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学生 成人高考专升本英语真题及答案解析.docx

1、学生 成人高考专升本英语真题及答案解析2014年专升本解题技巧词汇与语法选择题1 解题步骤:1)大致浏览所给四个选项和句子,迅速判断该题是语法题还是词汇题。如果是语法题要通过一些标志词来判断该题涉及哪些语法内容。再进一步回想该语法内容的要点。如果是词汇题就要先看一下所给四个选项的词是否都认识。2) 在第一遍的大致浏览过程中有些题很容易就可以选出肯定的答案,情况会因人而异,有的人会做的题多有的人会做的题少。然后再从头开始仔细看没有选出答案的题。遵循先语法后语义的原则解题。3)利用暗示进行选择:注意考题设计的语境范围。平时应注重对习惯用语表达、惯用法和中英文化差别等方面知识的积累。4)对于词汇题可

2、以较多运用排除法:可采取语言排除、逻辑排除、语法排除或选择排除等方法。先排除掉较容易、较明显的错误选项,缩小范围,而后对剩余的选项进行比较分析,最后确定答案。2做题时要注意以下几个方面:1)不要见句子就翻译, 有些题通过语法原则就能解决,只有有必要通过语意来判断时才需要翻译。2)先易后难:一些考题的答案比较容易选定,可以先从这些考题入手。平时练习时,应以基础为主,主要精力不应放在偏题、怪题上。3)注意考试时间的分配,对不会做的题目不要恋战,尽量把时间放在后面分值较高的题上。4)在选定答案时要根据每题的实际情况进行综合的分析判断,先排除较容易、较明显的错误选项,缩小范围,而后对剩余的选项进行比较

3、分析,最后确定答案。5)对于进过分析判断得出的答案不要反复进行检查。要相信自己的直觉和判断,即使有机会也不要和别人核对答案。IIVocabulary and Structure(15 points)Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this sectionFor each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and DChoose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding l

4、etter on the Answer Sheet6We traveled on the 6:45 amtrain to Boston,_arrived at 8:30 pmAthat Bwhich Cit Dwhat7The boys spent the whole morning _possible answers to the questionAdiscuss Bto discuss Cdiscussing Ddiscussed8Its a pity that some of the people _cannot come to the partyAinviting Binvited C

5、to invite Dwere invited9It was_ matter that I had no choice but to talk it over with my parentsAa such serious Ba so serious Csuch serious a DSO serious a10Jane isn t feeling well todayI dare not do_ to upset herAanything Bsomething Cnothing Da thing11More and more families have moved elsewhere beca

6、use they cannot_the noise from the neighboring airportAcome up with Bput up with Ccatch up with Dkeep up with12Walk another block and cross the traffic lights,you will see the museum right_the leftAby Bin Con Dfor13The Internet users visiting our website are_young people between the age of 13 and 20

7、Amost Balmost Cmostly Dat most14No culture exists in_It all comes from someplaceAncient customs were modem one timeAvacuum Bemptiness Cblank Dspace15There are several means of mass communicationThe newspaper is oneTelevision is_Athe Other Bthe another Cother Danother16_the government agrees to give

8、extra money, the theatre will have to be closed next monthAUnless BIf CSince DAs17It is important to_ our awareness about environmental protectionAimprove Bmake Cform Draise(唤起, 提高)18Seldom_ any mistakes during my past five years of service in the company.AI did make BI would make Cdid I make Dwould

9、 I make19I_ raw fish,but I d like to try it one dayAnever eat Bnever ate Cwas never eating Dhave never eaten20Interestingly,many people hold the belief that imports are_ to domestic goods.Acontrary Brelevant Csuperior Dessential完形填空p74-78专升本的完形填空共有15道小题,每小题2分,共三十分。完形填空是单句选择填空和篇章阅读的结合体,因此在解题时要既考虑单个的选

10、项又要考虑整体篇章的意义。因为多了上下文的信息所以完型填空的难度应小于第二部分的题型词汇与语法的选择填空。完形填空题的考察重点和第二部分单选题大同小异,所不同的是增加了整篇阅读的综合分析和判断,完形填空题的选择项可能是名词,动词,形容词,介词,副词或连词等词汇题,也可能是动词非谓语的变化或动词的时态语态等语法题。 除了扎实的语法基础和词汇基础外,还要求考生有良好的语感以及对各选项的综合分析判断能力。一、完形填空解题步骤一)通读全篇 了解篇章结构和大意做完形填空题答案的关键在于准确理解短文的大意,要做到这一点,就要分清文章的主题与行文结构,文章如果是说明文和议论文往往开门见山的提出主题,然后逐点

