.They must wear tiesyoull see him.Helens dog?His passport iswhen they are at work.5. smartI like dogs very much.missing.8. brown这是一个标致。后一个月。有邮差给我带来了什Our cases are brown.8。奔驰珍妮作为女服务员的

28、么信?His eyes are brown.这是一个奔驰。工作。6。护士I have a pair of brown9。丰田8。键盘我是一名护士。shoes.这是一个丰田。我是电脑录入员。护士是照顾我很好。9. tourist10。大宇这是一个电脑键盘。护士要来参加你的体Are you tourists?这是一个大宇。他类型的非常快。 他知温。I m a tourist here.11。迷你道键盘很好。7。机械师Many tourists come它的 Mini 。9。运营商我是技工。here every year.12。福特他拨通了电话接线员。他的父亲是一名机械这是福特车。杰克是一个电脑操作师。006 课13。菲亚特员。机械师帮我修我的车。新词语:这是一个菲亚特。10。工程师8。理发师1。使我是一个工程师。我是个理发师。它提出的是什么?007 课我父亲是一名工程师。我将有我的一个著名你的手表是什么牌新词和短语汤姆是一个电气工程

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