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Unit 5 Keeping Your Dreams Alive.docx

1、Unit 5 Keeping Your Dreams AliveUnit 5 Keeping Your Dreams AliveNew words1. transcend v. 超出,超越(通常的界限)2. incessantly adv. 不停地;持续不断地3. noisily adv. 喧闹地(noise, noisy)4. subtly adv. 不易察觉地;不明显地;微妙地 (subtle)5. enormity n. 巨大;深远影响;严重性(enormous)6. burden n. (义务、责任等的)重担,负担7. belief n. 相信;信心(believe,believabl

2、e,unbelievable,disbelief)8. unique adj. 唯一的;独一无二的;独特的9. affliction n. 折磨;痛苦10. especially adv. 尤其;特别;格外11. tribe n. 部落12. species n. 种,物种(分类上小于属)13. discipline n. 自制力;遵守纪律;磨练14. confront v. 处理,解决(问题或困境)15. evoke v. 引起,唤起(感情、记忆或形象)16. grief n. (尤指因某人去世引起的)悲伤,悲痛,伤心 (grieve)17. guilt n. 内疚;悔恨 (guilty,b

3、e guilty of, be / feel guilty about)18. anxiety n. 焦虑;忧虑 (anxious)19. anguish n. 剧痛;极度痛苦;苦恼20. despair n. 绝望21. uncomfortable adj.(使)焦虑的,尴尬的,害怕的,不自在的22. physical adj. 身体的;肉体的;躯体的23. equal v. 比得上;敌得过24. conflict n. 冲突;争执;争论25. engender v. 产生,引起(某种感觉或情况)26. pose v. 造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生27. distinguish v. 区

4、分;辨别;分清28. wisdom n. 智慧;才智;精明29. mentally adv. 精神上;智力上;思想上30. spiritually adv. 精神上;心灵上31. desire v. 渴望;期望32. deliberately adv. 故意;蓄意;存心33. instruct v. 教授;指导34. dread v. 非常害怕;极为担心Phrases and Expressions1. moan about 抱怨2. a series of 系列;连续3. because of 因为4. as well as 除之外5. cutting edge (处于某事物发展的)尖端,最

5、前沿,领先阶段6. call forth 引起;使产生Life Is DifficultLife Is Difficult.This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult

6、. Because once it is accepted, the fact that(引出同位语从句) life is difficult no longer matters. Most people do not fully see this truth that life is difficult.生活是艰难的生活是艰难的。这是一条真理,是众多伟大真理之一。一旦我们真正认识了它,才会超越其本身。一旦我们真正认识到生活的艰难所在,真正理解并接受它,生活将不再如那般的艰难,生活是艰难的这一事实,也不会再影响到我们。大多数人并未真正认识到生活是艰难的这一事实。Instead they moa

7、n more or less incessantly, noisily or subtly, about the enormity of their problems, their burdens, and their difficulties as if life were generally easy, as if life should be easy. They voice their belief, noisily or subtly, that(引出同位语从句) their difficulties represent a unique kind of affliction(痛苦)

8、that should not be and that has somehow been especially visited upon(施加,造成,使遭受)them, or else upon their families, their tribe, their class, their nation, their race or even their species, and not upon others. I know about this moaning because I have done my share. 相反,他们不停地无病呻吟,或是聒噪地,或是微弱地,絮叨着他们所遭遇的种

9、种问题、所承受的负担以及所忍受的苦难,好像生活应该是一帆风顺的。他们或高声抗议,或微弱地嘀咕,认为他们的苦难代表一种特殊的不幸,它不应加诸于他们,现在却降临在他们身上,或是他们家人身上、或是他们的部落、他们的阶级、国家、种族、甚至于他们这一特种身上,而不是别人。我深谙这种埋怨,因为我也曾参与其中。本部分重点及难点:visit sth. on / upon sb./sth. (古)inflict(造成,使遭受) punishment on sb./sth. 对某人/某物进行惩罚visit the sins of the parents upon their children相当于make the

10、 children suffer for their parents failings 使子女因父母之过错而受惩罚Life is a series of problems. Do we want to moan about them or solve them? Do we want to teach our children to solve them?Discipline(磨练)is the basic set of tools we require to solve lifes problems. Without discipline,we can solve nothing. With