11、说明或评论,最后小结,所以做题前应浏览全篇,重点是首尾段,以及每段首尾;如果是记叙文则要了解文章大意和梗概,弄清人物、时间、地点和事件等要素,并领悟作者的观点和态度等。二)详读全篇,根据各种综合信息预测填空的单词在掌握文章大意的基础上根据上下文提供的搭配,结构,语意等线索来预测答案,要着眼空格所在的完整句子,瞻前顾后.必要时用铅笔先在卷上做上标记,比如此空可能是某个词性或词义乃至可能是某个词。重点解决与结构搭配有关的问题。,如果有些填空一时难以作出判断,不要恋战而是继续往下进行,往往进行到下文,前面的填空的信息就会出现或者有了一些有用的线索。 三)将预测答案和所给的四个选项进行比对,找出重叠率

12、最高的选项四) 复读全文核对答案 做到语句通顺 句意完整 所有填空选项选择完毕后要通读“完形”后的全文,把自己所选的答案放入原文的空缺处核查能否使文章联贯语法正确,如果你发现你所选的某个答案,放在句中读起来很别扭,那么你的语感在提醒你,对此答案要三思。二、解题方法一)词与词组搭配(P74-75)二)上下文提示(P75-76)三)逻辑推理(P77-78)三、解题注意事项1 切勿拿题就做,不看全文。2 注意通篇文章的关联度,切勿把每个填空割裂开来做。3 切勿把时间和精力消耗在翻译文章上,遇到不认识的词和不明白的句子除非是影响到填空选项的选择,否则可以放在一边。Cloze(30 points)Dir

13、ections:For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetEvery woman dreams of receiving a huge priceless diamondNow space scientists 21_ that they ha

14、ve discovered the largest diamond in the universeBut its well 22_ the reach of the most loves truck men because its 50 light years away, to be 23_Measuring 2,500 miles across and weighing five million trillion pounds,the rock Was found on Valentine s Day 24_ in the core of a white dwarf star, and it

15、 has excited the 25_ world.“Its the mother of all diamonds,”said Travis Metcalfe,26_ led the team of researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre,“and you would need a jewelerS loupe(专用放大镜),the size of the Sun,to 27_ this diamond”The largest diamond 28_ on earth was the 3,106-carat(克拉)CullinanIt Wa

16、s cut 29_ nine major stones,including the 530-carat Star of Africa,now a part of the Crown JewelsDiamonds were 30_ discovered in India more than 2,800 years agoThe Ancient Romans 31_ that the stones were broken pieces of stars that had 32_ to earthIn Ancient Egypt,diamonds were used in funerals. In

17、the Middle Ages,men 33_ them to symbolize their courage and strengthThe 34_ of giving them as presents dates from 1477,35_ Maximilian,the prince of Austria, gave a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy(DCAAB AADBA BADBD)21Aadmit Btell Cexplore Dreveal22Aunder Bover Cbeyond Dwithin23Aprecise Bcertain Ccle

18、ar Dcorrect24Aburied Bblocked Cbuilt Dblended25Aphysical Bscientific Cmaterial Dnatural26Awho Bwhich Cthat Dhe27Ameasure Bregister Cgrade Dweigh28Acultivated Bdrawn Ccaught Dfound29Afrom Binto Cby Dwith30Afirst Blast Cfinally Dnewly31Aquestioned Bbelieved Csuspected Dconfirmed32Afallen Bdived Cleft

19、Dburned33Adecorated Bviewed Ctook Dwore34Apractice Btradition Chabit Dculture35Awhat Bwhile Cthat Dwhen第四章 阅读理解(P89-140)阅读理解题主要测考生把握文章主题思想和大意的能力,对文章中的重要情节和主要事实的理解程度,对文章的格调、作者的观点态度等的推理判断能力。专升本的阅读理解部分由5篇短文构成 每篇短文的平均长度为300词左右,5篇短文共20个小题,每小题3分共60分,阅读理解题的短文是一般性的社会,文化,经济,科普,和日常生活等等方面的内容。丰富的课外知识有时也有意外的帮助作用