11、 only some discipline we can solve only some problems. With total discipline we can solve all problems.生活是由一系列的问题组成的。我们是抱怨它们还是解决它们?我们想教育我们的孩子去解决它们吗?磨练是我们解决生活问题所需要的一套基本工具,没有它我们什么也解决不了。部分磨练只能解决部分问题,历经磨练,我们才能解决所有问题。What make life difficult is that the process of confronting and solving problems is a pa

12、inful one. Problems, depending upon their nature, evoke in us frustration of grief, sadness, loneliness, guilt, regret, anger, fear, anxiety, anguish, despair. These are uncomfortable feelings, often very uncomfortable, often as painful as any kind of physical pain, sometimes equaling the very worst

13、 kind of physical pain. Indeed, it is because of the pain that events or conflicts engender in us all that we call them problems. And since life poses(提出)an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.生活的艰辛在于面对和解决问题的痛苦过程。不同性质的问题会让我们产生复杂的情绪:沮丧、悲伤、寂寞、内疚、遗憾、愤

14、怒、恐惧、焦虑、痛苦还有绝望。这些情感上的痛苦和身体上的痛苦一样,有时同最深刻的肉体疼痛一样,让人难受,难以释怀。事实上,正是由那些经历或挣扎冲突在我们的内心引起的疼痛才产生了我们称之为问题的东西。由于生活总会给我们提出一系列无穷无尽的问题,生活才总会充满苦难,带给我们痛并快乐着的体验。本部分重点及难点:2. Indeed, it is because of the pain that events or conflicts engender in us all that we call them problems. 强调句。去掉it isthat剩下的部分成立。3. pose an endl

15、ess series of problems pose threat pose danger pose for a pictureYet it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning. Problems are the cutting edge(尖端/优势)that distinguishes between success and failure. Problems call forth(引发)our courage and our wisdom; indeed, t

16、hey create our courage and our wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually. When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we challenge and encourage the human capacity(能力;容量;生产能力) to solve problems, just as in school we deliberately set problems for our

17、 children to solve. It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, Those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to dread but actually to welcome problems and actually to welcome the pain of problems. 然而,正是在

18、面对和解决这些问题的过程中才让生活有了意义。问题是区别我们成败的界限,也召唤出我们的勇气与智慧,事实上,还创造了我们的勇气与智慧。只有经历了这些问题,我们才会得到精神上和心理上的成长。当我们渴望鼓舞人类精神的时候,我们会挑战自我,振奋精神去解决问题,如同我们在学校里故意设置难题让孩子们来解决一样。只有在经历了对抗和解决的痛苦过程后我们才会学有所得。正如本杰明富兰克林所言:“这些困难会伤害你,也会教导你”。也正因为此,聪明人才不畏痛苦,迎难而上。本部分重点及难点: (Paragraph 8)本文出现最多的结构是强调结构。本段中的强调结构有:(1)Yet it is in this whole p

19、rocess of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning.(2)It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually. 比较:=Only because of problems do we grow mentally and spiritually.类似的还有not until被强调时,例如:It was not until midnight that the party broke up.强调句=Not until midnight di

20、d the party break up.倒装句=The party did not break up until midnight.普通陈述句(3)It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn.(4)It is for this reason that wise people learn not to dread but actually to welcome problems and actually to welcome the pain of problems.请认真答题,答题结果将

21、记入知识点测评的成绩!【单选题】8. It was not until the deadline that _ out the application form.A he had sentB had he sentC he sentD did he send【答案】C【解析】本题考查否定词被强调时,强调结构中that从句的语序。否定词放在句首句子要用倒装语序,但在强调结构中否定词被强调时,that引导的部分不能倒装,要用陈述句语序。【知识点】否定词被强调时,强调结构中that从句的语序重点掌握:courage的派生词courageousencourage sb. to do sth.disco

22、urage sb. from doing sth.encouragingdiscouragingencouragementdiscouragement文章结构:总-分-总 第一段第四段:生活不易是现实,但是很多人都没看清。第五段第六段:牢骚不能解决问题,要有自制力。第七段第八段:解决问题的过程痛并快乐着,最终你将发现一个不一样的自己。Text A 课后练习参考答案 I. 阅读选择 1. D 作者认为“生活不易”的说法只被少数人完全领会。参看第二段开头:这句话是个大实话,是最伟大的真理之一。第三段开头:大多数人都没有完全理解这句话。 2. A 按照作者的想法,生活是接连不断的麻烦。参看第五段开头

23、。3. C 解决人生所有问题必须完全自律。参看第六段尾。4. A 问题激起我们各种情愫除了尴尬。参看第七段中。5. C 作者暗示问题鼓励带给人们心态的日臻成熟。II . Section AII 词汇1. wisdom: of + n. 有智慧的。安吉拉希望她能想到智慧的言语给她朋友,但是她的脑中一片空白。2. deliberately 故意地。她已经一整天不搭理他。3. anxiety n. 焦虑。等待考试结果的时间让人感到非常焦虑。4. belief n. 说法。人们普遍都认为事情会越来越会。5. uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的。当提起这个话题,他就表现的非常不适。6. eq

24、uivalent n. 对等物。英语“家”在法语中有对等词吗? Section B1. Distinguished 2. Instructions 3. Equal 4. Conflicts 5. Guilty 6. anxiousSection CI . of 2. About 3. of 4. between 5. forth P201 Bridging the Gap选词填空Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose

25、 a suitable one from the list given.解题方法:把词分类动词 名词 形容词连词 介词focus on the middle innerbutthanfit sensesatisfythinking ofchallenged The purpose of life is to 1 satisfy the soul, and though acknowledging your accomplishments can help in this effort, it cannot take you the full distance(全程). The only thi

26、ng that can satisfy your soul is an answer to the question, who am I? You are an individualized expression of life, of greater consequence and magnitude 2 than anything you will ever accomplish. When we 3 focus on the fact that we are enough now, the beginning, 4 the middle and the end of every jour

27、ney - whether its finding a mate or getting a better job - is filled with a 5 sense of well-being(幸福感). We may complete an experience and even be thrilled by the outcome, 6 but we know that we are no more complete than when we started out. You see, we are either enough right now or were not; and if

28、we are, then were 7 challenged by our enoughness to live that way. The problem is, most of us dont listen to the 8 inner voice that says, Youre enough because you exist. We ignore it because being enough doesnt 9 fit the image we have ourselves. We have spent so much time 10 thinking of ourselves as

29、 not being enough that enoughness seems very far away. We may have a sense of being surrounded by the Life Force(生命的力量), but we forget that the Life Force is also within us. And if the Life Force is within us, we are enough.1. satisfy 满足。 与第三行对应 2. than 比较。 greater是比较级+than3. focus on 集中精力 4. the mi

30、ddle 中间的。与前后对应5. sense 感知。A sense of + n. 什么的感觉6. but 但是。两个句子的意思是矛盾的,因此中间是转折连词。7. challenged 挑战。Be challenged by受挑战8. inner 内在地。Inner voice: 内心的声音9. fit 适合。10. thinking of 想起;认为。想我们自己离满足很远。 IV. Section A1. has called forth the great anger of the loCal people2A series of accidents3because of the rain

31、4. is a gifted musician as well as a photographer5. distinguish between reality and fictionSection B 把生活想象成一种在空中抛接五只球的游戏,这五只球分别称为:工作、家庭、健康、友谊和精神,你尽力不让这些球从空中掉下来。你很快就发现唯有工作是一个橡皮球,掉到地上,还会反弹回来。但家庭、健康、友谊和精神这四只球都是玻璃做成的。任何一个掉到地上,必然会留下疤痕、裂缝、受损甚至摔得粉碎,永远也无法恢复原样。你必须懂得这个道理,在生活中努力保持平衡。V. Organizing Your Ideas 组织句子 答案:2-1-3-5-4-6说明:句子排序考查学生逻辑推理能力。文章都有头有尾,主题句放在首末位置,再依据每一句的意思和连词判断。生活就像旅途一样起伏跌宕。大部分时间里,生活是艰辛的。在人生的旅途中,人们以不同的方式来迎接困难。有些人接受并勇敢地面对困难,因此他们在解决困难的过程中经历了痛苦和挫折的洗礼,逐渐成熟起来。有些人则后退,怨声载道,人生的旅途也许会因此而停滞不前。你属于哪种人呢?你怎么看待生活中遇到的困难和问题?请给出理由和建议。Text BNew words1. lately adv. 最近;新近;近来;不久前2. insurmountable adj. (困难、问题

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