20、,文章的体裁包括记叙文、议论文、说明文和应用文等。这部分是整个考试占分比例最高的部分,占总成绩的40%,是复习的重点。一、阅读理解解题步骤一)迅速浏览文章,判断文章题材,抓住主题。记叙文通常段落比较零散,会反复出现一些人名地名等专有名词,标点符号也不限于逗号句号,有时会出现很多双引号的引语句子, 在阅读的最初几秒就应做出判断。要找出文章的四要素,人物、时间、地点,重点抓住故事情节;议论文和说明文偏重首段尾段侧重首尾句,因为这些部分往往是作者所要谈及的论点,主题或中心思想,抓住了主干,那么细节问题就会迎刃而解了。二)认真阅读问题,带着问题重新阅读文章,重点阅读与问题有关的部分,无关的部分可以跳过

21、。最好将与问题相关的句子做出标记。三) 回到问题,把所给的四个选项和做出标记的句子进行比对,通过综合的推理分析和判断选出答案。一)篇章细节判断(P92-93)在考试中数量最多,也是最容易得分的部分,主要使用对词法。1. 填空型细节判断以综合练习(P103-125)为例第一组:第2、5、6、14小题第二组:第5、10、15、17、18、19、20小题第三组:第2、3、6、9、10、11、14、15、19、20小题第四组:第4、7、10、18、19、20小题第五组:第2、6、10、14、16、18小题2. 问题型细节判断以综合练习(P103-125)为例第一组:第7、15、19小题第二组:第1、2


23、文;排除法。以综合练习(P103-125)为例第一组:第9、16小题第二组:第14小题第三组:第1、5、9、13、20小题第四组:第1、6、11、20小题第五组:第1、12、20小题四)篇章理解,主旨大意判断(P96-98)一段里只会出现一道这样的题,难度最高,很不容易得分。要反复阅读文章的开头段和结尾段,找出全文的关键句; 所选的选项一定要包括文章中重复最多的词或词组,如果两个以上选项都包括再进一步进行对比排除。主要使用排除法。以综合练习(P102-124)为例第一组:第1、8、13小题第二组:第9小题第三组:第12、17小题第四组:第3、5、9、16、17、小题第五组:第5、13、17小题

24、三. 注意事项1) 一定不要逐字逐句翻译文章,这是效率最低的答题方法,有些问题用这种方法反而容易答错,因为抓不住主题。2) 不要主观臆断,以自己的观念或理解答题,要以文章中出现的事实为根据。3) 遇到一时找不到答案的问题先放在一边,等全部做完再回头做,有时前面的题要等后面的题做完才看到答案。4) 分不同情况对待生词。与问题关系密切的单词必须运用各种方法对生词进行猜测,与问题无关的生词可以忽略不计;在句子中做主要成分的词要猜,定语状语可以忽略。IVReading Comprehension(60 points)Directions:There are five reading passages

25、in this partEach passage is followed by four questionsFor each question there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and DChoose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer SheetPassage OneBefore the conference began,a Japanese businessman was introduced to an American busine

26、ssman at the loungeThe Japanese businessman,arms extending downwards from his shoulders,bowed from his waist toward the American businessman to whom he was just introducedHis eyes were directed ahead,his face showed no particular expressionThe American businessman stood straightHis eyes focused on t

27、he Japanese manS eyesHe smiled and put out his right handBoth men smiled briefly in embarrassmentThe Japanese man straightened up and put out his right handThe American withdrew his hand and bowed his headA broader smile of embarrassmentand some noise from each man-not really words,just some sounds

28、from their throats-indicating discomfortThey were in the course of a conflict of customs;they had different habits for greeting people they were being introduced toWhen people are planning to go to another country,they expect to encounter certain kinds of differencesThey usually expect the weather a

29、nd the food to be differentThey expect to find differences in some of the material aspects of life,such as the availability of cars,electricity,and home heating systems.And,without knowing the details,they expect differences in customsCustoms are the behaviors that are generally expected in specific situationsAmerican men,for example,shake hands with each other when first introduced while Japanese men bow36When introduced to the Japanese businessman,the American businessman put Out his right hand because_Ahe felt a little bit nervousBhe wanted to express his discomfortChe felt a little of

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